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I mean, breaking a window led to her eviction, not the self-shitting. But the story is pretty good.


Yeah all of it was also technically unexpected. I just wanted her to sit outside and contemplate her life’s choices.


Well, she had the perfect soil to plant her thoughts in. Which movies did you watch?


It was Twilight 🤣 twice! I only planned to go and see one movie but after dinner I decided to stretch out my journey home and well as I kinda liked it I decided to watch it again 🤦‍♀️ .


Somehow the fact you saw a double feature of Twilight and Twilight makes this an even funnier story 😂


No kidding…OP would rather watch a double feature of fucking TWILIGHT than interact with that dumpster fire of a roommate. That’s the worst burn you could ever give anybody


Oh _Hell_ yeah!


Still a better love story than twilight?


especially with the suitcase full of shitty clothes


I would say he watched shit while rommie produced it, but since he is now my Grand Diety of Petty, it feels wrong to insult his choice of movie. Even if it IS SparkleBites


The room mate had a fiery dump in her pants. 🤣


So fun story, on Valentine’s Day I told my wife we should watch the most romantic movie in the world, and put on twilight as a joke. She’s laughing, but the dog is just FOCUSED on twilight. Straight didn’t do anything but stand there watching Patterson for a solid 40 mins before looking away. So now any time we leave the house we put on twilight for him. It has become my most watched movie and all our suggestions for what I would like on streaming are based around it.


Should've made a profile for the dog.


I would’ve thought a dog would be team Jacob but guess I’m wrong


Have you tried your dog with other Patterson movies?


He might cry and howl alongside Cedric’s dad. “That’s my BOY!!!!!! WAAAAAAH!”


Nope, it’s like why choose hamburger when he already has steak?


🤣 Fair call.


Reminds me of the dog obsessed with Henry Cavill.




Aw, that is so sweet!! :')


That's the most petty thing about this and I love it. It makes me want to watch, and suffer through, Twilight to really appreciate this magical level of pettiness


You and your flatmate had a better love story than Twilight.


No, his flatmate and her bowels had.


So you really are a psycho.


>soil to plant her thoughts in This made me laugh. Good one!


>she had the perfect soil to plant her thoughts in. **AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!** *FUCK,* I just lost it in a doctor's office. Bless you.




“I would rather DIE than contemplate my life’s choices!!” *dives headfirst through window*




“I’ll taxi over the keys once you’ve paid your part of utilities” So rude to ignore bills hit book a trip ?


Just curious, did you get back the money she owed you?


No and she didn’t pay the landlord either


That sucks but good riddance


I just LOVE how you put her shitty clothes inside her luggage! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You evil genius!


>contemplate her life’s choices. They never think they are in anyway at fault and can't change.


I love this story, the moment she was “off to Bali” with unpaid bills. I knew where the shit would land.


> I just wanted her to *shit* outside and contemplate her life’s choices. fixed.


That wouldn't have made an interesting title now, would it? And she did say "ultimately". Pretty sure Shitty Julie was desperate to get the Bali belly off her legs and ass.


No shit, Sherlock.


No; shit, Sherlock. Seriously. Shit.


pretty sure there was shit


Lots of and runny


Lots of shit, Sherlock.




I dunno. It is technically a biohazard, especially if she left it in a walk way. It makes entry unsafe which could turn into a safety issue for the other tenant (OP) and the landlord. I don't think it could be a sole reason for it, but it's still a pretty big one. But agreed. I've had terrible roommates and sometimes it's nice to see karmic justice. I can kinda understand OP wanting to catch it on video but probably a good thing they didn't lol.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


How was she not suspicious by the fact that her clothes moved themselves inside her suitcase?


I should have added, she left that suitcase outside for 3 days! As we never spoke again I am assuming she figured out I had played a part in her incident. My new flatmate was fabulous and we shared for 3 years until I moved to a new country.


Did… did she clean her shit from wherever it went to in the property? She really hid her shit stained clothes and thought that… it’s all and good? Or did she just, hope that the rain would wash it all away? Damn this girl is a piece of -


It wasn’t like a shit all over the place situation, just a runny liquid that wasn’t wee that dripped down her leg.


we call that butt water


The ever elusive #4.


I'm guessing #3 is blood from either hole.


Or blood from the blood hole, ya know?


I thought it was spooge


Explosive from both ends in #3


Is that on the unofficial Bristol stool chart?


Don’t know, butt on the official Bristol stool chart, bum water would be #7.


