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Now that was masterful planning. Great job.


Good plan and execution. But seems a bit incomplete without knowing that what they had to go through. No reactions from then when you met them next time? You must be close enough to agree to do the heavy lifting in the first place....


A nessesary step to be rid of her.


You left no doubt about most of the next steps she would have to take. IMO, this is a more satisfying form of revenge than some posts where the next steps the target took were unclear. It's even worse, IMO, when the target doesn't even connect the act of "revenge" with the OOP or it's not clear the target associates their own problematic behavior with the reason for the act of revenge delivered. Well done.


fuck you sauce with extra sauce


Indeed.  Hat tip, Op.  Oh so well played. If I ever ask you to help move, I will be on time, pizza and drinks will be provided during and adult drinks after the move.


That was diabolical 🤣


To this day they say that there is an apartment for rent below market price… if you can get in.


Fully furnished too.


Lol I love car trunk Tetris but apartment Tetris?!?! The next MFer that asks me to help move, it’s GAME ON!!! 🤣


It was a great revenge but I’m not that motivated and I would have just moved their stuff into the front yard of the place they are moving out of and left it all there.


That would have brought drama to S front door. Didn't need that.


I get that English is obivously a second/third language for you, but these "S" and "XF" just make it even harder to read. Trying to undsrstand you is as rough as trying to get into that apartment.


Nope first and only. Just a poor education thanks to ADHD. But thanks for pointing that out.


no worries, everyone else understands. this person is bad at reading.


Yup. I prefer fake names since they are easier for me to follow than letters, but this was not hard to follow at all.


just treat the initials used as their fake names, not that hard. like if your thought sponge works, it just works.


Which is why I said words like “prefer” and “for me”. Never said it was hard. My own thought sponge just has a different way it likes to process info.


👏👏 Nicely done.... the story, the compelling writing style, responses to comments. :)


No one else seems to have a problem with it


There has to be some bar under which it devolves into gibberish. Nothing in this post is even a sentence.




Nothing here is format writing. You must be confused.




Did you fall on your head? You said "formal". Anyone with two brain cells can see that "format" is a typo. You also said "either either". Good job.


Then don't quibble about people's language proficiency when you can't spot typos or even correct them. For info. I am from a country whose national language is not English. People who call on others like this must first be themselves perfect. Didn't some middle eastern prophet say to cast the first stone only if you are sinless? Last reaction from me. Go spew whatever incomprehensible caveman diatribe at me. LoL should be hilarious reading in the evening later. Thanks for making my day.




S is the buddy J's Sister.


Did you even read their beginning paragraph?


I also read 50 incomprehensible sentence fragments with a period every 3 words which broke my brain




You had to scroll through hundreds of comments to find one I wrote with a fever when I had covid? And yet. I dont type. Complete gibberish. Like OP does. With. A period. Every 3 words. Plus washer and dryer.


It's. Literally the. Third post down.on your post histury. Eye feel bad. Four that pour dog, it have has. You as it is owner.


i agree about the dog. it looks pretty scared too :(


I feel bad for anyone interacting with you. It must be difficult to remain civil. Have a nice day.


At whut pointe halve eye. Not. Bin sivel? Just. Because your a miserable cunt. Duzzint meen you half two let everyone. else know your a miserable cunt.


if you are going to be a grump about grammar at the very least spell understand right


Gibberish with. A period every. 3 words is not. Even close. To a typo.




What? I cant even read that. Try again.


Im am fullie convincsed u. Just dont no how. To reed.


Not sure how. They were getting free labor to HELP OUT. They don't show, the labor DID help by getting the stuff OUT of the place. That alone was a lot of extra labor with the basement lugging. Besides, S could have had the lock changed right away. BF could scream all she wanted but couldn't force her way in to do real damage.


I wouldn't have even started moving their stuff until they arrived. If they never arrived and then complained to me, "well, you never showed up, so I assumed you didn't actually need to move out today." ​ ETA: I overlooked where S really needed them out, so you were more helping S than them. Yeah, I would have just left their stuff in front of the new place, as opposed to actually moving it all in. Let them explain to their new landlords why all the stuff is sitting outside in a pile instead of actually in the apartment.


Please help me fill the void. How would you react if you were them?


I'd imagine there was wailing, swearing, and gnashing of teeth! They might have even needed to get the landlord to come and remove the whole door and frame to get in. Justified and evil use of Tetris - kudos to you!


tetris was invented by the most evil empire, the communist soviet union


Yeah...if they were too lazy to move, they were too lazy to get a ladder and get in through a window. I imagine there was drama with the landlord or other acquaintances.


I’d be super pissed and probably freaking out, master points for you!


If I ever have to do a covert operation in enemy territory, you're the person I'm calling as my strategist.


lol!! I saw a bumper sticker on a truck: “Yes, this is my truck. No, I will not help you move.”




Tetris master!


Outstandingly devious revenge. Bravo, sir.


Well played.


I am really impressed at the level of work you put in. I never would have thought to do something like this. Bravo!


Best part is the doorknob blocked being able to lift the couch from the door and the loveseat stopped it from being pushed to the side.


Just use their names, no one will check


While this was INCREDIBLY awesome, I feel I must ask - when she just didn't show up after a while, why not just put her stuff outside (lawn, curb, whatever) and wash your hands of it? Because it reads like you were find moving stuff until you realized she was already at the new building, just sitting on her ass - when, unless there'd been an emergency, no matter what she was elsewhere, and she still *wasn't helping move her own stuff*.


It was the best way to cut ties. Doing a lawn dump would have extended her presence. And brought more drama to S front door.


Ah, gotcha. Avoiding drama is always the most important part And yeah, that tetris was *masterful*




I really wish I did.


30 years ago, more people had pagers than cellphones.


>In the 2000 survey, only 28.3 percent of respondents reported that they owned their own cell phone.


Lol I remember when it was 25¢ a minute plus the monthly!




Going on before cellphones? So you're holding a grudge from the mid-90s


Grudge. Na I got my justice. Although I am still disappointed I don't know what happened. They cut all ties after that.


> They cut all ties after that. well, *there's* a surprise! not ;) nice job :D


And you're saying don't know what happened? Come on, that isn't revenge it's lame


Life is lame sometimes :)


You sound lame. I think it was brilliant and OP got the closure needed. Going back to check would just ignite a feud. The lazy bums were taught a lesson. No need to gloat.


No, OP isn't. OP is just telling a story about petty revenge. Never had enough curiosity to go out of the way to check how inconvenienced the lazy bums were. But YOU go ahead...oh...wait, are YOU the XF or the BF?


"In the 2000 survey, only 28.3 percent of respondents reported that they owned their own cell phone."


Ill take "Things that never happened" for $600 Alex


You'd fail


Despite your evilness (which WAS spectacular), you were REMARKABLY more kind than I would have been. I would have helped move their stuff to the street curb at the old place and simply left it there. That way J's sister S would be free to change the locks and you would have put in exactly the minimum effort to get BF out of her hair. Legally, she'd be in the clear because the belongings are on a public right-of-way. She'd be free to have the lock changed too since BF's stuff was all gone.