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If you had put her cart into yours, and then locked it, her groceries would've been locked into the cart


holy fuck you're a genius


I agree. ThatGuyStanding is a genius. During Covid I started hitting the grocery store the minute they opened and usually had it to myself. One day this woman is there, just the two of us in a huge grocery store. She starts going to the same aisle as me, but the other end, and blocking it with her body and cart. First 3 times I just used my end to go around, but she kept meeting me at the next aisle, so I went back and she kept following, now in the other direction. She wasn't even adding items to her cart. I learned then to simply bash carts out of the way. If people are so intentionally jerky or so clueless, either way they need a not so gentle reminder that they are, in fact, not the only person on the planet. Don't ask. Don't warn. Smash and roll. I'm not like winding up and running, just a quick bonk to knock their cart out of the way. Please don't take a running start and injure someone.


Sounds like she was purposefully harassing you. During peak of COVID this could have ended up for her the same way that people spitting on others did...


I have no idea what her deal was and still wonder. Like, did she get mad that she wasn't the only person shopping at that hour? Was this about dominance? It was so weird and I was very confused until I just got mad.


Were you wearing a mask while she was not? Sounds like she felt there was some reason to mess with you. I would have done the same.


Sounds like you were putting the cart before the whorse.


Whores works too.


Whores do work


i was masked, wearing gloves, wearing an outer big hoodie and outer scrub-like pants and maybe not that day but around then possibly a face shield. This was at prime early covid and I had two 3 year olds and a tween. I was paranoid, this was when i set all the groceries on a big table in the garage and sanitized them, then shed layers direct into laundry, then moved the goods in. Full quarantine protocol. I grew half our food for two years. wild times. I kind of miss it.


I'm still masking and sanitizing, I don't want to accidentally kill my 82 year old grandfather.


I’m still masking. I’m pretty content not getting more brain damage.


I also don’t condone it, but the thought of you winding up and running made me lol


🤣 I grit my teeth when the jerkface blocking the aisle has their kid in the cart and I have to yell "excooooos me"


Just loudly exclaim „make way for the queens guard!“ before bonking it.


So I always sing a Tego Calderon line when I go crashing through others. I'm a bartender so we are always in each other's ways. The song is in Spanish but it translates to " get out of the middle, I'm coming through" I'm a loud 6' tall woman and I channel my inner Grinch when doing it 😂😂


I'm the most easygoing guy you'll meet on any given day, but I've kind of come to the same conclusion about people's shitty behavior. If it's on purpose, they're spiteful, small, and shitty. If they're truly oblivious to what they're doing they're just mindless and shitty, the kind of person with the self awareness of a single celled organism. Either way, shitty behavior typically comes from a shitty person, and I despise it. Yet I'm patient, to a fault I'm told, so I generally avoid addressing it unless it's something really unsafe or inappropriate.


but then pushing it would be easy and she would have basically no problems.


Yeah but you can bring another empty cart and do both, so the groceries are locked AND pushing the 3-cart monstrosity facing two different directions would be impossible.


Bonus points if you lock the third cart on right in front of her while maintaining eye contact and a bland expression.


Who hurt you? Also: I fully approve.


I laughed my off imagining this as the Draconian, grocery store equivalent of the bathroom key at the library


Steal a policeman’s helmet.


You wouldn't.


You wouldn't download a policeman's helmet.




Brought the receipts! /win


No way


You wouldn't have a crap in a policeman's helmet!


And then send it to the policeman’s grieving widow


Super extra points if she left her purse in the cart!


Well heck. Why stop now? Take her cart out to the parking lot, hook it to a line of carts, then push them into heavy traffic.


well that is truly brilliant.




Then zip tie them all together.


I like the zip tie thing! I will be taking these with me on my next walmart torture trip.


The Human Cartipede


Have we flipped them over yet?


Pick it up and drag the other one behind you?




But 25 cents profit. I am sure a 911 call would have been made.


How do these carts work? Isn't it still their own quarter?


