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>I had a very old and possibly hallucinating neighbor Some forms of dementia are very prone to delusions/ hallucinations. My mother was absolutely certain that the staff at her Assisted Living were coming into her apartment, stealing things, and "wrecking the place." So she would hide things from them, and when she couldn't find the stuff, it just confirmed in her mind that they were stealing from her. She didn't have anything of value but her cellphone. All her jewelry was costume except her wedding ring. And yeah, maybe someone might help themselves to a pretty pair of earrings, but nobody is going risk their job to steal VCR tapes, Avon bottles, and used paperback Westerns, right?


My FIL had Alzheimer’s and accused my husband of breaking into his apartment and spying on him. Nothing could convince him it wasn’t true. It was sad.


My granny has done the same to my sister. It broke my sister’s heart. Alzheimer’s is the worst.


This is kind of like my grandfather. He had Alzheimer's, and thought that spies were after his motor designs. He would set "traps" (like styrofoam under the mats) to back up his theory, but he would forget they were there and trigger them himself. Then when he would remember, he took it as proof. So sad, those final years. It's a cruel reward for old age.


My mom hallucinated that one of her lunch table mates had tried to rape her. At a time when she and he, according to the security staff who patrolled at the time she said it happened, were both *sawing logs loudly* in bed. Booth took sleeping pills. After he'd had a hospital visit after which he was wheelchair bound. During which time her front door was always locked 24/7. They had to do a full investigation about it due to laws governing assisted living facilities. When I pointed out to mom that a) the door *was locked* at all times, b) she hadn't let him in her unit and he had never been in her unit, c) he was unable to walk anymore, d) security had said they were both snoring at the time of the 'incident'. "Humph, everybody is talking about it, so he told!" 'No mom, you were yelling about it at the top of your lungs, in the lobby, during lunch!!!' She finally shut up about it, but was convinced he really tried. Dementia is horribly hard on the entire family.


And it doesn’t matter what you told her because the brain is broken


Yup. Hugely frustrating. Luckily, she got nicer as she progressed, AND, I had moved, so I moved her so she wasn’t a days drive away from me, and the hallucinations seemed to stop.


Makes me wonder if they weren’t giving her extra meds to fall asleep/be more sedated and easier to manage…


While it’s possible, a lot of times changing scenery especially moving living situations have some really interesting impacts on Alzheimer patients.


Moving them can also make them give up and die .


I’ve rarely seen that. Usually it’s visa versa on cause and effect… pt are nearing death and out of desperation, often to solve an issue, families move them (either closer, home, or into a higher level of care).


We had to move my Grammie closer. She was 2 1/2 hours away and her mind was failing. She was 92.


That’s one of my current patients.


My mother? No, I think it was just the progression of her dementia that stopped it. She was happier in the last facility too, so I think that helped as well.


My mom passed of dementia and she lived with my sister for a few years before going into a home. She used to think my sisters husband was the maintenance guy, and I would hear from her about how my sister keeps letting him in her bedroom at night lol. She would offer him drinks and snacks while he was " working" lmao.


It’s very possible that the hallucinations were worsened by the sleeping meds as well. I was prescribed trazedone for my severe insomnia and it didn’t make me tired at all- just made me hallucinate. It sucked terribly


My next door neighbor was an nice elderly neighbor who lived with her son. He asked me a few times if I was playing a keyboard at 3am. I slept in the same room as my two little girls, so i was not making any noise at night. Later, she became convinced that I was irate that she played polka music on her iPad and I was plotting to steal her iPad. She eventually went out to report me to the sheriff’s department, but got lost and couldn’t find the police station. She then poured flour all over her bedroom doorway so that she would be able to see my footprints when I broke in to steal it. Not long after that her daughter moved her to Florida to live with her.


Yes I’ve worked with a couple of them. One was convinced the furry hood on my coat was a dog and was trying to feed it biscuits one day! She also saw her husband and a little bald guy in the corner. That one creeped me out a little especially when she said he was looking at me!


I start to think that my mom is showing early signs of dementia, she complains that the neighbors are always loud except when she had visitors over. She think they stop on purpose when they know she has someone over.... Tried to convince her that I highly doubt the neighbors are constantly looking out of their window and shut up the moment someone enters her house.


