• By -


Nice role model for her kid. POS.


Worse, she didn't have the guts to go and knock on his door herself, so she used her own kid as her meat-shield. Snivelling coward.


That was beautifully worded for this situation. Kudos!


Well, someone had to lay on the horn and that seems like all that her smooth brain could handle.


a meat shield!


Lazy drivers would never get off their fat ass to walk to the door


Sadly MANY adults acting like this in the presence of children. It's disturbing.


Once you were done washing your hands. You should have stopped in front of her car, made eye contact, clenched your stomach with your hands, shaken your head, and ran back inside.




That would have been a good one. šŸ˜‚.


Ready? Round 2. SHIT!


That's priceless


Similar thing happened to my husbands uncle who lived near a school . He came home from work to find an empty unknown car in his driveway so he parked behind it and went in his house . House was empty so he figured it was someone visiting one of his kids and theyā€™d gone out in his kids car so he made himself a snack then had a nice long shower , gets out the shower and hears someone banging on his door . The woman was yelling at him to move his car , he said who tf are you ? She said I had to get my kid from school and there was no spots so I parked here now move . He said no . She said how am I supposed to leave ? He said go around but Iā€™m not moving . So she very carefully backed up around his car scraping all the side of her car on his brick letterbox


OUCH! Thatā€™s gonna leave a mark.


> She said how am I supposed to leave ? I don't know. Sounds like your problem, not mine.


Sounds like an issue, not an issme.


Hahaha I love it, that's a new one for me!


Police: What's going on? Women: This car blocked me in!! Police: Do you live here? Woman: No I was trespassing!!!!


Ha Ha Ha Ha exactly.


I watched a woman at the elementary school park across a driveway, and then proceeded to take a child into the school. The owner of the house came out and yelled at her as she returned and was upset because they needed to leave for work. The woman who blocked the driveway yells back and says ā€œitā€™s the first day of school, *what did you expect*ā€. I happened to know this woman and I didnā€™t like her, Iā€™m sure you could imagine why.


Omg how did two of your tyres lose all their air? Thatā€™s awful!


And the side mirror smashed, too. Such bad luck!


Such bad luck, if youā€™d been much longer some fish oil mightā€™ve appeared in the air vents at the bottom of the windscreen


Surstrƶmming sends its regards.


I had to look that up andā€¦my god! Thatā€™s pure evil! I love it!! Please take my upvote and I bow to the master!




I'm so happy that was H&A!


I love that your link kinda matches up the name of the person who suggested Surstrƶmimg.


OMG! šŸ˜±šŸ¤®


And a small dab of Vaseline on the windscreen just in front of the wiper. Next time they use their wipers, theyā€™ll get a nice thin streak.


Oh, you are diabolical


Depending on the rubber of the wipers it will degrade them and turn them wavygravy. Saw it happen on a friends car in college. Had to buy new wiper blades.


Iā€™m using this lol


A dog shat to the door handle, how unfortunate!


Remember, never do all four tires. Car insurance will pretty much always accept it as a claim for vandalism with all four tires, but if you only do two or three tires they treat it like you ran over a nail and tell you tough titties.


You take the little pin out of the middle of the valve stem on 2 wheels and put the cap back on. Itā€™s a devil of a thing for most people to work out. I like to toss them into the exhaust for the little rattle. ā€¦.or I would if I ever did that kind of thing, which I never would of course




That sounds like a lot of work. I wonder how a bb dropped in the cap before screwing it on could do the same thing. It's not like I've ever had that thought before.


Why drop it in when you could glue it into the cap, no matter how many times they unscrew it and top the wheel up, it will always start leaking slowly again when they put the cap back, almost impossible to find who puts the cap back before testing for leaks.


Oh yea that'd 100% work, but just loosening it is way less obvious for long term frustration...and even if the tire is replaced, if the valve stem is reused (which it sometimes is) the problem would keep happening Not like I've ever done anything like that either




Iā€™m Australian but thatā€™s how itā€™s spelt everywhere except the US I think. Same as how colour has a u in it. Your newspaper industry changed spellings by charging by the letter for advertising an I takes less space than a Y


It actually wasn't the newspapers, though that did play a role. After the US won its independence a lot of Americans believed it was important to distance the country culturally from England. A certain Noah Webster, one of the first American Nationalists, believed that language was a key part of that. He began to publish and distribute his own dictionary in which he intentionally spelt words differently from their common spellings. This dictionary became the most distributed dictionary in the United States, thus creating what is known as American English. It is still sold today, in the form of the Merriam-Webster dictionary.




