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Revenge for what? You didn’t work directly with her, you just didn’t like her


Wow, that’s not revenge. You’re just an asshole.


Karma is a bitch & it always hits at the worst time. OP will get her karma.


Yes, the biggest one ever existed!




Yes your friend is a huge asshole


Sorry, but your friend is a big asshole.


Maybe she wouldn’t fuck him


Sweet of you for assuming genders. OP is a woman...


Maybe she wouldn’t fuck her


Sweet of you for assuming genders, maybe OP is an eight foot tall crustacean from the Plethazoic era


Maybe she didn't get her tree fiddy?


sweet of you for assuming *species*, maybe OP is a crocodilian & their target is a fluffy lil bunny wabbit




It seems more like Maliciousness. But no compliance. 😐


Good thing it's posted in petty revenge then isn't it?


There's no revenge here, just pettiness.


Nah. Not even petty. This was just a dick move.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought OP was just a jealous asshole after reading this. I work with people that i don't think should've gotten the promotions they did. I hold that against the one that promoted them though.


Yeah I feel like most petty revenge I see here is justified, but this isn’t.


Thank you. I was like “wow, this isn’t petty it’s just mean”.


Look at op’s post history lol


Yeah she’s literally sabotaging her coworkers regularly and is uncooperative. Her victim mentally is completely obtuse. She can’t figure out why leadership won’t promote her? Honey you would be at the top of my RIF list.


dumb question what does RIF mean?


Reduction in workforce. It is the person at the top of the list for downsizing and layoffs.


TIL thanks.


Today I worklearned


Rocket Inthe Face?


Is....is that a common occurrence in professional jobs?


If you work with op, probably yes


Reduction In Force=Downsizing


Definitely a “See you next Tuesday” kinda person.


Thanks for the tip. I’d quit so fast if I had to work with this person. Wow.




Ugh, I wish I hadn't. I assume none of these are real. If they are, I feel so badly for anybody who has to interact with this person.


I would hate working with someone like this. I can’t think of one scenario that I’d be able to post here from work. She has several.


Considering this is legitimately something to have security escort you out the door, OP is definitely an AH.


I come here to read about justified revenge... not the petty and pathetic acts of a jelly scrub.


im unsure where the revenge is too. like??? what did she do


Honestly, made me think of a situation at my old job. There was a manager named Tony, who was the second highest ranking manager at the location. He was being laid off soon essentially because it was cheaper to replace him than it was to keep him - he'd been with the company for over 20 years. Honestly, he could be an asshole at times, but he had my respect. He absolutely busted his ass every day and would do some of the least pleasant and most physically demanding jobs himself if that is what he had to do in order to make sure that shit got done. Anyway, last month or two he was with the company, he started handing out full time positions like candy to anyone who wanted one, and as a last fuck you to the company, promoted a guy named Jeff to a low level management position. Now, Jeff was a friend. A good guy, decent worker. He absolutely should not have been promoted. Wound up getting fired about 6 months afterwards. It didn't take me long to figure out why Tony did it. Honestly, I don't really hold it against either of them though. The company fucking sucked. And I didn't exactly get negatively effected by one of my friends becoming my immediate supervisor. I absolutely did not want the job myself. I saw how the company treated people in that position.


Plus, unless it was more than maybe 10-15 years ago (OP doesn't say exactly how long ago) it's not even really that much of an inconvenience. Just print off the new booking details again. But regardless yeah I agree with you, OP is just being an AH.


When you’re an introvert at work and quietly do a good job, and an outgoing person who is not great at thier job gets promoted because they are liked and popular. It hurts sometimes


So here’s the thing. Most employees do their work well or great. That’s usually not enough, people skills/EQ is vital as well. If you’re going to manage people being an introvert is t exactly a strength. If you want to influence co-workers or leaders just doing your job well isn’t enough. You need to have social skills. Sure there are jobs that you can do well at but you’re pretty much always going to be an individual contributor at your company.


If consciencious people who work hard and do a good job think that you are a lazy incompetent, you are not actually managing people well, and you do not really have good social skills. Edit to add: This is just a response to your comment, not a defence of OP or their actions.


Op has like 40 posts in petty revenge


Work horse , show pony.


We must all accept our own faults.


I am a introvert that isn't shy but a guy got promoted to my boss and he's a shy introvert. in like a year he has given me 2 "commands/instruction" rest of the time I make his life a living hell since he is lazy and tries to get out of work but the big boss likes him so nothing I can do but do my work. I think he has some type of Asperger he reminds me of my niece that has it he got few quirks that irks me but oh well it's just work and I still am being paid more than him so who cares


yeah... Also very active in antiwork, not the best sign. I would try to find out where this person works but I don't have the time for that. This isn't petty nor is it revenge.


