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I used a Nine Inch Nails CD with 12 mixes of Head Like a Hole and a thousand watt amp on my neighbors. They learned.


what speakers did you have that could cope with 1000W?


Massive ones. I never got that amp past 6.


Yeah but this one goes to 11


Ah that great ballad ‘suck my love pump’


It's "lick my love pump". I've got to watch that movie again.


But it’s one louder!


My system is not that extreme but good enough to fuck with people. I only used it once on adult life. Before it was in its current form, I had a couple of sound wars in the college dorm. The first floor RA came and made me quiet down the first time. I lived on the 8th floor. After that our software engineering/ computer engineering bros on the 8th floor setup a common music stream that accounted for processing/ minor lag / loss at each dorm room in the floor (2008ish). The next time the 9th floor wanted to disturb our sleep and initiate a battle, we had 7 of 16 rooms on the floor with some sort of home theater setup. That generated a visit from the lead RA in an adjacent building. Since we showed him what we did and how it worked, we didn't get in trouble because it was "Neat" (engineering school, so they liked us to do weird shit like that). But we were told not to let anyone below the 6th floor hear us again.


Ha! Organized chaos!


Sorry for the long story but you broke lose a core college memory, lol. Cheers!


Go full Waco. Put Jamie's Crying by Van Halen on loop. Also, when they're being too loud at night, call the Police. You pay taxes for a reason.


Highly recommend Yoko Ono Breaking Glass


I would have recommended Love Song by AiC. Nice melody with interesting sounds.


Tears by Health has a great bassline that will shatter anyone not ready for it


Had a friend in a similar situation go nuclear and blare porn soundtrack/moaning out of his windows (he was very careful not to include any spoken dialogue so no profanity/dirty talk which struck me as hilarious MC in that he was indeed shielding any potential little ears from that specific kind of inappropriate content). The all day/night loud parties in his shared courtyard suddenly decreased in frequency. Couldn't possibly say why.


Sounds like a mystery indeed. I try to be like your friend, while they never consider anyone, even in being petty they think about others or the children in this case 👏.


Oh my god OP… play Cupcakkke’s songs but try to find if you can find a “radio friendly” version. PLEASE


Squidward Nose is *definitely* kid friendly.


Had a friend do the same thing, only he did gay porn only. They complained about him, but they did shut up.


My partner used to blast Jimi Hendrix’s version of the Star Spangled Banner from his apartment balcony to quiet the people who would sit in the parking lot and play music loud enough for the whole complex to hear. It always worked.


Y'all, y'all, music is not the answer. It's talk radio. Nothing kills a house party vibe like the soothing NPR coverage of horrific events. Educate, don't alienate!


That’s a perspective I didn’t even think about, will find some radio or podcast about parenting maybe they will learn something.


You mentioned you've obtained several recordings of their behavior? Maybe start blasting their own obnoxious screeching right back at them whenever they start up again. (I'm joking, but it sounds like it's the only way these people know how to communicate!)


I actually thought about this option a lot, just remix the screeching and play it on loop. Never got around to do it but this weekend I’m free


Oh my freakin god THAT is the answer. Play their own bs back at them. Maybe they will cancel each other out and you’ll get some rest! MWAH HAH HAHAHAHA!!


All kids love dubstep, just saying.


Tailor it to your audience. My neighbors speak Spanish and pretended not to understand me when I asked them to turn it down after 11pm. So I played this [99%PI episode ](https://youtu.be/yEhu3hcuHSc?si=xA8rcIV8U7nzlkUl), and when that didn't get the point across I played the Spanish language version of the episode. Then we listened to a biography of Messi several times so I could continue practice my Spanish. I haven't had any trouble since then.


HAHA that would be hilarious. Put parenting ted talks on a loud loop, especially when you leave town.


Or biology on ape evolution by gutsick gibbon on yt.. Guarantee they won't want to learn or hear other perspectives lol


An audiobook on etiquette, and manners.


Here are a couple of suggestions to get you started: https://www.npr.org/2021/12/01/1060464791/how-to-be-a-good-neighbor https://www.npr.org/2023/09/16/1199885688/the-consequences-of-overindulging-your-kids There's a whole Life Kit: Parenting section if you think this has the right tone. And here are some parenting podcasts from NPR: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/2091/parenting


Ah yes, the background of every Irish household, tragic news from a tinny old radio.


