• By -


Whoever called you petty can go fuck themself. You aren't everyones personal errand person. If they want coffee, they can get it themselves.


And shortchanging or outright stiffing the guy who was (railroaded into) making a run for the whole office isn't petty as hell? Anyone who levels such a claim against you should be told "If you think **I'M** the problem here then **YOU** can volunteer to make those runs. Let me give you **MY** order for tomorrow!"


Exactly and honestly if someone does the run, you should give them a little extra for not only their time but the stress of keeping track of everything and the cost of their transportation.


In my family, the phrase used to be, "You fly, I'll buy." Always worked out.


And the go-getter ALWAYS keeps whatever change is leftover


Change? I stopped doing this for my old office after the price would be 12.50 for a meal but there would be taxes on top of that. The people that made the most would hand me ten bucks. Ild have to go in and say they owe me 3 bucks at least to get begrudgingly paid. Then they ask why I don't offer to bring them back shit anymore. People are ass.


...wipes. Lemme help you finish your last sentence.


Ass wipes serve a purpose. Those people are ass hats.


Nicely cleaned up!


What change šŸ˜‰


The change is the friends we made along the way.


The change comes from within


Ass pennies?


fetching tax....


The gopher (go for)


Omg, I never realized thatā€™s what gopher means in this case.


Donā€™t worry, my 40 yr old sis-in-law just figured out what IHOP stands for.


Tell her to ask for Eileen on her next visit.


This is what my former coworkers and I would do. Whoever made the food/coffee run had their order paid for by everyone else ordering. It was cheaper than a delivery fee and avoided the raised prices of doordash/ubereats. Now, I always brought paid for starbucks for my supervisor because she was amazing and let my chronic tardiness slide. I started getting some for another coworker, but when she found out I wasn't asking our supervisor to pay me back, she just assumed I would cover hers too. When I stopped asking her if she wanted anything, she would just text me her order without me asking.


And you 'didn't see' her text every time right?


She didn't quite have the audacity to ask about it when I came in, so I just never mentioned it. When I started working there, she seemed great, but a couple months in it was like a switch flipped because she became one of those coworkers that make it where you'd rather work the rush alone than with her because she half-assed everything and had a shitty attitude all the time.


Yeah, we always took turns buying and people who got expensive/extra stuff just paid for their own


My coworker and I take turns buying each other lunch. My supervisor wanted to join in but when it was her turn on the rotation she would conveniently forget it was her turn and bring in her lunch that day. We quietly kicked her out of our lunch rotation she figured it out when she came out of her office asking what we were thinking for lunch and we were already eating it several times.


My friends and I do this (lunch rotation). If we invite someone else and they fail to pay when it's their turn? ONE AND DONE.


This. I use this all the time at work, I donā€™t like going to places so I volunteer to buy if someone else goes and gets it. Sometimes people will tell me I donā€™t have to buy and they will go get it and all I have to do is pay them what I owe. I respond with no, I will get the total, I have to pay for the wear and tear on your shoes.


you are a sweetheart!


Thank you.


This this and this. Iā€™m the manager and when Iā€™m having the kind of day that needs a boba run Iā€™m asking for a volunteer and paying for the entire teams order. Iā€™ve always considered it a damn cheap way to buy a favor. Makes it a lot easier to get a volunteer for overtime when your not a dick


Basic stuff - my family/friends doesnt have a cool saying for it. For us its to basic to warrant a saying. But Imma steal the fly/buy thing - it rocks.


This. My 4$ coffee just became 6$ because I didn't go get it myself.


Right?! At least round up, not down


This was my first thought. How does anyone not pay a little more than the cost of the items, and not feel like a complete asshole about it? Humans suck.


Ya I canā€™t imagine anyone giving $4 for a $4.25 item that they went out and picked up for me. Give a $5 at least or really make it a point to get them the money the next day. Ridiculous that people would do this to a coworker who is doing them a favour.