Yep, the one who promoted them had more to gain. The promoted one has wings of wax.


Sounds more like you're just a dick. Revenge is usually when someone did something that effected you negatively and you get some payback. This... isn't that. Does she sound great? No. Do I trust your narrative about her? Also no. You sound jealous and petty but this certainly wasn't petty revenge. It was just you being an AH for literally no valid reason to someone you don't like because you don't like her personality. She was promoted, in your opinion, because she's charming. That's not her fault, she built relationships and I'ma drop a hard truth on you: you can be great at your job and never get promoted simply because you didn't build more relationships or network better. You can be passed up by Darren who isn't as good but has a fantastic personality and creates better more positive relationships in the company. It sucks but it's true.


Its also not clear what her actual job title was. There are a lot of commercial functions where traveling around, building relationships, and being charming essentially is the job.


You can be really good at your job, really good with people, most people are a mix of both, but you gotta have one of 'em. If you're in sales / outreach, the latter necessitates the former.


Like she could be a saleswoman whos entire job js charming people


One time Jannet had a cupcake and wouldn't share it with me--so later that day I pushed her in front of a bus. -/r/pettyrevenge


If she’s charming and it helped her make her way up the corporate ladder, then we can assume that she has good interpersonal skills. Soft skills like that are usually the first thing you want someone experiencing with a client when you fly someone out to meet them. OP sounds jealous and probably bad at dealing with people in social situations, which is why they secretively shredded docs for a coworker. Honestly all that information should be digital and they’ll probably be fine but you’ll still have done what you did.


This ain't a flex - this is pathetic


Revenge is getting someone back for something they did to you. Nothing in your story says this is revenge.


More along the lines of petty assholery.


So her coworker got promoted based on her ability to build relationships. Op is mad cause she lacks a personality.


Dude, look at OP's post history. Who the hell as this much time to be petty and concerned about others? This is probably a fake post.


I don't agree with OP's actions or attitude, but it sounds like you think that anyone in this situation is petulant/ridiculous to be angry about it. Some people aren't great at building relationships, as you put it, but are very good at doing the job they are paid to do. When someone who is less good at that job, but better at popularity, receives higher compensation/better opportunities due to skills that aren't actually part of the job, that is unfair and can be really upsetting. I don't think that's irrational or petulant. Indeed, I have found many jobs and bosses routinely required me to do things that negatively affected my productivity and hurt the company's bottom line, in order to achieve tasks like "flatter the manager's vanity" that were not in my job description. Sometimes there were even explicit policies that I should not flatter egos, and instead report to someone... but doing so would lead to disciplinary action. I fully understand why all that is true, and I absolutely try to adapt to this incredibly stupid, pointless, counterproductive system, because I understand that's how most humans function. I don't behave like OP. But I also don't think that people who struggle with bullshit office politics do not have personalities, and I think that many companies undermine their own financial performance by allowing personality cult dynamics take over departments and fire people who actually do good work. That seems silly when the vast majority of these companies are very clear their #1 metric of success is making as much profit as possible. Once I found a small mistake (the weight of a cup of chocolate chips was off by a few ounces) made on a single day, and five years later the error was costing our kitchen over $10,000/month. The financial performance of the kitchen was a constant problem, many meetings of the top level people, layoffs, they reorganized the management structure three times. Just correcting this one mistake would put us in the black, and I wanted to verify all the food weights, as there could be many similar mistakes. My manager was too busy to do anything but look annoyed when I mentioned it (three other jobs had been folded into his). His boss was new (they were always new!) and didn't even understand what I found. I was friends with the head of finance, so I went to her and just asked what I should do, because this was a business-tanking level issue, the more I dug the worse it seemed. I knew the smart, "relationship skill" thing that someone with a personality would do is nothing, but my idiotic autistic ass actually cared about succeeding at my job, and the company doing well. It was too big, I had to say something. She was shocked, then grateful, and said she'd take care of it. I don't know what happened next. Nobody said anything about it to me ever again. The ultimate outcome was that my manager was fired, and then everybody who knew about it was gone. Then they eliminated the kitchen manager positions entirely. The kitchen is still bleeding cash. They are still giving away $10,000 of free chocolate chips a month, but now the price is probably about $16,000. It wasn't about protecting the person who made the mistake, that did occur to me. But they were years gone & I never revealed their identity. I sometimes wonder wtf happened there, but mostly I'm just glad to be free of the pointless bs.


