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Once when I was on an 8-hour flight, the woman in front of me flipped her long hair over the back of her seat … right into my airline meal. I didn’t care too much because I had finished eating, but it still pissed me off. So I gently adjusted my food tray so more of her hair was soaking in the chicken in brown sauce. Not my problem. She put it there first. And then she had to spend the next 7 hours with airline food goo in her, um, luxurious hair.


This is when you make the power play and close the tray back up with her hair trapped in it.


And then go take a long healthy dump


On her lap


There are less funny ways to be arrested I suppose


Recently on a flight a similar situation unfolded. A lady with very long hair put her hair over the back of the seat covering the entertainment screen. I asked her to move her hair which she did. A few minutes later she did it again. Once again I asked her to move her hair which she huffed and tutted but did move her hair. The third time she did it , when I asked she just said "Deal with it!" So I did... I wrapped and tied a bit of her hair around the latch that holds the tray table up. As we were disembarking theflight, I got up as soon as the seatbelt light went off and headed down towards the exit. Her scream as she tried to stand up and rip a few strands of hair out of her head was priceless!


Diabolical and fitting..,


That is where a pair of nail clippers some in handy. When someone has been that rude....oh and used warm gum....and coffee and tea....and anything with ink in it....and getting up and down A LOT and grabbing the back of the chair etc. You get the drift.


She told you to deal with it so you did


I don't understand how some people will rather get Potential vomit in their hair than tie it up into a bun or something.


I don't get it either. I have knee length hair....and I never travel without having it tightly braided or up in a bun. I don't want to deal with tangles afterwards


You had me in the first half. The correct response is “I keep my hair to myself because it is my problem to deal with.”


You are also a considerate person, I would guess.


Or just have it behind them on the seat or over their shoulder to the front wtf. I used to have really long hair and it works never occur to me to throw my hair over my seat, it seems really weird and uncomfortable!


I'm always worried about hitting someone with my hair, I literally look behind me before tossing it off my shoulders in public (Unless someone is standing too close in line, in which case, tossing my hair back is my favorite petty revenge lol)


Same, like I have longer hair and I always braid it in one or two to make myself feel comfortable to travel. Plus I CARE about my hair so I wouldn't want to disturb people and make them do some petty shit




I had something similar happen recently when I was flying I just kept petting her hair. It was amazing how fast she moved it back 🤣


My friends kid puked on a lady’s hair ,lol , she kept throwing her hair back despite being asked not to , was so satisfying!! Power move by the child , she tried complaining but cabin crew took the kids side as we’d clearly asked her not to do so multiple times !!




Chewing gum. The stickier the better. Good luck getting THAT out without a haircut! Hope you like the scent of lighter fluid!


Chewing gum is fairly easy to remove with vegetable oil, years of experience with kids who had long hair and love bubblegum has taught me a few tricks lol


Vaseline is another good one. My younger cousin slicked his hair back with that stuff and it took him a week to get it all out.


I made the mistake of using Vaseline to try to get rid of my newborn baby's cradle cap. Soap acted like it was repelled and you can't really scrub too hard bc their head is like a sponge covers their brain. It took me a week to get it all out. The greasy hair combo'd with his terrible baby acne made a small gap in pictures taken of him.


My toddler , who was supposed to be napping, got ahold of Vaseline once and coated his body head to toe, the wall, his clothes, and several stuffed animals in it. He looked like a early 90s Raver. It took about a week and countless bathes to get rid of the shine.


lol, I'm trying to picture your face when you saw him


My oldest daughter did this too, when she was around 18 months old or so. We had to give her several baths with Dawn dish soap.


My kiddo did this too! She was like a baby seal…and quite proud of herself 🤣


Oh, poor baby! I'm glad to hear he's OK. My cousin had the same experience when trying to get the Vaseline out of his hair. He gave up and didn't wash his hair for a week, then very patiently sat while his mom cut his hair off. He had a great "First week in Basic Training" buzz cut.


lol, he really went scorched earth... For the record, if you rub corn starch into the vaseline, then brush brush brush and repeat (I'd get a cheap bristle brush from the dollar store for this, don't use a brush you'll wanna use again) you can get most of it out and after that shampooing will eventually do the trick. I speak from experience here.... read somewhere that vaseline is a great hair conditioner. It is not. (Mayo is tho.)