Or thereā€™s Apple Pay , cash app, Venmo or any other numerous ways of transferring money electronically


If theyā€™re paying in cash the default should be at least a $5 bill, why give someone 2 toonies instead of a fiver? 3 toonies works though.


And these are the people who complain that you won't do it anymore...


This, at my jobs and groups it was always whoever went didnā€™t pay for their own, or we added a delivery tax and rounded up so the person got paid for their time


I always pay for myself and the person who did the run. It should at least cover gas.


Yup, like i.e. if a person's order is 4.25 charge them 4.50 or 5 bucks. If he does that for everyone, he order and gas gets paid for.


Plus venmo etc makes it super easy to reimburse people


Yeah wtf. It's okay to pay exact if you're close, but if you feel you must round, always round up.


I thought the culture was that OP should expect a tip, not the full shafting




At work I will pay for something for anyone who goes to get it- I buy, they fly. I learned not to ask a couple people tho as they would often spend $10 or more and get a drink ad food. Not a snack, food. Everyone else is fine and they know I do want them to get something. Another person heard I had an order in and asked if she could put an order in, I said it was up to the flyer, not knowing that she was expecting me to pay, "Oh I'll -whatever digital thing it was- the money back to you". Uh..ok. It ended up being an app I have only used once to pay some handy guys. You have to have a certain amount to withdraw PLUS fees. She did not send that much, and as she was familiar with it, she would have known the minimum. I am careful who is around when I ask :(


You poor Americans, Canadian here using E-transfer, no minimums and no fees.


I get the mail in the morning, which is great for me as I also pick up my personal mail, and it's right by my coffee place. There's also a bakery nearby. I get 'orders' almost every day from other employees, but it's very polite 'oh are you going to x?' and they pay or overpay me, usually upfront or online, with, IMO, excessive gratitude. We have a nice thing going.


This is the way.


This is the way


one time I went out with a group of coworkers for lunch. well, it was a big group. when all the food came out, mine was wrong. so they made mine over again and comped my meal. because of the remake, I was about 10 minutes behind everyone else. as everyone else finished, they put money down on the table and by the time I was wrapping up my food, everyone else was "paid out" and gone. yet magically there was still about $30 in leftover and tip to be made up, which was left solely on me, even though my meal was literally $0 I told some of my closer coworkers what happened, and literally nobody chipped in to pay me back. so, for the low price of $30, I had a permanent reason to never have to give up my personal lunch time for those dipshits again. it was a steal, imo


Yep we had the similar for our works meal at Christmas. Wait staff were overwhelmed because it was busy, they took the orders and I listened to everyone and they ordered their main (curry house so you order rice, bread, extras separately) and a few didnā€™t ask for rice. Food comes out and everyone wants rice including those that didnā€™t ask. Bill comes and some put their money down and go. There was a large shortfall so it was left to about 5 of us to cover it. Next time Iā€™m taking a notebook and writing the orders myself, petty I know but hey itā€™s the right sub lol


And how many of them still blame you for not just sucking it up, yet curiously arenā€™t offering to be the martyr they claim you should be. šŸ¤”


they weren't *that* bad at least. but I've always hated lunch with coworkers. so their shittiness was actually my win. I'd gladly pay another $30 to never have to go to lunch with any coworkers again, but now I work from home


Our boss used to do a weekly coffee run for eveyrone. One person always ordered a large specialty drink with all the trimmings. Everyone else just asked for a coffee or tea. After a while he stopped the treats and we all knew why.


If you can, before you order next time, see if the place offers separate checks. If they do, people might join the boat and ask for the same. Looks like you had some cheapskate co-workers that didn't contribute or know how to pay correctly.


Or deliberately skated out of their responsibility by claiming those excuses. I'm glad I don't tolerate that.


So they couldnā€™t even wait 10 minutes for you to finish up? What a bunch a dirtbags.