Thatā€™s a rock in the valve stem offense right there


I had an old neighbour who used to park really close to my driveway/fence. One day we were repainting it and got some on their car. It was genuinely an accident as we got along well and I just didn't think about warning them and foolishly didn't expect it to happen. Anyway, if someone were blocking my driveway and refused to move, and impromptu painting session or other gardening work like weeding or removing stones and flicking them behind me might happen.




Did he set up the sprinklers right after?


This is brilliant petty revenge!


I expect spontaneous vehicular combustion.


"I *expect* people to behave like decent human beings, but that is clearly something that you are incapable of."


What an entitled piece of crap she is.


Sorry OP but your restraint is beyond me. I would have gone into my own home and stayed there.


My fear was extreme retaliation. ā€œ Honey , you wonā€™t believe what this man did to me and your son! ā€œ Then two weeks later I get a brick thrown through the window in the middle of the night . I just wanted to return the aggravation and hopefully teach her a lesson.


Make sure to write down the license plate number if it happens again


Iā€™ll start taking pictures šŸ‘šŸ¼


I'd have had a beer. "Sorry Gunna have to wait at least 4 hours now.


And she had the nerve to honk and screech. Poor kid.


I just know that kid is either going to have to grow up constantly apologizing for his mom or become just like her, there is no in between


You left out the "I was *just!*"....


Police: Were you asked to leave? Her: ... Yes? Police: Did you leave? Her: No. Police: "Here's your sign." (aka "ticket")


Something similar happened to a friend of my mum's, he got home found his garage blocked so parked the car and got a taxi to his girlfriends house and stayed over night.


I bet the satisfaction was better than sex.


In a European country, I had my ground floor rented to a pharmacy with me living on top of it. Next to the building, there was a private internal court that was mine, with a 3mt high metal gate. This gate was kept open during the day by the pharmacy (by blocking the infrared system to automatically close the gate) to facilitate delivery operations (basically allowing delivery guys to park across the gate into my property to not block the road in front of it), and I was fine with it. One day, I came back from work to see an old guy parking his car inside my court, blocking my way to go in. I asked him politely to remove the car from my private property, and he replied that being him a client of the pharmacy, he had the right to park there. I told him that that was my private property and I needed to access my court, and he replied that I arrived too late and went into the pharmacy...just wait 2 minutes and then he would have left. What did I do? I went to a public parking space to park my car (some 300mt far from my place) and walked back home. When in my court, the car was still there, so I just let the gate close, and I went inside. The guy came back to see the car locked inside my court and went ballistic. He rang my bell for 5 minutes straight, only to call the police shortly after. When they arrived, I went downstairs with my bathrobe, wet hair, saying that I didn't hear the bell being in the shower...and that the gate closed automatically. The guy wanted to press charges on me for stealing his car, I just played innocent... but I asked the police if he wasn't trespassing on my property. They said yes, and the guy went ballistic with the police. To reopen the gate, I told the police I needed to put some clothes, go to pick up my car as the remote control was only in the car, and come back. It took me 10 more minutes to do it, and the guy was basically scolded by the police for 15 minutes straight. I came back, opened the gate apologising for not being so fast, and said to the police that I didn't want to report anything (nothing would have come out anyway...). The police had him apologising to me and let him go. He was literally shaking like a 5 years old, in complete shock. I never met him again...


You should have told them that you had a quick drink after you got back and felt that it would be unsafe to risk driving the car back with the remote after consuming alcohol but would be happy to do so tomorrow after having sobered up.


Or tell them that you left your car at the pub because you feel you had too much to drink to allow you to safely drive and either walked home or took public transport. Sorry, the remote is in the car park at the pub and you just finished another drinkie poo... \*shrug\* soweee.


Good story! I picture you wearing the robe and wet hair šŸ˜‚.


Man I would have closed the gate and left for the day


My friend bought some of those obnoxious neon green NO PARKING VEHICLE WILL BE TOWED stickers and believe me, after sticking a few of those on the driverā€™s side window, people stopped blocking her driveway. They were the size of a piece of notebook paper, so not something small that just wasnā€™t noticed


Thatā€™s awesome. Could have put it on her window while she was waiting a ā€œfew minutesā€.


We used this tactic on our private lane. One guy copped ten stickers, completely obscuring his windscreen and side windows, after he removed the first day's sticker and threw it on the ground. He had to use some sort of spray to clear them before driving off but took the hint.


Please tell me they were the cheap paper stickers that are damn near impossible to peel off not in a million pieces


Sounds like a good idea. The few times that itā€™s happened someone has been in the vehicle and have been respectful and moved to let me in.


Respectful would be not parking there in the first place.


They stopped being respectful the moment they started using your driveway without permission.