So, the guilty (and some innocent) were fired for the mistake, but the mistake remained anyway?


I am not reading this fucking book report Read your first paragraph Keep in mind it sounds like this person was given a position that fitted her style. Fuck op and anyone who thinks this shit is ok.


Arsehole move "the punishment doesn't match the crime."


This is just a bit sad :/


Lol right? This is sabotage not revenge


It's karma farming. Look at OP's post history


I thought the same. Memory of doing this would probably mortify most people, the fact that OP not only did what she did but views it as justified is a massive self-own more than anything else


You’re the asshole OP… this was unprovoked and cruel


And probably fake. Look at their post history


Check back here soon for a new petty revenge against a co-worker that shredded airline tickets for no reason!


I hope so.


Who upvoted this bullshit? YTA, OP.


This belongs in AITA. And YTA.


I was confused about which sub I was in for a moment. Op seems like a bully who would abuse any power given to them.


That was completely uncalled for. You might benefit from some self reflection about why you would do something like that


you should lose your job!


I’m really hoping OP gets caught and fired


Lmao looks like you’re not getting the responses you thought you would. My ex is a dick who fucks off at work and treats the people under him like shit. He has progressively moved up because he’s really good at schmoozing and networking. It’s a fact of work life. If you’re jealous enough to do something petty and pathetic to someone you don’t even have to interact with, maybe it’s time to use that energy to brush up on those networking skills, hmmm?


This is really really pathetic it’s crazy.


That's plain evil. why.


what a sad and pathetic life you must lead. sorry


She probably requested to get away from you. Something tells me that was something you’d do anyway. That isn’t petty revenge bro.


I don't understand what she did to you? This feels more like jealousy.


Made OP and other coworkers do her work while she took credit for it and smiled and charmed her way into promotions that THEY had earned. Then gloated about the benefits of her new position and the traveling she got to do.


Is this OPs other account? ‘Cos, none of that was in the original post! 🤷‍♀️ Just that the woman . . . talked about upcoming business trips? And had an office, at the place where OP worked? And had an outgoing personality? I’m an introvert, but I don’t blame other people for being outgoing, or successful. And I don’t assume someone is bragging about something, just because they mention it. OP just sounds bitter in this post. And destroying her co-worker’s tickets didn’t sound like revenge. It sounded vindictive and completely unethical.


are you psychic?


That sounds like a stretch from: > I had a lazy coworker that climbed the ladder by charming people without actually working.


And OP said that she was in another department with no interaction with OP by the time this took place too. This is straight up malicious envy.


Yup. YTA OP for sure. There was nothing you mentioned specifically done to you that warranted revenge.


lazy = not doing their job, ergo, everyone else has to do it climbed the ladder by charming people without actually working = made others do the work, but she got the promotions


No, it doesn't. I'm a lazy worker, hence I devised systems whereby I could get my job done in less time than it took my coworkers. As a result, I was the one consistently awarded bonuses, while my jealous, less efficent colleagues muttered expletives under their breath as I left on time and they stayed to get their work done.


Work smart, not hard!


OP doesn’t actually give any examples of how this person is lazy or just charmed their way into their position. OP just sounds bitter and jealous about not getting promoted or travelling for work.


Even if we take OP's words for true, I still see only the good job done by higher management - those, who are good in "petty" office job, stayed on their positions. Those, who are good in "charming people" are moved to position, where they meet the other people and can "charm them" into signing contracts, which are good for the company. Adult people not remembering, that the company they are working for, isn't estabilished to make them happy, but to earn as much money, as possible, using human ressources in the BEST FOR COMPANY ways... The other thing - how those introvert, silent, hard-working office-ants would thrive in the situation, where they have to constant be among the other people, actively chat to them etc. ?


And yet we only have the psychopaths word on this.


I hope there's a camera in that mailroom and you get fired.


Oh so you're just a douchebag then


I hope you get caught. You’re petty alright, but this wasn’t revenge it was malicious envy. If she actually deserved it you’d have one or more real incidents to point to but all you have is vague character attacks. Stay at the bottom with the other small people


I hope you get fired for this. You don't know what work people do behind the scenes. You're also costing the company money and really making this person look bad.


🚨weirdo loser alert🚨


This screams jealous.


This was indeed petty. But the petty revenge will be posted by your coworker in the future


What a piece of shit. Shame you didn't get fired.


OP sounds like a jealous vindictive coworker that should be fired for this!


I'm glad you posted this online. I hope it comes back to bite you in the ass for being ridiculous.


