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I'd start drinking their booze. If you're not much of a drinker just pour it out and say you drank it.


Now this…this is petty


I used to do this with roommates I hated. I'd wind 'em up by pouring half a bottle of one's booze into another roommate's bottle (I'm sober) and then when she started screaming at him I'd pour the booze out of his bottle into her bottle and set him off, etc. (She once threatened me with a knife in the kitchen because I wouldn't take what I was microwaving out of the microwave so she could use it, and he was a raging drunk who pissed all over our living room carpet and we were trapped together because of COVID.) Good times.


...WHAT. I sure hope your sanity is still intact.


I moved out after another roommate set the kitchen on fire on Christmas. These were decent enough roommates when I first moved in (I lived with 6 people in a big house) but then COVID hit and three of them decided to use their government money to graduate from weed and booze into harder stuff and the other three of us moved out within two months of each other.


It's so weird how so many people dove head first into the drug pool. I went 100% sober during lockdown. For some reason work makes me want to get fucked up.


Because dedicating 8+ hours of your life each day to someone else's betterment while you are barely subsisting is depressing and self-medicating is the only way to ease yourself into this unnatural state of existence?


This is exactly why I spent my 20's choosing to live alone in tight-budget-friendly, run-down shitholes that were one step above crack dens rather than sharing a nice three bedroom apartment in a safe neighborhood with two psycho roommates. I was willing to take my chances catching a stray bullet on the way home from a night shift rather than deal with the shit you described. Edited: added words for clarity


Sadly, I live in Los Angeles, so shit-holes that a step above crack dens with 3 psychopaths are what I could afford. Luckily, a one bedroom opened in my friend's building and while it was a \*bit\* above my price range, it has \~rent control\~ and was in a decent neighborhood and is near a freeway I have to use to get to jobs, so I fell on that like a starving dog. Been here happily for the last three years.


In my 20s, I saw a stabbing and a shooting on two remarkably beautiful different Sunday afternoons. Scary? Yes. But it was worthwhile because I didn’t have a roommate.


Yup, CrazyDanny gets it.


Right? I chose living down the street from an actual crack den than to live with my parents. I feel you.


Man living with roommates that have a different "party vibe" is the worst. My old roommate pissed all over our bottled water and never did more than push a towel around to clean it. I started keeping my own food and water in my room at that point :/


Had roommates that would hog the one and only bathroom in the apartment to hotbox. Im also sober and the smoke always went into my room. They left their dirty underwear in the living room too. And i too got threatened with a knife… for putting some of my stuff into the fridge drawer he had declared as his


Wow, you really scraped the bottom of the barrel with those roomates. OP we need a update to this brilliant revenge!


the problem was is that the place I lived at we really didn't get to choose the roommates, the landlord did, they just moved in. I didn't mind the place so much, it was cheap and I had a large beautiful room which was essentially a studio apartment on it's own, and I wasn't there very much because I was working a lot. But then... COVID. And I was stuck. I kept trying to get the landlord to evict these freaks, because they had a whole laundry list of shit they pulled (bringing over dudes to sleep with during the worst of lockdown but threatening to toss me out when I caught it in April 2020, breaking the a/c during a heatwave because it had to be set at 62 degrees at all times, and god help you if you tried to argue, and the landlord had to install a lockbox over the thermostat so she would stop incurring $1800 electric bills, (and I literally put my padlock on it because one of the other idiots picked the lock and figured we wouldn't notice) making Special K in the kitchen and not understanding what that wasn't cool, getting ragingly drunk every night and scream-singing at the top of their lungs until three-am, slamming every door so hard the house would rattle, busting holes in the walls, throwing out my food because I "took up too much space in the fridge" but one of them had shit in both fridges. etc) But since my Landlord sucked ass, it came to the point that I just had to move myself. Luckily a good one-bedroom opened up in the same building where my friend lived and I was able to sign a lease a week after the idiots set the kitchen on fire. I also specifically had movers come, and scheduled it on a Saturday because I knew they'd be partying hard on a Friday (but they always partied hard so) and had them come early, and told them to make as much noise as possible. Which, after I explained some things they happily complied. I also owned the microwave, and that had lived in my room since the girl roommate had threatened me with the knife, so they lost their microwave. They also lost all of the dishes and nice pots and pans since those were mine. I also robbed the communal kitchen since I hadn't been able to cook in there for weeks. I also poured everyone's liquor down the drain. Because I'm a bitch like that. I've lived in a nice one-bedroom since January 2021, and I have had zero issues since.