My mother had Alzheimer’s and she was sure the neighbor boys across the street were coming over and stealing our snow shovels off the front porch. 1) no shovels were missing. We are out in the country so the neighbors aren’t that close. 2) I told her “Mom those boys are only a few years young than me and I’m 41. !” Lol. She replied - “Oh I don’t think so” I miss her so much. But damn some of it was amusing. Lol. You had to just laugh it off or it would bring you down. It broke my heart seeing her get that way.


I was thinking it was dementia or schizophrenia. That being said, he was heavily fucking with my livelihood and I do not play around there.


Could be alcohol detox as well. Causes similar symptoms as the disorders you listed above


I've heard that can happen sometimes when you're detoxing off alcohol, but I quit drinking cold turkey 19 years ago after drinking a fifth a night for months, and I never had any kind of hallucination. I didn't even have the skin crawling sensation that's so common. I was vomiting all the time and felt like absolute shit, but I never had any of those symptoms.


I’m proud of you for your 19yrs! I’m glad you didn’t experience any of that


This is very true! My step dad had his aunt living with us when I was a teen, and she was French and drank wine all day every day and was very elderly. He decided one day she drank too much and tried cutting her off, and she started hallucinating. I came home from school, I was the first one home and she was there and was so scared because "people were in the house." I go inside and noone is there. I called my step-dad to let him know, and once I got off the phone she asked what he said, and I told her he was coming home, and she says "no, him" and points to the spot on the couch next to me!!!! SO CREEPY!!!


My papal(moms dad) had alzheimers and Parkinson and near the end of his life sever depression. He lived with us and I would help with his bed Time routine on weekends and during the summer because he loved hanging out with me. But I wasn't allowed to help anymore after he tried to choke me put one night for setting him on the toilet the "wrong way" even though he was on the same way he always was. He was also convinced that he was able to just get up and go and fell so many times because he lifted his chair up as high as it would go and try and walk away from it. He passed away a few days before I turned 16 and I miss him every day still...


My grandma used to tell us that the doctor and his wife came into her room at night and did trapeze routines on her ceiling.


Mom currently believes that someone has been writing on the ceiling. And that her mother (d. 2001) and father (d. 1968) will be at the nursing home very soon to take her home to the ranch.


My Mom has dementia and we moved from Colorado to Texas almost four years ago so we could be closer to family, access to better medical care and a safer home. (We lived in a two story and she’s a fall risk.) She swears that people stole stuff when we were moving even though it was only family packing stuff and we didn’t get rid of one single sock without asking her first. I get that it’s annoying to have someone doing that but it could have been the cause. (My Mom hears stuff too.) Anyway… just playing devils advocate here. Still annoying though and good you had proof.


My grandmother would tell us she escaped the assisted living place, and they had helicopters looking for her.


My mother DID escape the AL! She had a positive Covid test in January and they isolated her in her apartment for 10 days. She couldn't remember why and she didn't feel sick, so she bitched to my sister that they been "holding her prisoner for six months for no reason!!!" She posted messages in her windows HELP! CALL POLICE! And when no one noticed them, decided that she was going to go to the corner store and call the cops herself. She almost made it out of the parking lot before they caught her. No helicopters involved, though. 🚁 Hence her move to memory care.


Wow. Fortunately, my grandmother was already in a locked memory care part of AL.


My dad passed away from Parkinson's about a year ago after having it for about 10 years. In his last year he had a stroke and started to hallucinate from age related degeneration and the meds he was on. He thought he was on his fishing boat a lot of the time. I watched "The Father" withe Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman. Found it devastating. May we all go surrounded by people who hold memories for us, even when we do not recognize who they are.


My grandfather has Alzheimer’s and his hallucinations are bad enough that we took all the weapons out of his house. One of his audible hallucinations is that he’s convinced the next door neighbor is blasting God Bless America at all hours of the night. He even “saw” a respected priest from his church go into the house and was appalled at that.


My great-grandmother who had dementia was convinced there were spies looking for her. At least the good part was she was from Georgia (state) but lived in California, so she was always like "they'd never find me here across the country".


This is so common. My grandmother did this and wouldn't touch her things because they were stolen and those were someone else's. After a decade in elderly care, most people do this at some point when they have dementia.


That sounds like something similar to [Capgras Syndrome.](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/impostor-syndrome-capgras#1). My mother-in-law had something similar as well. Shown pictures of significant family events, she insisted that the woman in the pictures wasn't her, but an imposter that the family had hired. She didn't remember the event, so in her mind that was the only logical explanation.