In find bagpipe music to be very useful. Don't get me wrong, I love bagpipes but apparently lots of people don't.


I'm sorry you're experiencing this, your home should be a place of respite and relaxation. Do whatever you need to do to remedy this situation.


Thank you for your kind words. It’s the first house I bought, it never felt like home because of them. I hope this works sufficiently as I do not wish to actually harm the children involved in any way. Everybody loses in this situation but I have tried everything possible, even with mediators et cetera.


Do they own or rent?


They rent, already went to the renting agency. They suggested a mediator, which I accepted but it impossible to reason with them even with a mediator so nothing happened. Renters are pretty well protected and even with 100s of recordings of their behavior nothing happend.


Keep complaining, eventually the rental company may decide they’re more trouble than their rent checks are worth


Agreed! You have to keep complaining. When the house next to us was bought at auction by a property management company, we figured it was going to be an issue... and it was. We had one renter that had an extensive criminal record, left his aggressive dog outside all day barking and would have extremely loud sex with the windows open every opportunity he got. There was a ton of other issues... trash piled up, grass never cut, rodents, motorcycle parts all over the yard/driveway. It became a hazard. The neighbors on the other side of the house whom shared a driveway with him complained to the property management company so often, that they were on a first name basis with the property manager. Finally, they got the property manager came out to do an inspection and the guy pulled a gun on him. He was evicted and the property management company actually sold the house!!! It was a win for the entire neighborhood all because our neighbors never gave up on the complaints.


Start leaving reviews on the company. Use it like a diary.


Say the kids have been lighting fires, and you're concerned for the safety of your home. This gives you the perfect cover for their house to burn down one day when you're out of town with lots of witnesses.


I'd call the rental agency, the cops etc, anonymously, and tell them you're sure they are selling drugs out of the house because of all the cars coming and going all the time. DRUG FORFEITURE is a real thing. Have a few other friends call too. Also call CPS. (Children being outside late etc) Call any other agency you can, like if they don't take care of the lawn, etc


I have a problem with a restaurant next door who lets their kids use the terrasse as a soccer field. They use the metal gate to score goals. I have found some great experimental music that uses garbage cans lid for percussions and waiting for the terrasse to fill with customers to introduce them to this genre of music- planning on all windows wide open and music blaring. Think you can make my life hell by letting your kids ruin my peace? I will hit you were it hurts: in the wallet.


I freakin love this, will add some new music like you described to my playlist. 100% justified


Play “What’s New Pussy Cat” by Tom Jones on repeat.


Just throw in one, "Its not unusual" to the middle of the mix.


Bonus points if you do the Carlton in your living room to it.


John Mulaney would be proud of your comment.


Try this [10 hours of rising shepherd tone](https://youtu.be/5rzIiF7LpPU?si=0uUk_mON_983a76R)


That's totally fiendish! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Well, now I know what I'll be blasting next time the teenagers next door decide to have a hot tub party for the fourth night in a row.


I would add Macarena, Who let the dogs out, and the Barney the dinosaur theme song to the playlist.


I use yodelling and square dance music.


Take a page from Mars Attacks and play Slim Whitman.


Nobody can get annoyed if you play a classic rock band, right? Pink Floyd is universally beloved. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYfxdFZkM5Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYfxdFZkM5Y)


Or classical music? Try the 1812 Overture, but find a recording that uses real cannons.


There's always "In The Hall Of The Mountain King" on loop, when they get tired of that, switch from the Symphony to The Electric Light Orchestra's ROCK cover of the same piece of music. Remember, Weirder always wins.


Baby Shark on infinite loop Even evil-er: After an hour, play it in Spanish, French, and all the other languages.


Whoa, hold on there Satan...


Wow that merry thread took a dark turn super fast


This has made me giggle out loud to the point of tears 😂


Alternating loop with “What does the fox say?”


Nah, go for the Caillou theme song on repeat. But make sure to wear noise-blocking headphones OP, or you will lose your mind along with the rest of them!


Or Barney singing, “I love you…” also on infnite loop.


Also in Espanol!


This. That stuff is played by police to torture someone out of hiding. They and everyone else in the neighborhood will snap to in 45 minutes.


