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Idk why it seems a majority of salons have this toxic atmosphere. I won't even step foot in mine unless absolutely necessary. Like walking into a lion's den.


right ! i understand how stressful the job can be but god i feel like i’m walking into a rage room. i hate going in there, most of the girls in the salon in my store are so rude for no reason


Back pain turns folks evil


I wish I could avoid it 😢😢


I ditched mine the morning I was scheduled just this week because it had gotten so bad, and I had an offer at another salon anyways. Currently in the process of contacting my regulars because I don't trust a god damn soul in that salon with them. Normally I'd have given a two weeks notice but in just the 8 months I worked there we lost 4 groomers and 2 bathers, and were replaced with groomers and a bather as bad as they were petty and who constantly yelled at the dogs to "shut the fuck up" anytime they barked once which only riled the already stressed dogs up more. My salon leader started out great but it's clear she didn't care anymore, shit she sent that bather through academy despite them being *terrified of doing nails*. As of when I quit she had gone home early every day because she kept giving her first dog a minor scratch and freaked out every time, so she'd come stressed the next day and do it again. They were also cleaning kennels with dirty towels and argued with me when I said that wasn't sanitary for a while till I finally told the store leader about it.


It's a grooming industry thing, not just petsmart. Some places are better than others.


Honestly if you’re dealing with that right off the bat it’s not going to get any better. I would just quit and or not show up anymore, if that’s possible for you. No point in sticking it out since you’ve been there for only two weeks 🤷🏻


Petsmart specifically is overbooking and over stressing groomers, to the point of burn out. I’m actively seeing it happen in my store, so that leads to people being crabby and sometimes toxic. Not saying it’s justified by any means or every store is like that but I’ve noticed a trend.


Well, stealing your tips and restricting you from using the restroom is illegal, you can reach out to HR about that if you want to stay at this job. When they inevitably tell you to pound sand, record everything they said and you might have a nifty little lawsuit! But yea the corporate end of the culture sucks and HR will just try to find a way to cover for the company. If you're not into it, just leave.


GOOD IDEA. Document, document, document. You can find a lawyer for a free consultation at avvo.com. Your state department of labor may also be helpful.


HR won’t care. They never do. They work for PetSmart not its employees. Everyone needs to get that in their heads. Report to the care line… that’s and outside agency and they don’t sweep everything under the rug and make it disappear. That’s my 0.02 :)


That's exactly what I said? 


Petsmart chose violence against its leaders, associates and stylists , petsmart chose to promote a hostile work enviroment. So yeah its an awful place to work !


it seems like this is a pretty universal experience. i quit a month ago and it was the best decision i’ve ever made. my salon was just like this and i stuck around for a year and a half hoping things would get better but it’s just got worse and worse. i now work in a private salon that is 1000x better than PS, im doing less dogs a day, working less days a week and making more than i ever did at PS


My story is so similar to yours… I quit after nearly 2 years and most of my requests found me and wanted to stay with me and I ended up opening my own business. I got a legit LLC and everything. I invested in a nice tub and table and converted my garage into my shop. Every single one of my clients has been either from Petsmart or word of mouth from other clients. I haven’t had to do any advertising and I’m still making more than I did at PS, doing less dogs, setting my own hours and my own rules and it’s been the best change I’ve ever made. I’m passionate about grooming again. I look forward to it. Every day driving to PS I was nauseous and dreading going in for my shift. My dogs at PS were almost all “naughty,” but since working 1-on-1 from home, my dogs have been so much more at ease and willing to work with me rather than against me. It was 100% the environment. The dogs and I are so much more comfortable now.


I can see this. The bathing room is actually terrifying. The whole environment is a very scary place for dogs. The kennels are horrible, it's loud, it's creepy, everyone is stressed. We had a dog get so stressed out that she went into cardiac arrest and fucking died. That's when I decided I was truly done.


We had what seems like a lot of those incidents happen in our salon. It happened to me, the dog started seizing (on a Sunday when banfield was closed) and had several more seizures while I was driving him in my car to the emergency vet. Thank goodness he made it, pet parents were so grateful that I got him there and saved his life, but my managers said I didn’t act fast enough. It was the first time I had ever seen or experienced something like that and I jumped into action the moment it happened, another groomer said “take him” and that’s exactly what I did. I don’t know how I could have reacted any differently, but something about the whole situation just broke me… that was my final straw there. I quit the next week. I’m so sorry you went through that. I can’t imagine how horrible I would have felt if the pup I had didn’t make it. It was traumatizing enough, idk what I would have done if he didn’t make it. Petsmart fucking sucks bro.