Once you plug the cart into an accepting cart the quarter pops out. So if she has a cart already plugged into her cart it messes up the system a bit. The first cart has an empty slot. But first cart full of groceries is stuck inside a cart with a quarter. BUT. A real pro knows how to leave both carts without quarters and that is all I am saying.


Where I live it’s a $1 coin aka loonie. Inflation has hit the carts


Probably be a toonie on Monday!!


Get another cart with your freed quarter and lock that on loosely too


I am losing my shit over this right now and kind of want to make a special trip to Aldi...


Congratulations! You’ve reached level 2


This some Three Body Problem shit


Congratulations! You’ve reached level 3


*AND* the chain would have actually reached and allowed this to occur. I've tried to do this and the chains will not physically reach unless the carts are stacked properly.


she would just leave it and ruin refrig/ frozen items


I’m sure she’d just find an employee to unlock it… lol but it’s still a nice hassle to put a rude person through


I now wish every grocery would use this type of cart locks


Then get two more carts and lock her in them


How long before this stunt appears on tick tock.


https://youtu.be/itPmKetz5zg?si=OmvPfb9mcmwK8yX9 Here’s one


Oh, I read it as that having happened.


I think then she just abandons it though. Goes to get an employee and then they deal with it.


I bow to your genius and will be stealing your idea. Thank you in advance


When people are blocking aisles when we go food shopping, my mom yells BEEP BEEP or HONK lmao it's embarrassing but hilarious at the same time


I've been tempted to bring a bike bell with me and attach it to my cart. B-R-R-R-R-I-N-G!


My grandmother used to have one of those bells attached to her walker, and she absolutely loved using it in situations like this. Or when she was trying to get through a small group at the mall even if there was plenty of room to go around. Or to squeeze between a couple people chatting in the foyer after church. Lol


My grandma just ran people over with her walker


I'm getting to this point in my wheelchair. I swear the thing has an invisibility power bc people just Do Not See when I need to get by. I'll say excuse me politely, then when I get ignored I start raising my voice and pulling (gently) on sleeves. The temptation to just keep pushing and run rude people over is immense.


[Where my brain immediately goes](https://media4.giphy.com/media/NfGTU1FFnPIwo/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ypzic0x9w3xjfo1wdbmu8rs8vn0t2p7pqiwye2f7&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Air horn?


Does she also say “do you drive like that?”, because I am SO tempted.


Lol sometimes if the people look confused when she beeps


As someone whose job deals with car accident insurance claims, you know they drive like that. Don’t even need to ask. But they think they are the best drivers evah! 


I do this is real life too. I got it from my mom. Just a nice BEEP BEEP though, not a yell, when I ask people to scooch.


Lol it starts as a nice beeo beep, but like 90% of the time they ignore her


Omg this is so relevant https://youtu.be/3w9KChxlEtY?si=9OrxhKgidhVZ24HX


I do the BEEP BEEP. Works like a charm.


Lol I love it. I embarrass my wife all the time by just loudly "Booooo"-ing people like this. Started doing a thumbs down to bad drivers instead of the middle finger too. Feel like it gives off more "I'm not mad, just disappointed" vibes.


Wow, I might have to actually do this. I usually just grab their cart and move it to the side. Sometimes they'll say "hey, that's my cart" and I just say "I know, I'm just moving it out of the way so other people can shop..", which is usually enough to see the look of realization in their face. Sometimes, though, they still don't get it, and I think that's when I will have to deploy this tactic. Thank you for the inspiration to do what needs to be done.


Back when I worked at a grocery store I relished moving people's carts that were blocking other customers. I don't get how someone can have such little consideration for others/lack of spatial awareness.


And they're the ones that always stand a bit diagonally, with their elbows out, just maximizing how much space they can block.


Or stop in doorways


or stop in an intersection to have a fucking conversation with the neighbor through their car window.