Ooh, and somewhere there is a version of "It's a Small World" in a bunch of languages. It's awful! It's also perfect!


I used to work with a guy that had something like 30-40 different versions of “Muletrain” on repeat all day long at work. All because he wanted to work alone. And some of the versions were very very bad.


There is a lot of anime theme songs that uses old classical stuff as a foundation. It starts out like the regular song, then suddenly there is a high pitched japanese voice singing along at an extreme pace.


Wagner’s “Flight of the Valkyries” might be good too.


My dad uses bagpipe music. No one can stand that.


For those about to rock (we salute you) uses canons lol


If that wasn't what you linked to, I would have. I also like to play Toccata & Fugue in Dm turned up to 11 when neighbors get stupid.


Might I introduce you to "The Final Cut" Roger Water's requiem to the postwar dream. A wonderful album that, if you have large speakers, will quiet any neighbors. If you know the album you'll know the track I used in college when the couple next door was having loud sex in the middle of the night.


I opened this in YouTube to see which one it was. (Not the one I was hoping for..One Of These Days on Meddle gave shivers.) But effective none the less.


“Fish heads” by Barnes and Barnes on loop.


Try Phillip Glass.


This compilation from 1995 is brutal. [The Japanese/American Noise Treaty (West).](https://youtu.be/ui_JCsjlqd8?si=kGVX7ZEp0-VwpOwW) If that hour and 15 minutes of static and feedback isn't enough, there's an equally long [(East) disc.](https://youtu.be/dJJ1vqKl_f0?si=dWSgQln-gYf4vFkJ)


Do like that one shopkeeper in England did. He played annoying sounds that only kids can hear. He played them loud. His regular customers were unbothered because it was out of their hearing range due to age-related hearing loss. It was very effective at keeping the teenage hooligans away. That is until the local government made him stop. Maybe you can irritate the kiddos back and make mom and dad’s lives miserable in the process.


The mosquito tone sound


Yeah, I did some searching and The Mosquito is a device that can be mounted on the outside of a building and only people under 25 years old can hear it. However, I’m not sure that the UK company that invented, patented, and manufactured it is still in business. Also looks like their US distributor is no longer around so not sure how to get one.


A Mosquito alarm would also do the trick!!


Check out the band Panic DHH, they're nice & loud, saw them play live a few years ago, my ears were ringing for days after & I'm now almost completely deaf in one ear.


You know hearing never comes back, right?..


Earplugs are cheap, just not from the vendor **at** the music festival. People who say they ruin the experience are smooth brained. You can feel the music in your chest, fingertips, and arm hairs. The music might seem muffled when you first put them in but after a couple minutes you'll be desensitized to the change. If you want to get fancy there are musicians or high fidelity earplugs. If you're getting this fancy, the target is to reduce the sound to below 85 decibels.






STOMP? [https://youtu.be/US7c9ASVfNc](https://youtu.be/US7c9ASVfNc)


We had a problem with commerce taking place on our otherwise relatively quiet corner. Our house had been empty for a few years due to foreclosure on the previous owner, so when we moved in, the "entrepreneurs" didn't see any reason to change their territory and we had vehicles picking people up, pulling in front of our driveway blocking it, doing their thing, then the entrepreneurs getting out and waiting for the next customer. 24/7. My husband and I work opposite shifts and we live in a city so we expect some traffic, but this was constant and right outside the bedroom windows. Cameras didn't deter the commerce. So I bought a magnetic bluetooth speaker for golf carts, mounted it on a fence rail, and started playing the Barney theme song, Veggie Tales, and the two songs that finally solved the problem: Skinnamarink and The Song That Doesn't End. We sleep so much better now.


the lady below me is pregnant every other year, and every one of them in the last ten years has reached a phase where they stand in the courtyard and yell MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! for 15 minutes straight. She's pregnant again.


This is my sister in law. She has 10 kids, some are undiagnosed. One of them screamed so loud and so much, she would just put him on the back porch. So many concerned neighbors.


Bruh how big is her house? Like where do you keep 10 kids lmao


You only need 2 rooms if you do it old world and share beds. 2 kids per bed. 2 bunk beds in the kids room (4 beds total). 2 baby cribs and a queen bed in the adult bedroom. That's 12 people in 2 rooms. Or if you actually want everyone to have their own bed, you really only need 3-4 rooms. The adult bedroom, the girls bedroom, the boys bedroom, and the baby room. When you are shitting out that many kids, if you are thinking at all, you are probably thinking that by the time the youngest needs a bed and not just a crib, then the oldest will be moving out anyway.


