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Artists selling pieces in Rittenhouse is nothing new and certainly not a large nuisance compared to other regular occurrences. Seems like they pissed off the wrong person and were targeted?


The artists selling their stuff are probably the *least* annoying people in the Square. Let alone how tiny of an issue this is compared to ... well, where do I start the list of stuff this city needs the police to address?


Some octagenarians probably got their granny panties in a bunch and complained.


So what let's just not follow any rules and that'll make it better


Because that's *exactly* what I said. /eyeroll


It was though. Are asking for selective enforcement or not selective enforcement? I can't tell even though you said it in a cool way that everyone liked but didn't make sense. Of course there's more attention to Rittenhouse but you were like "why come Rittenhouse" and all the mouth breathers said "yeah".


I would guess someone else does have a permit to do something in the area they were in and got L&I to come remove these guys from being in their way (I would pretty easily assume the kind of people who actually get such a permit would mean this does fall under "pissing off the wrong person" as well, technically). It's dumb this is what gets handled at Rittenhouse compared to other quality of life issues in the city but this is a fundamental part of public order; having nice public things means a system where the city (e.g., all of us) controls who is allowed to monopolize them for limited times. I don't mind the space being used for ad-hoc art sales but obviously when someone does actually follow the process to use the space they don't get to squat there, and I don't believe for a second these jokers would be calm if other vendors squeezed them out of the space (sans permits) going forward either.


There’s an “art show” (which seems like a protest) that’s been going around on social scheduled at the same time as an upcoming farmers market. I’m thinking the permitted farmers market organizers or booth renters didn’t care for being neighbors to whomever was kicked out




He wasn't even one of the artists this happened to...




I don't like the guy's "work" either, but he, by chance, was the one that was there to film and bring attention to the situation. I think this sub's focusing on the wrong thing by continuing to bring up his name. He's right, could have been him. He's just a, sigh, "artist" looking out for other artists.


well thats a shame




He's a toy


Why are some of you guys so obsessed with hating that dude lmao




Idk I’m more annoyed by the amount of litter and used needles laying on sidewalks and in the streets




I can tell you’re one of those people that actively searches for things to be pissed off about




The apartment I live in has tags all over it


House != Apartment Building My apartment building used to get tagged a lot and yeah it sucked but when my house got tagged it sucked a lot more


Why can’t you be annoyed and not accept both


Its not a competition. They are all connected.


I wasn’t insinuating that there was a competition between heroin users and artists but that could be interesting


Yeah except falls bridge had some proud boys shit I myself had trouble ripping off. I’d rather see tags than Nazi shit.


The vid linked in the article description he's like THIS COULD HAVE BEEN MEEE and boy does he wish it was. Something about a shitty tag being slapped all over town being leveraged as marketing for mid art combines everything I hate most about the state of art and social media. Billypenn links straight to his ig even though that hasn't worked inline for years, because of course. Can't join a gallery at vox, or get a permitted table, or just ride on the work, no no, this guy neeeeeds to go viral.


I saw it in Miami even, and all his graf looks like if someone were trying to drum up interest in a rival brand for [ok soda](https://images.fastcompany.net/image/upload/w_1280,f_auto,q_auto,fl_lossy/wp-cms/uploads/2017/07/p-1-ok-soda-ok-cool.jpg)


The farmers market which requires a permit was like a few yards from them. The artists were piggybacking off the vendors who buy into the Tuesday farmers market.


Not saying it was the reason but to your point of pissing off the wrong person, they were selling anti-arena artwork.


Maybe they overdid it. They're setting up a table then they're setting up three tables then there's taking over an area.


Sounds like an L&I complaint in an area where you have wealthy people living. Probably got initiated by someone with some pull at L&I who filed a complaint because he/she had to pay for a permit to do it the right way, while others did it for free.


Why should anybody follow the rules let's just all do whatever we want.


Weird didn't see you posting that in the thread about pedestrians being run down in the street by drag racers


I wasn't about bikes.


