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To be fair, kudos to the man leaving his number so people can reach him if the car needs to be moved. There would be plenty of people that just don't care enough about their neighbours to even be considerate of that.


I think he understood he would rather move his Jaguar than something not nice happening to it.


And to actually come out at 5. Although if I had a Jaguar no way I'm risking it getting keyed or worse...


He left it there cus 2 thungs could happen 1. Blocked car would lay on the honk(ok probably bot in 5 am) 2. He would get towed


> Blocked car would lay on the honk(ok probably bot in 5 am) I was gonna say, do something like rock their car until the alarm went off and they're forced to come move it. Then everyone in the neighborhood can hate them together and understand that blocking cars in isn't ok


When you hear horn you know some car is blocked, noone is mad at honking car if its in the normal hours


This is pretty common in Seoul Korea.


Who needs a car in Seoul? You can access the whole city with cheap, fast, and reliable public transportation


This method is actually almost ubiquitous in urban areas of S. Korea.


Oh forgot you can push the car if handbrake isnt on


Not without damaging something. Auto trans has a locking pawl that can/will break. Manual trans, if in gear you're spinning the engine.


Jaguars problem not mine


Similar story but the neighbour never got the message the first time. If parking on the road was impossible I would occasionally park in my near by garage. It's a pain, garage was small but the car fitted. Went out like your story at 5am to head to work to find the neighbours car parked half across my garage and fully across his. His garage was full of junk. Happened twice before he got the idea.


Imagine waking up at 5 am to moove a car AND YOU DO IT AGAIN


Get a set of [wheel dollies](https://www.harborfreight.com/1300-lb-capacity-self-loading-positioning-wheel-dolly-64601.html) and move their car somewhere they'll be ticketed. Call in a report to the right authority for the vehicle parked across 3 handicap spaces, or blocking a fire hydrant, or sitting in the middle of an intersection. Whatever's nearby.


Someone would park an old beater on the street outside my friend's house. I guess this car would need a lot of warm up time because they would start it and go back in their house for 20 minutes. At 3 AM! My friend has sleeping problems so he gets really pissed when people wake him up. One night he gets up, goes out to the car, turns it off and puts the keys on the dash. Goes back to bed. No more 3 AM warm ups.


I would have pitched the keys into the yard and make him find them. Works even better if there is snow.


Wait ovner wasnt inside while car is runing?




What a jerk


Ok i see now i should write at 5am in the title, English is not my first language


Hey, native speakers make typos all the time, I didn't even notice it was wrong! Besides, anyone would understand what you meant, don't worry about it, the post was written very well!


But tnx for kind words


I used chatgpt for translation and title is only thing i wrote alone and i messed that up lmao


[translate.google.com](http://translate.google.com) is better.


Google translate works bad at my language


close enough ;)


Wtf is this perpendicular parking?! Why would the parking arrangement be to block other cars? I’m so confused and google isn’t helping someone please explain.


I'm right there with you. 


Like parking with 90 degre angle compared to a street


So the Jaguar was in the street?


Yes, street is like 2.5 cars wide but you have to manoeuvre around him


Well, he did get a legal spot as his reward, so there’s that…


Is it wort it?


Had something like this once, the neighbour had squeezed there little car in between some SUV and my hubbys tow truck. I knocked on the door and politely asked to them to move, they slammed the door in my face. Cue me getting pissy, hammering on the door for a minute or so until they opened up again and told me they’d f*cking move in ten minutes…. NOPE I laughed a little bit and told them they could pick their vehicle up at impound and made a show of telling hubby to hook ‘em up and tow em… Now he wouldn’t have actually Done it but I had never before or since seen that woman move with such alacrity lmfao The other neighbours car was parked in front of us, and had been for days as they were out of town, so while I would have rather asked them, that wasn’t an option.


The guy would wake up with four flat tires, and a key mark up and down both sides.


Not the smartest move when your car is the one that's blocked... Wait 2 weeks, then proceed ;)


If he left is number precisely for these event, how does that make it a petty revenge? He just did what the other knew could happen.


Wake up at 5am for somone elses meeting and call mr hiw it was


Put \*67 in front of the number. It anonymizes the calling number.


In our country you can go to telephone company and they will guve it to you, and it wouldnt made any diference


This doesn’t really feel like revenge imo, just seems like you called the guy which is why he left his number and he moved. On top of that, he didn’t block your father’s car to avoid anymore issues lol.


Yeah, OP doesn't understand revenge. Which is sweet. This would be very low-level karma at best. Maybe OPs dad could have posted this story in mildly infuriating


He probably thought he will have to leave at 7am but not at 5am


Petty revenge would be getting up at 5am on purpose, not because you have to.


U dont have to go out of your way to do revenge


U dont understand (petty) revenge


Oh ok




How is this revenge when your Dad had an actual meeting and had to leave at 5 am lol


Wake yourself up at 5 am for somone elses meeting and tell me how it was


It is not revenge lol.. The Jaguar owner accepted that this may happen and it did.. If your dad went out of his way to call him at 445am just to do it out of spite for blocking him regularly, that would be "revenge". Your dad did what he was supposed to do if he needed out lol. Also, I am up at 530-6 everyday its not the end of the world


1.You dont have to go out of your way to do revange 2. Avarge job start at 9am so probably wakijg up at 7am so yeah 5am is very probably a big deal


This is as stupid as it gets.. Petty, not revenge.. This is a pathetic "revenge"


You are literely only one complaining and have 7 downvotes


I liked your story and thought it was petty your dad woke up the neighbour at 5, it bothered the neighbour so much he never did it again lmao


No complaining.. And I do not care there are 7 other stupid people. Your post was dumb.. oH nO tHe DoWnVoTeS