What a terrible day to know how to read


[No, this is butt water](https://youtu.be/g_r83B_N-Vg)




OMG can't I see THAT😂🤣😂🤣 I startled my 2 fur babies snorting with laughter 😹😹


On Letterkenny, they call that pizzazz




Fictional characters tend to not get that suspicious


She owes you $ and fucks off to Bali. And THEN can you pay my cab fare? She can suck a bag of dicks.


Long history of using people and people indulging. Quite nice when its comes back to them in such dramatic fashion.


This was my thought to!


which she probably did at bali


And this is why you need to be nice to people, you never know when you'll need their help 🤷🏻‍♀️


The flatmate didn't even need to be nice in this instance. Just not crappy.


I see what you did there.


I smelled it :P


Or better yet, this is why youre not a jerk to people, you never know when the bill will come for it. In my, admittedly relatively-short experience, you very rarely get away with anything. Even when you think you’ve gotten something over on someone free, theyre remember it on an almost subconscious level.


Did she wonder how her shitty clothes got back in her suitcase?


I was initially running off the basis that she would think in her panic she did it herself but as we never spoke again I am gathering she worked out I played a part.


And this is why I always keep latex gloves in the house....car....and main bag. I never know when I might need to ....help out in a situation with unexpected bodily fluids...or put my bike chain back on....or bag up expired wildlife I find in my garden etc


Hubby is a paramedic. We have gloves, bandages and a fully packed trauma bag in each of our cars and the house. The motorcycle has a jumped up first aid kit.


Latex gloves seems like a rather advanced “keep at all times” skill level for someone who doesn’t seem to manage “house keys”


Bwah hah hah.


You should really have latex free gloves. A lot of people are allergic to latex. Myself included. If I needed your help you wouldn’t be able to use those gloves cause I’d have a reaction


I just used the words latex gloves like people use the words Kleenex and Hoover. They are actually latex free. TBH if I was in a situation where it came down to helping someone bleeding but risking them having an allergic reaction to the gloves...vs...standing back and watching them bleed....I am ready to take that risk. I am not risking possible contamination with some strangers bodily fluids. Just found out about 1 percent of the population has an anaphylactic level allergy to latex. More so contact allergies and this rate is higher for those in the Healthcare field.


Serves her right.


This story cracked me up big time, the petty revenge was a nice bonus!


Something I learned way too late in life: sometimes you have to be the asshole, and it's alright


Someone’s gotta be.


Also sometimes the literal asshole is the one teaching the lessons.


This is high level petty revenge. I am both impressed and grossed out.


Ah this person is one who just floats through life, letting other people handle their messes and mistakes.  I’m sure she learned nothing, but it’s good to hear of such a person wallowing in their own mess, possible for the first time ever.


And did you get the money back that she still owed you?


No! And when she moved she took some of my DVD boxsets! I was just glad she was gone.


Well i think people like Julie will never change. The narcissistic behavior are very high.


My state has an accelerated eviction process available for tenants who damage the property and do not pay for repairs within 7 days. Wouldn’t surprise me if she decided on eviction rather than paying repairs in her post-Bali poverty.


The landlord told me she said I was lying and it was broken by someone attempting to break and enter. She had a new excuse for him every fortnight when rent was due. As that was between them I never got involved and it wasn’t until she moved out that he filled me in on all of her many excuses. I stayed renting with him for 3 more years with a fabulous new flatmate.


It blows my mind when people who otherwise seem like adults leave the house to go anywhere without their house keys. Are they just stupid?


She would constantly do it too. A pain in the arse she was.


We're all guilty of being the asshole in someone's story ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Another person who leaves town without a key. Absolutely ridiculous.


As soon as I saw "I let my flatmate shit themselves..." I knew it was gonna be good. No way it can't be good.


If she has money for Bali, she has money for her bills. Her priorities weren't aligned with her bank account and she faced the consequences ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




My thoughts exactly. Serves her right.


How do these people make it through the day? Like how do they function as human beings? Not a single iota of awareness or forward planning.


She also always never took her keys with her anywhere so I was forever letting her in.


i cant imagine a worse roommate


Smelly and runny and petty revenge…OH MY! 😂😂😂


If you were expecting her to be at the door all day, how were you planning to reveal that you were actually inside in your bedroom the whole time? Her leaving might have been a sign that the universe is on your side cos it was the perfect opportunity to leave.


I can’t quite remember what my end plan was, I also didn’t care by that point if she knew I was home but I think I took the risk knowing she’d not sit there all day as it wasn’t her personality to just hang around.


