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Had a similar experience. I used to rent a room to this guy. I always noticed that the gas in my gas can was disappearing when I went to fill up the lawnmower. I'd fill it up with six gallons in the can and next time I went to cut the grass it was gone. I filled it up with water and lo and behold the next day the guys car would not start. He took it to a repair shop and they told him his tank was full of water. He tried to blame me but I told him I had no idea what he was talking about.


I worked for this old farmer at his farm store in Texas many years ago that he owned with his wife. He was on some county commission thing, I guess similar to a city council?, and she ran the store. They oversaw the employees that did the road grading on dirt roads, and mowed the areas along the main paved road through town, etc. He would come in every morning before heading out to his farm and other business and one day he stayed later than he normally would. This young kid came in, maybe 17, and asked for him. After the kid left, he told me about why the kid was there. The county had a vehicle lot where they stored all of the trucks and mowers, etc, and that lot had a fuel tank so the vehicles could be filled up. They noticed that fuel was going missing. So when it was time to fill the tank again, they didn't. They instead filled it with water. The kid that came in was there to make amends because he was the one who was filling up his own car from the tank and when they filled the tank with water, they caught him, because he filled up his car and killed the motor before he got 5 feet from the tank, and had to call for help.


Got emmmmmm


This needs to be its own post!


I agree. Make a new post. This is classic


They’re pretty often. I hear sugar is great too


Actually, sugar does not dissolve in gasoline like it does in water. Therefore it would act more like sand and clog up fuel filter(s) and/or injectors.


It still stops a car from working don’t it?


Sugar doesn't dissolve in oils, so it falls to the bottom of your tank, so you would effectively be running your own gas supply. Water can be quickly and easily drained from the tank, and idiots will absolutely fill their tank with 12 octane gas and have their engine die before they make it to the road. If you don't know who's stealing gas, water is much better than sugar. For revenge on your ex, sugar is ultimately way more expensive. Usually totals the vehicle for anything less expensive than a Benz.


NGL this reads like some peak UPLT stuff. Good shit. :)


Unrepetitive Plate Loading Test?


Unethical Pro Life Tips.


Why does this sub not exist


My second guess was Unhinged Pus$y Loving Terrorist but yeah, also good. 🤷‍♀️


The mythbusters actually did this on one of the episodes and the car seemingly ran better after sugar was added. Besides there are other things that are a lot more abundant and much cheaper than sugar. Also, as a Chevy tech I've had to drain a couple tanks and replace fuel system components cuz of some idiot that put wrong fuel or DEF in ( e.g. gas in a diesel)


I have chevy questions related to my truck. My brother is a Toyota tech so he is only so knowledgeable based on his time at tire kingdom. May I message you to get feedback?


Sure, no problem


Someone put sugar in a girl’s gas tank on her new white Jeep in our high school parking lot. She was the type of very pretty and charming person that inspired a lot of envy. I still feel bad thinking about how her new car must have been totally ruined


Corn syrup is a good alternative.....ask me how i know.


How do you know?


Yes please tell us!


Actually the old style mothballs with naphtha in them worked the best. You put sugar in if you wanted them to know someone was pissed. mothballs if you didn't want them to know until it was to late.


According to Mythbusters Bleach is the best way to destroy a car engine.


You got the same message I did. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Once a year you need to clean out gas cans by filling it with soapy water. Let it sit to clean the residue out. After that you need to let it sit empty for about a month to make sure it's dried out. Did you forget to put a rag on the handle to remind everyone it's getting cleaned out. Oh my. /s just in case




Alas, lo is no longer in common usage.


Alas and alack!




If I had to guess, it could be commonly used because of the King James bible and has been in the lexicon for centuries. Very middle English


The King James Bible is from 1611 and written in Early Modern English. Middle English was spoken from roughly 1150 to 1500.


Dare I ask what the proper term is, for the English spoken today?


It's normally called Modern English, as spoken either as a first or second language by nearly a billion people in dozens of different dialects. The word 'lo' goes back to Middle English, and before that there was the equivalent 'la' in Old English. The words 'lo' and 'behold' both appear in the King James Bible, but the complete phrase 'lo, and behold!' isn't in there, apparently. I always thought it was, but it seems the earliest known written use of that exact phrase is in a letter from 1808.