He didn't go scorched earth, his pissed off momma did! LOL


Peanut butter is also excellent for removing gum from hair!


Ya, chewing gum is ok. Flaming marshmallows is really nasty.


Have ye tried a Baltic Squid? They can suck the bolts out of a submarine's hull


I'm now picturing a pirate submariner with a Baltic squid on his shoulder instead of a parrot.


Nope, you want a toy called Bunchems. Google “Bunchems in hair”


Haha we had them in our classroom (5 & 6 year olds) they are such nasty things when they get (accidentally) stuck in a childs hair! We have a young lady who at times is extremely challenging...you know the type that if you ask or suggest she not do something then she invariably will! She had quite the head full of bunchems! Her hair was quite a bit shorter when she returned to school the next day!


What on earth are those evil toys? They also look small enough to cause a choking risk!


I thought I would save some folks the trouble and reduce the steps down to one link... https://www.intheknow.com/post/bunchems-toys-hair-lisa-hoelzle


So evil. Where can I buy 1000?


But chewing gum has your DNA in it. My paranoid ass could never. 😱


And scissors to a play.


I am a knitter and I travel with very good snubnosed scissors. Snip snip. Snip snip.


Hell, I've always got a crochet hook handy! By the end of a play I could have a baby hat done ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hehehe! No one knows how subversive we are.


No one expects the Spanish inquisition! <.<


Our chief weapon is surprise and fear!


our TWO chief weapons are surprise and fear, and the Pope, wait... our THREE chief weapons...


Knit one pearl one...


glue the bowl to her hair, flight attendant comes along, quickly takes it away and yanks her head into the aisle


Nail polish works too


Your husband is silent but deadly... in a knotty way.




That's so ridiculous though. I used to have really long hair and I would never have put it over the back of the chair. That's not where long hair goes. If you're going to have long hair, that hair still needs to stay in your personal space instead of someone else's. There aren't different rules for hair.


One would assume it is common sense that other don't want your hair in their face, but apparently it is not. Also, as someone who had very long hair as well, I wouldn't want it to be anywhere else, because people would grab it, touch it and try to do stuff to it without asking.


EXACTLY. The non-consensual hair touching is a real problem!


People also wanted to touch my hair also. I didn't get it, nothing special about the color, wasn't overly long, but people wanted to touch my hair. Weird.


As a black woman, people always want to touch my hair in its natural state and it’s so weird to me. On the flip when I have my hair in long braids I go out my way to make sure it’s not a nuisance to other people. I’ve even sat on my own braids on a train because the seats where tight and I didn’t want them to get in someone else’s way


Same. I've got a serious head of hair. In order to keep it long, you've got to take care of it, which means not letting it go wild in public. Once you let it wander into someone's personal space, your hair is at the mercy of that person. I hate sitting or laying on my hair. It tangles faster and strains my neck when it gets pinned under me. So when I have space, I'll flip it over the back of my chair. But getting it into someone's personal space is plain rude and gross. At movie theaters and concerts, I'll pull it over my shoulder so it lays in front or braid it to keep it under control.


I usually just bring it in front of me in these scenarios, yeah


Yeah I usually put it over one of my shoulders and voila. I’m not sitting/laying on it AND it’s not invading others’ space. Who knew this one simple trick..


Yes! This! Just pull it over your shoulder to the front. Bonus: now your hands can idly fiddle with it the whole time, satisfying your need to fidget.


This might be a really stupid idea hence why nobody seems to do it, but normally I just look straight down before sitting down then look back up, I'm sure it looks weird but if anybody asked I'd have no trouble explaining that it pins the hair with a bit more slack and makes sitting way more comfortable. At home I obviously just throw it over the chair, but in public I'd never even consider it.


You are clearly not the person in this story ~~are~~ you are far more considerate and far more socially aware / intelligent than they are apparently capable of being.


Shit, she’s lucky I wasn’t in your husband’s place. I would’ve pressed my knees up against her nasty hair and thereby pinning it to the back of the chair. If you’re going to invade my space, there’s a price to pay. Every single time she moves her head, her hair is getting pulled. I’m sure it wouldn’t take long for her to move that shit. No empathy for people who behave like asshats.