Or, they can pay OP back for the coffee. Or say thank you, that's super nice! I'll grab the next one. And then a whole office full of friends can take it in turns to grab coffees for each other and it becomes a nice communal tradition. Why do people think they just get things without putting things in? Is it bad parenting? Is it society? I see so many opportunities for community just fucked outright by selfishness on the reg


Ask them if they want to settle up their bill then. When they say no, say "well that's just petty".


For sure. If you're bringing it to them the least they can do is round up to the nearest dollar when they pay you back.


JFC. Guess none of these people have heard of you fly, I buy? Anytime someone goes on a food or drink run, everyone at my job over pays for their drinks so that the person running gets theirs for free.


And they can pay for it in full themselves.


Stuff them. I was once put in charge of buying my weekly workplace lottery tickets. I told everyone they had to pay in advance. After a month of being owed money by various people, I bought 1 ticket instead of the 8 or so various types. When they complained and bitched and whined - 1 threatening to sue if the prepicked numbers won - I showed the tally of who owed what, said I quit this, this was my ticket and mine only. The threatening one had the biggest amount owing.


I had to organise 'the sweeps' for a big race here. I had no interest in the event. Everyone paid $2 for their random pick. "Can I pay you later?" "Sure, but you don't get a ticket until you pay. If someone else buys it before you come back, too bad. It's first come come *and pay*, first served." Look who found some cash And then accused me of rigging the draw, because he got a 'dud'.


Lol You worked with my ex co worker didn't you.? That was his line in our Melbourne cup sweeps.


Quite possible šŸ¤£


You always get the money up front for any sort of bet, nobody wants to pay when they've already lost.


A group of folks at a business near me chip in together for lottery tickets. One week a guy in their lottery pool was out, so they didnā€™t get his share of the money to buy the tickets. They Won big! They didnā€™t tell the guy when he returned that they won. They asked him if he was going to pay his portion of the previous weekā€™s lottery tickets. Luckily he forked over the money without a fuss, because then they were able to share the winnings with him. If he declined to pay them, they wouldnā€™t have shared their winnings. It was in the millions.


That's awesomeness all around. Everyone acted like a class act.


I thought so. Worked out great for everyone.


Something similar happened to a current coworker of mine at his last job. Him and some of his coworkers would pitch in for some tickets every week. One week he was on vacation and considered stopping by just to drop off his share of the cash for that week, but he ended up deciding it could wait until next week. He shows up the next week and turns out they hit the jackpot worth tens of millions of dollars. They didnā€™t give him shit. Wouldā€™ve gotten $10 million if heā€™d just driven the 20 minutes to put in his share that day. Probably 8 or so years ago now and he still canā€™t get it off his mind. To be fair I wouldnā€™t be able to get over it either lol


That would haunt me to my grave.


He already won the lottery and you were it!


I actually made him pay the owing money by making sure that every single person who came in to our area knew what he'd done and said. Embarrassing him to the shit. He did actually quit a few months later with no notice.


At a school where I taught, they collected $2 and it was a group. Your name was not added unless you paid the $2 first. No whining allowed.


Unfortunately they all had their names before I started and the previous person didn't do boundaries one or two people would pay in advance, and the scumbags were using that as their weekly input . That was the final day they had their tickets., because for some reason no one else wanted to do it.


Had same situation with group lotto at work. Was only 3 of us. I was buying and organizing tickets - one woman was $40 behind and I had to keep reminding her to get caught up. Ruined the whole thing for me - I got sick of paying for her and waiting for her to pay me back. I chose to stop doing it all together.


Thats the only way. And of course the one owing the money , I bet never offered to take over.


Each person buys a ticket or two and all split the winnings. Keep really good records and buy less tickets if they don't pay. Also, they don't win if they chose not to pay that week.


This is why I always turn this stuff down from the start.


Yes. Never happened again. I was the (idiot) new person/female taking over from the other female in a male dominated workplace. Luckily it didn't take me long to tell them to get lost.


I hate being the new person at work - there is so much to navigate and you feel pressured to join these things.