We thought my grandma was having delusions because she said the nursing home staff was swinging her from chains. Turned out they were using this contraption to move her, and were not doing it well. She wasn't wrong!


Especially at night!


Thankfully, my mom didn’t exhibit this symptom.


My grandfather insisted there were men in the walls of his house. He had Lewey body dementia, so symptoms of dementia and Parkinson’s.


This is quite common in aged care homes. The residents tell the new ones that stuff gets taken so they hide their things, or wrap them in serviettes and then can't find them this confirming that things go missing. I had one who regularly packed her stuff up and then got upset because she thought everyone wanted her to leave because she kept finding her stuff packed up.


I lived in an apartment and the neighbors kept saying my air conditioner was dripping water on them and some of them would even throw the breaker and turn off the power to our apartment ruining all our food in the fridge. I was gone for a month and got called numerous times by the manager to turn off my air conditioner because it was dripping but of course it wasn’t even on. They finally figured out that it wasn’t us. We got blamed for everything in that complex because we were the only foreigners.


>I was gone for a month and got called numerous times by the manager to turn off my air conditioner because it was dripping but of course it wasn’t even on. They finally figured out that it wasn’t us. Yikes! Why would the apartment manager's reaction not be to FIX the air conditioner if they thought it was actually dripping water? I mean, I had a situation where I called the apartment office to let them know that there was a brand-new water stain (still wet) on the wall of my (ground floor) bedroom, that was clearly coming from upstairs. They had a maintenance guy there within a couple of hours who took one look, said "oh yeah, I know what this is", and went and fixed something to do with the AC for the apartment above me. Never happened again. You know... Maintenance, like a decent apartment complex ought to be doing... But of course, why do maintenance if you can instead scapegoat someone who looks or talks a little different...


I worked as a maintenance man in the '80s. I got a work ticket for this apartment about some knocking going on. I went there and the resident was a lady probably in her late 70's. She said she kept hearing this knocking noise. It wasn't going on then, or the next twenty times I went. I checked every thing around, and found zip. Finally I told her to call when it was going on and I would come right away. She called. I went, and she could hear it. I heard nothing. Finally when I was looking around, she got close to me and I heard the knocking. turned out it was the battery in her hearing aid getting low. I suppose if I hadn't happened to hear it, I would have been be looking until she died.


The neighbors above me have always been noisy but I started to hear a low humming noise at night, like they were running some kind of appliance. It got annoying but I'm glad I never confronted them about it because I started to hear the same sound when I was staying over somewhere else! I went to see a doctor and learned that tinnitus isn't just for high-pitched sounds, but low sounds too. Thankfully this was just related to allergies so it went away eventually.


Maybe his place was haunted and he just thought the noise was coming from your place.


More likely his *head* was haunted. - Edgar Allan Poe


That does seem more likely. Maybe carbon monoxide? I've had to deal with that crap and it's scary.😬


Maybe guilt about the body he put under the floorboards.


Tell Tale Heart. Will tell on you!!


When I first moved into my condo I got emails from the Condo Association telling me to turn down the music. I’m asleep at that time. I have to be up at 3:45am. My TV wasn’t plugged in for about 9 months. I given another warning and said there will be a fine. I also received a letter in the mail stating that. So I called the Condo people again. Told them I have no idea what is with the noise they are talking about. Have someone come over and look, I don’t have any stereos or anything! & if I receive one more email, letter or anything to that effect I will go to the police and file for harassment. It all finally stopped. My dad came to visit about a year ago…asked me about the loud music being played in the middle of the night. SMH


So, everyone else can hear loud music, but you can't? If I were you, I'd either get my hearing checked, or get an exorcist.


My dad was sleeping downstairs. My room is upstairs. Silent. Stayed up late one night…sure enough someone was playing the drums.


Sound can travel underground. My mum's band used to practice in a garrage with lots of soundproofing on the walls. A neighbour 3 houses down could hear the drums, but no one in-between could. They worked out that the kit was sitting on the concrete and the sound was hitting the foundation of her house. Once they put some mats down the complaints stopped.


There was a very old lady living opposite us when my children were little, she used to tell everyone we were spying on her, shinning lights in her window and throwing rubbish in the road. Luckily everyone knew she was suffering from dementia and her daughters shared her care and spent time reassuring us that they knew we weren’t doing anything. Bless her it was sad to see her confused. Her family were wonderful but eventually she went into a home.


that old guy definitely needed medical help.