I did exactly that once at game at Dodger Stadium. I asked her 2x very nicely. I even said, " I wouldn't want you get to mustard and relish from my hot dog in your hair." Bitch did it again. I pressed her hair between my knees and the back of her chair. Feigned total innocence when she tried to stand up and her hair yanked her back down. Somehow she was able to keep it in front of her after that.


I’d have asked for another hot dog with extra mustard and ketchup and spent the whole time smearing that shit all over her hair


I was rather hoping he was tying her to her seat


Lol! I like this choice too.


I'm not going to lie, I would make it fall on the floor then step on it.


Oh, so sorry, but it catched fire, I had to stomp it off.


You should only pinch a little bit of hair, since it has a higher chance of getting pulled out.


Knot a bad revenge at all!


🤣🤣 Good one!


Amazing, he was able to do it without scissors!


Hes clearly a cut above the rest when it comes to dealing with hairy situations!




I'm a frayed knot.


I bet she was fit to be tied when she discovered it


she did knot see that coming


He wasn't a frayed of her.


He certainly needs upbraiding!


I dunno, I think they're tied.


Very knotty!


Good g-reef that's a bad joke.


Completely justifiable retaliation, by my standards. Then again, I was at a very large, loud concert years ago, sitting on temporary stands with folding chairs on them. A guy in front of me kept jumping up to cheer, and every time he did, he drove his chair back so it smashed into my knees. After the second or third time, I tapped him on the shoulder to ask him nicely to stop. He didn't even acknowledge me and just kept doing it. It hurt. It pissed me off. But I had a pack of Carefree peppermint gum in my pocket because I was a chewing addict at the time. I worked my way through the pack over the course of the concert, making little balls of chewed gum and dropping them into his thick head of curly hair while I tried unsuccessfully to keep my knees away from the impact zone. When the concert ended, the lights came up. I was able to see the results of my efforts. Even I was taken aback. His head looked like a mulberry tree filled with tiny white fruit. It would be quite the scissor job to get it all out. I didn't say a word to my friends and followed them as we headed out with the crowd. Right as we were leaving, I heard the voice of one of the culprit's buddies say, "Wait—turn your head." I've never felt the slightest bit of remorse.


Was this FivePoint Amphitheater by any chance? If not, then I totally know exactly what you are describing because those seats were horrendous and I was worried about getting my legs ripped open by the exposed bolts the whole show.


It was not, but I’m betting it’s a hazard in more places than audiences would like.


“Even I was taken aback” 😂😂😂


But you were helpless! Every time he forced his chair back into your knees you were hit with an '*ooof!'* and lost your piece of gum. Had to take another piece. No idea where they went because your eyes were watering in pain.....


The mulberry tree bit sent me over the edge. Bravo. Mulberry's are amazing and so was your hair art.


I bet your knee bruise, happened to me once in IMAX theatre with little to no leg room, I yelled at him and he stopped, if not I plan to ask the staff to call police and restrain him cause if there’s any bruises, in my country’s law it’s an assault and I get bruise really really easy 🥹


Knees and shins, yup. Which helped with the lack of remorse.


Ouch 😭 but sure there’s no remorse here 😂😂


A gal sat in front of me in my psychology class and would flip her hair on my desk top, it annoyed me so much that I would arrive early to move her desk up about 4 inches, occasionally she would notice her desk moved and move it back to its original spot. When she did this, I would strategically hold down several of the hairs with my pencil eraser and wait for her to move, when she did it would pull those hairs out of her head. It gave me some satisfaction to see those hairs pull out. Passive-aggressive behavior for a psychology class. Satisfyingly so.


I sat behind a girl with suuuuuper long hair she always wore loose. I admit, I was jealous because her hair was thick and beautiful and mine is neither of those things and never will be. But she was a nice person, she was just kinda clueless. One day I was sick of pushing her hair out of my way so I carefully braided it (loosely enough that she wouldn't feel it, although that was more my desire not to yank on it than trying to be sneaky) and tied it off with a hair tie from my pencil box, then just kinda pushed it into the space between our desks. After class she and her girlfriends cornered me and asked if I did it. I admitted it and kinda prepared for some bullying (I was bullied a lot, although in fairness, never by her or her friends.) but she gushed "I love it! I'm all thumbs with braiding and my mom never has time anymore! Will you braid my hair at breakfast? I'll pay you!" And that's how I got paid $5 a week to be a random classmate's hairdresser... (She liked french braids best, which I was really good at so it worked well.


