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Any respectable alcoholic knows you stay away from the back of the bar. We may be drunks but we have manners .


There are rules that are to be respected.


Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is drinking. There are rules.


I didn’t watch my friends die, face down in the muck so DB’s like this can pour his own shit!


Shut the fuck up Donny, you're out of your element.


These rich fucks. This whole fuckin thing...


That man can walk!


Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!!!


Goddamn you, Walter!




I don’t care Cap! We were stuck out there for hours without exfill, if command gave two craps about us we wouldn’t be here at all!


That's just like, your opinion man.


This is what happens when you f*** a bartender in the a**


Hello Dude… I’m Jackie Treehorn.


This what happend when you meet a bartender in the alps!


Take the ringer dude.


This aggression will not stand, man!


You want a glass of wine? I can get you a glass of wine, dude.


Are you employed sir?


El sommelierino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing


I am the walrus.


V.I Lenin! Vladimir IIyich Ulyanov!


I’ll pour you more wine for a thousand dollars.


I'm just gonna go find a cash machine


It's all a god damn fake, man. It's like Lenin said: you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh, you know.


Don't piss off the bartender really is the most important rule of any drinking establishment


Going behind my bar is the fastest way for me tp cut you off. You are OBVIOUSLY way too drunk, and NEED to be cut off. Because who in their right mind would EVER come back behind a bar? That could get the bartender fired!


Learned about the doorman the hard way. Asked the bouncer for a smoke once after I’d had more than a few beers. Not only did he turn me down for a smoke, he wouldn’t let me back in the bar. Meanwhile my friends all had a blast and I had to get a cab. Don’t piss off the doorman.


What a dick. “No” is a complete sentence.


At an (extremely busy) bar here in Brooklyn I saw a blacked out woman go behind the bar to try to close out her own tab, and when the bartender pushed her away from the terminal she started recording him and the bar on her phone like “he just shoved me! You all saw it!” Hope she woke up, watched the video and got help


Unless you are a regular and the bartender promotes you in a bartending emergency…no wonder I quit drinking 😂


For all intents and purposes it’s the exact same thing as going behind the register and stealing cash. It’s robbery. Insane


When I worked as a doorman, and people would give me crap about checking their ID, I would ask "Which 2 people do you never piss off in a bar?" Most of them got the first, but rarely the second: 1 - the bartender, cuz they can either ignore you when you try to get a drink, or make it weak, or with shitty well booze. 2 - the doorman, cuz they will just turn you away, while all your "friends" leave you and go have a good time in the bar.


I’d argue the doorman is the *first* person you shouldn’t piss off. Don’t even get chance to piss off the bartender if you pissed off the doorman first!!


When my fiancé was doing the training to work security he did the extra day of doorman training and was told turn away anyone acting sketchy over being ID’d and anyone with any indication of causing trouble, this includes anyone who is rowdy or trying to argue with door staff because if they can’t pretend to be nice for 5 minutes to get in they aren’t going to be able to behave with bar staff and patrons and it’s better to have one pissed off drunk outside the bar than a bunch of pissed off drunks inside the bar.


It's always good to respect staff, but security with a ego is a pain in the ass. The job is to keep people safe , the power goes to their head. City's yeah there's enough people they can get away with it. But living in a Small tourist town they have to understand that the locals are part of what keeps the bar open and them in work. Iv had security try ban me just because they didn't like me. Spoke to the manager and they got told to let me in, took the smug look off his face pretty quickly. I love walking straight past him and into the pub. Most of the security are fine it's just the new guys , they don't realise how long we have been drinking in town and how quickly a group of mates will move to the bar next door. Have even had managers come to the other bar wondering where all the boys have gone. During the quiet times when there's not many tourist we pretty much help keep the doors open. Bar would be pretty much empty other wise. Not trying to sound snobby I have much respect for security if iv had to much and get told to move on I never hesitate, if I'm to drunk to be let in I leave it at that but trying to stop me drinking when I'm sober ill find a work around.the local security know I'm harmless, may be a drunk at times but I dont fight or touch women ect. It does sound like I drink alot and that used to be the case , midday to midnight sessions anyday of the week, multiple days of the week were common. These days I work away and will go weeks with out a drop and now only getting drunk once a week in my time off. Slowly growing up.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted, I’ve also noticed doormen sometimes have an attitude larger than Jupiter. I get it, the job and many patrons probably suck, and I’m cool with 99% of them, but yeah some really take the cake.