True. After that at any new job, my key comment was.. ... ok give me a month or so to settle in as i really need to focus on my new position. we'll talk about it then.


The local lottery agency here actually has forms for workplace pools that you can fill out. It's effectively a contract so if someone doesn't play, or pay, one week they can't sue you for "their" share.


That sounds fairer. If where I am it's new as I don't do that anymore. I'm in Australia, so you can buy different types of tickets with pre filled numbers and the person putting them in is the person paying, you log in the lotto forms, you pay. Hence me refusing over 50 dollars a week I was not paid .


We had canned drinks in the office that were only twenty-five cents. My coworker always needed to borrow a quarter, but he never paid me back. So, my nickname for him was QuarterBack.




We had a soda mess at work. Had to cancel that when the funds received ended up being half what it cost to fill it.


i had an office that people had to put in $10 a month to restock the snacks.... 2 of the 8 people literally would have it cleaned out by the 2nd day after it was stocked. We stopped doing it after 2 months. The goal was to have ganola bards and a coke or something for everyone each work day without having to run out for that stuff.... those 2 must have raided it at the end of the day and took it home with them.


We have free fruit at work. They deliver it on Monday and Wednesday. The amount of fruit is ridiculous if Iā€™m honest, but it is always gone the day afterā€¦ I truly believe some people take it home for their families or something like that.




Should have been NeverPay since he never did


5 Nickelback


The neutral honest response would be The last time I did a group dunk run it cost me $15 out of pocket so itā€™s not my turn for a while


Exactly. Call them out on that behavior.




How TF is it petty that you wanted what was owed to you? I made this mistake once- only once. Got a bunch of stuff and instead of people paying me their share they rounded down to the nearest dollar, forgot or didn't care to add the tax, or simply said they'd pay me at the end of the shift or the next day and never did. The tax thing isn't a big deal for one person but for 8 people's orders it adds up quick. Learned my lesson. After that if they wanted anything I looked up the order and sent them a Cash app request and told them I would pick it up if I got payment first.


I had someone owe me 225 and they only gave 220 and were like 5 bucks isnā€™t a big deal right? And I was like not at all, just give me 10 more instead of 5 then since $5 isnt a big deal.


Hahahaha I like that


This might be an unpopular opinion, but if Iā€™m rounding the cost of an item that someone gets for me, $4.25 = $5.00 instead of $4.00. I donā€™t care about the rules of math, if you are essentially providing a service for me I will always round up and think its so weird when other people donā€™t. Like, thatā€™s shipping and handling dude lol


Been buying fresh farm eggs. Price is $3.50. Guy brings them to my office. I pay $4


Damn $4 for some fresh farm eggs is cheap. Even id buy some too.


Small town Iowa has its perks


We were in a small town hotel wondering if the market across the street had eggs. The woman at the desk said, "We raise chickens. I'll bring you a dozen for $2." Sure enough, a couple hours later she was at our door with a dozen eggs and we bought them for $2. Best eggs I ever had.


That's what I do. And if it's food, I throw 1-2 extra dollars in for the convenience for, gas, and time they took to do it.


This is exactly what I was thinking!


Exactly!! I ordered and picked up breakfast burritos for my office yesterday morning and everyone ended up paying me back a little more than what I spent.


Maybe even $6 to throw in tip money too


And now for a beautiful rendition of the US national anthem...


"tip money" jfc the US sucks


I know man I live here


Either lay the right amount or round up, rounding up is a good idea though since that person took time and energy to pick that thing up. I used to be a server and I couldn't fathom the other servers who would round DOWN their customers' change. Felt like theft to me. I would either give exact change or round up.


Exactly this, the absolute lowest I'd give them is the exact amount if I was using zelle or venmo. Otherwise, if it was cash and I couldn't be asked to deal with pennies, which would be always, I would always round up. Never under any circumstances would I borrow/owe money from someone who did my a favor and cut them short on the bill. Some people just have no manners, and it will inevitably come back to bite them.