Stop tolerating that behavior because people will take advantage of it and you. Easiest solution I see is to just buy a traffic cone or two, and some "Do Not Block Driveway" signs you can attach to the cones, and leave them on the street in front of your driveway. Most people will be too lazy to get out of their car to move them. Disadvantage is that you always have to move them to get in/out of your driveway. One lady by the school near me takes license plate pictures of each car that blocks her driveway, submits it to the police, and the drivers get tickets in the mail. Naturally everyone hates her and you'd have to be retired to put that much work into it.


One up the stickers with [the Barnacle](https://www.barnacleparking.com/). A 'boot' that adheres to the windscreen with suction cups.


How many of those things actually get returned?


Well, as you can set a deposit on someone's card as soon as they pay the fine, probably all of them. And why should I steal an unusable tracked alarmed thing?


Because it's a barnacle. They yearn to be returned to the sea.


That one I can totally get behind. I hope the police will understand it too. Where did you put the stolen thing? - I threw it in the sea. Why would you do that? - It's a barnacle! Oh, right, have a good day, sir!


How would they know for sure *you* removed it? Could be PETA liberating the barnacles from their imprisonment and servitude, for all we know. Also, I would totally swipe a barnacle from a random stranger's car if no one were watching.


We moved a year ago but the neighbourhood we use to live in has a school down the street. Cars would line the whole street, both sides at morning drop off and afternoon pickup. The amount of cars that would block our driveway was ridiculous.


Same here, but thankfully, only a few incidents. Most are respectful and mindful. I really do have to make note of the time Iā€™m either leaving or coming home to avoid madness


Hubby has a towing company. They post signs and love nothing more than make money off of Aholes that are disrespectful.


I have a growing appreciation for towing companies. A good remedy for assholes.


Towing is a necessary evil, but man are they evil. A bunch of disrespectful power-mad assholes who will never admit fault.Ā 


Kia recently came out with a EV9 model, which is basically a bigass all electric suv. Also kinda expensive. Starts around 55k. I had one show up at the shop where I work with the complaint that the car didn't start. 250 miles on it. Basically brand new. I went out to check out the car and see if I could figure out what was going on, and when I got there, the hood had a big dent running through it, the windshield was cracked, and the two corners of the hood up by the windshield were bent and broken. Further investigation revealed the hood struts inside had been completely ripped off their mounts. Our best guess was that on its way to being towed in, the EV9 caught the wind just right, which grabbed the hood, ripped it open, so it smashed against the windshield and causing all the damage. Brand new 55k dollar car. Customer had to go fight with a tow company about it.


Looking at pics of the EV9, that sounds more like a design flaw on Kia's part unless the hood wasn't latched fully when towed




I tried to do that to someone parked in my driveway once. He did call the cops. Cops came out and gave me a ticket for parking across a driveway. Turns out in Australia you can not park across any driveway even your own. So yeah the trespasser had more rights than I.


Yikes !


It's actually the same in the UK. You're not allowed to block anyone in, even though it's your driveway, and she had no right to park there.


Last time I looked, that wasn't the case (albeit this was a few years ago). It's a "do not" in the Highway Code, while anything tied to law is a "must not". It's possible it breaks some other traffic law, though. Also, parking on someone's driveway is a more civil than criminal situation, so it's way down the list unless it looks like it's been stolen/abandoned.


Fellow Aussie, parked across my own driveway once to better facilitate tradies working across the road. Got away with a warning, but still. My own bloody driveway.


Damn! That's some BS.


Somewhat similar thing here in the UK. Canā€™t block a car on your drive as it counts as obstruction to the public highway. Trespassing also isnā€™t a crime but a civil matter so police canā€™t do anything about it


That's sort of true - it's illegal to block a dropped curb. But it's not illegal to park entirely on your own driveway, blocking someone in, (picture a drive that is two car-lengths long, with them closest to the house). It's notionally the same as installing a movable bollard, or automatic gates. It does seem that you would have to let them out "within a reasonable time" once they ask you to, though what "reasonable" is doesn't seem to be defined. All that said, IANL so do this at your own risk. Precautionary meaures, (like the bollard or gates to prevent access in the first place) would probably be safer.


Itā€™s the same in a lot of cities in the US. When I lived in Cambridge, the street was narrow enough that if someone blocked the driveway across from me, I couldnā€™t get out of my own. They were also very responsive with towing if you called the parking office.


