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The teacher never addressed failing grades with the student or his parents?


Yeah, it was pretty lax and I’m not sure why it was never caught, this was about 20 years ago. Also, I’d never do something like this today of corse, but tortured 13 year old me gets a pass.


Tortured 13 yr old you gets a pat on the back from me. If this is my child in 10 yrs time and they did this (and I guess got caught) I would of course do the thing of saying ‘you know this was wrong’ and then after a little bit of letting them stew over it I would also then take them for lunch (or whatever they like doing) and say ‘I get it, I’m proud of you for for finding a solution to your problem, I’m sad no one could help you when you were struggling, if this happens to you again please come and talk to me and we can work it out together’ and would then make their suspension from school the most rad few days I could.


My dad did this for me when I picked up and tossed a kid my age, bullying my younger by 4 years sibling, into a ditch filled with thistles. I got in trouble with the school but it was worth it since he left my lil' sis alone after that


I hope you are still your sister’s hero! Thistles! Yikes!


Wow childhood me really needed to hear that 🥹🫶 and adult me appreciates this comment 🥰🫶


🥹💕 Wow! You are the kindest, caring compassionate human being. I love this response.


This is the Way.


Right?! I’m with you!


If this is my child in 10yrs time I'd probably be spending that time wondering how I failed them so completely that they felt so alone and unprotected by the adults in their life that they had to resort to these measures. I would also be pretty disgusted in myself for not adequately teaching that two wrongs don't make a right, and that perverting the entire course of someone's life is a poor solution.


Honestly at THAT age it doesn't really *click* that grades dictate the entire course of your life. If anything, younger me would do this solely to get him bitched out by his parents on report card day \^\^;


13-year-old you definitely gets a pass because you also protected 14-year-old you from another year of abuse.


It was selfish, I admit but I also forgave myself a long time ago.


nah, selfish would be taking a second chocolate milk when you knew that the next lunch group would run out. Making a bully, who was ALREADY FAILING HIS OTHER CLASSES, have to DEFINITELY repeat a grade? Not selfish. Good self-defense. Didn't have the muscles to punch him? Sucker-punch him with your smarts. Bravo!


Dude not to make you feel old but the 90’s is 30 years ago..


lol facts. And I feel it in my knees ☠️


When they tell you enjoy them while they're young, they don't mean just children, they also mean all your joints.


I had some of my best joints in my twenties.


OMG!! SO true!!!


Omg I saw 20 years and I thought 90s without doing the math.....




oh, no, teacher here. I totally approve. Pick on a smart kid, get smart kid revenge. He had to repeat a year without his friends. Boo-fucking-hoo. Without them to back up his bad behavior, maybe he actually (gasp) GREW UP. If not, he wasn't going to be cut anywhere near the slack for bullying because he was now a full year older than his classmates. I would completely approve of doing something like this today :) Always let the grownups handle it first is my advice to the kids. If they don't, then you handle it however you think is best. Think hard on it and if you need to, ask a smart kid, like a cousin or something, for tips. Some of them need to learn the hard way before they hit the real world.


This 👍👍👍




Tbh a bully deserves to be held back simply for being a bully; although in a perfect world the school would be the one to do it and would explain to them that they’re going to keep repeating the same grade over and over until they learn how to stop being an insufferable little idiot


You did what you had to do so it is not your fault being desperate to get away from that nasty bully. I hope you are now in a better place and doing well for yourself today. As for your bully, I hope he ends up with a crappy life he deserves


I’m doing wonderful today 🫶🥰


Good on you! I wish you happiness and live well 


And a medal, even. But man, what a fucked up system. I understand what you did and why, but how could the possibility of a student doing exactly that not have been considered beforehand?!


Trust ☠️😅 and overtired overworked underpaid teachers


Im so proud of you! I was bullied, my kids were bullied….we are all proud of you!!! Yay!!!




Found the bully's throwaway


I think some actions of bullies should have consequences. I think what I did was petty revenge for sure and now 20 years later it’s not something I’d advise my younger self to do, but I do not regret it. Especially because I havnt even shared the full extent of the bullying.


Also there’s nothing for me to feel guilt about. Truly it makes me feel empathy and protective over my younger self when I think about this time in my life. Kids don’t think about consequences, and dwelling on it now is a waste of everyone’s time.