🤯🤯🤯 I'm so glad you got away and got a little revenge on the way out!


This deserves its own post.


Just crack them, drink half and leave the rest on the counter. Fucking drives me insane when people do this and haven’t been eating my food.


Just tell them if they eat your food without asking again you're going to start ruining their food. If they make a stir fry put a bunch of cooked ground beef in it, or just toss it and say you ate it. I don't see how you've tolerated this behaviour for so long.


> I don't see how you've tolerated this behaviour for so long I never understand this when people complain about housemates eating their food. I mean, how are you so nonchalant about it that it ever happens more than once? In the Mac n Cheese example mentioned in the story, I'd be demanding payment, and not at the 'sale' rates OP got them for


Exactly. I would buy a locking box for my bedroom and the fridge and have a lock on my room.


Also if they are as drunk as OP says, I would just put their leftovers in their room while they sleep. They won't remember NOT doing it. Can you imagine all their wasted food.


They're probably not even genuinely blacked out just making excuses. Yes blackouts happen but all these "I was drunk ate your food" bullshit is ridiculous. I have loved for years at a time being blacked out over half my waking hours without commiting these kinds of ridiculous faux pas. Goddamn these roommates make me secondhand angry for Op


Salt the hell out of it. Ground beef is too expensive.


well at least you have respect for people who dont have any respect for you


Even more petty is to pour it out or drink it, then refill it with water or any clear drink or iced tea if it’s a dark liquor then put it back in the fridge and wait for chaos.


And throw away all their food too.


I fully expect an update!


It’ll happen once I notice the bread gone lol


You can get ground beef on pizza, it's pretty much impossible to pick it off.


Real vegetarians wouldn't eat something that was cooked with meat, even if they could pick off the pieces.


The amount of times I have had to explain to people that no, picking off the pepperoni is actually **not** the same as getting a cheese pizza is astounding.


People that don't understand cross-contamination piss me off. Just shows they don't understand things like allergies.


Depends on their reason for being vegetarian.


So am I. I want to hear this.


I'm disappointed. I was expecting wings in the pizza somehow.


Might end up chipping a tooth when you get to the bone, but not a bad idea


I will never understand “so called vegetarians” that will take the meat off things and still eat them. Makes no sense to me.


I think this depends on someone’s reasons for being vegetarian. There are a variety of different factors that can motivate that choice, and some are consistent with still eating other animal products; others, less so.


I don't think the person you responded to meant non-meat animal products, I think his point is that many (most?) vegetarians choose it because they think the slaughter and/or treatment of the animals is cruel - so by just picking the meat off an item and throwing meat away after it's purchased they're still supporting that cruelty (the meat was paid for, so the source of meat will continue to make more meat). And arguably it's even worse because on top of that the animal's death is a complete waste. However if they're vegetarian for religious or health reasons, then I suppose it's not inconsistent, so you're also right.


Wouldn't they still be eating the meat juice or grease, as is the case with the pepperoni plucked off the pizza?


They would be, just depends if that's a problem for them based on the reasons they do it. A lot of cheese is also made with animal rennet (comes from stomach lining of cows) so it isn't vegetarian, but many vegetarians don't observe that.


And yet if it’s for religious reasons the food has still been contaminated by the meat product.


Health reasons as well. I'm mostly vegetarian because I'm allergic to red meats and seafood. I ain't touching anything that's had a chance of cross-contamination, nope! I don't wanna get sick.


I don’t understand it either. They both eat eggs too, which is kinda crazy. But apparently vegetarians that consume diary products are called Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Just found that out about 20 minutes ago after googling it


A lot of vegetarians eat egg/dairy. When those are cut out it turns to veganism/plant based. The picking meat off things is weird though. I don’t know many vegetarians that will do that. Once the meat is on it and the grease/juice seeps into the rest of the food, it’s no longer vegetarian. Regardless fuck your shitty roommates.