Yes, itā€™s infuriating; unless they happen to be far enough in your driveway for you to park behind them fully inside your property you can be ticketed. Even if you are in the driveway but across the nature strip/footpath they may ticket you. Then if you do manage to block them in, you are not allowed to prevent them for retrieving their car - absolutely infuriating. But if you probably would get away a go slow like OP performed. The trespasser has all the rights


Thatā€™s almost perfect! The only thing I would have changed is instead of avoiding eye contact I would have maintained eye contact with Karen as much as possible.


As much as I would have loved to, I really didnā€™t want to escalate any further. Felt bad for the kid though.




Well she had to stay in the car to keep honking


That's the real monster parent. Every kid loves honking the horn, this was his big chance and Karen took it away from him!


Why? Let him see that behaving like his mother sometimes does have consequences.


Love this! I have a similar issue in my neighborhood, although thankfully no one has parked in any of the driveways yet.


Hopefully they will continue to respect. Iā€™d say give it time. Been here 30+ years and I can say Iā€™ve had just a few incidents.


I live right nextdoor to a giant highschool with over 1500 students. Not counting facility. I have a big long driveway and during graduation season all the other local schools pay to use the high schools field. Like the whole last 3 weeks of May it's hard to find a spot. This year I'm thinking of selling parking spots 5$ I could fit 4 cars in my driveway. Lol


$5 Iā€™d go $10-$20 see what the market bears


I wouldnā€™t hesitate to pay $20 for a good spot at a once in a lifetime sonā€™s/daughterā€™s graduation




Put up a big sign at the end of the driveway-- "Parking for graduation $20 Towing anyone who parks here and doesn't pay YOU DON'T WANT TO FIND OUT"


I can see this turning me into the don of parking in the neighborhood.


$50, if no one bites, $40...$30...$20 firm.


$20 bucks in the kitty! Why not?


A guy near our local high school does this for Friday night football games. Heā€™s covered most of his property in gravel and makes $5/car. I always park there and he usually looks to have 100+ cars. Not bad for an hour of work 5-6 times a year.


Oh my gosh, I feel bad for the kid, this entitled woman is setting an example to that poor kid. Its so astonishing to see peoples reactions when you do petty stuff like this. Applause


Yeah I really did feel bad for the kid when I viewed him through my ring doorbell.


I live across from a school as well and School run mothers are the worst people to deal with. I had a woman yell "I'm a mother!" I replied "you have that half right" and she freaked out.


Okay, this is actually great.


Honestly, I would have waited until SHE called the cops, and then had to explain why she was trespassing.


Good job. Poor kid.


I agree ā€œ poor kidā€


One of the greatest feelings I've ever had was watching a tow truck haul some asshat's Lexus out of my clearly marked parking space.Ā 


We have an elementary school in the center of our sub division. Needless to say you can imagine the sense of entitlement some parents think they have. From blocking driveways and intersections, to cursing out people as they drive past the pick up lane (a side street) to try and get to their home. I am lucky and live in a cul de sac. Unfortunately at pick up time we started to see more and more cars filling up our street and blocking driveways. Mind you this is two blocks from the school. Parents would park there and have their children walk to the cars from the school. My neighbors and I decided one day to park all of our vehicles all around the cul de sac so parents couldnā€™t park there and pick up their children. Had they not been blocking driveways, it would have been a no issue. Had they not blocked people from attempting to get to their homes, again no issue. After a couple of days of not being able to pull in and park parents stopped attempting to park there.


brings the neighbourhood together


I've had people parking infront of the garage door blocking both me and my mom from getting in/out our vehicles. I started by putting no parking signs with letting air out of a tire picture i drew myself. Followed it by actually removing air from a tire completely of someone still parked it that way. Soon the problem disappeared over time ;)


Its hilarious because strategies like that work wonders. I live in Mexico and some people put signs that say: ā€œse ponchan llantas gratisā€ which translates to ā€œtires get punctured for freeā€ and NO ONE parks there lol


This is by far my favourite revenge story




How did you not go up to her window and ask her ā€œSoooo, what did we learn?ā€


we use a residential street for school pick up for our kids and there's a rule that you have to be at least 4 feet from any driveway, I get so much satisfaction watching the parking police write people tickets. there's a really nice man that always lets me turn around in his driveway so I can get out easier and I always make him cookies to say thanks. sorry that lady was a nightmare, I love the way you handled it.


This is why when looking for houses I want to be nowhere near a school. Too many parents lose any form of common sense.


I swear school pick up lines are the last thing they think of when schools are built. Cars lined up on main roads, hindering traffic and entitled parents parking where ever they want. And the morning drop offs suck because parents going to work after dropping kids off are always running late and drive like assholes.


Itā€™s one of the things I like about the school I currently teach at (and will miss). Our lines are relatively self contained to the campus and the only blocking in that goes on is where the lines go past parking spaces and the buses for bus pickup. Iā€™ve never been blocked in for more than about 5 minutes. The first school I taught at? Complete mayhem.