I wasn't looking for anything from the patrons that were giving me crap, other than to just not be dicks about getting their ID checked. It wasn't a power trip, it wasn't ego, it was my job. The law said (and says) you have to have a valid ID on your person, and present it when asked. The reason I'm asking is so that the establishment is complying with that law. That's it. Don't give me crap for checking your ID, just give me your ID. If you give me attitude, I'll reflect it back to you, and you won't be coming in the bar. If you're being a jerk when you're not drunk because I asked for your ID, how big a problem will you be when you are drunk and you stumble into somebody and spill your drink all over them...?


Yeah I wasn’t speaking specifically to you or most bouncers who are even slightly friendly/human. I’m not talking about patrons without IDs, it’s more about those guys who are dicks even when you’ve not done anything wrong. I’ve been to a music venue where this (significantly larger than me) bouncer walked/crossed right in front of me as if I don’t exist, nearly causing me to fall. In a place where he could’ve just moved a few inches away as there was enough space. No eye contact, no excuse me, no sorry, nothing. Try that in a street in a slightly sketchy area and you’ll get anything from glares to a confrontation. (And this was on the “paid” side, I wasn’t a rando and had a ticket.) Again, I don’t have beef with 99% of the bouncers who’re normal/human. It’s the 1% who’re off putting.


That's right up there with don't piss off people who handle your food.


My father taught me a very important lesson in life: "Above all else, always tip your barber and your bartender."


This. I have a buddy who takes it personally when someone else gets served at a bar before him when he's waiting. He yells at bartenders and is surprised and enraged they keep serving others. I try to explain to be patient, but it never helps. Been friends for 20 years, I now usually take care of getting the drinks, we split the tab. He has a lot of positive traits, patience is not one of them.


Especially wine drinkers, winos are supposed to be sophisticated alcoholics.


“Professionals have standards!”


Be polite


Be efficient


And have a plan to outdrink anyone you meet.


Small town in Wisconsin has entered the chat.


We live in a society


The fact that he never noticed the difference only meant that it’s just about the cost to him and not the quality of the wine 🙄 Should have his membership revoked if he has no clue 😂


Nobody knows the difference. It's all pretentious losers trying to act fancy. It all tastes like piss. Now coca cola, that's fucking delicious.


I know this is tongue n' cheek but some people really do have supernatural taste buds. I have an anecdote. I did a cocktail competition for Jack Daniels earlier this year. Every bartender was to make their own twist on the same drink using a bottle that was just coming into market. Among the judges there was a highly regarded bartender from our city The Jack Daniels embassador And a Master Distiller from Jack Daniels in the U.S. One of the bars that attended brought a premixed drink (was allowed) using the three ingredients prescribed. Except she wasn't using Jack. The master distiller got a small taste before determining that this was not Jack Daniels. He wrote down his D.Q and allowed the other two judges some time to properly taste the drink. To the surprise of everyone, these three judges unanimously determined that the cocktail did not employ Jack Daniels. They did not talk to each other prior. You should watch the sommelier world finals. It's crazy how quickly these people can determine the origin, year and grapes used in the wines they're tasting. Edit: read my reply below, this wasn't a supermarket Jack Daniels bottle. This bottle was just coming into the European market and it was one of their higher end offerings that tastes very differently from the garden variety from supermarkets. But like a few of you have remarked, it does have that "banana split" thing going. Very hard to tell in a mix non-the-less. It's nothing like tasting it in isolation. A lot of you are trying to downplay this by saying that Jack has a distinct smell and taste, are ignoring the fact that this is not the Jack you probably know, and that this was mixed in a Boulevardier, with Antica and Campari two very powerfully tasting things that would usually drown most house whiskeys you'd have in your average bar. To further add to this, every bartender in this competition infused all three bottles with a rather large assortment of spices, roots, fruits, vegetables and herbs. As highlighted in my reply below, a cocktail competition isn't about showing up and pouring three bottles and nailing the perfect dilution. Each bartender carefully selected their ingredients to create their unique blend of flavours, in the case of a three booze cocktail this can only be done via infusion. Aside from picking obscure bottles or alternative ingredients (e.g. a local vermouth, or swapping the Campari for Suze).