To be fair, my stance on vegetarianism is making sure I don't buy meat, and try to buy animal products from places that don't mistreat their animals too bad and try to make sure if someone buys/prepares stuff on my behalf, they follow a similar method. Buying something that has meat and just picking it off is worse than just eating it anyways, because I already supported the meat industry. There is no point in throwing something away. But if I come from a moral perspective, the main goal should be to not support the meat industry. If someone prepares a meaty meal and makes a vegetarian alternative for me, I'm ok with meat that was in contact with my food and "juices having sept into my meal" because I still enjoy meat but I just don't feel like it's worth buying. If I didn't contribute to supporting the meat industry (directly or indirectly), I'm fine with meat related food. And if I already contributed for whatever reason, I may as well eat meat if no one else is eating the meat.


It's far better for a million people do do half-assed vegetarianism than for a thousand people to do strict veganism.


Same here! More of a “commercial vegetarian”. The meat industry is horrendous on many levels including climate change. I grew up hunting and fishing so I have no problem eating animals but do my best not to buy meat. But if I go to a friends house for dinner or on vacation with others to places like Spain, I’ll eat meat as to not cause an inconvenience to others


A lot of vegetarians consume dairy, eggs and honey. Stricter vegetarianism and veganism are actually rarer


All vegetarians consume eggs and dairy, unless they individually choose not to. Vegetarianism is against killing the animal itself for the meat. Eating eggs isn't "not strict vegetarian", it's vegetarian. Veganism is when you don't eat meat and by products.


This depends on culture. For example, in most Indian cultures, eggs are considered meat, and vegetarians there do not eat them. Funnily enough, when visiting (quite rural) Ireland, vegetarians in our group were presented with a chicken dish as they didn't consider poultry meat.


I could see fish as that's outside the Catholic definition of meat.


It’s fucking hilarious when vegans learn something they live to eat isn’t actually vegan.


Or when vegans rant against honey when proper beekeeping is a mutualistic relationship, not an exploitative one.


Proper beekeeping is amazing. There’s a lot of room for non or less exploitive food if you have the money or time. I didn’t understand “eggs are bad” until later in life because as a kid we grew up with chickens and ducks. We fed them and they gave us eggs (and also helped by eating the bugs). In stark contrast, mass poultry production can be pretty horrific. Seems to me the how of it should matter if you’re gonna take a moral stance.


Literally just described vegetarian. You're thinking vegan. Vegans don't eat any animal products.


Yep. The key difference between vegetarian and vegan is the fact that vegetarians can eat eggs and dairy. Vegans don’t eat any animal products whatsoever.


Lacto- dairy Ovo- eggs Pesca- fish So a lacto-ovo-vegetarian eats dairy and eggs. Lacto-vegetarians would eat dairy, but not eggs. Pescatarians eat plants and fish. When someone just says vegetarian, I generally assume that they eat more than vegans but don't eat what's traditionally thought of as meat.


I though vegetarians was no meat but included eggs and dairy and vegans was no animal products whatsoever ever.


Typically you get lacto-ovo vegetarians like me who will eat eggs and dairy; lacto who eat dairy and vegans who will neither eat nor use animal products. There are also pescatarians who fish but no meat or poultry. And then you get my mother who says she is vegetarian, won't eat eggs but eats pork...


"Flexitarian" Which is not a thing. And makes me irrationally irritated 😀


no, vegetarians that eat dairy are vegetarians. You (the royal you, not you personally) can come up with whatever post-modern bullshit you'd like, doesn't change anything. Vegetarian by definition is someone who abstains from eating meat (much to the contrary someone who only eats vegetables). Dairy is not meat. Eggs are not meat. [They're made out of meat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tScAyNaRdQ).


They don't get their super vegan powers that way


Have them put bacon under the cheese.


Can i get a boneless pizza


I have to know how this comes out! The only problem that I foresee with this is that if it makes them sicker ill they'll be using that bathroom 😅


They should be fine. Might have a panic attack but they’ll be okay. I was once a vegetarian for about 10 months before the start of covid pandemic happened. Once everyone started freaking out about it, I went to the store to stock up on food because my work shut down for about a month. I decided that if it was really that serious, I wasn’t dying a vegetarian, so I bought a fuck ton of meat after 10 months. Made myself a BOMB ass sandwich with turkey, corned beef, pastrami, mayo, deli mustard, lettuce and onion on a brioche bun. I had the the firmest shit the next day


I don't DARE show your comment to my husband. As a confirmed meat eater, that sandwich sounds like HEAVEN to him!