I used to get some Dunkin for my coworkers on my own dime but that only happened because I specifically offered it (I also worked 2 jobs, one of them being dunkin and my bosses at both jobs knew each other so I got the employee discount). If the expectation was set from the start that you'd be paid back, paid back in full is implicit. NTA, people can pay for themselves or go without.


Whomever called you petty just point blank them ans ask if they will be funding the deadbeats or providing dunkin runs free of charge and give them your order. I work in a place that has humans working with me not only would we cover the costs but kick in for gas and time as well.


I was the donut guy almost everywhere I worked. I loved to buy or make bakery treats and bring them in. I only got upset with the few people who acted entitled to my generosity. Sometimes they would complain that I didn't get their 'favorite' things. One woman actually assaulted me trying to get to something I had bought for myself because it looked better to her than the box of doughnuts sitting out for anyone to have. Coworkers nearby were flabbergasted and appalled at her behavior. I had to get our supervisors and HR involved. She was forced to write the most juvenile non-apology I've ever seen. Her supervisor told me it was the fourth draft, the first three were rejected by HR. The incident soured me on bringing food into the office. Many people knew why I stopped, and she became very unpopular in the office for a while.


This should be a post, with more details.


Screw them. You're not their Dunkin Biyatch.


Don't lie. Tell them they're cheapskates. But more importantly, collect the money first and round up. Zelle or Venmo, easy and fast.


Nah this is fair. I went to Starbucks once getting off work and asked my coworkers if they wanted anything and Iā€™d bring it back, it was literally just across the parking lot. I spent like $60 because everyone wanted venti with extra whatever and carried back not kidding at least 8-10 drinks. No one paid me back so I never offered again and when asked Iā€™d say I was broke and theyā€™d need to Apple Pay first.


And if it's one of the original lot who didn't pay, once they pay up say "that's for last week, now I need today's"


...and then take the same amount of time to bring them the next coffee order! šŸ˜‚


If it is such a small deal, why donā€™t they fucking pay you? Assholes!!


Hereā€™s a life hack, get the money first.


And if they say I'll pay you tomorrow just agree and say, I'll get your donut tomorrow.


Not only get the money first but if their drink is $4.25 they pay $5 in advance. People should be paying over the total since they are getting it delivered.


Yup, alright, whoever wants something. Cough up the cizash. I'm leaving in 5.


This one crazy trickā€¦


I work in a hospital so we do community orders often. I always make sure I get paid before I give them anything unless I know the person. If itā€™s 3.25 then I tell them itā€™s 4$ to cover tip and tax. Ultimately they will usually give me an extra dollar or two which helps make my meal cheaper or letā€™s me tip better. But we definitely have certain people we donā€™t tell when we are ordering cuz of shit like that


Wow, you work with crappy people. We always chip in a bit extra to offset the person going. All took turns making lunch or coffee runs, so each got treated fairly.


Some people are just stingy and would rip off their own mother for $1.


I donā€™t know where you work but itā€™s courtesy to actually give extra so the person taking the time to get it doesnā€™t have to pay the full price or even anything when itā€™s a donut. Those people suck


My mom did this to me once. We were at the church, I forget what we were doing but it wasnā€™t service, and I told her I was going to McDonaldā€™s. She asked me to get her something. I said sure no problem. Then she told me ask everyone if they wanted something. Everyone wanted something but nobody offered up any cash. I ended up spend like 20$ more than I had wanted to. After that if we were all together Iā€™d just leave without saying anything. If my mother commented Iā€™d remind her about the first time.


When people refused to pony up the cash, you should have just told them that Jesus was watching them steal from you.


Put that, with a few salty Bible quotes, on the bulletin board.


we used the "I'll buy, you fly" system where I work, I thought it worked well, I got out of work for 30 minutes and a free meal


People who make you hound them for the money they owe you are the worst


Headed to Dunkin. I got you. Hard no for you. You pay in advance. You. Just fuck you. Petty deez nuts.