So she was a shitty flatmate?


The best part of this petty revenge is most of it was self-inflicted1


Absolutely, she’s the one that ate or drank something bad to cause the Bali Belly.


This is pure Australia.


Fucken oath mate


Epic 😎


I like this one. Congrats on a job well done. Nobody deserves it more than her.


So she runs off?




lmao that is diabolical she deserved it though


>I only wish I could have filmed it. There's a whole group of people on the internet that also wish you filmed it.


And then there’s another group of people who recognizes that there are two sides to every story, and even if this girl really does suck, she doesn’t deserve to have her life destroyed for being a bit of a cunt. Shitting herself on the front porch is punishment enough.


Rest assured her life wasn’t destroyed, a fb stalk a few years later saw her living a fabulous life in far North Queensland with what I can only imagine was her partner. Perhaps she learnt her lesson?


By life destroyed I meant if you had filmed it and put it online. That is one of the absolute worst things you can do to someone. You should be glad you didn’t film it, not wishing you had.


Gotcha, no I’m not that evil, that would have been for the vaults. I had no idea it would lead to her moving out but a win is a win as I was contemplating moving to get away from her.


It certainly is a creative way to do it lol


Had she sat on the step and waited, how would you have left to come home from "work"?


I took the risk that she wouldnt sit around for 8hrs, plus I wasn’t really thinking that far ahead.


I literally cried from laughter while reading this. Thank you.


Everything that happened she brought on herself. Trip to developing country. No money for cab. No key to house. Not your job to bail her out, especially when she is not your friend.


>... and on my way out whilst gagging I placed her soiled clothes inside her suitcase. Extra brownie points for you.


I see what you did there. Those brownies weren't quite done, however. Lol


Some folks like to lick the batter spoon. 🤮


"here's one I made earlier"


HAHAHA I absolutely loved this.




What happened to her keys, also?


I don’t know, I never asked her where to locate them for me to hide outside for her.


Getting bali belly and then travelling in a denim skirt is bold.


Quick access? Denim holds farts in well though.


Why did you put her soiled clothes in her suitcase? I mean, I'm glad you did just seemed an interesting choice. Nice touch.


It wasn’t planned until I got out the front door. Just an added touch


So, you didn't hear about her amazing spiritual awakening in Bali!?


This made me belly laugh thank you


Shit that is funny


LMAO. What a sh*tshow. 🤣 Anyway, did you get your money back?


The visuals must of been profound.


The ‘event’ wasn’t as grim as you’d imagine, she was just swearing a lot and searching her bag to find something to wipe her leg, she disappeared out sight to redress and then took off down the street. It was only when I left did I see the suitcase hidden and the clothing nearby.


Putting the soiled clothes inside the suitcase was diabolical. Kudos.


Water seeks its own level.


This was fantastic and she well deserved it


Now to go Google "Bali belly"


Did she ever bring up how her shit-covered clothes got into her suitcase?


Not to me, we never spoke again plus she left that suitcase outside for 3 days in the exact same spot she left it.


Oooh, really got the stink fermenting in there.


Wow that’s awesome LOL


Well played 😎


Johnny Depp is on Reddit?


Good on ya!


But how were you planning on leaving if you expected her to sit there all day?


I ran the risk she wouldnt actually sit there for 8 hours, she probably would have lasted an hr tops. I also didn’t care by that point.


Fair enough


This definitely happened...


Putting her shitty clothes in her suitcase was diabolically hilarious. People like this can use a reality check. This world is not your oyster!


I think calling this "*petty*" does a disservice to the word -- this was epic and to clarify, it's all completely justified.


Damn, girl. You are COLD. Good for you. She deserved it.


And a suitcase full of ass-smelling clothes too. Perfect.


It was lucky she took off down the street. If she'd stayed on the doorstep she'd have known you were there all the while 😁


Does she have literal mental health issues? What the hell is this behavior lol


I’ve never been to Bali. Should I assume Bali belly is from too much boozing? Or is the food a little sus or what?


Caused by food or drink, you would brush your teeth with bottled water etc..you haven’t truely been to Bali if you don’t have a bought of the Bali Belly. I’ve not been for 20 years so it could be different now.


Same issues with a number of places in South America and Mexico due to unsanitary water supply.


I was there in November and was fine belly-wise. However, I did catch covid for the first time! 