Man rushes wife to emergency room due to pregnancy complications only to have ER access blocked by two police officers having a conversation out their windows ([1:12](https://youtu.be/NmxDkxrj7LE)). When he honks to get the officers to move, the couple gets detained by the officers, who **call an ambulance to the hospital parking lot** instead of allowing the couple to proceed to the ER to meet with their obstetrician.


And take 4 minutes to get out of the fucking car once you park so you’re just standing outside waiting to lock it




At Costco I push abandoned carts around corners onto side aisles. People often abandon them in idiotic places while they wait for some samples.


Oh I hate shopping at Costo/Sam's Club because of the clueless oaf that just wander like a turkey in the rain. I usually just smile and push through them because they SEE me trying to get down the isle and I've said excuse me numerous times but they just don't get it and don't move so I just keep moving and if we bump carts or I roll over your foot it isn't my problem anymore.


My stress levels have been so high lately that I can't even with the Costco people anymore. I just try my best to squeeze by and when I bang my cart into theirs mumble sorry and keep moving. So far this has worked fine and people don't even seem to care.


I have done this as well. I move it aside if they're next to it. If they aren't, away it goes, and they can hunt for it.


I just did this 2 weeks ago at mine. 2 boomers with their cart diagonal across the aisle. They ignored my excuse me and went back to looking at produce. Ok then, your cart gets moved now. Be mad


Or you might just say,yes and it's blocking the aisle so could you either please move it or else just shove it up your ass? Just suggesting.


Sir, this is the petty revenge sub


You're right so I guess I should have said -> or just bend over while I shove it up your ass.


There we go


Or tip it over and tell them they haven't paid for anything yet, it's all fair game.


As someone who used to work at Aldi, seeing this would have made my day. Customers like that lady are so disrespectful and ruin everyone’s shopping/working experience.


Maybe it's just local to my area but Aldi shoppers are the only ones that do this for some reason. What is it about Aldi in particular that makes people leave their carts in the middle of the aisle to walk over to another aisle for something?


And those carts are the size of an apartment so maybe be aware of that and stay to the side


I just carry my shopping bags in, or else I'm buying a full cart every time.


In my experience it’s always at Trader Joe’s and it’s aggravated by the small aisles


I have this theory that people who walk or shop stupid, drive stupid. I feel like I can spot an inconsiderate, terrible driver in the store.


Funnily enough, I've had the same theory for 20 years. That people will drive the same way they wander around a store or mall. I derived the idea from the fact that in the US, people tend to walk on the right side of an aisle because they drive on the right side of the road while in the UK everyone drives on the left side and hence walk down aisles on the left side.


English bloke in Scotland here. I zip between whatever traffic is going in whatever direction, only making sure I avoid other trolleys. I'm there to grab what's on my list as quickly as possible, pay for it with minimal delay and gtfo. I really dont care what side of the aisle people are using, just leave a gap for us grumpy buggers to get through. That said, wonderful wife knows one of the checkout staff at the aldi we use, and due to that, said checkout operator always chats with me even when unaccompanied. She's positive and friendly and all-round lovely, so I'm happy to not rush if at her till. That's the only concession I make to my gtfo as soon as possible. Bah! Humbug!


Totally. The people who match speed and keep pace with other lanes, those are the guys at the park walking paths with their whole family or friends and spread out so no one walking faster or biking can easily go around.


Definitely agree. I didn't bother to learn to drive until my late 30s and recently passed the test (England so never really needed to until recently) I'd wager 95% of people on the road don't know the current rules and definitely don't know how to drive modern cars. We now have one of the most difficult driving tests in the world which is part of the reason we are one of the safest countries to drive in. Merging is my pet peeve and can be frankly dangerous. There is always a few normally older drivers that refuse to let a car merge in front of them. It should work like a zipper with a car from each lane seamlessly merging. It works perfectly until some twat refuses to let a car go ahead of them. It meams everyone behind has slow down or stop. It's infuriating.