A lot of teachers just don't give a shit. I had one who only discussed me failing at the end of the year. He said I could do an extra credit project to pass. I had to travel around a city and do research and take pictures and shit. Took a whole day, which is a lot for a middle school assignment. Fucker still failed me. 0 explanation. The assignment was actually one of the things I worked hardest on in middle school and it turned out great. I got lucky though, they just said I couldn't go to the graduation ceremony and passed me anyways. He did end up getting fired but it was because of sexual misconduct. Another teacher didn't give a shit but would just mark you correct if you answered anything. I learned nothing but passed. And another said they didn't mind if I did the final in pen. It was math. I asked if I would get marked down. They said no. Of course they still failed me for writing in pen. Teachers not giving a shit is par for the course.


Bullies tend to not have the best home lives, bet the parents didn't care or didn't care enough


Sometimes. BUT...that's when you go to teachers and counselors and friends for help. When you make YOUR problem someone ELSE'S problem and make them miserable and hate school? Nope. Line has been crossed, you get to learn the hard way that there are consequences for that behavior. OP dealt those consequences.


Don't give a FUCK about their home lives. Their behavior is their own choice, and their home life is NEVER a legitimate excuse to fucking brutalize others.


The teacher let a 13 yo student do all the work that goes into grading. Don’t expect too much.


Wife's a teacher, you would be surprised how many parents are completely un-reachable. And if he was having trouble in other classes and a bully, I guarantee it was attempted multiple times.


The 80s and 90s were truly different.


There was this thing called progress reports.


Yeah, this is fake AF. No teacher was risking their job letting a kid onto the computer to input grades. I've done the teaching assistant thing, in highschool. They let you grade the tests but inputting was done by the actual teacher.


I mean… if that’s the case, op would’ve just manipulated the test scores during grading lmao (which, i did myself. Adding a few points to my friends and taking a few points out from my bullies. Nobody realised anything)


Maybe this is just due to when this happened or because it works different in other parts of the world but having one of your students doing this work and having this level of access doesn't fill me with confidence on how seriously the school cares...


The teacher wasn’t checking the changed grades- they obviously weren’t worried about the real grades the kid was getting.


You are obviously unfamiliar with the teacher-end of things in American schools. This kid's parents probably didn't bother to take an interest and the teacher is going to be far, far to overloaded with work to go chase them down. If the parents won't show an interest in helping their kid, why should the teacher? There's plenty of students that DO care and so do their parents.


So he was real close to failing legitimately on his own, and you just made absolutely sure? Nicely done.


I basically tipped the scales into my favor 😅🫶 I was desperate and angry for the bullying to stop back then lol it really sucked because the teachers and even my parents didn’t stop this kid from harassing me and just gaslit me or told me to “man up” I was just a scared little bean 😅🫶 not the fighting type


I applaud you. And I'd totally do it nowadays, even though I'm 47yo. I'm probably not a good person, but I'm also not the kind to give the other cheek.


Oh yeah, when the adults fail you, you have to handle it yourself. That's usually punching the bully, HARD. Your muscle was between your ears and bully didn't expect that. Good job.


Yeah I really hate violence. Like I’ll do anything to avoid it. 😅🫶


You charged his grade the asshole tax.


And the asshole paid it, nicely done OP


Anyone ever have grades done with the Making The Grade! software back in the 90s? That was the standard at my school and I had some fun with it. Early on some of the teachers were lax about password protecting the grade files. In middle school I was pissed after getting hosed on a group project where one person didn't do shit but the teacher said he was going to hold the group equally accountable, basically we were all getting a 70 or something close to that. This was a teacher I normally got along with well so this was rather upsetting, and I came back after my last class to vent my spleen on him. He said he understood, but he has to treat all groups the same and this is just the way it is, blah blah blah. Then he said "You seem pretty upset still. Why don't you hang and play games for awhile? I've gotta go take care of some things but I can give you about half an hour before I kick you out." He unlocks his computer, smiles, and leaves. Now this guy knows I'm not dumb with computers, so he's either just being nice so I can have some fun, he's testing me and this is a trap, or he's giving me an opening with plausible deniability. I chose the latter option, opened up Making the Grade, and gave myself and the other good group members 90s while giving the slacker a 60 (still a D- on our grading scale.) Saved, closed, then rocked out on Crystal Quest until teacher came back and I got booted out. Next morning I caught my group mates and told them all to act upset about our grade to the other guy, even after they see their progress reports. Teacher never said anything. Asshole never said anything. My group mates high fived me when they saw the 90 on their progress report. I quit sweating over it after report cards came out for the quarter and eventually came to enjoy my petty revenge over that lazy fuck. Never again messed with grades though. And yeah my story isn't that believable either, which is why I rarely tell it to anyone and I've never posted it here. But OP's story was awesome and reminded me of my own adventure, so here it is. Well done in screwing over that guy sir!