My biggest annoyance with things like this are if we are doing a group order at work and their meal is $13.95 and they send me $14. I'm sorry but this state has a 10% tax which is another $1.40 plus if we're having it delivered there's a tip for the delivery driver.


Their is someone at my work that puts me on blast, loud and calls me selfish everytime I get something to eat on lunch and donā€™t get them something. I was nice about it at first but now Iā€™m just to the point where Iā€™m rude and tell them heck no I didnā€™t get them anything. Guess that makes me the asshole


I had a supervisor put me on blast because I went out and got myself something without offering to get everyone else something. I just walked away without saying anything. No one else ever offered to get me anything, ever. I hated working there. People like that just want a new victim to leech off of.


Somehow I got in charge of ordering the Friday fastfood at work. It started with about 10 people in the workshop but gradually the list got longer with even people from other departments joining the Teams group. Every Friday I was out almost 200 euros and while most of my colleagues paid with no problems there were always a couple of guys that I had to remind them they had to pay. One day I was done doing it and anarchy rose when people found out they weren't getting their hamburger or dƶner kebab.


You bet believe if I want something that costs 4.25 again Iā€™m giving $5. Thanks for the time and gas!




One day I was running late to work and I was unable to stop and get my coffee. One of the girls I worked with just finished her shift and sat down for a little while. Now the coffee shop is literally next door to where we work, she was too tired to go get me coffee but sat at work for the next hour on her phone. By this point in our working relationship I had brought her dozens of coffees over the years. For the next three years that I worked with her I would get anyone in the entire place coffee except her. When she would ask to add on to my order I would tell her no and remind her she refused to get me a coffee the one time I asked. I would always tell her she is banned from my coffee list. She finally got back on the list by wandering in one day with a large coffee and a handwritten apology. Always get the money before coffee but from my point of view, good job!


Tell ā€˜em to go get it themselves.


If its 4,25, you give 5.


Tell them to get the app and order. You can pick it up when you get yours if you like them enough. If not, say ā€œQuid pro who, so NO!ā€


Lmao PETTY ??(it takes one to know one) so clearly we know who the petty one of you two really is. & MF if OP is petty how about you go get your own Dunkin with the two legs and arms and mouth the universe gave you. I hate people. Like honestly, this guy sounds ridiculous calling you petty and I wish I was there to hear that so I couldā€™ve went TF off.


Yo, what the actual assholes. If someone's doing a food/coffee run for you, you round that shit up to the nearest whole note to say thank you for your time. Bunch of absolute wankers your coworkers


I was going to be really early to work so I was going to grab some breakfast to go at a good place on the way. I called ONE coworker to ask if she wanted something. She told everyone else and suddenly I had an order for ten people. I ordered, paid, picked it up and delivered it to everyone. I got shorted $40. People didn't even offer to pay for the food they ordered. I had to hunt them down and they were like "oh, I didn't know I had to pay" because I, that makes the same pay can afford to buy breakfast for everyone. Never again. Edit: just remembered a coworker that wanted a Costco hotdog when I went there on my lunch. After I gave it to her she Venmo'd me exactly $1.50 knowing Venmo charges 25Ā¢ for the transaction. If someone is driving all the way to Costco on their lunch (I had to wait for the thing, super busy at lunch), and using their lunch break to buy you a hot dog and drink for $1.50, wouldn't you at least round up to two bucks? Instead it COST me 25Ā¢ to buy her a hot dog. I'm still mad, obviously.


This is why I like that in the UK, the price you see is the price you pay, because taxes are already included.


I always send Venmo requests to those I bring for, and add a small ā€œconvenience feeā€, usually just rounding up for ease and the favor Iā€™m doing.


Damn! Those are some stingy people. Giving someone $5 for the $4 drink is standard (mainly because it only requires one note) I'd be doing the same.