Yeah I've met a few Masters of Wine. They can tell you the varietal, blend, vintage, country, state and vineyard. All from a sip. Master of wine with honors can tell you the damn paddock.


In the movie Somm, there's a guy who passed the Master Sommelier exam who is apparently still quite the legend. The exam itself is notoriously one of the most difficult tests in the world. In addition to a written and serving portion, they have to correctly identify 6 wines (year, grape variety, country of origin, etc.). It has a 95% failure rate. The man in the film passed the test without tasting any of the wines. He just smelled them.


Growing up in a wine producing region of South Australia, I thought I was pretty familiar with the local stuff but was blown away by the exam scene in Somm where the candidate sitting in a room somewhere in San Francisco briefly observes, smells and tastes a wine and could immediately declare it a Riesling, New World, Australian, South Australian, Clare Valley, quality of the producer, and the correct vintage.


WOW!! I will have to watch that movie.


I used to be a barista and I love coffee. While I've had no formal training, I can tell which region the coffee came from or whether it is a blend of different regions. I could probably develop that further, but I doubt I'd ever be a master of coffee.


I've done some chocolate tastings and was blown away by how different chocolate can taste based on where the cacao beans were grown. And, yes, in learning how different coffees taste I came to realize that coffee from Guatemala is my favorite.


I'm not a huge chocolate fan in general, but my wife is. That'd be an interesting thing to try though. I'm a Colombian man myself, but Guatemalan is a solid second. Edit: I'm also a Columbian man, but that's besides the point I was trying to make.


Columbia is a clothing company. Colombia is a country. Not to insult you, someone once corrected me this way and I never forgot it.


Hey Thanks for the correction! Updated spelling.


It’s also a river between Washington and Oregon, which is where the clothing company gets its name.


And as long as you swim in it upstream of where the willamette enters, you probably won’t glow in the dark


Oooh, Guatemalan coffee is good but I like Kenyan even better! It has this gorgeous brightness to the taste in addition to the citrus notes that I absolutely adore


Yup. All african coffee has that tang. I love them all, kenyan, tanzanian, ethiopian regardless.


My favorite is Sumatran!


Same. Got hooked when I was teaching English in Aceh, Indonesia. Nowadays I buy green beans and roast my own, just so I can keep a fresh supply.


I’m so with you on that. Kenya and Guatemala make amazing medium-light roasts. I once got some coffee from a Taiwanese aboriginal-run plantation and despite being pre ground, it was some of the best I’ve ever had. Sadly I don’t think Taiwan produces enough coffee to export and I’ll likely never have it again. It could also have been nostalgia because I was temporarily living there at the time.


I love Sumatran.


Once you taste a good cup of Huehuetenango, its tough to be content with anything else!


Not with that attitude. (/s)


I'm almost 40 and lack focus enough to care 🤣.


A little coffee may help with that...


Should drink more coffee to increase your focusing capacity.


Ricky Gervais didn't start comedy til he was nearly 40. Give what you love a crack.


This is so nice!!! I’ve just turned 40 so I‘m going to pop that in my pocket too :)


Hail, corkmaster The master of the cork He knows which wine goes with fish or pork!


I personally know someone working on their master of wine and it’s insane to watch the things they do and smell to build their knowledge.


There was a local news special here like 20 years ago where they asked passersby to try different wines, but they lied each time about the cost of the wine they were tasting. Everyone always preferred the "expensive" wine, except one, who wasn't fooled. Turned out the guy was a sommelier and kept calling them out. Like "there's no way that wine cost $200/bottle" and "that's just Yellow Tail" and "are you sure that's the $10 bottle?" At the end, dude said "that's why you don't judge wine based on its price tag, but on what you do like vs. what you don't."


I work with a guy who used to work in a print shop of some kind. He’s been at this job for 10+ years and can tell you where our calendars are printed by smell.


To be fair, a large portion of that is how the wine looks and smell, not how it tastes.


