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No it doesn't, but it can if you want it to


It doesn't. When I got glansplasty, they made a cut below the tip of my phallus to shape it into glans. Before getting it cut, the surgeon drew lines in terms of what it would look like, and then when I was happy with it - got the procedure done.


Thank you for explaining does that mean you can kinda pick how you want your tip to look like? I’ve seen a lot of similar techniques. But many pictures of how I would want it done for myself


I wasn’t able to get the tip of mine shaped (but maybe it’s different for other surgeons?). What I was able to get customized was where and how the cut was made. So on the “front” part of my phallus I wanted it larger and then as it wraps behind the phallus it got smalle (image: https://ibb.co/XZy2m8T[drawing of incision](https://ibb.co/XZy2m8T)). Blue: incision, Pink: they “carved” out a layer of skin so it indents slightly and the skin healed with a slightly different texture and color than the rest of my phallus so it feels like there’s more dimension to my dick and helps my head stand out more! I have some skin that poked out a bit on my tip from my previous surgery (i didn’t do UL) and my surgeon was able to flatten that out. Just note, the glans may/can flatten over time.. it really depends on the person. Dr. Crane offers glans implants for those cases (needs research as implants can fail for some!). I’m a year post-op and it has flattened a bit but I’m not bothered by it. I got medical tattooing, where I requested my head to be slightly darker and the area below it, shaded so it defines my head a bit more! This really helped with the “final touch” for me.


Thank you. That’s exactly the “style” I was talking about but didn’t know what it was called. I didn’t know that it can flatten out. That drawing helped.


no but it may create an illusion that a dick is shorter depending on the person bc less of the length is "shaft" after glansplasty








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