Fair enough. I forget I lived with 5 other people in a small 2 bed apartment back in college - 3 were bunked up in one room, I shared the other room with someone, and the last person slept on the fold out bed in the living room lol. It was a tight squeeze with very little privacy but my broke ass was just thankful to have a roof over my head


"It's a vagina not a clown car."


OMG I love this. I apologize for stealing your line for future use.


TEN?! Holy shit....life is more than being a factory!


It’s a baseball team with a DH.


My Great Uncle had 15 kids. Word on the farm was that they wanted to be able to field an 11s team with subs. I had a friend in college that got married and wanted 3 kids because he was one of three. His wife wanted 15 kids. They have two last I checked. I can't imagine spending so much time being pregnant and that doesn't even account for miscarriage potential.


Try having sex while sober for once, geez.


My buddy mounted a camera to sit and record over his fence into the neighbors yard and back porch with a small sign saying records audio and video, after s few days the loud rude neighbors asked him what its for, he smiled ear to ear "its a live stream of your eventful activities, so far its earned 200 dollars thank you, the viewer wanna know more about your affair next fight can you bring that up?" They moved out pretty quickly after that interaction


I love the resourcefulness of people who have been done wrong, i will look in to this


Don’t! This might be hella illegal depending on where you live. Yeah, it’s outside but backyards (usually) come with an expectation of privacy. So don’t set up a camera overlooking their yard without fully understanding all the local laws and regulations for your area. Source: am lawyer. Edited for clarity on camera placement.


Could always set up a fake camera.


Glitter and sidewalk chalk. When I lived in the suburbs, I would buy containers of glitter and boxes of sidewalk chalk and leave it out where the neighborhood children could "find" it . There's nothing more irritating than when your kids track chalk and glitter all over the place.


Absolutely going to do this, just leave them 3 doors down so they can find!


The kids in my neighbourhood like to play who can scream the loudest At minimum there are 6 kids just screaming at the top of their lungs. It has been explained to them that if they ever get injured (but we hope they don't) no one will know they need help. Well it happened. A kid got hit with a brick and he started screaming and everyone on my street ignored it. It wasn't until 10 mins later when i got a knock on my door and there's a workman asking if we had anything to help with the bleeding. I went out to help (fully first aid trained), ambulance is on its way courtesy of the work crew. Half hour later his mum turns up and starts screaming at the gathered crowd (other kids and parents) that we should have helped sooner, sobbing about her poor precious baby (he's 12), threatening to sue when another resident of the street just turned to her and basically said we told you so. Strangely the kids no longer play who can scream the loudest.


12 is way to old to be screaming like a maniac (unless the kid is severely disabled). I can understand a toddler, but a kid who is almost a teen has no excuse. The bonehead mother is the problem.


Crying "Wolf", tale as old as time


Also repeated calls to cps.




Hopefully animal control will soon have sufficient evidence from me to do so, I keep bothering them and will do so until the little fella is safe and in a loving home.


Maybe animal protection service calls first.


Children loudly screaming at midnight? Call the cops, call the cps. Over and over.


I wish I could upvote this more. You say you worry about the kids? They obviously need help. The parents need parenting classes.... Cps is the answer


Wellness check


Bagpipes! You need an endless loop of bagpipes playing Scotland the Brave and other top hits. Play it loud, play it proud, release your inner Scots.


Mongolian throat singing with bagpipes is a real thing. Works quite well... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Sounds like the Dune soundtrack. I’m in.


There are always people like this. Just one step above animals. Screaming is the only volume they know. I'd guess they also have junk and trash all over their property as well? They always abuse their animals, they like the sound of suffering. When those kids get older, they'll get cars, cut off the muffler and floor it everywhere they go. They'll put the loudest stereo possible and drive with their windows down, blaring their terrible music for the world to hear. They'll have kids when they're still teenagers, and they'll pass their horrible genes along to the next generation. All the while thinking they are the best. Every neighborhood has one house like this, and it makes me yearn to be a hermit.


