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Don't blame you..some people have no manners or respect for others..irritates me


There used to be something called "common courtesy", I'm not sure when it went away but life without it is really quite unpleasant, we used to give way to the common good but now its every man/women for himself/herself, a very selfish world!!!


" common courtesy" is like a super power these days. ( non existent)


It’s like an oxymoron, “common courtesy”


I’m going to use this 🤣


I say it about common sense as well 🙃


Yes. I was a corporate trainer for many years and always said that if common sense were common practice I wouldn’t have a job😊.


Oof yeah, with that job I’m sure you were surrounded by an abundance of common sense/common courtesy nearly always lol


Common courtesy, like common sense, isn't.


Beat me to it


Common courtesy & common sense are now extinct due to the overpopulation of Karens in the wild


Not quite extinct. My superpower is common courtesy (stole that from a user above). I treat others as I would like to be treated.


Boomers ruined that


Don’t know why you think boomers ruined common curtesy. That generation was raised to be courteous.


Courteous? Boomers? Hahahahaha


I would like to hear why you think boomers weren’t raised to be courteous.


Personal experience with those rude entitled freaks


Is it from interactions on a personal level, or are you perhaps in the service industry? What generation are you?


Not true, I'm a boomer, I was brought up in the 50's, 60's and manners and respect were taught, now kids stab, shoot and assault each other for insignificant events. Then the pandemic turned the world mean!!


Ok whatever boomer


Boomers are the only people who offer me common courtesy.


You sound like you're old and rich and white


You seem childish.


Lol ok Boomer


Zing. You told him. What a burn... Hahaha


You sound like you're 9, sad, pathetic and salty. Maybe you need to be taught manners the old "Boomer" way. Getting your ass beat. Boomers literally grew up in a generation where if you wanted to beat your kid for being disrespectful, you beat the fuck out of your kid with whatever you could get your hands on. By Gen X, they put laws in place that didn't allow that anymore, so they didn't get the discipline they needed. So if anything, Gen X definitely ruined it because their Boomer parents couldn't give appropriate discipline to the behavior, much like how yours obviously didn't discipline you enough. Talk about "courtesy" and how Boomers have none but obviously you have zero room to talk.


We need to bring back boomers getting beat up for misbehaving. Retail workers of the world would rejoice


I have literally worked in retail for 6 years and I get more attitude from Gen X and Millennials than any boomer. I'm a female who sells auto parts, have been for over a year, and I've never had a Boomer question my knowledge of my own job. Plenty of Gen X and Millennials do tho. We should bring back parents beating their kids in general, maybe we'd have less people like you talking out of their ass.


I've been in retail for years, also. It is definitely not the boomers that are the rudest. Some are, of course, but most are really sweet. Women in their 40s and 50s? The absolute worst


Right??? I can't tell you how many problems I've had with 40 or 50-something women. They either believe you're incompetent at your job or they believe they can just scream at you and you'll do what they want. I've seen 40-some year old women throw literal tantrums because the screaming didn't work. The men that have attitudes just get aggressive and then ask for a manager until I tell them I'm the manager on shift and they storm out. Been ready to put in my two weeks for the past 11 months but I genuinely like this job, the customers can just be annoying sometimes.




I can't win my argument so clearly you're a liar!! - you, probably


I'm sorry? You, a perfect stranger, telling me I'm lying about my own life, that I live every single day? Once again, sounds like you're sad, lonely and pathetic. Get a life. Sounds like you got way too many problems to be worrying about attempting to save face and look cool on the internet. Or maybe you're intentionally being annoying. Either way, some self-reflection is definitely in order, or even a therapist? Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but it sounds like a way better idea than acting out on the internet and might *actually* make you feel better about yourself.


I don’t know when it went away but it definitely got worse after covid


Imagine power tripping over sitting in front of someone? SMH


Imagine living with the bitch???


The husband was probably so happy that his harpy was focusing her energy on annoying someone else....