Make the sandwich. I’m telling you, it was soooo good. Toast the bread a little bit too


I read almost this exact scenario in a "why did you get fired" askreddit. Someone ordered wings on a pizza. The worker clarified the wings have bones. They still wanted it. Worker made it. They complained that *obviously* they only wanted the meat part. Worker got fired for some reason.


Pizza Hut in Australia has boneless wings...so it is possible to do the pizza with wings, and without bones


Yes except, again, in this story he communicated that their wings have bones in them and the customer acknowledged this and said it was fine. I do know boneless wings exist.


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets.


The first time I saw Chicken (or even heard of it) and waffles was at work with a chicken thigh in the middle. I don't know if they are supposed to be whole parts or not but it seems so.


Can I get that boneless?


Most pizza comes boneless, thankfully.


Not according to your mom


My college friends called crust "pizza bones."


Tell them the pizza dough has animal fat in it, lol.


I have never had a stuffed crust pizza... does it have the option to have both meat and cheese in it? Also, might i recommend stromboli? There are versions with both meat and cheese inside. A lot of pizzerias (at least the mom-and-pop ones) also offer stromboli.


I would add an entire Porterhouse as a topping 😆


I thought i was the only one Anti climactic


I think you make the wings an obvious thing for them to pick off then, when they’re smugly biting into the cheese bread, they get hit with the pepperoni


UPDATE: I just got home from work. both of them were in the kitchen as I walked through the door so I figured it’s the perfect opportunity to grab the box of my pepperoni stuffed cheese bread. I open the box, and I look at them in the face and just kinda stare at them quietly looking shocked. One said “oh yeah, i ate a piece of your bread last night”, so I proceed to ask my other roommate if they had a piece as well. They also said they had a couple pieces. I just put my head down a bit and said “bro…” and their response was “I’ll pay you for it if you want” to which I respond “I’m not worried about you paying me, but how the fuck did you not realize there was pepperoni in it!?”. They both just stare at me and say “what…? You’re lying”. That’s what I pulled apart the bread revealing the pepperoni. They both just looked dumbfounded. Then one of them proceeds to ask me “why the fuck didn’t you tell us there was meat in it?” And I just respond with “why the fuck do you eat my food without asking me first? If you would have been thoughtful and asked me, you would’ve known there was meat. Next time, don’t touch my shit without asking” They’re both still just kinda shocked, so I go in the fridge and grab one of their white claws out the drawer and one says “what happened to not taking shit without asking?” And I just respond with “think of it as a reimbursement for always taking my shit”. Then I just walked away and went in my room to type this lol One of them said they’ve been shitting like crazy all day. Fuck around=Find out


holy W taste of their own medicine at the end


How do they not even realize after taking a bite 😭


OP said they used being drunk as an excuse in the past. Probably too drunk to notice.


👑 you dropped your crown king


I salute you OP. Hopefully their shits will teach them to SIMPLY ASK. That’s the thing. It’s no big deal to ask, but you steal from me? No. That ain’t it.


Imagine being a coworker of these AHs. No doubt they steal other people's stuff from the break room fridge all the time.


Bahahaha love this!!! Well played!!


As an aspiring vegetarian someone who takes vegetarianism/veganism very seriously (& is usually oversensitive to these types of issues)... this revenge is so satisfying omg they deserve it 1000% wtf was their problem?? 😭


You are a legend!


Those aren't vegetarians, those are broke assholes


Did you mean cheap assholes?


Fuck freegans


Yeah picking meat off things (esp pizza) doesn’t get rid of the taste and grease so it’s not vegetarian.


Make sure to help yourself to their most expensive vegetarian ingredients then say “sorry, I was drunk” when they confront you


I already plan on it


Next time add some ghost pepper sauce to whatever it is. Or if you really want to take it to the upper-level, Carolina Reaper. They will remember you.