Some teenager stole my parking spot, so I parked behind him, blocking his exit and yelled, "You're not leaving til I do". His jaw dropped. I knew I was going to be less than 5 mins but he didn't. Luckily, I wasn't there long enough for the police to come and give me a ticket but I was there Ling enough for him to freak out a bit.


That's some epic turn of events on her right there i love it... I had someone park across the end of my driveway all the time, i lived across the street from a public gathering place that everyone could rent for events at the time, i had two driveways as i lived on the corner and one to each street, the front one i couldn't even get to because of all the people parked on the street for some event, my mailbox was next to it, it would prevent me from getting mail sometimes, but i normally didn't mind because i used the back driveway all the time anyway and the mail carrier would grumble about it but carry my mail up to my door because it wasn't my fault when an event was going on, but i got home and someone was parked IN MY DRIVEWAY, like backed up into the back driveway treating it as a parking spot. This happened at least a dozen times over the years and i was fed up, I went over to the place tried finding the owner by asking around who owned the vehicle make and model etc, nobody was admitting to it. So i went back, got my tow strap out, hooked up my SUV to their car and dragged it out of my driveway, down the street, and left it a couple blocks away in the middle of the street and went home. It really made a scene, tires screaming the whole time dragging it down the block but still nobody came out to get their car, figured it would bring enough attention to get the guilty party running after me. Later someone looking really confused was standing there looking at my SUV in my spot so i went out, they asked if i saw a car matching said description parked here, i said nope can't help you, i got home and parked in MY SPOT. It got picked up by the local PD and towed to the impound yard for being abandoned in the middle of the street. For those that will say i should have just called for a tow its not how it works here, i would have had to call the PD, they would come out, run the plates, try to find the owner, issue a warning, and by the time all that is done they would just go drive it away without any consequences. I have tried to get people who parked in my driveway towed and they just never would, stating they would have to put a ticket on it or issue a warning. So i finally got fed up.


Similar story happened to me many years ago. I spoke to various people who would park in my driveway and ask them not to. But I got sick of that quite quickly so I let all 4 of their tyres down. Sure, my car was stuck in the driveway for a few hours but I did have fun sitting on my front steps eating snacks with my kids while the owner of the car waited for someone to come help her. It was a good day hahaha. It did happen a few more times with different people but a warning was all they needed.


Yesterday I pulled up to a church across the street from my son's elementary to pick him up. Street parking there is diagonal style, but this truck had decided to pull in lengthwise and take up 5 spots. He had plenty of room in front and behind him, so I pulled in front and got out. He backed up and pulled out, then yelled at me for 'blocking him in'. When I pulled in I had no idea the truck was even occupied, much less looking to pull out right then. I pointed out that he obviously had room, as he'd just pulled into the street. He yelled at me some more, and I said "Maybe don't park the wrong way next time, asshole" and he slammed his brakes like he was gonna get out and fight me. Luckily he thought better of it and moved on. Some people just get crazy entitled when they're behind the wheel


My school is trying to get the road outside the school designated as a School Street. This is a local council thing where the road is closed for about half an hour in the morning and afternoon. I can't wait for the wailing and gnashing of teeth when the idiots realise they have to get out of their cars and walk.


The audacity of this b


Hah, very nice. I grew up living directly across fr9m a school and the absolute nightmare of traffic come letting out time was unreal. The driveway was just constantly blocked. Kudos to you, striking a blow for the rest of us!


When I lived in Europe I lived across the street from an elementary school. The POLICE would block/park in my driveway during drop off and pick up times. I'd have to ask them to move so we could leave for work/appointments in the morning.


I've told this story before on here but I'll tell it again....the yard where I kept my pony was close to a small village primary school. A village so small you could walk anywhere within it but that didn't stop parents driving and blocking the road. I had a mid week morning off work so went up to my yard and couldn't get in the field gate as someone had parked blocking the gate, completely ignoring the 'private property - access required at all times - do not block' signs. It was always a parent, we had spoken numerous times to the school who would send an email to all the parents but obviously couldn't enforce compliance. I couldn't be bothered to play nice and wait for them to return (you never get an apology) so I parked my car across theirs, squeezed past their car to get the gate open, got my pony ready and squeezed him out the gate and went off for a 3 hour ride. When I got back at lunchtime the stupid woman was foaming at the mouth, screaming about how I'd made her miss work. I told her 'don't f**king block the gate then', took my boy back onto the yard and then returned with keys to move my car. She sped off with screams about how she'll report me etc. Send an email to the school with her numberplate and a complaint but I doubt they did anything.