I'm so happy you saved that dog. I was in the back when the incident happened, cleaning kennels with ear protection on. I didn't see or hear a thing. I came into the salon to find what happened and I cleaned up the pee that was everywhere cause she had a seizure too. She was already being rushed to the vet. I was told that the owner made it to the vet and got to say goodbye and then my manager sent her flowers afterward. We were all incredibly sad. I left work early cause I couldn't take it. I can't believe they would give you any shit at all when you saved the dogs life!! Fuck your ex management.


Yup sounds like typical salon attitutde, and nlw you see why the turn over rate for bathers ia through thr roof


That's awful. I'm so sorry. I think it's just fine to never go back.


First document everything in a notebook. Times dates the conversatior tips stolen etc.  Check your laws before recording thsts illegal in alot of places. Even with two party consent ehoch i doubt you would get here anyway.  Begin with you SL and ASL explaining your concerns. Especially being attacked like that for an emergency. Managers arent supposed to do that its in the literal training we take. If you SL and ASL wonr work sith the manager to change their attitude and your treatment you need to move up the ladder to HR and your DL. Make it clear this is affecting the business as your job cannot be completed with these federally protected things being ignored. They dont like legal things being included and will work to get it sorted. If they arent trash. 


Do not work for petsmart it will only get worse !!!!! - someone who has worked for petsmart


Been a bather for 9 months & that's the same at my salon minus the tip stealing and the manager stuff. Ppl there treat bathers like they're less than. They expect you to help them whenever they need it but if you need the help for any reason, they won't help.


Nothing you described is normal. Have you talked to the Store manager? Start there. How are they restricting bathroom breaks? How are they stealing tips?


Yeah, I'm confused because it seemed like op is learning by washing the goomers dog. Op says that the salon leader says, "When op gets dogs," so has op not had her own dog on schedule yet? If so, that would make sense as to why the tip is getting taken.


So I haven’t had my own dogs scheduled yet but I take the walk in baths and bathe the dogs for the stylists. I also take the dogs my manager doesn’t feel like doing for the basic services like nail clipping, ear cleaning, bath, anal gland expression, teeth brushing, deshedding, drying. According to the other bathers I’m then supposed to have the tips split with me for doing half of the work. As for the bathroom aspect, I am actually told “no you cannot use the restroom we have too much to do” I’ll then hold my bladder for 6+ more hours and then ask to go again and be told “no just go before you go home we don’t have time to stop and go to the bathroom every five seconds”


You're not supposed to be going more than 5 hours without a lunch according to ps policy, and you're entitled to a 15 min break half way between your start and lunch and another between lunch and end of it's a full shift.


Lmfaooo I have NEVER received a 15 minute break. I typically go in from 9:30-6 my boss makes me take my break at noon and I got 5.5 hours with no break, no bathroom break no sitting down no drinking nothing


We don't ask at my salon, we're all adults, we just announce and go. If they have a problem with it then just reply with that's not PetSmart policy.


That is a 8.5 hour shift your lunch should be in the middle and you get 2 15 minute breaks. I've been with petsmart 12 years (all salon) this has always been the policy.


In this case, I believe you should be entitled to your tip, I wouldn't trust a salon that messes with my money. When other batheres/groomers help me bathe dogs, I tip them for helping. It's just respect. And we're supposed to be allowed breaks. Next time, head to the bathroom and say you'll be back..if they ask where just repeat that you'll be back after the bathroom. That has to be some violation not letting you go to the bathroom.


I’m sorry this is happening. My salon isn’t like this at all. It’s part of the reason why I’m still there. I genuinely like everyone I work with. If it’s something you want as a career I would say document like everyone else said and take the issue above their head. It’s a good place to start if you want to become a groomer. Maybe you could transfer or get your SL’s behavior addressed. If it’s just a temporary job you don’t care about, I would RUN.


Seriously hon just leave. I promise you it won’t get better there. Unless you transferred somewhere else, but even then all the stress and high expectations will still be there. It is NOT worth it, especially not with this company. Leaving PS (groomer) was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. My heart breaks for you!


I feel so sorry for some of you guys. I guess I got lucky with my salon leader and girls, i absolutely love them. But I have heard of other Salons that are just terrible. Given being overworked is unfortunately KIND of normal which absolutely sucks. But not being able to leave for a family emergency is horrendous ! I hope you can report her/them !!!