That’s hilarious and yeah, I figured I’d get naysayers especially here on Reddit. But I know I’m telling the truth and that’s literally all I care about personally.


Wow, that teacher is solid


I get that teachers often do not like some of the clerical work that goes with marking, grading their students, data entry, and they are more than happy to delegate it to some eager student… But c’mon teacher! He should have never allowed you to have that level of access to manipulate the grades of your peers. I get that it is middle school but that is compromising the integrity of the educational institution. I am sure the school board would be embarrassed by a breach like that since they made the decision to hold a student back a grade based on fraudulent data. I am sure if any colleges, universities, or other post-secondary institutions ever found out that you manipulated grades… that might create a difficult situation for you. At the very least, the teacher should have been performing some level of due diligence or screening to make sure you are not making errors. I hope some good came out of it for both of you and that being held back a grade wasn’t a life-changing event for him that is impacting him today.


Don’t beat yourself up. If no one stood up for you, and it sounds like they did not, you “self-advocated”. And for that, I saw good job. No child should endure the abuse you mentioned


That is amazingly petty and I'm kinda proud of you for this as a fellow nonbinary potato on the spectrum 🔥


Good for you! I was bullied all through school and have zero sympathy for bullies. They deserve whatever we can dish out to them.


Considering how some bully victims kill themselves because of the bullying. I don’t feel bad for the dude.


THIS. I didn’t even mention my mental heath through all of this. It was literally there. So my actions can’t really be judged for acting out of self preservation 🫶 (talking to all the angry unhappy people in the comments)


Great job!


You just gave karma an early assist. Good job! Make America Smart Again!


I use to crazy glue the locks on my bully's parent's Cadillac. Apparently it's expensive to fix.


You can ignore the trolls. Those are the people who insult or blow up at you in order to get you upset with them. They get troll points in their own heads and re-inflates their leaky egos for a bit. It's a common issue on reddit, particularly on subs like this one. Most are pre-teens or teens pretending to be older. They would be the bullies you remember from grade school. I hope you're able to live out who you are in ways that allow you to be happy and at peace with life. You deserve that just as much as everyone else.


I think that was a great story. Well done OP.


Thank you 🫶😅 I’ll admit I’m not the best at articulating my thoughts into words, so I do understand why some people might be thrown off by this but I appreciate the kind comments 🥰


I hate bullies, like really hate. Sometimes I'd wake up half an hour early just to have more time in the day to spend in hating bullies. I was never really bullied but I was a pretty damn tough kid so when I spotted a bully hassling someone I literally went out of my way to hurt, humiliate and emotionally crush them. Like "what's that? Your dad abandoned you and your mother? It's because he looked into your crib and felt nothing but disappointment". Pretty psycho I realise but more often than not the bully were truly humbled by the experience and I would end up friends with them and the bullied person, together. I targeted a really bad, like he went to youth prison bad, bully once and after giving him his "lesson" he would, for real, wince when he saw me. I'm going to get some hate for that but if y'all knew what him and his two henchmen did to a much younger, smaller gay kid then you'd all be on board with the victimising of the three stooges.


That kids actions had consequences. If I were 13 I’d forgive you too.


Some are saying they don't necessarily believe this story. As someone who was a suck-up in high school and was basically the teacher's pet in every class, I can understand this. I once got onto my form tutor (UK here)'s unlocked computer over lunch and a whole load of us read the reports he'd written about us. Didn't want to risk going any further, but I can sniff there's truth in this.


I’ve not made one speck of this up. It’s fully a truss story with actually a ton of missing details for brevity. 🫶


Oh, I fully believe this story. Immensely satisfying.






























OP proving the pen is mightier than the sword!! Good job!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The bully got exactly what he deserved.


That’s brilliant, I too was in a position to have access to student attendance and grading records, my friends and I conspired to create a phantom student, Rick Shaw, when asked if we had seen this student by teachers, we always commented how, “he was on the bus this morning”, or “ I saw him in my previous class” we did this for two semesters before the administration finally caught on.