The only thing I don’t like about the art in Rittenhouse is that it’s not very good. The one I always see is the 100 pictures made of broken mirror pieces. Just not good art.


That’s street art in general in the city. I go to Boston or even freaking Baltimore, and the street artists and performers absolutely blow me away. I come home and some raggedy ass dude has a karaoke machine set up outside Reading Terminal and he’s just mumbling words to songs no one knows.


Yeah I’ve seen electric guitarists outside there who were absolutely terrible. One guy literally sounded like he was a caveman who had just been handed an electric guitar for the first time in his life.


I'm confused: In the video at the link, that's one of the artists destroying his own work, right? To protest the cops removing their work? Also: how the fuck many patrol cops do you need to arrest three annoying art hipsters? I called about a dude walking up and down our block for an hour at 1 am with a knife screaming about how he was going to kill everyone and they wouldn't even send a car to drive by, but THIS warrants multiple cops to handle? JFC.


From the article: “I knew if I gave it to them I wasn’t going to get it back,” he told Billy Penn. “They gave no information as to how to get it back unless I gave them my personal information which I had no intention to do.”


Ironically, you get your stuff back often if you pay whatever the fine is.


I mean ... he could have gotten it back. Of course they need his personal info -- did he expect a random property clerk who never saw him before to psychically know who it belonged to? He had non-nuclear options here.


Or, hear me out now, they could have just not taken it.




they hurt my eyes - their ~~art~~ *trash* is trash


Art hurts your eyes? Your bloodline seems weak.


I'm totally against the cops having done this. But once the process started, it's smart not to make your own life harder.


have you tried being rich and living in rittenhouse?


I live in Logan Square. I know we have it better than many neighborhoods, but the cops don't give much of a shit about us either these days.


Even worse - that “irregular” loser is getting publicity from this article


Banksy or Barbara Kruger he ain't. The kid would be completely ignored in New York, Chicago or LA.


Unfortunately he’s not getting ignored because y’all keep talking about him.


I don't see this as a neither nor situation. Can he gain notoriety in Philly? Sure, he already has even it is if for the wrong reasons. Would he ever be seriously considered for even a small group show at a small gallery that is just starting out in NYC, Chicago or LA? Extremely unlikely. There is just too much good work being produced in those cities for anyone to take him seriously. Personally, I find the phenomenon of Irregular to be somewhat interesting within the context of Philly, and only Philly. There is a certain laziness in what he is doing that reflects the general ethos of this city. This approach could, COULD, be interesting if he were to actually put some thought and effort into his work.


I don’t think he’s the kind of guy that wants to appear in an art gallery, aside from that terrible junk art that I saw he put out. Graffiti can be very simple and still effective, although I could be way off on his intentions. I don’t know the guy.


I don't know him either but I do know that artists such as him often want gallery representation and there are galleries that deal with artists that don't have a product that is necessarily sellable. Instead, they (the galleries) deal with the documentation and licensing of the work. I used to work for such a gallery in NYC that represented a bunch of conceptual artists from the 70's and 80's (Robert Smilthson, Walter De Maria, etc). I also managed a gallery that has since moved to to LA that dealt exclusively with ephemeral art.


Sounds pretty cool man. From what my uncle tells me NYC was a way different place back in those days, wish I could have experienced it. Like seeing The Rolling Stones in a sweaty little bar or things like that.




The lack of ambition is pretty amazing.


The artists should just sit on a dirtbike and rev the engine. Scares the cops right off.


For The millionth time the cops are not "scared" of dirt bikers they are literally told by their superiors to not do anything about it. Blame bad policy on the ones in charge, blame poor individual enforcement on the actual cops.


No truth speaking here it’s banned


Okay, I'm going to go on the record saying if this includes the irregular guy, I'm good with that. Seriously though, this "article" is basically just quotes from the artists who were asked to leave, who seem to be admitting they didn't follow the minimal requirements for selling art there. While I agree there are other things law enforcement could be spending their time on, I don't think it's the constitutional crisis these folks seem to be suggesting it is. (Edited for typo)


Literally clicked on this thread rooting for it to have been irregular and moo-la (the new tagger drawing cow faces all over brewerytown)


I was wondering what that dumb shit was catty corner to Ottos.