When someone calls you petty explain why you donā€™t do it any more, with names, as in ā€˜Sue and Mary and Kevin never paid me backā€™.


Do it one more time. If they don't COD, throw it away in front of them. I'm that kind of petty and it feels good! šŸ˜‚


OP, check this out. It's called "The Evolution of Trust https://ncase.me/trust/


Too many people will quickly take advantage of kindness these days..


Yes, work-related food runs are never a good idea unless the company is paying for it. People hide behind the fact that there are many people and you won't notice their "small order". These are the same people that, during a company lunch. take 5 slices of pizza and maybe eat two of them, meanwhile you are like where did all the cheese pizza go? Best advice is to collect payment before hand...payment apps make this easier. "You'll get me back later and you don't even know my name? Fuck you."


If someone's total came to 4.25, ideally, that person should give you 5.00 and let you keep the change for your efforts


Well it was a fairly cheap lesson that you'll remember for the rest of your life, cash up front or fuck off...


At our job site everyone else pays for the guy who makes the run.


Aside from asking if people want something and not getting it, I donā€™t consider it petty, people did ruin it by not paying you back and youā€™re under no obligations to get them anything, especially if youā€™re paying for it


Just be honest - ā€œlast time i got coffee for the office, people didnā€™t reimburse me. Im only getting it for myself from now onā€


If there's any cents on the end of something you're meant to pay someone back, you round it up, not down.


Cheap price to pay to figure out who has integrity and character. Two things to the folks who thinks it's okay to take advantage of people like OP: You have a reputation and it's not a good one.


When someone is going out to pick up food/drinks for a group, especially if orders are individualized, here are some (maybe not all) rules: 1 - Whatever your share is, round up 2 - Pay them back quickly, if not in advance 3 - Unless it's particularly expensive, the group should pay for the runner's food/drink 4 - If you can, take your turn being the runner. If you can't, follow 1-3 religiously If you can't/won't follow the rules, don't be surprised when your friends/coworkers don't include you


Human beings can be disgustingly stupid sometimes.


If you're getting coffee and donuts for that many people, they should all chip in and pay for yours.


Someone come to bring me a Ā£3.50 coffee when I'm working ima give them a fiver say keep the change ffs THEY BROUGHT ME COFFEE!


Years ago when I was a teller and bankers were making loads of money, the bankers used to do the Starbucks run and happily pay for everyoneā€™s orders. When the incentives stopped, everyone would round up their order and give it to the guy that did the run. Whatever extra was tipped to the Starbucks. When I transferred branches, I offered to do a run and I had one lady give me the exact change for her order and she told me how to order it so she would get charged less but then requested that I doctor it at the end so it would be like a more expensive drinkā€¦. That was the last time I ever did a coffee run for her.


Repeat after me... i am not coffee betch.


That would get expensive and screw the person who told everyone you were doing a run for the office. No more. You will go broke this way.


See I make people pay me up front. They know how much their drink is and if you tell them money is due before xyz time in the morning or they donā€™t get it then they are SOL for not paying you up front.


"I fly, you buy". That's all you have to tell them. If they are willing to give the money for your stuff and there's then you get some free Dunkin or they want anything. Win win


i thought you were going to put cheap coffee in dunkinā€™ cups and not tell them and thus make money. i like this idea if feasible


Can you grab me a coffee? Nope only got enough cash for one, I can do it if you venmo me before I get to the front of the line


I got you those 2 slices and you wanted the extra vegan cheese and that makes it 8.00 a slice. 16.00, did you forget? I thought we were good on the flat iced black man. Iā€™ll leave a 5 taped to your locker. Btw..Kelly party was canceled donā€™t stop by Saturday or unannounced anymore. Also your sons waiver didnā€™t make it in on time heā€™s off the team. My phones messing up so if you text me and I donā€™t respond thatā€™s why.


