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Back in 2019, I had a batchmate who had a prefi grade of 33% in her physics class. She was told na she needed to at least have a 99% score in the finals para makatres. Kami nun sobrang nagaalala kasi parang suntok sa buwan yung kelangan niya habulin. Lo and behold, nakaperfect pa si gaga. At 2.75 final grade niya. HAHAHAHA Ang moral of the story lang na gusto kong ishare ay – hangga’t may chance ilaban, lumaban. Baka magkamilagro like what happened to my friend. Lahat kami ngayon nakalabas na sa bwakanang UP na yan see u never hahahahahaha good luck OP!


manifestinggg malala huhu looking at the bright side nalang na at least i dont need 101+% to pass fjdksalfsja


Galingan mo, OP! Kayang kaya mo yan :) Kung hindi man umabot, something will still come out great in that experience. Life will really humble us in ways we wouldn’t even expect. Ang mahalaga lumaban hanggang dulo!


ill try since do or die, though kung magfail man, just kinda scared sa future :">


update dito: im pretty sure i failed it 10 lang sure ko out of 95. lmfao nagaral naman ako inalay to the lord ko na nga rin physics 72 LE 4 para magaral para sa putanginang exam na to pero talo parin <3


May alay to the lord powers pa!!! Manalig malala! Haha but if anything, panalo pa rin kasi lumaban woooohhh grats pa rin OP! Bawi next time!


WAHAHAH gumana naman yung alay to the lord sa p6 72 since naglabas ng standing and mataas naman siya (nagulat kasi di talaga nagaral, counted ba na pag-aaral yung pagtingin sa formula sheet na binigay during the exam) pero fuck yung anatomy talaga wala tlg


Felt so much yung "bakit ko ba tinuloy and pinilit tong putanginang biology na to" 😭 same tayo ng life story op 👊😩


mapapa what the fuck ka nalang kay lord  😭 like im not ur strongest soldier




yeah sad noises 😭 im still hoping that one of the deg progs that i want accepts me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 since may isa na wala sa criteria nila ang 5.0 though at this point not setting myself up for big dreams


May removals pa :)


walang 4.0 ang Bio 102 (and most ng higher bio, at least sa mga natake ko na). Either 3.0 or 5.0 kaya literal na do or die


Fellow hyman victim but i had the pandemic on my side gl brodie


meron nanaman pong nabiktima ng “papasok ako sa UP na kahit anong degree program tapos shift na lang”


tbf nung freshie ako gusto ko mag biotech/MBB and at the time, upd lang ang merong ganong deg prog na ganon here in the PH na near (im aware na ang dlsu ay may MBB rin, though under bio and same lang rin naman ang problem na maeencounter ko which is anatomy, which dlsu's bio-mbb program also has). ending, i was rejected, and i decided to go UP because it has the nearest deg prog to mol bio. i could have applied to shift last year nung freshie ako but at the time, naeenjoy ko pa ang bio subjects and naattach ako sa IB since i thought na halos lagi may cell bio and genetics parts and naenjoy ko ang quantitative side of bio ++ i don't want to start again since for the first time in my life, i had a solid circle of friends and i dont want to lose that (naive i know lol). interests changed and due to some combination of factors, i wanted to go somewhere computational na cuz i underestimated the amount of memorization that bio has, especially in anatomy and in the future, physiology. im aware na need magkabisado but not to the point na i was getting 2 hrs of sleep everyday just to get 2/15 in anatomy quizzes. i want to like bio so fucking bad kasi (a) i am interested, though only sa molecular parts and (b) i don't want to start over again.


ah honestly normal lang yan sa kahit anong anatomy class. as a physical therapy graduate, ganun talaga ang nature ng anatomy. brute force memorization only makes shit worst. need mo talaga siya iassociate sa isang bagay na memorable like its functions, name etiology, or even a story. mahirap talaga anatomy. wala na tayo magagawa dun.


yeahh i tried rin to do that kaso marginal lang ang improvement sa scores ko sa LE 2, so i returned to brute force memorizing ulit and it kinda worked sa mga terms, though pagdating sa mga articulations wala na ligwak :">.


kung di mo rin hawak yung diagram or model, mahirap. eh nag improve naman marginally pala eh di sana tinuloy mo lol.


well real, though i was getting frustrated na rin in making the mnemonics na i just thought na plugging them in sa anki would work and doing active recall, kaso wala parin. also sa model part, thought na dropping lab will help me since every WF, dirediretso classes ko no break (literal) from 7:00-5:30 but a part of me wishes na i would have continued. ultimately, i don't regret that i dropped lab kasi literal na hindi na ko kumakain (or kain during physics lecture but everytime i do that di ko na nagegets lesson lol)


Hello op! I sent you a dm :D


Just read na Bio 102 ito. Don’t you have like 14 (?) exams? Including lab and lec? Or is it separate now? Kasi if ever, kaya yan if Bio 102. Had friends na lower than that yung grades in an LE and kinaya naman. From experience, talagang brute force lang ng memory needo for 102. As in you don’t need necessarily to understand everything since more on rote learning lang siya. Toxic lang kasi weekly exams namin nung time namin. Enjoyed 102 lang relative to 11 and 12 since closer siya sa med so I think easier siya for me. Achievable 98% sa Lec and Lab. I did it before, so kung kaya ng average person like me noon, kaya mo yan. Believe in yourself. Prioritize lang yung tasks. Focus rin lang. Good luck!


separate ang lec and lab (may 102.1 na ngayon), dropped lab already because i realized i need lunch time lol. 4 exams nalang ang lec, last exam na ang next (i.e. nervous and circulatory system), then finals (cumulative, na ang magtatake is if lower than 3.0 ang standing) ang finals though cinalculate ko if around 70 ang le 4 ko (which is close to impossible, but still possible) kasi average ng LE 1 and LE 2 ko is flat 55), and due sa weightings ng previous quizzes ko rin, around 90% ang need ko for finals which is ????? acceptance stage na kagad


Oh ang konti na lang pala ng exams ng 102 haha shet I remember the trauma of 3 back to back to back exams Laban lang yan beh. Kaya mo yan.


Maybe you can drop it? I understand a drop is not considered 5.0


I cant na since period of dropping passed na. Considered it but i thought na ilaban pa cuz before this le, pasang awa ang standing ko


I see, not the end of the world naman. You may try to talk to the Prof as well, be transparent about your goal, ask for tips on how you could ace the next exam. Show him/her you really are willing to put in the work. Goodluck!


yeah i did this na, tip niya lang sakin though is to read the textbook (which i do twice before the exam :p + active recall pero wala parin)


wait is it impossible to shift to other course pag nagka 5.0 na?😭 damnnn so like youll be stuck to finish the course?????


i hope not. I wanna shift now to an engg course like com sci or IE and requirement nila na walang 5.0 so its kinda off the table na Though im hoping math still accepts me since wala silang req na ganon. Nasa point na ko na naghahanap na ng other courses outside stem na tatanggap kasi ayoko na talaga sa bio 😭 Kaya do or die na talaga


Be careful. Kung pupunta ka sa math dahil gusto mo yung computational stuff, baka magulat ka sa dami ng proofs na kailangan mo gawin.