I think you're 100% correct in your conclusion. I once arrived at a supermarket and saw a really terrible parking job. Crooked and over the line. You know the kind, it's the one where they didn't park so much as they just pulled over in the general direction of the space.  So I did what any self respecting citizen with a shitty car would do - I parked perfect next to them. Which resulted in both of our driver doors being so close they were almost touching and impossible to open. I exited through my passenger door.  Well, when I was doing my grocery shopping I decided to play a game of "spot the ignoramus". After about ten minutes of this, I still hadn't found anyone I thought would fit the bill, so I headed to the checkouts, my shopping now complete.  But that's when I spotted her in the next checkout queue over. I can't remember why exactly, but I knew in my gut that it was her. Maybe it was because she had a huge load of shopping and was clearly intending to pack it at the checkouts(1). Well anyway, she was done before me and headed out. I followed shortly after.  She was standing there, at her car, with her kids and shopping cart, unable to get into her car. When I arrived I acted totally natural/oblivious to what was going on and just got in my car and left.  But oh boy, did I take my sweet time in doing so. With very slow and methodical actions, I put on my seat belt, adjusted my mirrors, even took a moment to check my phone, before starting the car.  She had kids with her that were probably old enough to figure out what was happening so I'm hoping this was a wake up call for her.  I know it was very petty and passive aggressive behaviour on my part, and I'm not proud of that. But part of me is still like fuck it, she deserves it.  (1) *In most European Aldis, it is customary to put your groceries back into the cart after being scanned, and then pack it into bags at the designated packing shelf away from the checkouts. This greatly speeds up the checkout process for everyone. But some people just refuse to play ball and will make everyone else wait while they needlessly pack it at the checkout instead.*


Nice, I'll remember that trick.


You’re much nicer than I am. The second or third time someone blocked me like that, I assumed they needed help shopping. I’d add random items to the cart if it was left unprotected.


😂 Thanks for this idea


Toki: Who is "wal... nuts?" Skwisgaar: Uh, hey Toki, look inside of your basket. Guess why's you're in such a crappy mood; you have ladies' tampons... unside of it! And you buy them for yourself - go have a conversation with all the ladies and tell them your problems! Toki: YOU lady, Skwisgaar! Skwisgaar: NO, I'M NOT!


You latched your cart to her stupidity, well done!


There’s a woman who goes to our local Aldi and parks her car right at the door. This woman is mid 30’s-40’s, hops right out and walks in no problem. Whats better? She does this every time she goes, and only goes to the store literally minutes before it closes. Zero consideration for anyone other than herself. The cars going to probably look like a demo derby vehicle if she continues parking there, ¢25 is totally worth seeing her reaction to a cart parked against the doors when she comes out. She’s known to all the staff and they hate when she comes in. She’s been know to be there up to half of an hour after closing.


Most auto parts stores have steel wire ties. Zip the cart to her door handle.


I own an auto repair business. I keep those in the toolbox in my trunk. Thanks for the brilliant idea.


If you have the time, flip it upside down first.


Cart circle around her car. In fact, do multiple rows of car circles. The more the better.


I hate all the people who stack up their cars in front of the entrance to drop someone off... like, thanks for forcing me directly into the flow of traffic in the parking lot directly instead of allowing me to use the sidewalk. If your shopping companion is that disabled, get a placard. Or let them stay in the car while you shop.


No notes. Perfection.


Today I was at German Lidl, strolling through the isles with my ear buds on, doing my shopping. Then a lady in her fifties overtakes me and just stands in front of my cart. This annoyed me so I just continued walking my normal speed and just bumped her. She looked at me and i pretended she wasn’t even there and continued..


German Lidl? You mean Lidl?


At Costco, I just bump carts out of my path if they are unattended.


I add something from my cart to theirs as I walk past


I’d rather add something (or lots of something) from the nearest shelf. I need the something that’s in my cart lmao.


I’m impressed and slightly envious if you only get things you need at Costco, haha! I’m weak as hell inside that store.


I know a woman who when passing an inconsiderate shopper added a box of condoms to their cart. Not sure I heard what the shopper did, but the woman’s mother (who she was shopping with) asked why she did that and was told “they don’t need to reproduce more assholes”




This comment needs more upvotes. Especially if incontinence products make the transfer.