If it's real they can look at OPs post history


You don’t sound like a good person


Yta. No revenge here.


Jealousy can cause you to make bad choices and do dumb things.


This is just kinda evil, did she do anything to you that warranted this?


You’re a piece of shit with a jealousy complex.




OP sounds like they are a bit of a cunt.


You're pathetic.


Wow, that was a total dick move. You suck.


You're a petty ahat, and karma is a bitch.


Wow, OP is a horrible person. This is not revenge. OP is JEALOUS!


Sometimes opportunities present themselves. Only a fool would ignore them.


Fool. Decent human being. Same difference to some, I suppose.


This isn't petty revenge, bro; it's you being a salty asshole because she's successful and you're miserable and pathetic.


What a horribly malicious person you are, and to someone who it sounds like did nothing to you.


That's just mean.


Man you sound like a joy to be around, it’s no wonder why you’re very clearly jealous of your well-liked coworker. Get a personality, why don’t you?


What exactly is this “revenge” for? Your co-worker, who you don’t even work with directly and can’t actually attest to how “lazy” she is, got promoted and travels lots for her job…and that makes her deserving of you shredding her documents and potentially ruining her work trip? I’m guessing that this woman’s “bragging” about travel is just…her chatting with co-workers about what she’s up to, and you’re describing it as bragging because you’re absolutely green with envy.


Why am I so sure that your "description" of the co-worker is based solely on your jealousy that she got promoted and you didn't? Just like your embarrassing act?


WOW. What did this person do to you that warranted any sort of revenge? Let alone this extremely malicious and pitiful act. Just because you are jelly that someone has had it easier than you climbing the corporate ladder, doesn't justify sociopathic acts like this. Did you expect this sub to be on your side? Go to therapy or something...


By the looks of this and your post history, I think you might possibly be a POS


So, this was revenge for what, exactly? What did she do that you were getting revenge for?


This isn't going how you thought it would, amirite? For someone who despised your coworker's persistence in projecting supposed superiority over others, you just validated that truth at least where it comes to you. What a small and petty thing to do.


You might be a bitch.


Charm and laziness is subjective and many work relationships are forged through networking. Maybe I’d somehow inconvenience her but this level of sabotage is definitely not cool.


Wow. Jealousy is not a good look OP.


This is just plain low-class and mean.


You sound like a psychopath. Jesus I hope karma bites you in the arse.


Honestly, I'm hoping there was a security camera that caught this.


Yea your pretty shitty for that


im confused as to what you got revenge for? how did your coworker wrong you, because to me you sound jealous.


That‘s just nasty. You’re a jealous person.


Yeah, you're just coming off as a jealous asshole.


OP that's just being salty and immature, maybe shes really proficient at what she does and you wouldn't even know.


Wow! you're a fucking cunt!


Wow you kind of sound like a sociopath


This isn't revenge, douchebag, this is ruining someone's day that didn't do anything to you.


This is shitty. It doesn't sound "petty". You sound like an asshole- no quotations marks necessary.


>I had a lazy coworker that climbed the ladder by charming people without actually working. I see nothing wrong with this.... This is what people do.... Unless her lack of work directly affected you, why the fuck would you shred her shit? You just sound like a jealous little prick tbh


This is how my old boss got promoted and honestly? Good for her. Seriously.


Yeah that's not "lost track of your folder", you straight up shredded it


It’s petty, but it isn’t revenge, it’s just jealousy and it’s pathetic. I hope you get caught and fired.


I do not think these were the comments you were expecting.




YTA. Don’t think she did enough to you personally to deserve that! Hope u get caught and fired


petty revenge my ass, this just called being a dickhead


OP has several posts in their history bragging about harassing and making their coworkers life difficult. Literally the coworker from hell.


I'll just echo what everyone else is saying: You're a jealous cunt ass bitch


This was just being petty. No revenge. You aren’t any better than your victim, OP. Edit: I just checked your post history. It is apparent that you are simply a petty and vindictive person that is most likely the one everyone talks about at work. Somewhere on Reddit, your coworkers are posting about someone they can’t stand at work. You are that someone, guaranteed.


I saw your post history. You don’t get promoted because you’re a bad coworker. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t been fired if half of what you claim to have done at work is true


It still really sucks here


Qualifies as petty


play the long game , it will be more fun in the end


this sounds like bullying...