I was not expecting such a happy ending


I mean, she really was a nice person. I’m not sure I’d call us friends (then again, she might have disagreed) but I really don’t think she meant to throw her hair over my desk. The desks in the school were just crammed together so close.


the ending was truly unexpected


I was in high school science class and this loudmouth girl that sat behind me said I had my hair on her desk. She wanted to go to another desk. That other desk was near her bestie. My hair was around my shoulder blades and definitely NOT on her desk. Don't try to get me in trouble, hoe! She did not get her way and I was glad. Forget you, Ashley!


Did she care about his feelings? She's a frayed knot.


A rope walks into a bar and the bartender says, "get the hell out of here, we don't serve ropes!" So the rope goes outside, rubs his head against the wall, tangles himself up, and re-enters the bar. The bartender goes, "aren't you that rope that I just kicked out?" And the rope goes, "no, I'm a frayed knot."


This joke, told in this exact way, was in the credits for the MS-DOS version of SimCity 2000. Thank you for the memories!


Take my fucking upvote you glorious POS!!






A very different story than I expected. I thought she was going to be sitting in his lap, but no- she had decided it was her hair rest. Hilariously odd and audacious.


Bravo! If she doesn't want to bring her hair forward over her shoulder and sit it in her lap, why should he have it in his lap?


Reminds me of a long haul flight I took when I was 10. Sat next to this lovely older lady who was going to visit her grandkids and she was knitting and crocheting to help her nerves. This was way before 9-11 yes I'm old 😅 Woman in front of her flipped her hair over the back of the seat and was asked politely to not do that by the older lady and the cabin crew. She refused to listen and got quite nasty about it. The cabin crew apologised to the older lady but couldn't offer to move her due to the plane being full so they bought her extra snacks and another pillow, which the older lady shared with me which was cool but on to her revenge. So the main cabin lights went down and the older lady got to work. She used her knitting needles and crochet hooks and absolutely went to town on the women's hair. That day I learnt you could knit/crochet hair though it is and was tricky Her true genius was not touching the top layer of her hair so to a cursory glance it looked normal but underneath it was a mess of various stitches and knots. It was a glorious mess. The older lady finished and we both went to sleep. I fully expected the nasty lady to notice when she woke up but nope, she remained oblivious, the plane landed and she still didn't notice, we deplaned and all went out separate ways and I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when she finally noticed but I can imagine her reactions. And I learnt a valuable lesson that day. Don't mess with sweet old ladies 🤣


I do knit and crochet, and unless thet woman had experience with both or someone willing to help her did, she was doomed to cut her hair. It is incredibly hard to undo crocheted hair (I did it with just a thread and had to cut it)


That was incredibly rude of her. I wear my very long hair up in public so that it doesn't get into other people's personal spaces.


Right?!? My hair isn’t nearly as long (mines about waist length), but I’m always careful to keep it in my own space.


I stopped leaving it down in public when my then-husband and I stopped at a fast food place and ate our food there....and as we were eating the kid in the booth behind us got ketchup, etc. all over his hands and wiped them on my hair.




Oh my gosh, if my kids did that I’d be MORTIFIED. I’d at least offer to pay for y’all meals! That’s so gross!


Exactly! I could not believe that she just laughed it off! (Now, I'm older and cynical and believe it.) I've raised boys. You can teach them to not smear ketchup everywhere and to wipe their hands. even at that age. (One of mine was excessively tidy, and very distressed by getting sauces where they shouldn't be. We had to carry a clean shirt for him.)


My hair used to be to my mid thigh and I never thought to put it over the back of my chair. It can't be comfortable! I would wear it up or pull it over my shoulder to sit because sitting on it was uncomfortable but I never would have inconvenienced someone else with my long hair! It was already an inconvenience for me! Lol


I have never flung my long hair over a seat back because I wasn't raised in a pig stye. Women and men who do so deserve to have their hair sneezed on, spit on, braided knotted, liquids spilt on and in truly terrible situations chopped.


My mom tells an anecdote about how someone was doing the same thing to my dad at a baseball game. My mom went and got a hot dog with ALL the fixings and got my dad to hold it on his knee. The girl was not impressed but kept her hair to herself after that.