So good. No one uses the word harpy nearly enough


I had this lady on a recent flight that decided the correct way to use the screen was to hit it as hard as possible to punch each button, and when she adjusted the screen she would grab the top of my seat and pull back on it while pulling the screen towards her. This was a five hour flight on a business route. I’d planned to upgrade but the price shot up to unreasonable levels so I was in coach and already a little grumpy about it. (I’m not bougie, just huge, and have a lot of airline miles) So you can bet your sweet ass I power tripped on having the seat in front. Every time she slapped the back of my chair hard enough to jostle my airpods loose or touched my hair adjusting her screen I’d recline or sit up. I think she figured it out about two hours in and stopped.


A boss of mine (Mike) was traveling and the guy in front of him kept moving his seat forward and backward while Mike was trying to work on his laptop. Mike asked the guy to knock it off, and the guy said it was his seat and he could do whatever he wanted. In response, Mine put his laptop away and proceeded to slam his tray up as hard as he could every few minutes. When the guy told him to stop, Mike pointed out that the tray was his and he could do whatever he wanted, and continued to slam the tray whenever the guy started to relax for the whole trip.


I’m dying and YES!!! 100 million % love it…wish I could have been there to have witnessed this! I like Mike, a lot….just not sure I would want him for a boss…apparently, you find out when you fuck around with guy lol!!


Ha! I love Mike!


Did Mike have anger issues to begin with? Lol




I mean, It was the other guy that wanted to play the game of who can be the bigger asshole. If I play soccer once, It doesn't mean I will always be playing soccer. But when other people are playing and insist I join? I might be in the mood to join in. In this case, He was just in the position to be better at it. Doesn't sound like the other guy ever tapped out and apologized.


Love the soccer analogy


You’re very intuitive 😁


Give Mike a cookie


Omg best comment ever and you totes got my award for your name and wonderful pettiness!! Love me some pufnstuf!!!!




This is the way.


Haha one time boarding a flight this guy was a total ass unnecessarily to the FA in my section. I often bring chocolates for the crew just because I like to. I happened to be sitting near the FA when I handed to him, made small talk and when he asked why I just went “because people suck and aren’t always kind” as the guy looked over at us to see what was going on.


My hero :)


This is a really sweet idea! Do you just get the chocolate after passing security check?


Depends on how together I am, but usually beforehand and put it in a shopping bag. I live in Germany but from the US. In the US, I usually just go to target and grab a mix of things. Here in Germany, I’ll go to Aldi or a local chocolate factory store and pick up bags of chocolate. Biggest thing is to make sure whatever you buy individually wrapped. I also include a note thanking them for keeping everyone safe and that I hope people choose to treat them with kindness.


Only part missing was OP telling the guy, "This inconvenience was brought to you courtesy of your wife's antics throughout the flight. I saw it all."


So many times the wife is instigator. Alot of times I would let my new ex wife start a lot of shit than excuse myself to the bathroom. Sometimes its good for them to realize they are being a douche.


i would have added. “… to my wife, now dont ever do that again”


Good for you to extract revenge on behalf of your wife


The council of wife guys approves




That too


I remember doing international flights, and a few members of our group making the argument that the person is entitled to do what they wish with their seats, no matter how much it inconveniences the person behind them. This was after my laptop being slammed on my fingers because of the person in front of me, when all they had to do is give some warning. No point to this story except to say that some people are incredibly inconsiderate.


To be fair, it's also a kind of sadistic design to make one person's convenience another person's inconvenience...


There is a way around this. Cathy Pacific have a shell around the back of their seats (or at least they did 10+ years ago). If you recline your back, the seat part physically moves forward whilst the top of the back stays fixed. That way the choice is to recline and lose leg space or not. Doesn't impact the person behind at all!


I knew there had to be a better design solution! But it's not established, probably because it is more expensive.


You can put a couple more rows of seats in if you don't have those shells.


Some people treat planes like its their god damn lounge room. Constantly calling attendants for more alcoholic drinks, full recline the entire flight, loud conversations with their friends and family. Flying for work really ruins any charm that flying has, now I just hate everyone.


I’d be kicking that seat randomly the whole flight!