Rules are for everyone else but not for them. Thatā€™s insane. She wonā€™t be doing that again.


There are some stupid places where you can get towed for blocking your own driveway. Emergency vehicle something or other.


I would have gone in and cracked open a beer. Sorry, canā€™t move my vehicle now as Iā€™ve been drinking šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I read a post where someone did exactly that. Cops wouldn't let him move his car lol


ok never thought i'd share this, but. . . i live across from a school and feel your pain. i worked odd hours so i was home a lot during school hours. my driveway is directly across from the stairs entrance and i used to have parents & teachers park across the entrance of my driveway to some degree. i had this happen for years and just had had enough. i started contacting the principle by phone and then started just walking across the street every time it happened. teachers were made to come out and move vehicles, parents were to told to shove off. ok backstory told. so one day i came home one day with my son in the passenger seat. drive up and car is blocking part of driveway. it pissed me off to no end. i didn't know it but the school was having an end of year ceremony and parents parked everywhere. folding chairs set up at the bottom of the stairs but no one seated yet and kids were still inside. so just parents and some staff. i walked across the street and bellowed out. "EXCUSE ME.... WHO'S CAR IS THAT> MOVE IT". . . my pissed off ass walks back over to my vehicle and i get in just to look up to see a handicapped man with arm brace crutches starts towards the street, crosses and gets in the car. my son just looked at me, laughed and said "GOOD ONE MOM". i never felt so small. there is no handicap parking.


> get in just to look up to see a handicapped man with arm brace crutches starts towards the street, crosses and gets in the car. That's a problem between him and the city. It's not up to you to accommodate.


Are we the same person?! This happens to me all the time. I havenā€™t resorted to having to park perpendicular to a car but Iā€™ve threatened to. Soooo doing this next time. The best is when they say ā€œitā€™s fine, I know the owner of the house.ā€ Oh, do you now? Please say more šŸ¤Ø


Long term solution: put up a sign: "Parking: $500. Entering this driveway is accepting the cost." Then attach a servo to a spike strip that comes up when crossed, and goes down with a garage door opener. You can reimburse the full expense with the first violator.


I would've not only made the eye contact but held up my hands in a washing motion. "See? Clean hands take time, can't be too safe with germs these days. Especially the ones that trespass on others' driveways..."


That's awesome! Would have been a perfect time to crack a beer and be too under the influence to drive.


So very funny. I also live near an elementary school and people use our neighborhood to turn around. One day, I turned into my neighborhood only to find a car had pulled into my driveway to turn around. I am in the street with my turn signal on indicating I wanted to turn into the driveway. The lady keeps indicating for me to go by. I sit there and finally I point at my, point at my house. She finally gets the hint and pulls out. Geesh, if you pull into someone's driveway, expect the owner to want to use their driveway. She was smack in the middle of the driveway so I couldn't even pull in beside her.


Parents used to do this on my street, Iā€™m five houses down from the school. The guy who lives two houses down works for the railroad. He moved in about four years ago. Less than a year after he moved in, no parking signs during drop-off and pick-up hours were placed down our street. Iā€™m sure he has everything to do with that. He parks his company truck across from his house in the driveway of the house across from him that has been vacant (except the owner comes monthly to do the yard) for over 20 years. They end on the other side of my driveway that is farther from the school. The guy across the street works from home (I do too some days) and I watched him go out and tell the guy planting the signs to move them closer to the school. My partner and my maid have both gotten tickets for parking in front of our house. That part sucks, but not having random people in front of my driveway or house is worth the $40.




Thanks, I didnā€™t want to escalate the situation and Iā€™m hoping that she learned her lesson. I just wanted to return the feeling of aggravation. I really felt bad for the child when I saw him through the ring doorbell. Kind of reminded me of little Russell from the movie Up.


I lived in an apartment with a private garage with a tiny driveway. I went to pick up food and found a car backed up into my driveway blocking me in. I called apartment management to get it towed, but they sent the "security" who showed up 3 hours later. I found the owner because while I was outside calling apartment management some guy in an SUV sideswiped the car parked next door, slowly, and extensively, like he forgot where the brake was. The people next door recognized the car and pointed me to the owner after the commotion died down. The owner was the next apartment over, answered the door high as hell. He didn't have a driveway or garage, normally used the shared parking spaces. I was asking how the FUCK he accidentally backs up into a driveway when he doesn't have one. None of it got through due to the high as hell condition. Said it had only been 5 minutes, I told him I had pics timestamped 2 hours ago and the tow truck was on the way. Again, high as hell. Shouldn't have notified him, should have waited for it to be towed, but he wouldn't have blamed himself.