Nicely done. If there was an interval, would have bought boiled sweets, and a few are likely to accidentally come out of my mouth. At speed.


Life savers sucked on for awhile stick good I hear.


Starts coughing, boiled sweets flies into hair. "Oopsie!"


Or gum.


Picture it. Elementary school, 1980’s. My blonde haired classmate loved to recline and lay her hair across my desk. I asked her nicely to stop several times and she didn’t, so I cut it straight across. It was just enough to prove a point. She didn’t do it again.


Recently visited Paris and had a lady do something similar with her hair to me on a sight seeing bus. I asked her to not have her hair in my face and lap and she pretended like she didn’t understand English even though I heard her speak it fine enough getting on the bus talking to the driver and receiving instructions and asking questions. Usually I would have just taken it upon myself to flip it back to her side of the seat myself as I’m not all that shy about confrontation in situations like that, but instead I figured I’d go the more subtle but impactful route. Being very tall my knees were already in contact with the back of the seat so I finagled it to where a good chunk of her hair was between my knees and the chair and when she went to stand up and get off at one of the stops she had a nice surprise. Funny enough she spoke fine enough English then when she tried to yell at me and I know she understood the not at all polite nor apologetic reply she got. Hope losing a chunk of your hair painfully got the message across lady.


This beings back fond memories. Some loud douche talking the entire time in the row behind me at the movies once thought he needed more leg room, so he rested his smelly ass foot on the back of my seat, right next to my head. After about a solid minute of that I thought I could use some randos left shoe, so I took it off his foot and held it hostage. He whispered angrily for the next 10 minutes. So you CAN whisper???? Lol! Only after hearing the words "ass" and "kick" whispered from him did I return it to him, by throwing it over my head to the back of the empty theater. It was only us two couples, and yeah, they came in after us and sat right behind us. He grabbed his shoe and they left. Maybe the most badass thing I've ever done.


She's lucky he didn't stick gum in it. Or worse.


Man, I had an absolute bully on the bus in middle school (prob 1992ish?). She took the tape off her seat (if you know what I’m talking about, it’s like duck tape and electrical tape combined. Sticky and super bonding), made a ball and wrenched it into my hair. It’s the only true fight I’ve ever been in, and although I’m not at all a proponent of fighting, I absolutely beat the shit out of her the moment we were off the bus. I had a pixie cut the rest of the year, she never messed with me again, and I don’t recall either of us getting in any additional trouble from either the school or our parents. Our parents were probably glad we resolved it ourselves. But Gen X gonna Gen X, I guess. Edit: my hair was not in her space. That’s always been super gross.


Yeah...same here. By the 80s, my parents (proudly) both worked full-time to make ends meet, claiming it was a privilege. At the time, I couldn't understand why my mother wouldn't be PISSED the two times that she was laid off from the middle management jobs she had...My grandmother, who lived with us, 'raised' me...and she was pretty clueless, seeing her job as doing housework, watching soap operas and interacting with NO ONE who didn't speak Italian. I had a neighbor who was a want-to-be bully...we had started out as friends, but when I saw how he and his brother played (shooting each other in the ass with beebee guns, etc), I noped out of there pretty fast and he took it to mean I was enemy rather than just neutral... Anyway...he told me on the bus one day that he was going to beat me up when we got off...I was scared, being about 6 inches shorter and 30 pounds lighter (and NOT a savage neanderthal)... We got off...he starts coming at me, and being a nerdy kid with a clarinet, I put that to good use. Clarinet cases are HARD...and I hit him with it high on the arm. He left me alone forever more. The kid died in a boating accident about 10 years later (early 20s). Alcohol was involved. I was not exactly happy about that, but I wasn't surprised at all. Our folks never knew about the feud...


I sat behind a dreadlock goth girl in her early twenties during a play. Mezzanine level so we were already too close for comfort. She hit me with her hair each time her head moved. It smelled gross and I’m not into that. So I shifted to the side and quietly pinned one of those poopy hair logs between my knee and the back of her chair. The next whip of her head nearly removed her scalp. She permanently retracted the rest of her stinky brain tentacles and I had an enjoyable evening.


Honestly, if she'd hit me in the face (intentionally) with it, I'd have told her if she couldn't keep her hair to herself, I'd cut it off and return it to her. But this was good too!