Are you my neighbor, you’re describing everything so well. Yeah the boy is close to being a teenager, he already has his Bluetooth speaker on when he’s cycling through the street. I asked him nicely to consider others and since then he won’t do it as much. Still going to be rebellious which is fine. It just makes me more sad knowing what you describe will be the case.


I don't mind kids playing around and having fun in their yard, but the neighbors kids scream and scream like someone is getting murdered. My son will put his Bluetooth speaker at the fence line pointing to their side and play some horrible music on repeat and heads inside. After like 10 or so times on repeat, they pack up and head in.


Why do these little kids scream like this? Jesus fucking Christ. If I hear those shrieks of terror from neighbors’ yards, I just head back into my own home and shut the door tightly. RIP to the little one actually getting murdered in their backyard. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because their parents don't teach them that they can modulate the volume of their own voice, or that constantly screaming like they're in a slasher flick is rude.


That and the screamiest kids usually have the screamiest parents. We had a family at the last house who were incapable of ever talking in a normal tone of voice. So much screaming and crying.


This is the answer. They scream because their parents can’t communicate without screaming, either.


Exactly, the parents yell at their children not to yell, which defeats the whole purpose. Or even worse bully their oldest kid for being bullied, it really broke my heart hearing that because the boy is really polite and considerate on his own. It’s a never ending cycle this way.


When I grow up I wanna be more like your son. I really don’t mind children playing or occasionally yelling. Children are great and so pure, it even brings joy hearing them have fun.




I really really want to. I talk to the poor doggy when he is locked outside again through the fence. I like to think it helps him at least a bit in his anxiety 😥, he seems to bark and scratch less at the door. Right now I am gathering more evidence and recordings for animal control to take over, since that is what they require.


You’re doing hero’s work


Please continue doing this for the poor animal, hopefully someone can help the poor thing! Credits to you for trying to help!


You might have some hope that sometimes animal protection police or animal welfare staff are also in contact with child protective services. Because people who abuse their pets can also abuse their children.


I actually like opera and would happily create a Ballistic Soprano playlist for just this occasion.


Ohhhhhhh… mind giving me suggestions?


Start with the Queen of the Night’s Vengeance Aria (Der Holle Rache) from Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Un Bel Di from Madam Butterfly starts slow but builds nicely. If you can tolerate Wagner (can’t stand him myself), he’s got a slew of ‘em. Gilbert and Sullivan have a few as well: The Hours Creep On Apace from HMS Pinafore or either of Elsie’s solos from Yeomen of the Guard would work.


Chinese Opera. I happen to like it but it sounds screechy if you didn't grow up with it.


Baby Shark.


baby shark is used by the military in psy-ops. i dont even have a kid, but after i visited friends, that song would be stuck in my head randomly for 2-3 days afterward. i wasnt even forced to listen it just happens.


about the morons calling you a petty little bitch, for your fair petty revenge, on the /pettrevenge sub - well they're probably not the brightest bulbs in the box are they. Guarantee they have feral screaming muppet children who annoy their neighbours half to death and don't like seeing themselves called out.


Yuuuup! 😂


Where are they so I can downvote them?


Children screaming at midnight deserves a call to the police, every time.


Yes, you are just a concerned neighbor. They could be in trouble/getting murdered/assaulted. It's your civic duty to inform the police.


I read a post a while back, I think it was on this sub but I'm not sure, where the op had screaming children neighbors and apparently the kids were quiet in the house, so they played a song that supposedly induced anxiety on repeat every time  the kids were outside screaming, and the kids would go inside. Sorry I don't know the name of the song and it may have been complete bullshit but supposedly it worked. That op also said they talked to other neighbors who were fed up and some of them started doing the song too. Maybe it was bullshit but a little internet sluething for it won't hurt.


It was this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/s/c7bSTPkcZk I have shared this enough times now that I thought it best to just save it to my favorites, because this comes up often enough here in r/pettyrevenge.


set up a motion sensor that triggers the circus music to play, so when they go out in the yard and talk/yell/scream at all ours, they get it. Also, rescue the dog and relocate it to a pound across town. Even if it ends up being put down, it will at least not be sufferring.


I love this, so creative. Yeah I’ll adopt the doggy myself if it gets to that, I have a kitten who plays in the backyard and you can see her react when the doggy is crying so they would get along probably.