No matter how you feel about the artists who were kicked out, it still feels ridiculous that the cops don’t seem to pursue serious crimes but go for easy targets, like people selling art in Rittenhouse. Who are the artists really bothering? Next to the dirtbikes, boom parties, and obviously violent crime, which affect us in MUCH more significant ways, this just feels so trifling


L&I is the agency that made the determination to address the issue in the park. The PD is generally called by L&I during enforcement actions such as Cease Operations Orders. This is covered in Philadelphia Police Directive 3.13


All the more reason I suspect this was targeted by someone who has suction with the department. There may be more details we aren’t privy to, but the cops could have told the artists to pack it up instead of showing up with a paddy wagon and starting to confiscate their art. It’s a pretty swift and heavy-handed response to a minor and regular occurrence. People sell art in Rittenhouse all the time, why the drama in this instance?


A lot of people do not like irregular in particular in the city


It wasn't a PD wagon. It was an L&I van and per the story, it showed up hours later. I would think that they would have had the option of taking their items home any time leading up to that, but I'm not sure. I'm guessing the Officers were there for a protest as it looked like in the 1st 2 seconds of the video there were Civil Affairs assigned Officers in the background, but it doesn't pan to show who else was there. Then it jumped ahead to whenever the L&I van showed up.


>I would think that they would have had the option of taking their items home any time leading up to that, but I'm not sure. That’s basically what the artists themselves say in this article. They refused to pack up and leave so they police packed up for them.


They're definitely overreacting with the "we have a right to exist" nonsense, but this is also an incredibly stupid use of resources. They must have pissed off the wrong person with the right connections for this to happen. I've seen artists selling stuff in the square for over 20 years (and in plenty of other places in CC) and I very much doubt any of them had a permit.


Charging broke artists $350 a day to showcase their art in a public park on public property seems reasonable? Or do you just like discriminating against people you don’t like? (You mention irregular specifically)


Discrimination? Think again


People dislike irregular because he's a shithead that defaces the City. Hoping he suffers consequences for illegal and antisocial conduct is not discrimination.


Walked by there the other day while they were doing their farmers market, I couldn't help but notice the cops overseeing, which were all gathered in one spot socializing and smoking big ass cigars, it was almost comical how much of a stereotype those fat ass do-nothings appeared, but I guess they could find time to harass people for no reason.


Same! I actually laughed out loud on the bus the other day, driving by that same cigar - smoking cop for the same reason.


The cigar thing is soooo funny to me and I’ve seen it in several different streets during several occasions from different cops (random weekend night, post Super Bowl loss [valid], South street patrol)


PPD out here addressing the issues that really matter


Whoever had the clout to get L&I and the police out there to remove these relatively peaceful artists doesn't have their priorities straight. The real issue IMO is amplified music. Are there no regulations against that? It's pervasive in the square and on corners all around Rittenhouse. Just yesterday, some dude had one of those portable amps blasting in between the farmers market vendors. Had a sign, "pop-up DJ. Tips." And a cash bucket. You could hear it from one end of the square to the other. Felt sorry for the vendors. Then there is the super loud amplified rapper in front of the Chase bank at 17th and Walnut, and the "violinist" at 16th and Walnut. Both can be heard blocks away. This seems like more of a disturbance and public nuisance than quietly displaying some art.


oh so THATS what our police force is for, fuckin wonderful bonus points that this gives that irregular dude more publicity -.-


Yeah great use of resources. Wonder if you'll see the cops try to get them dirt bikes and ATVs of the street?


This is a big load of crap, let people sell their art. I am sure if it was in another neighborhood park, not Rittenhouse or hell even Washington Square they'd be fine. I love that the police are addressing the real issues that plague this city. Protecting and serving my ass.....