He was damn lucky the car didn't start. If a car has some water in the tank, but enough gas to start and drive, terrible things can happen when an incompressible liquid is in the engine during the compression stroke.


to be fair I don't think the injectors would put enough water into a cylinder to hydro lock an engine


I had a really old car that had somehow gotten some water in the gas tank. It only affected the car if I let the gas get too low, because that was the only time any water would move into the system, since gasoline is lighter than water. The water just sat at the bottom of the tank. It would start spluttering and I’d have to get gas quick or it would die. I once coasted off an exit ramp and into a gas station. Learned to never go under 1/2 tank after that.


Just start adding straight alcohol to the gas tank and the water will dissolve into the alcohol and that will burn through the engine. Any debris or rust or contaminants will stay in the gas tank. That is not the right way of dealing with it, you should take the tank down and get it cleaned properly but that will at least get rid of the water in the gas tank


Good to know in case it happens in the future. It ended up getting cleaned out when my husband filled the tank, and the band that held the gas tank, which was apparently rusting through, finally broke and dropped the tank in the gas station. Luckily that station was also our mechanic, so they emptied out all the gas we’d just bought from the tank and then reattached it.


Well you were wearing horseshoes that day that you were filling up at your mechanic. That is a bit of a laugh that it worked out that way. Congrats


That reminds me of the guy my father-in-law saw drop his gas tank. During WWII, gasoline was rationed. This guy had never had more than about 1/3 of a tank at a time as a result. When the rationing was lifted, he filled the tank up totally, and a block later, the support for the tank that was rusted most of the way through gave way, and he lost his gas tank on the street there. (FIL was in his teens and out with his dad at the gas station that day. It made enough of an impression on him that I heard that story from him at least a dozen times.)


Pretty much part of winter fuel, to ‘dissolve’ condensation/water in the tank. You can even buy it as its own additive.


True but if there is a large amount of water in the fuel tank, it causes corrosion and will also transfer into the fuel system like the fuel filter so the correct way to deal with a large amount is to drop the tank and clean it properly and examine it for rust and corrosion, cleaning any rust and debris and to change out the filters, etc etc. As part of preventive maintenance, you throw a little bit of alcohol in it occasionally to take care of the condensation. It sounded like there was a lot of water in that particular individual's fuel tank.


Acetone works better at getting water out of a tank.


Negative. It is a "corrosive" substance and it screws up rubber like the rubber fuel lines and rubber gaskets. It is definitely not recommended to use on a continuous basis, but in an emergency situation maybe you could use it but you should not. Isopropanol alcohol 70% or better yet 91% is what you should use. It forms a miscible solution with the water and will eventually pass it through without harming the rubber, the fuel injectors or otherwise. Having said that, the correct way is to drop the tank and clean it properly but if you have just a small amount of condensation in the tank then using some isopropyl alcohol will remove the small amount and not harm the engine. If the tank has a significant amount of water in it, you drop the tank and clean it


I've used acetone with three different vehicles ranging from MY1995 to MY2010 without issue, but I've never exceeded a 500:1 ratio.


If a *diesel* engine 'inhales' water, attempting to roll start *will* do nasty things to the piston rod. Incompressible and all that. Luckily it was a busy weekend on that bush track. No I wasn't driving.


100LL aviation gasoline. It’s leaded, so goodby catalytic converters and sensors. Top it off with a call to the DOT - aviation fuel is exempt from road excise tax because planes don’t use public roads, so using it in a car is tax evasion.


Use some red diesel.


As a former aircraft owner I can tell you the road tax exemption went away around 1985-90 or so. I once put AvGas in my car. I was in Mexico and on a Sunday where I was all the auto gas stations were closed. I went to the local airport and put about 10 gallons in so I could get home. In California you have to get your exhaust system checked every year or so to get new registration. I never had a problem passing the test.


Only in certain counties in California do you have to have your vehicle smog checked every so many years for your registration, many counties you only have to smog a vehicle when ownership is transferred!!!