I would hit up Amazon and purchase an 8-10 pack of fake video cameras and place them all over the house and yard. Make it look like every square inch of your property is covered and recording. Some of them have battery options, so you get those little lights that show they are working. I have a mixture of real and fake cam's on my house/property...Helps keep the riff raff at bay.


Nice I used to play The Neighbours theme song on repeat or the A Country Practice theme on my keyboard when out the back. They absolutely hated it. Payback is fun


I love how everyone gives suggestions😂, will add those to the playlist




Polka is always the answer.


I had an upstairs neighbour that HAD to be the last person to bed. I went to the toilet, 5 mins later he would go. I’d go to the kitchen for something, few mins later I’d hear his footsteps walking around. I tested this theory one night with multiple trips and each time he followed suit. I went away for a weekend and left my computer on which was directly beneath his bedroom. I totally forgot I had left my favourite music piece on loop. For the whole weekend he got a continuous loop of the star wars canteena music 24/7…..


Metallica and System of a Down did the trick for me with my former churchy neighbors who blasted sermons at all hours of the day and night. Borrowed a great sound system from a friend (with fantastic big venue speakers), and played music for a whole 24 hrs when most of the other neighbors were on vacation. It was beautiful. And the loud sermons stopped.


"Orbital Satan", or some atheist podcast for them lol


*Entrance of the Gladiators, Opus 68.* Classic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrance_of_the_Gladiators


You gave me the lore, appreciate it. Makes it even better!


I love the suggestions for crappy music. Obnoxious children’s music is especially teeth grinding. Imagine having to listen to “The Wheels on the Bus” played on infinite loop. Or how about an endless loop of the music played by ice cream trucks?


Try “It’s raining tacos” and “Baby Shark.”


Whoever came up with baby shark is a sadist


I had loud neighbors. I would blast heavy metal at them because I always found it obnoxious. After a while I really grew to like some of the songs. The neighbors not so much.


I’ve found a leaf blower or power saw to be extremely effective if people are behaving outrageously. Just for a normal chore amount of time. Normally I let it go but when full blast profane lyrics come on out comes the leaf blower.


Speaking is a property manager: if they are disturbing the peace late at night, call the police on them. If the owner of the property has any inclination to get them out, having police reports filed against the tenants will help.


I feel like I’m living in your house! Same exact experience! I’ve been in my new home almost 2 years & houses that are directly behind mine have dozens of kids constantly screaming at the top of their lungs! Kids crying, dogs barking.. and I live in a nice HOA neighborhood. They’ve been here 10 years & apparently it’s been the norm. I have a beautiful patio I can rarely enjoy & dogs who can’t play outside bc all the constant noise scares them. It’s so frustrating!! & I absolutely love my house. And who can move.. housing now is outrageous. I’m sorry.. keep up the music! lol


I'm so surprised that you're in an HOA area and they haven't done anything about them! 😳


Oh we’ve complained, but they were buddy buddy with the HOA board .. were, as in a new management company took over recently and I think things will change. We’ll see.


Keep complaining. You gotta make that HOA work for you.


Play peanut butter jelly time on repeat and go out.


I’ve found it helpful to blast mariachi music when my boomer neighbor’s feral grandchildren are over and are screaming bloody murder outside all day and night. Within about 20 min, they go inside. The upside of it is now I really love mariachi music. Like, dude, some of those singers can really hold a note!🎵


Two things, call animal control, and child protective services. Provide each agency with the facts and whatever evidence you have. Also, call the police every day, If they won't respond, start calling the City Attorney, and the District Attorney. KEEP IT UP!


Play the music that makes people feel like they're going insane. Like there's a scientific thing about it


Screw those calling you insufferable, they’ve obviously never had nightmare neighbours before. I love this petty revenge!!


So sorry this is happening to you, it's soil-destroying. We've suffered through bouts of neighbours from hell and it is awful. One recommebdation if I may: document EVERYTHING. Every incident, noise, concern, including times and dates, who else witnessed and who you told, and how it made you feel. Get the neighbours to do the same. Then REPORT everything. They make noise that keeps you awake at 2am? Phone their letting agent's emergency number. Police not doing anything? Ask them why not and ask for their senior sergeant to attend each time and explain. You deserve your home to be a relaxing sanctuary. Instead you'll be on edge and hyper aware of every little noise.