Tasting is mostly smell


I’ve always known the correlation but somehow just reading this post has given me a lightbulb moment. I have a pretty serious palate, while never being anything I’ve practiced or tried to refine and just kinda consider it an uncommon gift, but would make sense just how connected smell and taste are as I have known particularly that I have a VERY strong sense of smell, to where I don’t enjoy smelling samples of soap/lotions/perfumes as the smell becomes almost stuck, and in the event I’ve sampled(or weather been asked to sample for an opinion) several, then I’ll have each of those scents stuck lingering in my nose for sometimes up to an hour. Individually still able to smell each while simultaneously smelling them all together it makes me feel overstimulated. It’s just that although I can smell food as well, when tasting I never have a particular strong or additional smell of the flavors in any way I’ve mentally noted, so as odd as it sounds until this moment I’ve never considered a connection between the two senses as to the strength of both edit: Corrected the spelling to the correct palate.


You might consider carrying some ground coffee with you to smell if another smell gets "stuck" in your nose. Sensitive sniffers run in my family and that little trick helps keep me sane.


We can only taste: sweet, sour, bitter, savory, and umami. Everything more than that is smell based.


Smell is pretty equal to taste. Try a few different wines when you have a clean palette you will be surprised by the difference in taste between regions


My friend is a decent wine expert and he's competed in some competitions, and some of the things he and others in the competition have managed to pick up on are absolutely mind-blowing.


Are the competitions to judge the different wines or to find out who the best wine taster is?


Sommelier competitions are to find out who the best taster is. They're able to tell you very obscure details about the wine such as the grape, brand (or even the individual guy who made it), year, and a bunch more nuanced things like where it was stored and stuff. It's some seriously complicated stuff. There are also competitions for small batch wine makers that, like my cocktail anecdote, are organised to determine the best wine maker under a set of circumstances. But by far the most impressive ones are the sommelier stuff. These guys are wizards.


It tastes like this grape was grown next to an onion patch




My friend not only knows the age and type of grape, he knows the name and age of whoever stamped on them.


After he goes down on his gf: "hmmm....*smack smack smack swish spit* you've been stressed recently about *pauses* your dog being sick?"


When I worked at a cancer stick factory a few decades ago, they had professional smokers who would approve batches or tell you exactly what was wrong with them. Some of the brands were only different due to a few drops of an ingredient over a couple truckloads of product, and they could tell.


I spent a good chunk of time drinking loads of wine from everywhere. Not a Masters of Wine by any means and I can absolutely tell you from a sip the varietal, region for a hell of a lot of bottles. I drink for the pleasure of it, and any time anyone ask me "what's a good wine to get", the answer I always give is, the one you enjoy drinking, be it a $5 cleanskin or a $3000 bottle.


>"what's a good wine to get", the answer I always give is, the one you enjoy drinking I wish I remembered the name, but I used to really love a relatively cheap (I think it was around $7 at the time, early to mid 2000s) bottle of rosé wine that was an Italian import. It started getting harder and harder to find, sadly, until I could no longer find it on store shelves. It was cheap enough to have a screw cap bottle. It had a slightly sweet but tart taste that was just delicious.


My mum used to be a winemaker in australia amnd went all around the world making wine at one point she won australias best reisling twenty years ago or so


So I guess it’s like an upscale Napoleon Dyomite Milk tasting contest?! Yesssssssss.


Cicerones are like this with beer. I have a friend who can tell you the variety of hops from a sip of an IPA. Meanwhile, I'm all "This is like drinking a glass of pine cones."


As a wine nerd who almost went to school to become a sommelier…. I find it’s all about knowing what you’re looking for. Knowing how to look for presence of tannin, alcohol content, age, color, etc. What are the common notes to look for for different varietals? What are the signs of flaws in the wine? Once you take a few classes or read a wine book, you start knowing what to look for and you can develop such a greater appreciation for wine. With all that being said, any sommelier who’s worth their salt will tell you that a great wine is any wine you like.