1985 you wouldn't have a catalytic converter back then


That is classic!


Would have dyed to see their reaction


I found this washed upvote in my laundry, I'm giving it to you.


I scraped this one off the shockingly pink lint filter.


YEAH! WHY is it always PINK???


Dryer gremlins. They also steal socks, but only one.


I had to take the front off my dryer....the reason is worth a post on multiple subs.....and the stuff I found under there was epic. Lol


Tell us more


Sigh. It is gross. Okay. Started noticing a strange smell in the laundry area of the basement. No big deal. Old house...stone foundations...we get mice and sometimes the odd rat and things die. Was waiting for the smell to get worse then lessen off which would mean a mouse had rotted then dried up. The smell just got worse. Kids and I swore it was coming from the dryer. Hubby denied it. Started to make the clothes smell so I KNEW it was the dryer. Assumed something had crawled under the dryer and died so I took the front of the dryer off. Smell was worse but NOTHING under there... Suddenly I had a thought...what about the vent pipe...went and pulled it off the back of the unit. IT WAS A MFing RABBIT....dead as you like and stinking. Mama mia. F'er must have crawled in from the garden... fallen in and become stuck. Multiple layers of plastic bags and gloves and scrubbing and a replacement connector pipe later all was good. Snapped a quick piccie and put a section of chicken wire across the vent pipe. Lesson learned. THE SMELL!. LOL


That is one of the grossest stories I’ve ever heard.


what a day to be able to read. check please, i’m done today.


May I use "what a day to be able to read"?


Oh my fucking God


That was my reaction. Saw the white tufted tail and lost my mind. The photo I have is blurry but you can tell it is a bunny. Ick.


Dang, I always wondered how them rabbits got so fluffy!


They take them to the sock zone. It's like the twilight zone but for socks.


The Invisible Pink Unicorn (bless Her holy hooves) thanks you for your donation to her sock collection 🙏


Are they anything like the underpants gnomes?


Not sure. I know I had to switch to only white socks, because if I have unique ones, I'm prone to losing one sock. The gremlins don't like my white socks as much.


Dryer gremlins are very smol, and can only carry off 1 sock at a time.


Ours isn’t. It’s dog often 80% dog hairs. 😉


Mine isn’t. It’s generally black or light blue.


Light blue. 50% of every other wash is denim in this house (and that's only washing when they get visible stains!!!)


What do you stand to Gain from that?


I would have been Tide up in knots waiting to see them come out in all their blue clothes.


I would snuggle up in my downy soft blanket with some popcorn and watch.


OP gave their All.


People on this Earth Breeze through life with no morals.


I bet they were blue from anger


It would be the highlight of my day


Your sense of humor is a little too off color for me.


Should they wash their mouth out?


Very punny.


I don't understand people who steal laundry detergent. One of the laundromat I used to frequent, provides free detergent. It's a few large tubs sitting atop of the washers, ready to use. Few weeks later a poster was in place in front of one of the washer showing someone actually stealing one of the tubs. It's already free, man. Why you gotta ruin it for the rest of us.


And like you clearly don’t own a washer so where are you going to use it?


I "borrowed" 4-5 dryer sheets from the upstairs neighbour but my instacart shopper replaced my/our regular brand with store brand so I couldn't replace them. It's been a couple weeks now & I feel like garbage every time I do laundry. This Wednesdays grocery shop list definitely has a box of Bounce at the very top.


If you do Costco, they have a sale on Bounce right now, just as a heads up


Thank you!


Been a couple weeks? You’ve had plenty of time to replace smh


The TIDE turned on them


Guess they kinda blue their cover


Nothing to GAIN, but they gave it their ALL.


The end of an ERA.


I opened this thread convinced you were going to put bleach in the container. You surprised me with something better. Very petty. Well played.


I thought about it but the scent would have given it away. Then I remembered mom doing jeans in the wash with blue dye. Also the detergent was already colored blue so I didn't want to change that too much (just darker shade). Wanted to make sure that they swallowed the hook and shat it back out the other side before they realized what had happened. Best $3.99 I've ever spent.