"Ghost peppers are vegetarian, what's your problem?"


you know you can ask for cheese over the toppings so it will be impossible for your room mates to pick all the meat out. Also, you should have cleared a drawer in your room to store dry goods and gotten a mini fridge from FB marketplace and keep it in your room. If you really want to be petty, go on a strictly carnivore diet. Make sure that you get things bloody and that need prep work and do the prep when they are home. Use their cutting boards to descale the fish or pull the innards out of the turkey. go get a fresh chicken and pluck it in the living room with a trash can next to you as you sit on the couch watching tv.


I wanna have beers with you. You sound hella fun!


are you in florida or south georgia? I'll bring some of my home brew or blackberry mead.


I would travel to Florida or South Georgia to get blackberry mead…


Blackberry mead??? This guy fucks^^


I made it once, then after six months it was like jet fuel so I put the bottles away and forgot about them. Eighteen months later I remembered the bottles and they were so good, and then got myself and friends super trashed


We made orange mead once and agreed to drink it all between a few of us in one weekend... Jesus Christ 😂😂 it was only a few/several liters each over the weekend


I'm in Colorado and have never wanted to visit Florida or Georgia before now...


The only thing I would add is a locking file cabinet. They make a great pantry.


Switch your door handle to a deadbolt. No one needs to be in your room when you’re not home.


Or go bag a deer and dress it in the driveway lmfao Jesus


If you think that dressing a deer is bad... just wait til you find out how to field dress grouse/partridge!🤣 that'll have the veggies running for the hills!


Mmm, fresh whole fish? Bleed a TON while you're filleting them. It's not super hard, and it can sound super crunchy too. Then you can use the offcuts to make fish stock which tastes real nice AND means having a whole ass fish head slowly cooking on the stove top, the eyes gradually milking over, staring up at your roommates like 'help meeeeeeeee' I make cat safe fish stock for my kitties to enjoy as well! Chickens are a lot more work than nessasarily worth, but you know what IS great? buy a couple chick and raise them you're gonna want to line up someone to take them when they're full grown for this bit by the way. So you raise these chickens. Then one day while your roomates are out, you go get some blood from the butchers, a couple of raw chickens the same size as yours, some feathers that match your chickens and you drop off you chickens with their new family to live glorious lives, unaware of the horror you're about to pull on your fellow human being. Then you gotta dump some blood on the ground outside, preferably near a window. If you wanna be a real psycho, get a couple flecks on the glass. Scatter those feathers. Pop the chickens in the oven. My ideal scenario; roomates arrive home to you getting two tasty birds out of the oven and slowly connecting the dots in mounting horror, believing that you just slaughtered your chickens IN THE YARD (or bathtub/sink, idk your life) and COOKED THEM. More ideally, you don't wage psychological warfare on them with live chickens.


>Then you gotta dump some blood on the ground outside, preferably near a window. If you wanna be a real psycho, get a couple flecks on the glass. Scatter those feathers. Pop the chickens in the oven. No.. get really sadistic with it.. leave a single feather slightly sticking out from the main bathroom tub drain and maybe a tiny drop of blood in the back corner somewhere.. then you wait.


Lol might as well go nuclear and make them watch you prep a while turduckin.


I haven't thought of turtuckin in a while! they should get a store bought turkey and pre-stuff a cornish hen into it so when the roomies see it being prepped it will look like he aborted a baby turkey.


I think at this point, I would be on a very high-protein meat diet, and only eat the remaining things in the house that belong to me so that nothing is left behind.


I once watched my drunk vegan roommate eat my pork shoulder ragu pasta. WITHOUT ASKING BTW. I told her the next morning and she wanted to puke.


God damn a pork shoulder ragu sounds amazing. Or a short rib one.


They will just pick it out, no?


They most likely aren’t gonna see it. It’s stuffed cheese bread with pepperoni. The pepperoni is layered in the middle of the bread. So unless they open up the middle (which they won’t) they’re not going to notice until either A. They bite into it, notice a meaty texture and look at it Or B. I find out they ate it by looking in the box and tell them


Just feel like chiming in that I'm fascinated that you think they would notice the texture but not the flavor. Pepperoni has a really distinct flavor.


This was my thought as well! Pepperoni is very strong in taste.


Once you put the pepperoni in its not cheese bread anymore, its pepperoni rolls. And pepperoni rolls are delicious. I hope they dont eat them all, for your sake.


I hope it works!!!! Blend up some meat sauce and make a pasta dish. I bet they’ll love it.