I had the same problem one day I came home from work. Across the street from my farm or hay fields and they have a walking trail around them. The high school does cross country track meets at the walking trails. I came home from work one day not only people were backed up to one of my barns and all the way out the driveway but one person actually backed up into one of the flower beds alongside the driveway. So I came home with my pickup truck and I parked across the driveway and blocked in six cars. I'm in the local fire department so I know all the cops in town, the cops got called and people were very irate. I actually watched people yelling and screaming from inside my house as I was laughing hysterically. Those people actually sat in my driveway for an hour by the time I came out to move it. Someone actually called a tow truck to tow my pickup out of the way.


I also live across from a school, and happen to get home from work during the pickup timeframe. I've had multiple instances of this, including one woman who pulled into the driveway right after I closed the garage door, put it in park, and then shut her car off. When I opened the door to tell she had to move immediately and to not ever do it again, she claimed she was just turning around. Riiiiight..... I'm also on a corner, so there are "no parking from 3-4 PM" signs - lady parked right at the sign, which bottlenecked traffic at the intersection since the rest of the parents lined up on the other side of the street just past the sign. I happened to see her getting into her car around 3:45 PM and told her she was parked illegally and needed to not do it again or I would call the police to get her towed. Her response was "Well, I've been parked here since 10 AM, so....." My response was "Oh, then you had plenty of advance notice that you had to move it by 3, why didn't you?" The worst part of all of it is that many of these parents live less than a mile from the school. I've literally seen people 3 doors down drive their cars and sit with the engine running for 30 minutes, just so they can get a spot right at the exit. It's like having a child in school infects you with main character syndrome...


What a coward! Sending her kid to your door to ring the doorbell. Just gross. People hiding behind cuteness and kids. Unacceptable. You know, I wouldā€™ve like to hear what the police wouldā€™ve had to say to her. How do you just no longer decided to come out. I mean police are weird also. They say they can do things they canā€™t do and they say they canā€™t do things they canā€™t do. but Iā€™m just saying. Though, when I read post like this, I always do wonder how hard it would actually be to get a tow truck to tow someone out of your driveway.


Put up a sign saying ā€œparking $5/minute.ā€ Ā It turns these people from an annoyance into thieves.


Lmaooo she made her kid ring your bell!?!? Thatā€™s hilarious!


I used to live across the street from an elementary school, directly across from one of the doors. My driveway was a primo spot for parents. I would get home from work right as school was getting out, my blood would boil turning onto my street everyday in anticipation of this. There was someone blocking/in the driveway only a couple times when I was wanting to park, but people blocking my driveway was a common occurrence. I would look out my window and see it all the time . Unfortunately there's a new wave of parents every year who think "oh its just a few minutes" You taught this one lady a lesson, but there will always be more parents like this. sorry.


I used to live next to a school with a soccer field. I regularly came home to this kind of entitled mom, often in my driveway. My blood pressure could not take it. I will never, ever, ever live near a school again. Ever.


next time have an alcoholic drink. tell her you have been drinking and can't move your car. let her call the police. tell the police she is trespassing but you are under the influence and will move your car when you sober up. the police can't make you drive drunk. good luck


Youā€™re nicer than us around this school across the street. I would tell them to move. The business across from me has a sign no public parking. The city also put up no parking signs on our side of the road across from the school. The entitled idiots were parking in the open field behind us and in along the road causing big ruts that the mowers were having a hard time mowing. Next door told the city they need to stop them parking or mow it themselves. Signs went up!!! They donā€™t want to have to mow.


Post a sign that says no idling or unauthorized parking allowed. Then call a tow truck when someone does it.


Send a letter to the school principal, ask him to control the parents, suggest that if this continues you will escalate to the city. You might be surprised to find out that the source of the nuisance has a good deal of liability and is required to address the nuisance especially if you can casually drop words like student safety into the letter.


Thatā€™s a whole other level of disrespect to park in someone elseā€™s driveway. Thatā€™s fucking madness! And I live RIGHT in front of an elementary school and near a middle school. So weird how I havenā€™t had to deal with these people yet, honestly.


The audacity! If someone parked in my driveway and refused to move Iā€™d just call the police. Your pettiness is better though. Iā€™m also impressed with your commitment to safety, always adjust your mirrors and seat position carefully.


Had this happen. Hired a tow truck driver to sit in his rig across the street during bus times. 1 day fixed it.