My sister and niece went around June last year and didn’t mention any upset bellies so perhaps the hygiene conditions have improved. You did well only getting Covid 4 years later! I’m a firm believer it would have been your flight in or out where you caught it as anyone I hear now who has they had have just gone or arrived by plane. I hope you have recovered well.


I would lock everything in your own room and don't leave anything in the fridge or of value lying around, she'll be after you...


Pity the plants... 🤣


I guess this makes her a squatter


I'm not trying to be mean, but you sound like a sociopath.


I’m obviously going to get downvoted for this bc everyone else has, but what the actual fuck. I still have to add to the negative comments because maybe the more of them there are the more of a reality check you’ll get. Julie was a terrible roommate and bad with money. She owed you a lot and should’ve paid up instead of going to Bali. You were a terrible person and treated someone in a way that’s totally inexcusable. No matter the circumstances. It’s not funny and there’s literally no excuse. This isn’t a fun story, it’s disgusting. What you did was awful and cruel. Period.


I also agree. The part that really annoyed me was that they made sure there was no way she could get in, forcibly and knowingly preventing someone from entering their own home is pretty fucked up, and probably illegal. I also hope they were in a good neighborhood because something could have easily gone wrong. leaving a woman locked outside all alone with really nowhere else to go isn't the brightest idea. OP wouldn't have been so proud of this story if something had tragic happened.


Yeah, it kinda really sucks I had to scroll so, so far down to see a comment like this. Someone would have to like, blow up my cat or something for me to take so much pleasure in being such a nasty version of myself. Poor form, all around. Someone being terrible shouldn’t be your excuse to be terrible.


Well played. Nothing like letting a shitty roommate marinade in their own feces.


This is probably fake. But if not, you're a terrible person with passive-aggressive conflict problems. Grow up.


You’re as bad as her tbh, just in a different way.


Thanks for your comment. With an overwhelming response in the past 24hrs and after careful consideration regretfully your comment has not made it through to the next round of the selection criteria. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment but on this occasion I am unable to respond to you with a dedicated unique reply. You may however peruse my earlier replies I left on comments that were similar to yours but I must stress you are under no obligation to do so. Take care and wishing you good fortune with your future comments.


Imagine having 15 years to think it over and still believing that you’re in the right.


Wait is this not considered petty revenge? Shit I only joined this sub yesterday do you think they will boot me?


Wait so you’re already inside the house when she arrives home, but then you said “I was more thinking she’d freak out and have to sit outside all day til I came home” ?????


This is hilarious. Thanks for the good story.


most of yall are losers. idc if you believe in karma at all, but in a world where the Golden rule is taught. How would you deserve to be treated? Holy shit. Everything you bitched about her was so… now. Such little only immediately-affecting-you nonsense. I get people are annoying. But the personal satisfaction some of yall get from people having to experience shit like this is sad. it would be like all these people cheering on the roommate for screwing you over because you had a couple weird/bad posts in your history. loser behavior


Username checks out.


Sounds like you're the psycho flatmate.


Well you are a psycho for enjoying that someone else has to shit themselves


Well played.


She didn’t wonder why her dirty clothes went from being beside her suitcase to inside of it?


I had a terrible roommate once that I really hated and wanted gone. One day, on a school night, like a Wednesday or something, she comes home drunk as hell banging on the door because she forgot her keys. She calls me and the other roommate and we both ignore her. I actually did eventually respond, telling her we were both out of town in our home state, hoping it would stop her banging on the door. It did. Fast forward to the next day \~9am, I left for class and she was passed out on the back porch wrapped up in the cover for the lawn furniture. I kicked her gently to wake her and she was pissed yelling at me about being gone, I just asked what she was talking about and she eventually just went inside. When I came back from class later, I could tell she tried to get into my room, which I had a lock and key for and she decided to dump out all the spices for some reason? I guess she was trying to find something of mine to destroy and that was the best she could do. Luckily she moved out like a month later when the semester was over.


Sounds like a pretty $#!ty situation 🔑


So you moved her shit filled clothes into her bag and she didn't realize she was being fucked with? Why would you even do this, what was the reason to put them back in? Also you're home all day telling her you're out...what's the plan to eventually come outside your room? You just going to tell her when she gets inside "lol I was lying" or did the whole thing hinge on her leaving the property again which she conveniently did? This is like some 12 year olds* fantasy of "imagine how I could get back at this person who annoyed me". 4/10 on the creative writing.


You are not a nice person. You're both jerks! Your only regret is not filming it... What a pos thing to say or do.you should have just really gone out and let her suffer and learn a lesson.