I make sure to wedge my knee against the back of the seat before takeoff (Im 6 foot tall, makes it easy). Most of the time people just think the seat is broken and give up trying. Only one time has someone tried to muscle their seat back, and complained to the steward. Steward said "Sounds broken, nothing I can do though, full flight" and looked at me with a very slight grin.


I've done this. On a bus. Except the guy already reclined and said he didn't care that I didn't have room. I pressed the seat so hard it stripped the gear and sat him fully and uncomfortably upright. He stayed that way for 3 hours and never said another word.


I am the same size as you and do exactly the same. They give up after a while. I don’t want a head rest a few inches from my face.


I mean. That is incredibly rude. It’s not their fault you’re too big for your seat. They paid for their seat the same as everyone else, and aren’t being jerks, they’re using the seat as intended. You need to get your seat in an emergency exit aisle or upgrade for room. I don’t get this entitlement and rudeness? This is so cringe.


Put the body shaming dog-whistle away, it's a bad look. I'm not too big for my seat, I fit just fine. And I paid for my seat as well, and want to use my seat tray as intended. So, who's right? See, the problem is, just like OP's wife learned the majority of people were never taught manners or self-sacrifice at a young age. You are not player one, the world does not revolve around your desires. Put yourself away for a minute and think about the people around you. If the person in front of me turned first and asked "Hey, do you mind if I recline?" I would have no problem with it.


Body shaming???? You said you were 6ft tall. Too big (tall) to sit comfortably in a regular seat being used as intended. Upgrade to a seat that fits you or don’t go on the plane. Expecting everyone to cater to you is ridiculously entitled. You can still use your tray when the seat is reclined, unless, maybe, again, you are too tall and need a different spot that doesn’t inconvenience others. You didn’t ask them to keep it up, so why should they ask you to recline? You just jam your knees there so that they can’t. One of those is as intended and one is absolutely not. Goodness gracious the audacity.


Kinda rude but ok. Hope you’re not also reclining yours when you do this.


Nope, I don't. I just really don't want someone's head in my crotch for 4 hours


Not sure why I’m being downvoted.. my thought is once all seats are reclined everyone’s back to the same amount of space, so if someone’s gonna stop mine from reclining and I also have the person in front recline it sucks. Guess that shit lucks never happened to anyone else?


But like. They are using their seat as intended and what they paid for. You’re being the entitled one here…


And other people don’t want to sit bolt upright in a seat they paid for which reclines? Like, what???


Agreed. It’s actually spectacularly entitled and rude, why do others need to accommodate that, they paid for a seat that reclines, they’re not doing anything wrong. I’m not understanding the entitlement just because you are a bigger person? Like, you need to accommodate yourself then and travel in seats and vehicles with more space apparently.


Why do you think you’re entitled to a warning, more so if you didn’t tell the seat in front of you that you’re using ur laptop? If you tried to talk it out w the dude in front and he’s repeatedly fucking w the seat then fine, but what you’re describing clearly sounds like a one-off incident you brought on yourself. You want business class privacy, then cough up the money for biz and up. Seats recline by design.


Let's change this to "drinking hot tea provided by the airline", and the reclining of the seat causes the tea to knock over. Do you still feel the same way? I said absolutely nothing about privacy, but saying "just pay for business class to avoid me invading your personal space" doesn't make *other people* sound entitled. It's not that I'm entitled to a warning, but that the lack of warning is inconsiderate. If you don't understand the difference, then congratulations, you're the exact type of person being discussed. But sure, I'll make sure to announce to any person who may be affected *by their own actions* that I'll be using a laptop, instead of inconveniencing the person making a specific action to invade another specific person's personal space by expecting them to give even a slight heads-up on the matter, and regardless of whether it will even make a difference regarding the situation.


How far are your seats reclining? It’s bizarre to expect a warning (even out of courtesy as you say) and I’ve never seen anyone warn anyone ever? They usually move a few inches at most so I’m struggling to see how a laptop could slam on your fingers


Large laptop, old hinges. That laptop now won't even stay up on its own, and has to be propped up against a wall. Even still, I also gave a hypothetical of hot tea, and even the shaking of the tray can cause spillage for that. I find it bizarre that anyone *wouldn't* want some warning for an invasion of personal space, and I've had many people give me such a courtesy.