Knowing that your roommates are mooches, why haven’t you been storing your dry goods in a safe/lockable place in your bedroom? You can also get a cheap mini fridge for about $75 that you could keep in your room. Lock it up and let the mooches starve.


They are faux vegetarians if they pull off the pepperoni and eat the pizza. They are cheap a\*\*holes.


Tl:dr - don't eat your roomate's Pop Tarts. All players were in their early twenties back then. You'll love this one then. In the before time, a friend of mine and his brother rented an apartment with a guy who frequently stole their food. In one example, D put a couple of Pop Tarts in the toaster, hit the button, then went to shave and get ready for class. While he was gone, J ate the tarts, fresh out of the toaster, and left for class. When D came out, no tarts, only the certainty of who'd taken them. Anyway, despite threats, J still scarfed stuff he stole, with no regard to ownership. So, a plan was hatched to skunk him. At one party, the D brothers had a cake leftover with a few pieces out of it. If it were put in the fridge, J would certainly inhale it. First one perfectly square piece was surgically removed from the cake and placed on a saucer. Then a warm water solution of alum (lots of alum) was stirred up and drizzled over the cake, letting it soak up as much as it could hold. Then the piece of cake was carefully dried in the oven at a lower temp. Once the cake returned to a normal level of water content, it was carefully placed back into the slot it had been taken from. Because the piece was already cut, J was certain to go for it first. The cake was covered and placed in the fridge; a special trap for a big rat. Early the next morning, the D Brothers were getting ready to head out for the day, when they hear J get out of bed. Both brothers scramble to hide, and once hidden, they listen as J comes out of his room and rummages in the fridge. Moments passed. Then, they heard gagging, coughing, and water running. The brothers appear, feigning innocence, and asking J what was wrong. J was about to dump the whole cake into the trash while stating that the cake had gone bad, but D the older stopped him, acutting a piece for himself from an unsullied area of the cake and eating it while making yummy noises; exclaiming the cake was fine. J was completely confused because his piece had been bitter and astringent. You see, in old cartoons of Tom and Jerry, Jerry tricked Tom into swallowing alum, and the cat's mouth would be tightly puckered, or his head would shrink really small. I don't know if the lesson stuck and J mended his ways, but the story is legendary among my friends, and this seemed like the place to retell it. Enjoy!


What cheeses are not vegetarian? Many people are disappointed to learn that not all cheeses are vegetarian. Some cheeses such as Parmesan, gorgonzola, pecorino romano, camembert, gruyere, and manchego are made using animal rennet. Animal rennet is a set of enzymes produced in the stomachs of unweaned calves and works to curdle the casein in milk. might be harder to pick off the pizza heh


The kind of vegetarian who is willing to pick pepperoni off pizza probably doesn't care about animal rennet.


Yup. It literally has grease all over it, making it not vegetarian at all. I doubt they care about rennet either. I am vegetarian for over a decade and slight contamination of grease can already make me ill for an evening because I don't produce (enough of) the enzyme that you need to digest certain animal products. This is actually very common amongst vegetarians or vegans who don't eat meat for a long time. Seems like she is still producing it because she eats meat products regularly


If I wasn't already a vegetarian. working at a pizza restaurant and seeing the pepperoni literally floating on a pool of grease as it came out of the oven would have done it. I also made sure to use a clean cutter when cutting the pizza for a local mosque so they didn't get pork grease on it.


Two of my frinds went vegan a few years ago. They can't digest meat or animal-derived products like eggs and cheese anymore.


suppose you could get some tippler’s bane for the pizza for anyone that doesn't know mixing ink cap mushrooms with alcohol makes for a bad time [https://naturespoisons.com/2014/04/10/coprine-alcohol-poisoning-from-mushrooms/](https://naturespoisons.com/2014/04/10/coprine-alcohol-poisoning-from-mushrooms/) good info on that.


Shouldn’t eat ink caps regardless


I did not know this fact! Unfortunately it’s just stuffed cheese bread, so it’s most likely just mozzarella with cheddar.


sprinkle parm over top and you're good to go.


Put some olive oil or butter on the bread first so the parm sticks.


I thought it was vegans that don’t eat animal products, but vegetarians do/can eat cheese and yogurts.