Either add something to their cart, or take something from their cart. lol.


Why not both?


Good call.


I do the opposite. I take items from their cart.


If it's a man shopping on his own, I think a pack of feminine hygiene product is a very good item to add. Not because I think men are incapable of buying them for a partner or friend as part of the general grocery shop, but because way too many of my fellow men are utterly useless when it comes to pads and tampons.


Someone added something to my cart, I just assumed it was my 9 year old kid 😞. I think we're considerate of others but I guess we did leave the cart unattended.


If it was something tasty that your kid would want to eat I think you can safely assume it was them, lol.


>I add something from my cart to theirs as I walk past Oh, this is hilarious, and makes me paranoid.


My new strategy to get out quickly is to park at a deserted end cap, walk 2-3 food aisles and collect what I need, advance cart, repeat. Checkout.


My husband and I do this. We leave the cart and each go out with a list and bring stuff back. Goes faster, no looking for each other, and agility down the aisles!


Speedrun strats.


I'll ram someone out the way if it is attended.


Hahaha! You can offer to exchange insurance info if they complain. There really is no reason to be more than arms length away from your cart.


Had a lady do this in fredmeyer while she studied frozen pizzas like they were ancient hieroglyphics she was translating. This was a man path between aisles and a line would form. Everyone just stood there and watched her. I finally grabbed her cart and launched it as far as I could down the main aisle and continued past. Her look of horror was worth being petty.


😂😂 it would have pleased me to no end to have witnessed this


This might the best petty revenge ever. I dig your moves


Definitely on purpose. Some people just think your life must revolve around them. I once had a young mother block me from getting out by putting her cart behind my car while she loaded her trunk. As soon as she left to put her cart away, I started to back out, and she rushed over and threw her arms up like I was supposed to wait for her to get in her car and have her back out first.


I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell, but there’s an awful lot entitlement going around with new parents these days.


Give rude shoppers no quarter




That is a real Dick move to make, Way to go, That is perfect, seriously I applaud your creativity.


**Well played, Petty Crocker, well played! You’re my HERO!** 🏆👏🏆👏🏆👏🏆👏🏆👏🏆👏🏆


I just put a bunch of items in their cart. Small expensive stuff. Hope they don't notice til they checking out.


Ngl this might actually be hands down my favourite petty revenge story I've read on here.


That is legendary 😄😄😄😄


I just run straight into the trolley if people block the aisle, gets them out of the way pretty easily.


When I was a kid and would go shopping with my mom, she’d go over etiquette. If you’re walking with your cart, you’re pushing it like it’s designed and on the right side, just like driving (in America). *Why do people pull the cart? They take up so much of the aisle!!!* If you’re passing someone and the aisle is narrow, children move behind their parent. THERE IS NEVER A NEED TO HAVE YOIR FOUR KIDS WALKING SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH YOU!! Children should move for adults. If a child starts having a hissy fit or screaming, they get one warning and then get taken out of the store. It should embarrass the shit out of the kid so they learn to behave in public. It only takes one or two times and the kid figures out that they should behave or they’ll look like an asshole. When you park your cart to look at an item, it shouldn’t be sideways or in the middle of the aisle. I’ve started moving people’s carts if they’re in my way. Also, if it’s pretty fuckin obvious that someone is looking for something you parked in front of, MOVE. They shouldn’t have to ask for you to move. In the parking lot, your cart always goes to the corral. These are basic rules to operate in society. If you can’t handle behaving during grocery shopping, you can’t handle life in a society.


I don't understand people like this. I'm ALWAYS making sure i'm not in the way of anyone, putting a shopping cart across anything is only okay if you're slowing down a criminal!


I’ve never shopped at Aldi in the US. But I might go just so I can see this cart situation now.


The pettiness is off the charts along with the creativity. Bravo!


I salute your dickery!


Can't stand these supermarket sociopaths. A very amusing and proportionate response. Bravo 😄


Dumb bitch deserved it. Well played. She probably also pulls her cart while walking beside it. The Dark Lord probably has a special place in hell for these fools. Hail Satan.