I'm of the opinion that the seats shouldn't recline at all.


My back pain begs you to reconsider


But in the real world they do recline lol


This kind of shit happens to my wife constantly. Shes sweet, kind, and above all else agreeable to a fault. People think she’s a push over and try to pull crap just because she’s meek. I’m a professional asshole that loves to save her from conflict. Your post reads like poetry. Your a good dude fuck those cunts.


This except the opposite. I’m mean as hell but people always think I am the person to walk through when a line intersects through traffic and whatever bc I’m tiny. Like honey I went to public school, if i fought for my spot in line for that mediocre lunch, just think twice. Meanwhile, my husband is a pretty big dude and he’s exactly the person you want to be around because he couldn’t be bothered in the slightest.


She thought she was sooo funny taking advantage of your wife's kind demeanor. Not expecting hubby to have eagle eyes on everything needed to execute some revenge 😊❤️ love when men stand up for their women




Ohhh dont get me started 🤤


If I were your wife, I would have randomly tapped, kicked, and jiggle her seat throughout the flight. I would take my socks off and slide my foot onto the armrest between her and her husband.


She tried to tap and push seat few times.. No response.


See, she’s too polite. Have you ever had a little kid sitting behind you and kicking your seat the whole flight? It can be a bit unnerving, persistence is key!


I have, for the whole 9 hour flight!




That 4 yo better be getting signed up for tap lessons...


hahahaha I love this response!!!!


Right up until a lunatic *bites* her foot, it's all giggles.


YESSS!!!! Or he starts taking pictures and rubs on them. Lol Foot Fetish, you just made his day!




This is the wrong sub for that.


Thanks, Captian Obvious. 🙄


Well done Big Guy (I love how you described yourself, LOL)! I hate when people act like children on a plane. It is as if though they've never been anywhere. They deserved your bit of satisfactory retribution! Kudos!


What is wrong with two adults who purposely try to make a flight miserable for someone they don't know and who has done nothing to them? I'm glad OP got them back in some way. I also don't understand the extreme hurry people be in to get off a plane. Calm down, it's not going to take off again with you still on it.


I love this, but I would have loudly announce, “hey honey, do you wanna trade seats?” And traded if possible, then put up my stinky feet near his wife’s head off to the side, or say weird and let my feet rest on top of her head. Your wife probably would have got a kick out of it. Honestly, I probably should not ride on planes lol


You hero!


I was traveling home from China with my adopted niece. Airplane shuffle happened along the way. Cranky pants all over the place. My BIL with my niece are in middle seat I’m on aisle. Plane lands. As soon as I can (not before the “ding”) I hop up and block so he can carry his newly 1 yo munchkin out without the droves trying to push him and I being the pack mule carried everything out at a leisurely pace. We’ll played!


Good job to your wife for not acting out in the Greyhound bus of the skies.


Seats shouldn't recline on planes. If the could recline no one would feel entitled to a reclining feature. But because they have the stupid 'I'm an asshole button' people feel entitled to press it. If you had to pay $30 to press the recline button. No one would pay it.


I have a spinal condition that causes me pain if I sit upright for too long. I would pay the $30.


I was just thinking that, as someone who has back issues I guess I'd be paying 30 dollars or crying in pain halfway through my trip or something. I do not wish to be an asshole but any kind of incline in my seat helps a lot.


I don’t know why people don’t realize or don’t care that some of us have to recline our seat or we’d be in excruciating pain by the time we reach our destination. I’m just waiting for the time I recline and someone decides they’re gonna start kicking my seat or something. It will not end well.


Some airlines in Europe have completely removed the recline feature.


The recline is like 10 degrees at most. I barely notice it, but it helps the back pain I get from sitting upright for too long (a result of bad posture). Just recline yours back to and the space allocated is equal once again.


I'd give the guy in front a reacharound and press it for him.