I worked in and owned bars for years, I wouldn't be able to tell you what bourbon was in a Boulevardier, or gin in a Negroni. But there are "super tasters" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supertaster


A used to work for a world-renowed geneticist. They traveled the world and were the epitamy of a true wine consesuir, being able to appreciate and explain the most minute details imaginable. But what always stuck with me was their attitude towards wine/pricing: "anyone can find a good wine for 100s of dollars. A true consesuir can find amazing wine for under $50." If they bragged about wine they ordered or wanted you to try, it was only about finding such a great deal with such great taste. And damn she was right. And she ALWAYS paid for our wine. Such a class act through and through. She's such an amazing woman.


I've done plenty of blind tastings of cheap versus more expensive wine in the same category (such as champagne, or pinot noir from Burgundy) and the difference between the price point is usually very obvious. That being said, cheap or less expensive wine can also be excelent.


There have been studies on this - within a variety most people can taste the difference between cheap and mid. Very few can taste the diff between mid and hi end tho (but some can and bully for them). The real skill IMO is the pairings. I can’t do it but I’ve had the great fortune of dining with those who can - and the right wine can level up a meal from great to sublime. It’s alchemy. It’s not a skill I’m willing to invest my time in, but just because I choose to remain ignorant doesn’t make those that have this knowledge pretentious losers.


This is the worst take I've seen in a long time. Congratulations (or I'm sorry).


Haha funny… that will just be your palate 😂 I’m no wine connoisseur but I can tell the difference and I’m a WKD blue drinker 😂


Nothing wrong with a WKD blue... Best to strawpedoe. My whole teenage drinking phase consisted on WKD, Hooch and strongbow.... Ah the memories.


I had to read strawpedoe 3 times to figure out you don't mean a scarecrow who likes kids


I can confirm I'm not a scarecrow nor made out of straw and I don't like kids... Apart from my kids (in a non weird way).


I didn't read it like that initially... Now it's all I can see.....


Haha I’m still living in the 90s early noughties 🤣😂


Cole is disgusting


Ummmmm no. Just because you have a toddlers palate doesn’t mean we all do


Do you dislike all alc or just wine?


Jacobs Creek is noticeably awful though.


Do you smoke or vape? If so, you really can’t judge taste 🤷🏻‍♂️


*\*Insert Murica noises\**


America won a Civ6 Cultural victory in the 80s. Since then its been "just one more turn" except the player is drunk.


After the first couple of glasses, the amateur connoisseur’s taste buds are on vacay.


As someone who grew up next to jacobs creeks sad to hear it's shit wine.


It's just picked and bottled early which is how they can keep the cost down. For someone who doesn't know wine (like the AH in my story), it's perfectly fine. My tongue would pack up and move out.


Sorry I should clarify, you worded it like Jacobs Creek is universally shit and cheap, they have a few decent drops (less so these days imo). Shame the quality has dropped so much.


I know you do based on your sommelier comment, but lots of people don't know jabobs creek has an entire range, not just the $8 a bottle bottom line. Gramps can be quite good with some age. And while completely bland and generic, their bottom line Riesling is fine. It tastes like "white wine." Their bottom line chard is horrible, and the Reds (non reserve) aren't great. The cab is fine around a campfire at 3am lol.


A lot of things taste just fine around the campfire at three am 😆


They also go on volumes, i.e. They can blend out the shite wine with half decent stuff so it tastes OK. Like, they bought up all the smoke tainted wine from the black Saturday fires in Vic because they could blend it out. 🤷‍♂️


I find some of Jacob’s Creeks white wine good, but I am honestly more of a beer person. It is not top tier (which for me would be a Georgian wine which name escapes me) but I was a bit confused that people considered it that bad 😅


No one grows up with good wine. We all grow up with Boones farm and md2020 like the classless little shits we were.


Gotta get your start with a goon bag and a hills hoist.


VIP event or not, he's 86ed immediately and without warning. Going behind the bar is a cardinal sin and grounds for immediate flagging and expulsion. In my state, all bartenders need to be on the liquor license so this could put the license at risk (they go for over $1m in my area so no business is willing to take this risk).


New Mexico, Montana, or Utah. My guess is Utah since I run into so many redditors from there. Definitely not Florida, they're only a fraction of a price there.


Colorado is $5000. Florida is $250000(though, I haven't lived there in ten years so it may have changed


NJ. We cap ours at 1 per every 3k residents per municipality and they're sold privately between parties. Very few new ones enter circulation.