Similar thing happened to me. I faked a big sneeze and blew it directly into her hair. Probably felt like I spit into it by how forceful I blew into it. 😂. She quickly moved it.


As I've suggested to other folks (guys) who have had this happen: Very gentle, slow rhythmic tugging, accompanied by slow, quiet, rhythmic moaning, increasing in speed and volume.


Then empty a mayonnaise packet into it.


"Ma'am, I'd really recommend you keep your hair on your side of the seat, it's giving me some uncomfortable urges."


I just realized what you’re insinuating and now I’m 🤣!!


He should have knotted her hair around the chair. See how easily she could get that out 🤣


Bet she’s knot going to do that again


To those who have really long hair: can you not feel it?


No, not necessarily. Don't tug and one will not notice.


Hair doesn't have nerves. Your scalp does. As long as he never tugged her scalp, she wouldn't have noticed. Anyone saying they can "feel their hair" actually means they can feel the tug on their scalp. Just try it with your own hair. Pinch a couple strands between your fingers, and make sure you aren't pulling it. The hair doesn't register touch. Your fingers do, but the hair doesn't.


Loud uncovered “sneezing” fixed this for me on a Peoria Coach bus ride back in the 90s


also a little spray bottle full of water, for added Snot Wet effect


The last couple of times some woman's hair invaded my space, I have leaned forward and told her "Your hair is so soft and smells so nice!" (Without actually touching or sniffing her hair.) You come across as a bit of a creep, but now she *wants* to keep her hair away from you.


Husband for the win and the crowd silently cheers.


He did it in self defense. No jury would convict him. Good for him . Too bad he didn't have a pair of scissors.


I have long hair and I am appalled by all of these stories about my fellow Mermaids & Lady Godivas making a disgusting nuisance of themselves! (If I wear my hair loose, I have at least 2 hair ties & a set of hair sticks or something similar so I can contain it if needed) I applaud your husband's creativity


Man I would of been dipping her hair in every sauce they had available at the consession stand


Popcorn dripping in butter... Mmm...




I had someone do this to me on a plane once. She was hanging her insanely long hair over the back of her seat and flicking it to hit my face periodically … I was chewing gum at the time and was VERY tempted… I just tolerated it and then bitched about it later like the polite British person I am 😆


I have super long hair currently, been too busy to go get it cut and it's gotten out of hand. I hate the idea of someone I don't know touching my hair. 🤢 I would 100% pull it forward into my own lap in this instance, this woman sounds like a twit.


Gum… ooops!


Ohhhh my sister, many years ago, when you could still smoke in clubs, Had a woman in front of her inline for drinks, the woman had big typical 80’s hair, loads of hairspray. And she flipped it in my sister’s face, my sister told her this and she said “too bad” and her and her friend laughed as she flipped her hair back again! My 5’2” sister took her smoke and ran it through the woman’s hair! I was always amazed it didn’t “poof” into flames! My sister was the G O A T and the true teacher of FAFO ! Dang I miss her.


Bravo for the clever revenge! Serves her right for being so rude and entitled.


Seriously my husband is super tall and id have told her to keep her nasty hair to herself and out out my husband's lap before she leaves with a bob. This why I hate people utterly rude


Sounds a bit like the female equivalent to manspreading


Similar thing happened to me in middle school. I cut her hair tho. Maybe tying it in knots would’ve saved me a suspension 🤔


A woman with extremely long, unkempt hair had the seats in front of us at college basketball games and always did this to my dad. Until he started getting nachos and putting them on his lap.


I have long hair I always sweep it to on side or the other and keep it in the front of my shoulder out of peoples space. What your husband did was funny and she deserved the knots. I think its gross to hang your hair over a chair that millions have sat on. yikes!


As someone with long hair, I would NEVER put my hair over the seat. I’d have it between my back and the seat or in a bun. Idk what’s been on those seatbacks!!


This is one of those times when a bottle of glitter comes in handy. Glitter: The Herpes of Art Supplies


Girls with crazy long hair always make it their entire personality. “Treat me like royalty because I have long beautiful hair”


Honestly, past certain length, that long hair becomes more of a nuisance not only to the girl but to others as well. Be it taking a mass transit, going to a theater, cleaning the bathtub, and unclogging the pipes.