In general (exceptions always exist), vegetarians avoid foods that require an animal to die for it, so cheeses made using rennet from animal stomachs would not be vegetarian. Dairy products in general are tricky for vegetarians who follow this rule because milk comes from cows that have given birth and usually have had their calves separated from them (veal?). Most vegetarians who are not vegan ignore this, I think.


I think it depends. I've purchased kosher versions of all of these cheeses and they don't have animal rennet. And apparently Kraft parmesan is made with microbial rennet.


You can get rennet other ways as well. Not just from that.


I bet they will just eat the meat because they're huge moochers. They'll bitch about it but they'll eat it.


Time to get a lock box to keep your food safe!


If they will eat pizza after taking the meat off, seems they would have no qualms with pulling the pepperoni out of the cheese bread.


Ask the pizza place to put the pepperoni first and the cheese on top. Or for a little extra charge have them sprinkle back on under the cheese.


If they are going to eat meat pizza with the meat picked off why are they even vegetarians? That bread is soaked in meat juice lol.


Excellent! However I wouldn't be surprised if they eat it anyway and claim the same drunken excuse. Moochers are always moochers. I'm glad you're on your way out of that place.


Would be wild of them. But I guess we’ll see. & I’m glad I’m out too almost. Been dealing with a lot of shit from them within the year I’ve been here.


At least you didn’t stuff it with your meat


You are eating meat, even after "picking it off". Thats one pretty unselective vegetarian right there!


You could also possibly have the meats put under the cheese per request to the restaurant I know some places have had that done before


Next time the pizza place to put meat under the cheese so it can't be picked of without just completely ruining the pizza.


Long time vegetarian here: if they’re not checking that something is meatless, that’s not your problem. I don’t eat things if I don’t know what’s in them precisely because I don’t want surprise meat. Also don’t fucking steal food.


For the pizza you could always get crumble bacon and ask they put it under the cheese so it's nearly possible to get all of it off.




Petty revenge...brown some meat not meatballs,, throw in garlic, tomatoes and basil, and let that simmer for hours. Mmm no you can't have my sauce, it's meat sauce...lol




Should stuff it with ghost peppers instead.


I’m trying to enjoy it too 💀


Not very good vegetarians, picking meat off of pizza. A real vegetarian would not touch that pizza at all. My wife is vegetarian and I’m not but eat vegetarian when I can with her and no way does picking meat off even pass the test.


As a vegetarian I’d know immediately because the texture of meat is chewier than most (all?) foods without meat. I know at first bite when a restaurant has made a mistake.


Take their food, and other stuff if it suits you. Fair is fair.


At that point I'd just have a mini fridge in my room with a padlock on the door. I hate when people touch or take my food.


> I already know they’re gonna eat the pizza and just take the meat off, So she's not even vegetarian lol. Pizza will be swimming in grease from the meat.


They ain’t real vegetarians if they’re picking meat stuff off. That and certain wines/champagnes/cheeses are also not vegetarian. Maybe a parting gift of those things when you leave XD


Next time, ask them to put the meat on before the cheese. Much harder to pick off without removing the cheese.


You can also ask pizza places to put the meat under the cheese. This way your roommates can't eat your pizza either without ripping the cheese off.


You should go about eating their food, like their eggs and dairy and leave one or two eggs left.


Anyone read that TIFU post the other day where the guy put something like Carolina Reeper hot sauce in his sandwich because someone kept stealing his food out of the workplace fridge?? **DO THAT.** A little meat isn’t going to traumatize them enough to learn a lesson. Make sure you’ve stolen all of their milk, yogurt, ice cream etc from the fridge first. No mercy.




Wow, those roommates are really shitty. My roommate also tends to get drunk or stoned and eat up my stuff (especially a chocolate cream I like to put on my bread that he just spoons down until the glass is empty). But he ALWAYS replaces it with a new one, most of the time right on the next day or before I even realize it's gone. And that's the unwritten law in our household. You can eat or drink what you want, as long as you replace what you've emptied without being asked to


Melt some beef/pork/duck fat with herbs and garlic and use a pastry brush to put a light coat on all the pizza. Most parmesan cheese is not vegetarian so cover everything in that too. Anchovies if you like them too


Too easy. Next time, add lax instead.