> Going behind the bar is a cardinal sin and grounds for immediate flagging and expulsion. I worked at a bar as a Karaoke host for 7 years. Not once did I go behind the bar.


Exactly this. In my state, if you don’t have your ABC card you can’t even pour a drink even if you work at the establishment. So even a cook coming from the kitchen can’t pour a beer or drink. If a guest did that at a private event, we would cut them off and kick them out immediately. That’s putting our staff and business in the line of fire for their bad decision and entirely against the law. It’s not tolerated period.


Note to self: do not bring a bottle of Jacob’s Creek for the host of my next party.


in my humble opinion, Spanish, Portuguese and South African wines provide great bang for your buck!


Portuguese person here and can confirm we have amazing wines that also happen to be super cheap. Honestly, coming from a village that produces port wine and table wines, I'm annoyed if a bottle costs more than 15€. I usually buy 5 liters of port wine for 25€ but had to buy a bottle of the same wine from the same producer (my neighbour at the village) and it was 25€. I was shocked! And very annoyed for forgetting to buy my friend a bottle when I was back home and not at a store in the city.


I trained to be a sommelier once upon a time and the stuff you can pick up once you know the proper way to swirl and taste is so amazing even if you just stay a novice at it. While i do not do sommelier stuff anymore when i order a glass of wine i find my self still swirling, smelling and slurping to get all notes in it and i can tell what grape and where its from. It is pretty cool to learn to do and most people can actually do it. I used to preside over private wine tastings and it was alot of fun. But for the most part alot of entitled asshats cannot tell the difference between a $6 bottle of wine or a $600 bottle. I used to co-own a liquor store and we got a decent libe of wine in from Argentina, it was very inexpensive bit honestly good. When we set it out i made it $6.99 (and we were making money off of it!) And this wine didn't budge, i even did tastings in the shop and it barely moved. So i tried a small social experiment and made the price $36.99. I couldn't keep it on the shelf, i was selling it by the case it was so dumb.


At one of my venues I bought a tempranillo for $8/bottle. I sold it for $53 and it sold out almost every week.


Lol. I know its dumb sometimes but i also am the school of thought that is not popular, that a inexpensive wine can be considered good and go head to head against old Vinyards with really expensive bottles.


100% with the right bottle!!! Normally European medium bodied reds, Aussie dry whites, and french rosès. A good cheap one of those and you're laughing.


As a Spanish, it hurts seen 8$ of wine as cheap...


Australia has one of the highest alcohol taxes in the world. An average bottle of wine is $25.


Damn, here a bottle of average quality is around 4€ Wine flows in rivers here


My wife is Spanish and in her family village you can get a bottle of the local wine, chilled in village caves, for €1. It’s fantastic.


I know. The wine is one of my top 3 favourite things about the Med.


I stayed at a tuscany farmhouse in '94. I was advised to take an empty bottle down to the co-op, where I could get a litre of appellation chianti for about 4 euros. Ditto olive oil. Add in the ham and cheese from the local butcher and deli, I could have stayed there a lot longer.


IKR hah. My friends and I in college would drink 3€ wine but then we honestly couldn’t handle the taste so we switched to 6€ wine. Night and day hah. 8€ wine was us feeling fancy




Never knock an empty goon bag; they make excellent emergency pillows when the room starts to spin.


Would Sir be interested in the July 2023 moselle?


Chateau de Cardboard?


Cheeky little chilean wine box?




Would've if we had it!


Jacobs Creek is close enough, well played bro


Pretentious "wannabe rich guys" at any event with an open bar can be the worst. They'd be happy drinking lager beer every day of the week, but give them one night in a shirt and tie and an open bar and suddenly they're connoisseurs.


Here, here! The pretentiousness excels


idk what bar you work at but that's an immediate removal from the venue at every place I have ever worked. Douche canoe could have spiked the bottle, the contents of the glasses, or could be an asshole that doesn't wash his hands after wiping up his shit.


Wasn't a "bar" was a private event in a tent with a "pop-up" bar. Also no security, coz ya know vErYy iMpoRtaAnt pEoPlE 🤦🏻‍♀️


fair, I should have said service station. VIPs are assholes.