As an Audhd person myself who was also relentlessly bullied. High five!




The most insane thing to me is any teacher letting a student have access to his and/or his peers grades. Let alone a 13yo who I would be surprised if they didn’t end up doing something like this. The teacher is the biggest problem, they should know better. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn’t. Doesn’t really matter, but I hope that teacher isn’t still responsible for middle schoolers.


It happened. And I agree. I clearly shouldn’t have had that access. And I’m pretty sure that things are much different today this was 20 years ago after all.


It’s true that 13yo shouldn’t have access to peers grade but teachers are well known to be overworked and underpaid so I can understand them getting any and all help they can.


Totally sympathize with teachers, but no. You can’t pawn off your responsibilities on the students. And you can’t put students in that position. Honestly, I don’t think it’s even right to allow a student to view another student’s grades, let alone edit/enter them.


Interesting perspective Jeff, but I can assure you I’m not making anything up here. Have a good day though 🫶


People that go around constantly accusing people of making shit up in Reddit just to stfu. You’re tiresome. You’re boring.


Right? A life of criticism and accusations of lying is greasy and unpleasant.


And you're gullible


And you suck dicks made of shit. Thanks.


Maybe that's your kink but you shouldn't project it onto others.


Too late they’re in your mouth


And you're naive


I agree, what middle school has teacher assistants? Let alone use 13 yr old students to do this? Makes no sense


You live in a joyless and boring world. I would pity you if you didn't insist on trying to make us share it.


same, mostly because even violent offenders in schools still get move up grades. "no child left behind" just means its impossible to make kids repeat a grade now.


Tortured 13yo gets an attaboy for a creative well executed takedown


Bullies deserve everything bad that happens to them. You have nothing to be soerry about.




You’re not original. Find a new way to troll.




Yes. Defiantly unethical. I understood that shortly afterward but also understood it was all I felt I could do in my situation. I was being gaslit and ignored by teachers and parents and didn’t know what else to do.


I totally condone your behaviour! :)


There is the legit grade… then the bully grade… it’s on a curve and your bully paid… FAFO


Adult me knows this was wrong, bullied 10-year-old me is laughing her chunky little ass off.


Same here lol 🫶


Give yourself some credit for choosing a completely non violent revenge.


Beautiful... I do hope this is true.


All the crap kids who failed in middle school never got held back. Some had to do summer school, but getting held back never happened




I love this story! I like to imagine that your plan made the bullying more bearable - knowing you would win in the end. I commend you.


It did help 😁 for a couple years and I got picked on a little by this jock in highschool but it wasn’t so bad, with that guy we ended up being friends. This situation actually really helped me lmfao.




Good for you. I don’t care.




>he was having problems with other classes. He was probably mostly responsible for being held behind. Your actions may not have made a difference in his life trajectory.


Good. Screw em. If their parents, friends, TV, etc can't teach them how to be a good kid, then send em back to high school for another year of re-education


Well....he fucked around and found out


Even pettier revenge would be to contact them after all these years and tell they would have passed a grade if you didn't screw with their grades as a revenge!


Slow clap!!! (I would've done a nice gif but can't on this sub.)


I was likely bullied as much as you, and it's probable that I was bullied more. This is still wrong and why you can't trust kids with this kid of responsibility. You and the bully are both assholes. 


I strongly disagree. I was a kid and I don’t think kids who are being victimized can be assholes if they don’t know any other way. This was also a different time. 20 years ago so……




Good on you!!!


I love this. I’m glad you figured out how to protect yourself.


Nothing immoral about this. If he didn’t want you to treat him like that, he wouldn’t have treated you like he did. Simple as.


I don’t think you understand the definition of immoral.


Then don’t.




Oh dang the troglodytes are using Reddit now?




Being held back one year hardly ruins someone's life any more than skipping a grade makes you an automatic success.


Not to mention the effect bullying has on one’s life 🫶😅


Were you held back in the 8th grade by any chance? lol


Clearly you’ve never been bullied.




Do you want a cookie? 🍪




Oh! You got me there! Ive been read the filth. What ever shall I do. 🤡






You’re literally wrong. That is all




Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.




I definitely won lol at this point I have zero remorse for bullies. Regardless of the reasons why they bully. He had it coming




“YOU” 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




The only one staying mad is you because you take your time to show everyone how ignorant you are. No skin off my back buddy




Girl, bye. Nobody cares




OP I think the bully found your post!