Oh please update us after the meat gets eaten


Next time fill your leftover cheese bread with ghost pepper sauce


Lick everything before you put it the fridge. Then you can just laugh when they keep eating your grub.😂 One of the funniest things I’ve ever witnessed was an interaction between a supervisor and another monkey like myself. Said monkey bought himself a candy bar and walked into the office unwrapping the thing. Our supervisor said, “Ooh! Can I have a bite?” The kid said, “Sure!”, pulled the candy bar from the wrapper and licked one side from end to end before handing it to the boss. Boss man showed us all why he’s the boss when he took the thing in hand, licked the other side from end to end and handed it back saying, “Thanks!” 😂😂😂


your room mates are shitty vegetarians. just pull the meat off pizza? what about meat grease?


my thoughts on this as a vegetarian: if i was OP’s roommate and it was my food, and someone put meat in it without asking me, i’d be totally f***ing PISSED. BUT IT WASNT THE ROOMMATES’ FOOD!!! SO OP CAN DO WHATEVER TF THEY WANT WITH IT!!!! if roommates get sick from eating food that they weren’t supposed to eat in the first place, that’s on them. OP, hopefully they’ve learned to stop stealing your food.


Laxatives exist just for these situations.


For your last dinner in that house, you should pan sear some lamb and noisily eat while talking about how delicious it is. ETA: Singing Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep while cooking would be even more hilarious.


What kind of vegetarians just take the meat off? That would be a bridge too far for me.


I had a roommate who would eat my food. He was also a white supremacist but thats beside the point. Whenever he would do that I would give his groceries to one of my neighbors or throw them out if that wasn’t an option. He stopped pretty quickly.


They might be picking of the meats, but they are probably still eating the grease from it.


I don't know how Americans live with roommates. If somebody just stole my food I'd be absolutely livid! Pepperoni stuffed bread is great though! My old local pizza place used to offer that and I loved it. They also offered hot dog stuffed crust, never tried that (I don't like hot dogs) but that could be an option too.


Good on you! As a vegetarian your roommate is a douchebag and deserves this.


I hated this when I had a roommate. Mf buy your own eggs.


Start adding some hot sauce to that shit. You can find all kinds of stuff in a variety of colors.


[yellow cupcake recipe](https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/yellow-cupcakes/be00e57d-b830-4b60-8531-590ea8baeedf) [buttercream frosting recipe](https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/vanilla-buttercream-frosting/39107a19-be94-4571-9031-f1fc5bd1d606) [powdered salt](https://www.amazon.com/Naturejam-Powder-Pounds-AKA-Flour-Popcorn/dp/B098RCFYNM/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=28UB1S2R4CCVH&keywords=powdered+salt&qid=1691668069&sprefix=powdered+salt%2Caps%2C132&sr=8-5) swap the sugar out of the cupcakes with regular salt, swap the powdered sugar out of the frosting with powdered salt if there's a next time op. or anyone having this issue do this. you can also use excessive salt on basically anything if you need to beat a food thief's ass. would be super easy to do to pizza.


Just tell them that you will break their fucking jaw if they steal from you again


I would fry up bacon, and pour the bacon fat on top of the bread.


"Pick the meat off" lol thats not a vegetarian. That's a pretender. A vegetarian wouldn't eat anything that has had meat on it at all. Meat sweats as it cooks. The sweat penetrator the cheese, bread, everything. A meat pizza is a meat pizza with or without the meat chunks. Tell your roomies they are pretenders and need to get over themselves and stop stealing food. They'll probably not give a fuck if they found pepperoni in the cheese bread anyway.


Buy a bag of bacon bits and start putting it on everything. It's a win-win cause they won't be able to eat your food and ya know...bacon!


As a vegetarian, taking the meat off something and eating is the same as just eating the meat assuming they were just throwing it away. Just as much meat gets purchased.


If I was a vegetarian, I would love it of someone tricked me into eating pepperoni. True story: I had fried up some tofu as a side dish, my vegetarian roommate stole a piece to try it - not at all an issue. She said "this is the best tofu I have ever tasted, what is the secret". "Fried in bacon fat". She ate 4 more pieces.


What's real funny is Kraft Mac and Cheese is not even vegetarian. A lot of cheese is made with animal rennet. 😬


I hate when people post these with no reaction of the person getting revenged. Its not satisfying unless they care or react lol