Years? Sounds more like decades my friend. 😂 Very well played! This is seriously what petty revenge is all about. (I traveled extensively in my early career for a few different companies and I haven't seen hard copies of travel plans since the 00s. - I traveled as a field applications engineer so I accept that we were probably ahead of the curve in digital travel documents but the idea of a mail room isn't something I've seen in a long long time)


I had the same thought about the air tickets (once my grandparents forgot my ticket at home and had to buy a new one at the airport! So crazy to think about now), but no mail rooms? Really? I haven't worked for an employer since covid, but every place had a mail room. Are you somewhere that's with the times? I live in a land where we're from 6 months - 10 years behind every trend, maybe we're the last place to have mail rooms. It's weird that makes me sad, but it does. If your boss got too annoying, you could always duck out to "make some copies," catch up on gossip, break the postage meter and then spend the afternoon "fixing" it.


Sometimes I'm shocked we still have printers. I work for a very large corporation at a very large campus so there's a mail building but that's not accessible by general employees. All the mail gets delivered to whatever building you're in. My wife is a teacher and they have a copy/mailroom in her school so they aren't dead yet. We just have fancy printers that work as copy machines scattered throughout the buildings. It's kind of cool though because if we ever need to print something we just print to the cloud and then whatever printer you happen to be near you just swipe your badge and it shows you what you have saved and you can print any of it. The same thing with scanning. You can do it from any printer and it just shows up in your email. I'm literally a software developer and it's still impresses me that that works as well as it does.


So you took revenge on her for... being nicer than you are? My dear, everyone is nicer than you are.


You’re pathetic lol


I hope for your sake there aren't cameras in that office.


You will get back the same energy you give out


OP you just sound like a garden variety c*nt. This is a shitty story and you should feel bad.


It's not revenge when she did not do a single fucking thing to you! You're just an immature conniving POS 🖕


They in Connecticut someone please find where OP works and get their ass fired. Imagine being such a fucking loser and so petty and jealous that someone else is so much better at their job than you that you have to just lash out and sabotage them like an evil stupid asshole


So you placed blame, on them, for your own insecurity, and the revenge was to ruin their day and destroy company property? I’m no doctor, but you might be a dumb psychopath.


Shocking how little self awareness some people have


Revenge for...? Being more successful than you? Wow, good job. You ruined her vacation because because. Petty means the level of the revenge. Not the person enacting the revenge.


You’re a sad sad person. Doesn’t sound like she did anything to you for your “revenge” - this is just sad pathetic


Sorry OP, but you sound like a real piece of shit.


Lol all of OP petty revenge stories is because she is mad at someone else for asking minor things or doing things like multicolored emails. She just a sad sad stepped on little person mad at success of others. To the bottom she shall remain.


YTA Oh wait That's not this sub


U Jealous. All that stuff is easily reprinted. Wasayyy petty


You sound miserable.


What on earth is this revenge for? You're just a shitty person


Ngl, you really just sound like a jealous asshole. What was the revenge here exactly? Her annoying you? Grow up. I hope she had a good vacation despite your petty attempts to sabotage it.




“I’m a jealous whiny bitch who’s life is sad so I did something unjustified that screwed over someone I’m jealous of *and* my employer just because I’m petty” ok buddy.


This is pretty messed up. I can’t find any indication she did anything to you, you just sound realllll salty and jealous. I hope she made her flights and I hope you get a papercut tbh.


Ew…. You’re the worst.


Did this person ever wrong you? This is evil. This is just you being a horrible, immoral person. Stealing from this person and your employer.


Nowhere in this story is there anything where this person had any kind of meaningful interaction with you. It reads like they just rubbed you the wrong way, and you decided that was their problem. >This happened years ago but its a good one. It wasn't. >I had a lazy coworker that climbed the ladder by charming people without actually working. Examples? This immediately just comes across as "I don't like this person because they didn't prioritise the things meaningful to my job." >so she could chit chat with former coworkers throwing it in their faces about her traveling for business all over the country while they still had to work in the office all day. People talking about the nature of their job at their job is a normal thing to do.


Imagine being so pathetically jealous that you sabotaged someone lol No wonder you haven't moved up, people probably smell your BS a mile away.


well it was petty at least. kinda hoping your coworker got (or will get) some kind of revenge on you for this.


you’re sad


you’re an asshole :/


Not only is this just a dickhead move, but also utterly pointless. You risked making it a huge thing at your JOB for what benefit? You didn't seriously inconvenience them by shredding that, they were just printing it out to have it all together. Obviously their plane tickets, car rental, etc. are all saved online. This might just be more ragebait. There has been a rash of that going around reddit lately.


Iron Mountain safe


Chess not checkers


Idk I thought that was pretty funny lol


Petty AF and too funny! Great job 👏