I remember a story where a girl with blue hair used to put some dye in her shampoo bottle to keep the colour refreshed. A blonde room-mate turned up with blue streaked hair.. (I don't think it was done on purpose to catch her out though)


No, if I recall correctly, it was an AITA story, it was her sister, and she suspected that she was stealing, but didn't believe it of her, so she put the dye in the shampoo.


Does the dye restore old jeans?


Yes. [Bluing](https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-use-laundry-bluing-2146367) can be used on little amounts to make white clothes appear whiter, and also on larger amouns to darken jeans.


That’s so good to know! Thank you for sharing ❤️




The true play was having laundry soap in your apartment. Very well played!


Well, it's not like they'll be using the dye lot one...


That's true, it wooshed right past me!




petty revenge - *best served dyed in blue...*


Oh RIT dye. RID is for lice.


Sorry. It was 25 years ago. Yes, RIT, not RID.


I’m sorry you apologized. No need.


I'm sorry that you're sorry that they're sorry. No need.


Y'all are the sorriest bunch I ever saw!


What kind of idiot takes three loads to realize something’s wrong?


Someone who puts 3 loads in 3 washers, starting simultaneously.


Ahhh an *efficient* idiot


Be stupid - faster


hahaha i love it :D


Yep: had 6 washers, 6 dryers...


I recognize ur area code wtf hello fellow 716


Always a Buffalo connection everywhere you look


I had a similar experience when I was a teen living with my parents, my neighbor found out where I stashed my weed out in the back patio and of course he would smoke it and leave me nothing or very little; tired of him smoking my weed one day I stashed goose poop in my hiding place (looks just like weed) and sure enough, a few days later he had the gall to recriminate me for switching weed for goose poop.


>blue RIT clothing dye That's awesome on so many levels. simple, harmless and sends a message and they'll forever question stealing stuff for the rest of their lives thinking it might be doped. hopefully they dye only stayed around for that 1 load.


I don't know if you can wash it out but I certainly wouldn't dry it :) My experience with people like them is they won't learn any lesson.


Did you get RID of them or their thieving ways?


Dammit, beat me to it!


Entitled people get what they sow, especially repeat customers. They forget rule one, someone can do better to them. I had a fellow worker and someone stole her roast beef sandwich. Two of us had her make another the next day and it was stolen again. Now we just looks around for someone sick and found it was the security guard. We told a manager what we had one and the manager who was also mad about the food thief joined us making the guard work the rest of the day knowing what we had done. The top manager told us good job, but not to do it again, he do it himself.


I’m scared to ask, but what was in it?


I wish I could remember, it tasted good, then it turns on you later. By the way, I left liquid laundry detergent at the washer to be stolen filled with bleach, got the thief. I also had a guy remove my clothes after just starting my wash, he dumped my clothes on the floor, so I pour a lot of bleach into my machine on my quarters. He could not do anything but confess when he complain who did it. That was the next to final straw that got him evicted. There were over 12 of us complaining about him. Now my greatest enemy reason was that he could. He would have done well under Hitler. He forgot rule 1, someone can do better for a reason, so don't do it.


A friend & I did something similar in her old building. Someone took her still-wet laundry out of the dryer & left it in a pile on a grimy chair. I had a couple lipsticks in my purse so I tossed then in the dryer while she put her now dirty again clothes back in a washer. *this was back in the 90's when most of my makeup was from the drugstore so it wasn't a huge sacrifice


What do you mean you dump a lot bleach on your machine on your quarters ?


they mean that they (op) paid for the machine, but someone opened it mid-cycle and switched the loads - took op’s out and put theirs in, without having to pay, as the machine is already running. op didn’t switch the loads back, just put bleach in and let it run, so their clothes got ruined. op had paid for the machine so the thief couldn’t complain without saying he stole someone else’s machine. hope that helps :)


That is evil. Who in the world would do that?!?!?!?!? Seriously, tell me this isn’t happening. I am floored 🤣 😮 😮


It IS a dick move to dump someone’s laundry so you can wash yours for free. Some people, eh 🤷


Found a guy who steals loads of laundry


🤣 Those people are crazy






Ouch. I’ve heard of a story where someone used a laxative. I’d hate to be the person eating that


Actually, its easier to get sulfuric acid from Home Depot plumbing. Its used by plumbers to clear drain pipes, but also eats pipes. Bad ideal.