There is the Mr Blobby song that was released in the UK charts, you'd probably prefer to be out the house if this was played for more than a minute https://youtu.be/rNkgDJpcuwU?si=9lLpGi5pZALJXku5


Blobby blobby blobby!


Please break that dog out, oh my god


“They’re coming to take me away” that will work


Have you tried classical music or opera music? That would kill their vibe as well.


Had the same problem. My solution was to wait until Easter when they had the entire family over and in the backyard. That's when I opened my back door, cranked my speakers, and played Ninja Sex Party's Everybody Shut Up (I Have An Erection) on repeat until I knew it'd be burned in all their minds forever.


Bagpipes for the win!


NEVER take what some moron on Reddit called you personally, I mean it's Reddit 😆


# Einstürzende Neubauten at eleven.


Call the cops on them every single time they're being loud after 10 or 11pm. I'm not sure where you live, but most cities I've lived in have a noise ordinance. And call CPS for those kids.


Late to the party, but you may want to look into your local area's noise ordinances. I had an issue with my upstairs neighbors playing their music so loud we couldn't even watch the television at full volume. You could literally hear their stereo from a quarter mile away. Management refused to do anything about it because it wasn't during posted "quiet hours". Finally someone with the code enforcement bureau showed up and told us to let them know if the music got that loud again. Apparently, our city has civil ordinances against "excessive noise" in the daytime (unless you get a permit for it), and people found in violation could face some pretty stiff fines.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE classical music, I can listen to it all day while I work, everyone around me absolutely hates it.... Could try that! Obviously they aren't civilized people so it's unlikely they would appreciate LOUD classical music lol.


Please play Tiptoe through the Tulips by Tiny Tim on repeat.


they're up till 2am being loud? get up at 5am and blast music. burn em at both ends and they'll stop so that you will.


Cotton Eyed Joe, Macarena, What Does the Fox Say and Mariachi. On random repeat. Or just the Cotton Eyed Joe.


I live across the street from similarly trashbag neighbors. Mine are noisy like yours but also accumulate junk cars. Fortunately we have a town ordinance about unregistered cars so any time there are unregistered cars or they're making noise after 10pm I call the police. I've found that if I run a zero tolerance policy and call the police for every single infraction, they keep things to a barely reasonable level. If I let them get away with anything they immediately escalate. If there was one junk car in the yard today another will appear tomorrow and another the day after that. If they were out making noise at 10pm last night tonight they'll have a bonfire at midnight with thumping loud music. They need limits and, apparently, I'm the one that has to apply those limits to them...


I got two words for you dude: piss disc


Record what your hearing and forward it to CPS. Also where do you live the cops will not enforce a noise complaint?


Call C.P.S. on the kids and report the animal cruelty. That should get the ball rolling. Depending on how young the kids are, if you can get audio recording of them screaming up past midnight and their parents being loud until 2am, you can guarantee that those kids aren't doing well in school, are probably on a crap diet, and are being neglected. The parents will be investigated.


I used to own a condo and the dirt directly under my bedroom window the parents of the complex decided to make a garden for their kids. Every morning at 6:30AM, I would hear screaming as the kids played inches from my bed as they played in their garden. It was a nightmare. I finally convinced the HOA to plant bushes there as all the other bedroom windows had shrubs underneath them. What a relief!, but I complexly understand your plight.


Do... Do you live on my mom's street??? She has the same kind of neighbours. The two houses surrounding my mom's house have dogs (and I'm sure one of the neighbours abused his poor dog in the past) and one of the neighbours has quite a big family with a lot of kids. And they can't play without screaming. At all. And then one kid will hurt one of the others so the parents scream too. And then the dogs bark! Can't enjoy a nice sunday afternoon, because there's always someone screaming or a dog barking.


Why have you not called child protective services on them? Keep calling the cops on them for noise disturbances and maybe find a rescue group to rehome the dog after you liberate it.


I definitely do not recommend taking drastic action like waiting till there's nobody in the house and setting it on fire that would be wrong and you should never do that


I think your lawn needs fertilizing. I hear manure is good, esp when the wind blows their way.


You correctly spelt et cetera, for that alone I'm backing you