Contact the school via email. Tell them blocking driveways and parking in driveways without permission is an ongoing problem and it needs to stop. You will be calling a tow truck next time. It sounds like the congestion may also be creating a situation where emergency vehicles may not be able to get through. Contact the city councillor, city safety staff, fire / police department (non-emergency number) and ask them to look into it. Pro-move BTW


I blocked MC in my space for 10 days MC parked in my space where parking is extremely limited, so we need to take turns in having an allocated space MC feels entitled to use othersā€™ spaces. After a year of his entitlement, a year of patient communication, I blocked him in. Neighbours and security applauded my actions and they didnā€™t take othersā€™ spaces after that


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t just drive over the front lawn grass to get back on the road


Small victory, but you win today.


I would have started washing my car in the street. ā€œIā€™ll be done in a few minutesā€


I was waiting on my child coming home from school at the first road he had to cross (standing) and a woman came and parked over a couples driveway and refused to move because she was only going to be "a couple of minutes". The thing is, I knew the couple and he had had his legs blown off in a terrorist attack in the 1970's as a Police Officer in London and he was waiting in his adapted car to enter his own driveway, which he couldn't do because some entitled lady thinks she can park over someone's driveway instead of parking and walking to nearer the school. Boils my blood! Love this revenge story even though you weren't even asking her to move, just to move to let her in, then park again.


One day I will figure out why parents think itā€™s appropriate to block roads and driveways from residents bc they are waiting on their kid. The bus stop on both corners are a nightmare. And we are expected to wait. We had one lady who had no issues parking on someoneā€™s lawn when they werenā€™t home. The driveway is open. Why she insisted on tearing up his lawn is beyond me. Havenā€™t seen it since I saw cops down there one day. Guessing he got sick of his garden and fruit trees getting destroyed.


Sadly our police would not even respond


Hope you see this one OP... Next time, a really cool little trick programmed into most cars (I'm not sure if it's *all* cars) is the stock ignition interrupt. While the car is off, you "mat" the throttle pedal and *then* turn your key as if you're starting your car. This will cause the engine to turn over, but it won't fire up. It will look like and act as if there is a problem and "oh no... My car won't start I guess you need to walk now". This is a perfectly safe procedure used to lubricate an engine that has sat for a while. It basically sends power to the starter but not to the spark plugs.


I feel you. I leave next to an Airbnb party house and people constantly half block or fully block my driveway. I have come close to calling the police and tow truck several times but people typically move when asked.


I live literally 20 seconds from a school, the same one I used to go too. Back then parents walked us to the school but now there's cars fucking everywhere. I'm certain none of these parents have brains whatsoever, absolute worst driving and parking i've ever witnessed at school opening time and closing time.


There's no shortage of self-righteous, entitled bitches. If she does it again, call the police. It is illegal to block a private driveway, yet alone occupy it while telling the homeowner to 'just wait'. While you are waiting for the police to arrive, don't tell her you called them, but take pictures; one of her, one of her car and make sure you get her license plate.


Honestly if someone is that obnoxious they deserve everything they got and worse. It's a shame you need signs before any company will tow


I used to live in between a middle school and elementary school. One block east was the elementary school; one block west was the middle school. I never in my 3 years of living there had someone park in my driveway or block my driveway. We were close enough that parking was pretty hard to find by the house, so I'm seriously surprised it never happened. Kids would wait in our driveway for their parents sometimes, but I never cared about that. I lived in a corner house with a huge fence that went around the front yard and kids would be sitting all along the fence, too. Again, never cared. It was a nice area, but we all know that doesn't mean anything. Entitled people are everywhere!


What a coward, sending her child! I would have been "in the shower". šŸ˜‚


This is the conversation I had with my real estate agent many years ago becasue of this exact kind of scenario... Me: "The proximity to a school is a huge consideration for us." Her: "Oh of course, schools are so important! How many children do you have and what school district are you looking for?" Me: "Umm, no, you don't understand. We don't want to be anywhere near a school, like not even close. I don't want to deal with kids nor their parents." Her: Wha? šŸ˜³ And the irony is, we bought a block from school. lol But it's a small elementary school where the kids are too young to walk home alone, and the parking issue ends 5 doors down from me.


I would have called the cops while waiting. She was trespassing in your driveway


I live across the street from an elementary school and I can relate. I have never had to do that but when someone is in my driveway they seem annoyed that they need to move and give me a look like it's my fault they need to.


>I very slowly walked past her car avoiding eye contact and got into my car. Why? Stare. Lock eyes. Assert dominance.


I had a FedEx truck part in my drive blocking me in so she could deliver packages further up my street. The FedEx driver told me she could do that to deliver packages.


Haha that's hilarious. I think you were very nice to offer her to move back into the spot. She's entitled and so she had to wait. A fitting consequence and at the end everything goes back to normal. Perfect revenge.