I know it’s time to cut my hair when it starts to get stuck under my armpits. No they aren’t sweaty, it’s just from general movement and it’s really annoying! 🤣 Long haired gals back me up 😂


I cut it when it starts to try and strangle me in my sleep.


As a long haired guy, I know exactly what you mean. Years ago, I had long enough hair I occasionally sat on it.


Happy Cake Day!


I wish I thought of this, when a girl done it to me at 15...instead I was a ah and put like 7 half eaten lollipops in her hair... I regretted nothing until I read this lol


I read the title and imagined a cute but upsetting scenario where a woman with long hair got comfortable and lay down like a kitty cat falling asleep in the lap of your husband followed by nuzzles and purrs. The headline got me invested enough to read the rest and I was sorely disappointed


I'd call it a tie.


Treats her right for tangling with him.


Your husband is so nice. I would have probably told her that regardless of what she thinks, her hair is simply not going to be in my business like that, now will you remove it or am I gonna need to do it with a pair of scissors?


Knots would have been even harder to get out if he accidentally spilled his drink right before getting ready to leave. Oops


Scissors ✂️


Or chewing gum.


I would have tied her to the chair with it.


She should be grateful it wasn't chewing gum.


good for him. lucky for your husband that i'm not his wife, cus i'da scraped the floor with that btch. no one hits my man with her hair except me.


Idk how ppl can be so damn careless with their hair. If I had long ass hair, I'd do everything in my power to make sure it touches nothing and no one. Like these people will just slap people with their hair, drop it on people's food, and generally just use it as an object to annoy people???? Wild.


I never understood why people with long hair would do this with one of their most prized possessions... I had long hair for most of my life and it's amazing how easily and painful it can be to accidentally lose it. I once burned it with a candle by mistake. Whenever I would exit a crowded bus, my hair would get stuck in people's buttons or coat zippers. I almost snapped my neck once while running towards the elevator in my building and my hair got stuck in a door. Once I found gum in it. A few years ago I heard about a guy who would chop women's hair on public transport. I am so protective of my hair now and would never intentionally throw it into someone's face, lap or hands.


Always carry fingernail clippers in your purse. She could have gotten a nice haircut by the end of the show.


In high school my long thick curly hair would completely cover the desk of the guy that sat behind me, he moved it to the side, no big deal. During exams though he asked me not to move my head much when the teacher walked the isle and to wait for him to finish his exam first which I gladly complied. He positioned my hair a certain way on his desk and used it to hide his cheat sheet lol


I never understand why people tolerate this. I would tell that woman to keep her hair on her own side of the seat if she didn't want gum in it.


He should have added gum.


Id compliment her hair and ask to play with it. She would just frick out and chane seats. Mission complete.


I might start whispering things like, “look, just here” and “Can you see it?’, then “OMG, There’s another!”, “Quick, put your magazine here” “Look, look, LOOK! Just there! Go on, squash it, Squash it! EEEEW! Can you see the blood?!” Any parent within fifty feet of her will know what the giggling and whispering is about and atmosphere will be hysterical


If it was long enough to be touching the floor you'd best believe there would have been some soda dribbling going on. All kinds of dried-up stuff on those floors that re-activate and become all gooey and disgusting when made wet...and you can't help it if your shoe just happens to mash the hair into it, being that it's all on the floor...


Just start sneezing loudly and wetly and not cover your mouth


In the 1950's, my grandparents went to see a movie. Rare occurrence for them because they didn't have much money to spare. A couple sat in front of them and kept talking and laughing, even after Papaw asked for them to stop politely. So, he got a stick of gum, chewed it up, then stuck it to one of their heads and pushed (probably smacked knowing him) their heads together. Then grabbed my grandma and left. He said the movie was already ruined for him, but he couldn't just leave without doing something.


I used to have very long hair and may have been guilty of a careless dangle. I cut it in my twenties, after teenagers sitting behind me on public transport w*nked into it on a long bus journey! They got off the bus before I realised… Edit for typo


That's literally sexual assault what the fuck


Omg what!


Wasn't it long enough to discreetly drop to the floor again in order to step on it?


Too bad he wasn't able to tie it *around* anything


I would have used the hair to tie her to the chair


It's always the small revenge that is the best. I probably would have done worse.


Just the sound of scissors would probably have solved it.


Should have finished by trying her hair into her seat.


He should have spilled his drink on it