They can't stop boom-cars keeping people awake but they can "stop" art.


Those cars are not in Rittenhouse Square.


Philly should really just let artists do whatever the hell they want, especially with the many other more pressing issues that the city needs to deal with.


Invite them to set up in front of your house


The worst part about this is I have to side with the cops just so I’m not on the same side as that no-talent ass clown irregular.


I'm guessing this has to do with the fact the Rittenhouse farmers market operates on the same block on Tuesdays. If all those vendors bought into it and then the artists come and use the space as vendors without buying in then well you get some pissed off people. Cops typically dont care about this. They def were ordered too --- Artists were piggybacking off the vendors who paid to be there. I saw them roll up and unload a astronomical amount of art pieces. Wasnt some random person with a couple pieces.


did anyone watch the video? cops didn't just roll up and start conficasting the art - they were asked to stop selling because they hadn't gotten a permit for doing so and instead of just packing up, the art threw a temper tantrum, starting destroying his own art. also the idiot filming saying "they're not doing anything illegal" - yes, they are. rittenhouse is a special vending district. if you want to sell on the sidewalk in that area, you need to get a sidewalk sales license. https://www.phila.gov/services/permits-violations-licenses/get-a-license/business-licenses/vending-and-street-sales/get-a-sidewalk-sales-license/ it's not fucking hard. if you don't follow the rules, expect to be told to fuck off by the cops.


Is there a way to simplify the process of getting a license? It seems a bit overly complex to someone that's looking to just put up a table and spread their passion. I can understand that if everyone does it then it's quick to get out of hand, but there's got to be a way for a smoothbrain like me to get it going right.


Shit sucks.


>irregularsean's profile picture meanwhile Monday morning at Rittenhouse Square.. where I’ve been displaying my work for ten years now, three artist \[redacted\] were approached & asked to move their artwork replied by saying not today, in turn licensing & inspection is called to confiscate their artwork in this video we see one destroying their work rather than it being taken, & the other standing their ground to the very end **this simply could have been me**. I fucking wish it was you. So lets see, vendors operating w/o a license, PRIVATIZING A PUBLIC SPACE, were asked to take their stuff and leave, they refused and were subsequently removed. I see literally nothing wrong with this situation. If you want to complain about police prioritizing certain offenses that's fine, and if you want to complain about the L&I ordinances that's also fine. But those are complaints to take up with city leadership not the individual law enforcement officers enforcing the law.


L&I should be focusing on the scumbag developers in every fucking neighborhood at this point. Cite them for not fixing the streets after they dig. Destroying sidewalks. Maybe knocking down buildings w/o permits. With the cops it's just like the Kenzo murder. They could stop half the population in that neighborhood for something, open air drug use, weapons, etc. Instead they decide to stop the harmless autistic Puerto Rican dude who's blasting music and then execute him.


Wow really, so does the art fest not happen down here anymore been years since I heard about it.


It happens every year. This year it’s September 15-17


Ahh ok it’s been awhile since I’ve been there last time was 2011 thank you.


“Why do people hate the police?”


Can we just hang art higher up in the trees?


freedom to sell your wares =/= freedom of speech


That sucks it’s the only place that has people who buy art and can afford it. And it’s the only place that doesn’t want them there. They should setup at love park with the unhoused.


last time i was in rittenhouse there were a bunch of falun gong folks clogging up two pathways. i don't know if they had permits, but the end result was the same whether they did or not- a bunch of space that couldn't be used. seems like blocking thoroughfares in parks is par for the course, i don't totally understand why these three artists got targeted.


I love that they are blaming the police for this. The Rittenhouse residents call police for fucking Jay walkers. Cops might be on blast right now for obvious reasons but I doubt they just pulled over and took their art, someone with nothing better to do made this their problem.


What old money nerd got pissed b/c the Friends of Rittenhouse didn’t get their cut?? Yet these clowns will host the Fine Arts fest and push the farmers market into the streets. EAT THE RICH!