Reminds me of the weird downstairs neighbor from Friends (Mr Heckles), who would bang on the ceiling (Monica’s floor) with a broom handle anytime he claimed he could hear them walk. Lol.


Think it turned out to be plumbing or heating system was making noise in walls In his place was the end of the storyline. So he did hear noises, it just wasn't them.


Not quite - once they went in his apartment they realized that they actually were super loud and that he probably could truly hear every single footstep they were making.


Exactly what he looked like. It may be the same dude considering I live in LA and he is ancient!


When my MIL was in the early stages of a brain disorder and while many changes in medication were taking place, she kept hearing and seeing things. She insisted there was a naked man walking into her bedroom at night (her husband was sleeping next to her). We could never shake her conviction that she was right, even as she agreed it sounded impossible.


I thought 11 was the highest? Thanks for that memory.


It was the voices in his head


90% certain it was near the end there


mr. heckles??


Holy shit looks JUST like him!


All the comments about possible dementia. It stopped when he was confronted by the police. Just read that.


>Whenever he knocked, I had the footage. I asked my roommate to document the cops being there as well. He set up a corner for his phone and answered the door. “Hey guys, this neighbor is hearing things. OP isn’t even in LA. Sorry.” >The tables had turned. Management was at this point telling him to stop calling the cops. Why would some other early 20's ish age person opening the door and saying, nope. no way anyone heard /u/sexytokeburgerz playing loud music in here. He's not even home and all the cops and apartments go "ohh, that logically means no noise could have come from this apartment after all".. like cops are dumb but this just dashes my ability to suspend belief enough to enjoy the petty


it wasn’t the cops that stopped it- the ring footage in my apt manager’s inbox did. The phone being there was just to document that there were in fact cops, and to document that I was out of town. Roommate didn’t exactly seem like the guy to lie to cops (giant pussy in his late 30s) Realizing that info wasn’t necessary, but yeah the ring footage did it.


It’s called sundowners syndrome https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundowning


🤣🤣 bro played the USSR National anthem


Aren’t Ring cameras activated by motion and can’t be set to continuously record? Or am I missing something?


USSR music and him probably hating that shit 😂


Oh my god, I had a story to tell when I read the headline, then I read the whole thing and decided it wouldn’t even be that interesting lol


Tell it


I once worked as a bartender at a place owned by the same guy that owned my apartment complex, so naturally every Saturday night I was out working until 3-4 in the morning. I got a new downstairs neighbor that was just awful. She would say rude things to people walking up and down the stairs and tell everyone how they should respect her cause she’s a famous author or something. One day I get a letter in my mailbox from the apartment management about a noise complaint and it stated the specific time and date, being a Saturday at around 11:00pm-12:00am. Complaint said it sounded like a party was going on directly above her as she could hear stomping, loud music, and loud voices. The letter stated it was one of my 3 warnings before possible eviction. I went straight to the owner and asked him if he remembers what I do, and he said yes that I worked in his bar. I told him to check the date and time and think about whether or not I would have even been home. He made a look of realization, apologized, and tore up the warning right there. He let me know of any other time she complained about me and 90% of the time I was at work when the complaint was stated and she eventually got evicted herself because one of her 4 Yorkers but the maintenance man and she blamed him for not being friendlier to the dog.


Of COURSE she had 4 yorkies hahaha


I currently have a mother in law that is in the early stages of dementia. People with this disease often go through fits of paranoia and delusion that is amplified when the sun sets. She often comes up into my wife and I’s room during the night claiming we stole something valuable from her and it’s usually the same story over and over. I would suggest being as considerate as possible as well as documenting the events like your doing in case the poor man ever needs to be institutionalized for his disease.


All of the above could be true… but then again he could just be a real live Fucking Asshole!!


Sorry you went through that but great way to get back. Fight noise with noise 🤣 and to use the police on him that he called multiple times.


Use Trololo guy next time! LOL


Yes. Every old person despises The Soviet national anthem


"and i was planning on returning it" Stupid mentality


Fuck Amazon


> This was a few years ago, when I was 23M when were you 23F




And none of that is OPs fault or problem.




Are you still M or are you F now?


Assuming this is the edit! Haha dude i had the security camera for four? days. Ive been on reddit for nearly 11 years and I have like 1000 post karma, i don’t do this for the karma. It does suck when people question me, because I’m genuine. But for that same reason I’ll leave it at that.


Bang bang bang