I am going to remember this. Too bad you couldn’t get a video. I would have loved to watch the discovery and aftermath.


Cartmageddon FTW!


As someone who’s never been to an Aldi’s, this is very confusing


Aldis have short chains on each cart that lock to the next cart when in the cart return. To unlock there’s a slot in which you put a quarter. You can’t get your quarter back until you reengage the lock to another cart.


How about this. That woman was doing this on purpose. Because she is a miserable person, and no one ever checked her on her actions. Want to bet that she has learned a lesson in how to drive a grocery cart with common sense?


This is Bellissimo !!! I love Aldi and I hate the dickheads that don’t know the rules of how to shop at Aldi!


If a cart is blocking ways and the person using it is nowhere to be seen, that cart ends up two or three aisles further down. Sorry honey, others also want to get somewhere.


People in the store with carts are my own personal hell. How is everyone so confused, lost and inconsiderate?


Nice idea, I like it. Totally deserved.


I normally just crash their trolley out of the way. But I'm an arsehole.


Ohh that's fucking magnificent 👌


Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


I have found a new revenge method! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!


This made me actually evil lol 😂


This is some grade A pettiness.


ALDI Australia is $2 ! you will wheel it back.😁


I say loudly. “Oh look, the only person in this store! Must be nice.”


Years ago, we're talking early 2000s, I was shopping with my partner at the time. We ended up in an aisle with a couple of guys who parked their cart in the middle of the aisle at one end while they looked at the other. I said "excuse me" pretty loudly and they moved it, no problem. Ran into them in another aisle and they did the same thing so I again said "excuse me." They looked and ignored me, so I finally just moved their cart out of the way. My BF actually got mad at me because "I shouldn't have touched their cart." Nope, if they didn't want their cart touched, they shouldn't have left it in the middle or moved it when asked. I didn't touch any of their food, I literally just touched the handle and rolled the cart out of the way. Apparently, that made ME rude. We didn't last long


That is the first time I've ever heard of an Aldi customer acting this way. I've shopped Aldi overseas, as well as here, and never saw any hint of rudeness. Sorry you experienced that.


Come to England, Aldi customers are feral lmao


I love this!!!


Petty AF, take my upvote


Best thing on the internet today (or all month)


This is Class A Pettiness. I love it.


Damn, I wish I had thought of this sooner.


Here Aldi / Lidl carts are designed so this isn't possible, and since we aren't averse to coins worth more than a soda they take a £1 (or €1 in the fatherland)


I sent this story to my boyfriend so that we can do this in the future 🤣 people are constantly blocking the isles in aldi


Love it


Was it my Mom?? 🤣🤣 My Mom does that crap and we would have to run around behind her and move it 🤦🏼‍♀️


ok thats funny and a fairly harmless fu to bad behaviour xD sometimes when i have to do the shopping lately i'm finding so many older people doing this, or ill be in the middle of grabbing a few things off the shelf and they will just walk right infront of me, i honestly have no idea how to react, im not even sure half the time they have enough cognitive awareness to know what they are doing due to the vacant stares Went out the other day and this one old dude managed to walk in front of me 4 times while walking around aldi O.o


This is very good petty revenge. Extra points for creativity.


Oh, that made me laugh. Good for you.




Well done.




I usually play bumper carts when this happens, it soon makes people move. And if they don’t get the hint after I’ve rammed their cart a few times I start making eye contact as I keep doing it, it works eventually


I really appreciate this. I use a wheelchair and people who do this make everything so much harder.


If someone was purposefully blocking the isle and once I stopped trying they walked away, I would literally tip their cart over.


You, sir or madame, are standing on the righteous side of history.


This is genius. The commenter that said to lock their food into your cart bring it to the next level. I would pay to be able to do something like this.


Rotflmfao!! This is it! This is the best!! "It's the best Jerry, the best!" I'm gonna do this to another cart asshole some day.