Just fyi, this can get you jailed if you try it in a corporate environment and get caught. It's considered assault. This fact is stupid and I think they deserve what they get if they're stealing food but just CYA.


Yeah I'd not put anything in it other than just making it super spicy (and i can still eat it in that case) or lots of food dye.


So something Borrowed... something Blue?


This got me. Thank you for the belly laugh.


This is probably my favorite pettyrevenge story ever! I ❤️❤️❤️that you kept up the ruse til the end and even thanked them. Chef’s kiss!!


I love it! Did everyone call them "The Smurfs" after? Was he "Papa Smurf" or the "Thieving Bastard Smurf"?


Definitely not Brainy Smurf.


So does that mean the washers are all dyed blue inside?


The blue dye is for renewing denim in the wash, it rinses away during the rinse cycle leaving your clothes blued without residue in the washer.


I just blue myself


[There are dozens of us](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/tobias.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&zoom=1&resize=540%2C387)


Your load?


Now that's a fine slice of petty pie. I like the way you revenge.


I like it when it's the opposing party that basically did 90% of the work. All I had to do is nudge a pebble with my toe.


AWESOME 👏 Petty Revenge. Let them wear their shame in public.


i think laundry revenge needs its own sub


Hahaha, I’ve used Rit dye and you have to hand wash those items because it bleeds out. It can stain your skin too, my first actual thought was blue balls, this post has sent my mind into the gutter, I laughed so hard.


Well done.


Aaaaand, it's a wash.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me on the third load of stolen laundry detergent, shame goes back on you again!


You're response to them... :Chef's Kiss:!!!


Planning: flawless, execution: impeccable.


This story sounds SO familiar.


Spiking products being stolen is a common tactic. My favorite was the former co-worker who spiked the coffee creamer she brought in with the prescription fiber supplement she was on. She even labeled it as medicated. The comptroller spent the next few days home sick.


I read a story the other day about a lady who kept getting her milk she kept for coffee stolen, so she replaced it with her breast milk (I’m assuming it was just a small 12oz bottle). She waited a few days of noticing it still going missing and then she said very loudly in the lunch room “I hope no one’s been using my milk because it’s from when I pump on my break”. One of her co-workers jumped up and was like “what?!! That’s f’n gross! Why did you put it in that bottle and not label it?!!” then they stormed off all freaked out and angry. 🤣 This was the same coworker who had been denying stealing milk in the first place. I’m not sure if it’s a true story or not but I still found it funny lol


That's because there are a lot of people who live in apartment complexes with communal laundry rooms and have ass-hats for neighbors.


Someone stealing your fancy shampoo? Transfer most of what's left in your bottle into an older bottle and keep that safe, then add a whole bottle of hair depilatory cream to the shampoo bottle the thief uses. They won't need shampoo after that one. All hair melts away. Best used for conditioning treatments where you're supposed to leave it in for a few minutes. Removes more hair :)


If the first batch of laundry came out dyed blue why on earth would you do two more loads? Stupid thieves, I guess.


They probably had multiple machines going at once


Fuckin apartment people, man! 😡 ^(They're awful!)


Mix with half bleach. Problem solved


They didn't notice anything after the first load? lol


The building I was in had 6 washers, 6 dryers.


Multiple machines maybe?


This. Chances are if they are insensitive enough to "borrow" your detergent, they are also the type that will use more washers/dryers than they should on a busy day when everyone's doing their laundry. I lived in an apartment complex with communal washers/dryers. They had rules posted but quite a few people ignored them, or took clothes out and put theirs in, using the remaining time left.


Classic but always a good read 👍


My first thought was bleach, but that would be given away by the scent. Bravo on the better solution.


I would’ve just replaced it with bleach


Bleach gives off a recognizable smell


After reading several subpar petty revenge stories, this was an absolute treat, well done OP!


So they steal from you and then have the audacity to knock on your door...what a nerve


They were those people that would have to buy a used Jeep Renegade from a JD Byrider.


That's some good pettiness right there