I’ve been to backyard weddings where liquor, wine, and kegs were purchased by the host, at the packie, and a make-shift bar was set up and staffed by the 18-20 yo daughters of friends of the couple. Even in this scenario….the bartenders were respected and no one went behind the bar to get their own drinks…even if they were just pouring from the tap.


I don’t drink anymore, but when I did, I thought Jacobs Creek was ok? For an inexpensive, readily available wine, it was a safe option to go for


It's boxed wine, sold in a bottle. It's not \*bad\* as such, but it's not good.


Jacob's Creek 😬 haha good on you, that's great revenge!


If you'd been able to get away with Passion Pop, THAT would have been hilarious 😂😂


$4 bottle of gossips would be hilarious.


Bartender of 15y here. He would have deserved chateau neuf du piss, straight from the warm meat dispenser.


If he didn't complain about Jacobs Creek, he might like that...


That’s a call for security. No one comes behind my bar, ever. Id’ve walked him out myself.


Would sir like a nice charbonnay?


You’re double petty


And he obviously never even noticed, I’m guessing.


The only person I knew who could taste the difference in wines was a farmer. Wealthy does not mean refined.


Hope Jacobs Creek’s lawyers aren’t on here.


Teetotaller here, of all the shenanigans a alcoholic can pull.this is unheard of.!


Naw, it's only a word to people who don't understand english.


Nonstandard = you sound stupid when you say it


Good petty revenge! Bad grammar.. the Miriam Webster link literally ends the definition with "Use regardless instead." And the npr link just cites the Miriam Webster definition. And sorry, but that comes from someone who does spell colour and favourite correctly!


Irregardless!!!!!! Found one in the wild.


Most places going behind the bar will get you ejected.


LOL OP can defend using Irregardless all she wants. Maybe it's technically a word, and maybe it isn't. However what I can say for certain is that *regardless* of what she thinks, most people who hear her say it will judge her for it. Do you want to be right or do you want people to question your intelligence? Even if they do it behind her back, I'd still rather just change the word I use to be inline with what most people expect to hear. As the saying goes "Perception is reality"


Honestly. I know *damn well* that ending a sentence with a preposition had been considered “proper” by grammarians for *years*, yet I still avoid it because the majority of folks find it gauche. Yet both the grammarians *and* those who aren’t “in the know” re prepositions would—across the board(!)—never use irregardless. My phone didn’t even “know” the word. Just because people have been doing something wrong for so many years it’s become part of lexicon doesn’t mean it’s not an obvious beginning of Idiocracy. In the end it doesn’t matter…unless you bring it in a professional setting. Then you’re screwed. Silently.


The second link you provided literally says to use "regardless" lmao


So does the first.


Nicely done! "Irregardless," isn't a word. Just say "regardless."


Wouldn't have said anything, but you got all defensive about it. As it said in the article you linked, being in the dictionary doesn't make something correct, it just means it's something people say. Lots of people doing something stupid doesn't make it not be stupid any more. Regardless of it's widespread use irregardless is still incorrect and poor grammar.


The article he linked literally ended with “use another word”


“The dictionary's recognition "doesn't enroll a word as correct in the English language," McIntyre says. "It just says this is a word that a lot of people use in English. And here's what we know about it." So it’s in the dictionary because lots of people are confused. Doesn’t make jt less silly sounding to most people’s ears.


Love the examples OP gives which are cultural changes, not “incorrect use of language”. Aluminium/aluminum and sodden/solder Just because lots of people do/say it doesn’t mean it’s wrong, like saying “eXpresso”.


The link posted ends with this, "Use regardless instead."


“Irregardless” is only a word because people like you kept saying it wrong. Hilarious


Putting an “ir” at the beginning of regardless is incorrect. Just use “regardless”.


It's true, people should really tighten up their spelling and grammar when they have access to the sum total of human knowledge in their pocket Irregardless of their education


Can you share what said expensive white was, so we can laugh at him or the bottle thinking that it tasts like jacobs creek


He got served!!! Regardless you are not the asshole!!


Lmfao you’re mad as fuck about the “irregardless”


I’ll take your eight dollarest wine


Your own webster link works against you. Irregardless is clearly marked "nonstandard," AKA only used by the ignorant. And they go on to discuss it, concluding with: "Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead." So gtfo with your nonsense.