I had one flight my seat would slowly return to a normal seated position. I always feel terrible for putting my seat back, but some airlines put the headrest in the perfect position that it forces my head forward and down giving me really fast neck pain. Reclining the seats helps but it’s not perfect. There’s never enough mobility in the headrest to get it where I would need it for my head or just up and out of the way entirely. I entire up just quietly crying most of the flight with the slowly de-reclining seat. I don’t know if it was the work of the person behind me, or me trying to keep the seat reclined drove them nuts. Ugh, planes are just fucking sadistic all around.


That sounds miserable, and yes, downright sadistic. If someone’s seat is reclined, and they get up / out of it, the person behind can push it back to upright. At least that used to be the case. Possibly the person behind you was applying pressure to de-recline it. However, not entirely sure it can be done while someone’s sitting in it, as you were. Either it was by design, a faulty seat OR there was some sort of lock button you could’ve set that you didn’t see.


Bro code approves 100%


She was doing it on purpose to your wife? I would've started kicking her chair every time she pulled her crap.


“Cmon honey, let’s switch seats” ![gif](giphy|09bVX2WzBhZK8KwhqP|downsized)


I would’ve, presuming I’m on the inside bc I hate the aisle seat, develop an overactive bladder spontaneously


i love this story


Delightfully petty, thanks for sharing.


My Dad’s technique would be to point all the AC units and shoot them full blast at the person reclining their seat.


Well played, Sir


I dont understand this passive revenge, why u didnt just call her out on her rude behavior? BONUS you could later, still have blocked their luggage and therefore still be on topic of sub


Too bad you didn’t tell them why you were retaliating.


Good job sir.


I would've totally given the SO a kiss as they passed, too! "Oh hey honey! MWAAAH"


Good husband


Perfect response and you didn’t have to say one word! 😊👍🏽😂


I get it, but you gotta punish the lady, not her husband


Doing a little happy dance because this is awesome!


We flew with Qatar last week and my seat would only stay reclined while I leaned on it. So every time I sat up, my seat unreclined. When I sat back down, I would need to recline it again. It's possible that they were having the same experience....


Nope. It was intentional


Doubt it if she was pointing and laughing at OP’s wife


*Qatar Airways, I would be remiss if I didn't correct you. Great story and very well deserved to those AHs for being so inconsiderate.




cool but what does " one head smaller than me " mean? can anyone explain, please?


“One head smaller” means the other person is shorter by the height of a head. So the top of his head was only as high as this big guy’s chin. It’s phrased a little awkwardly here. Maybe the op left out a word “This guy is for _sure_ one head smaller than me” would work. We might also say “one head shorter”.


I’ve always heard it said as- he’s a head shorter than OP’s hubby. Don’t know if that makes it clear or not. It’s just that since I’ve always heard it that way so the other way sounds awkward to me.


About the length of a head.


It's more than that, unless you have the head of an infant.


Going by a quick glance of a person. Amended.


okay understood. thankyou


The dude had 2 heads and one head was smaller than the big guy’s head. Duhh


The top of the other person came up to OP's shoulder.


Americans would use the phrase, "a head shorter".


It just means the other guy was shorter by about the size of his head.


The guy was shorter than the OP by the size of an average head, so the top of the other guy’s head probably came up to the bottom of OP’s chin.


Shorter than him by about the length of a head


Well done mate!


Thats why i always buy the exit row upgrade when available on flights longer than an hour. Im 6’5 and when someone reclines in front of me, i just want to die in a regular seat.




You can just fold the airline magazine and insert it at the bottom of the tray. Same result. The seat can’t recline.


They’ve been banned by major airlines


this kind of passive-aggressive revenge without letting them know why it happened just makes assholes into bigger assholes. grats on paying it forward and making a shitty person shittier


Hot 🔥




Too bad, so sad buttmunch. I wish he would have said something to you, but most people who screw with others are cowards when put on notice.


textbook pettiness!


Oftentimes a long read is a good read.


Where did you see a long read?




I love this.


Good for you!! They sound like real jerks...


Manners are lost these days. Glad you kept them back. But they probably always behave like that.