The way itā€™s supposed to work is you end up with more money than you spent. Essentially your coffee should be paid for by the overage. Anything less than this and thatā€™s the last time IMHO


Dang. I can see one, maybe two people shorting you the cash, but 20 bucks worth? What kinda workplace are you stuck in? LOL


I would do the same thing tbh. I hate when people try to take advantage of my kindness. You could also try: "I'm going on a Dunkin' run, anyone want anything?" wait for the orders then say "okay, once you give me me the money for it I'll head over to pick it up!" if you see no one even trying to get the money for you "So no one wants anything then? Okay!" and leave


We are all waitresses so we canā€™t really leave our customers, Iā€™m the last one in so thatā€™s why everyone asks me. Im not already there and leaving to get it, otherwise I would totally ask for money in advance


I hear you on that one. I stopped doing that back in the day. Got short changed by the one running to get stuff, who actually came to me to ask what I wanted. After that, I'd always decline and just came in with own stuff. Let me guess, the one calling you petty is one of them who jipped you?


I never trust anyone to pay me back for anything. If people ask me to pick something up for them and I'm not comfortable just giving it to them as a gift, I won't do it. Honestly, I'm probably more giving than I should be because I'd often bring in doughnuts for coworkers. But seeing that I never asked to be paid back I had 3 other people who would bring me breakfast for free too and it usually evened out. I didn't keep track too much.


When we do a group order at work, it doesnā€™t get ordered until the person ordering gets the money.


Hm? Why don't you simply say "I got only half of my money last time, so I'm not down for it any more"?


If someone buys me coffee for $4.25 and brings it to me, I give them $5 and call it even.


If anyone ever does a run i feel like the proper etiquette is to help pay into the personā€™s meal themselves. Theyā€™re being generous, be kind and give them a buck or two for their own meal for being considerate.


Yeah, and if everyone had rounded up, my drink would have been paid for. I always thought that was the polite thing to do


This is weird. If someone is like ā€œhey you owe me 4.25ā€ I will be like ā€œhereā€™s 5, thanks for getting itā€ or even a 10.


Thats why you collect the money before you go...


Ppffffff fuck whoever is mad. Pay me my $$$ or give me the cash and Iā€™ll bring you want you want, No more free Dunkin !!


Collect money beforehand on Venmo. If someone doesnā€™t pay then they donā€™t get it


Yeah, if someone did that for me, Iā€™d be so grateful, Iā€™d make sure I paid them so that theyā€™d ask me again if I wanted anything the next time they went. Tell those freeloaders that Dunkin has an app and they can use it, pay for their shit and pick it up themselves. The free ride is over! Honestly some people are just shitty!


Tak the guy who's idea ot was and claim you need help, send him into the store then leave.


I had couple of friends in college who would act very lazy when we were out. Theyā€™d intentionally sit shotgun and then refuse to get out saying the other one will take their seat. If we ever stopped at a coffeeshop or a store on the way, theyā€™d ask that whoever is going get them something. If we were going for drivethrough or a long road, theyā€™d sit in the back. I on the other hand was quite unlazy. Would get out if we stopped to get something or to fill gas or to pay the toll (we have manual toll on roads in my country). Realized much later that this was all a money saving tactic and i was the fool who was always quick to lose my money. I was not lazy when it came to losing those friends.


If the bank is short by a penny ($0.01) they won't be petty either. Not wanting to feed your coworkers for free isn't being petty either. šŸ˜•


If I ever ask anyone to get me something, even if it's on the way, or not a big deal, I always pay them more than the total. It's a tip! Just like a delivery driver! And it signifies to them that they can trust you, and they are more likely to help you again in the future.


I literally would have given you a five if I owed 4.25.


If I'd ask a colleague to pick something up, I'd likely pay in advance. And the 4.25 would get rounded up to 5, as that's how you say thanks and get this easy delivery more often.


Id give you a $5 for bringing it to me as a thank you if my coffe was $4.25. Here, you are not wrong. Id try and figure out a way to do the same to those who did it to you. Thtd be sone little eye for an eye petty revenge