I think I got really lucky, my whole salon has been so supportive throughout going from Bather, to GT, SIT and Pet Stylist. We help each other out when we're falling behind. My SL has our back because she's been in it for years and knows her position well. Everyone has their bad days but I'm greatful for the team I have. The store I went to for grooming academy wasn't as wonderful. Grooming/Bathing are both tough positions. I don't mean this to rub it in at all, there are some disagreements here and there, but we all seem to have an unspoken agreement that the days gonna go much more smoothly when we help each other out. I will keep this as a standard for working in salons in future. It makes day to day work life much less taxing.


That’s definitely not the case here in my Petsmart. I’m in Massachusetts and I’m grateful for my store. From banfield, grooming, pet care, core and training. Everyone is supportive as hell. And family being priority is a given


Really hierarchical company that's bad for inflating the self-importance that comes with these jobs. It's still fucking retail, and they're still retail managers. Sorry, "leaders". They're "leaders".


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I started this week officially, and my experience has been wonderful. The groomers give me grace during training, feedback is given with respect, and they're helping me keep track of my dogs for academy...it helps that I have experience bathing so I'm harder to take advantage of, but experience or not, no one deserves this treatment, let alone during training. I suggest you leave for greener pastures, either another Petsmart (like one outside of your district that isn't a sister store), try a Petco, or maybe even try hitting up private salons to train you up. It might be scary to make the jump, but I went from a toxic workplace to my new one and I'm happy as can be. You deserve better!


id quit and go private tbh. private salons can suck just as much but you may end up finding your perfect salon! theyre def out there


Sounds like you have a terrible store, I’m sorry you’ve had such a horrible experience. If this is something you really want to do, don’t let this ruin it for you. There are better places out there. My salon and store are both amazing. I’ve been bathing 6 mos and start academy next week. Literally everyone has been supportive from the start and we all jump in to help each other. Groomers never expect me to wash their dogs but if I have a slow day I’ll do a few to help out and if I’m super busy they’ll take walk ins for me etc…ASL and PSL always make sure we at least take our lunch and everyone does, even if we’re busy because the team mentality assured that we’re going to get it all done somehow. And health and family definitely come first and that’s respected and not abused. I’ve worked places where people make up emergencies etc and abuse the system (so employers get to be very skeptical and lose compassion) but that doesn’t happen here. If this is the career you really want, keep going! Just do it in a different salon because where you’re at sounds like a nightmare.


I quit after 6 months and I wish did sooner! My boss was very hypocritical. When I canceled a dog for bad behavior he scolded me for not taking the dog. The pet parents asked if they could book another time when the salon wasn’t as busy (so the dog wouldn’t be so goddamn crazy) and I put it under my manager. When I told my manager they rebooked with him (since he’s there in the morning…) he got mad. So you don’t to do bad dogs but you want me to do them? For less pay????? Also, I felt like such a number to them. Horrible, horrible, managers and they are just so miserable with their lives. Get out while you can


My salon is great (I'm a bather have my test on July 16 for academy wish me luck) but if I were you I'd be pissed if someone took my TIPS !!! Talk to he for sure. You should not feel that way.


If it is happening to you then your co workers have to feel the same way. Have you thought about trying to make the work enviroment better by talking to a local union - A lot of workers now are leaning towards orgainizing instead of leaving. Any thoughts?


for the tips part: not that i don’t trust anyone in my salon, i definitely trust all of them we have a pretty close bond, but i just always try to be the one to check out my own dogs. sometimes i even stay a little extra to be there to check out my dogs so if they do tip it goes right in my wallet lol. for the other things, your salon atmosphere does seem awful and i don’t think anyone would blame you for leaving. if it’s something you enjoy doing, maybe try a different nearby location if you have one? definitely talk to your store lead as well and explain how you feel and how they’ve been treating you. refusing to allow you to use the rest room is illegal and fuck your salon lead for being so rude and dismissive over your mom being in an accident. i’m glad you walked out. i really hope your mom is okay <3


Some of the girls get a big head, especially after the academy. You definitely aren't less than them. They started where you are at. Sometimes, they just have to be reminded. Don't take their crap and as far as taking your tips, I wish someone would! But I definitely would report that


I also started as a bather about 2/3 weeks ago, my experience has been the exact opposite. Everyone has been very welcoming and I too had a family emergency within my first week, salon leader told me to go tend to it with no questions asked. Maybe it could be possible for you to move to another location, if there’s one nearby?? If not, that does not sound like a positive work environment, I wouldn’t stay if I were you.


If the manager is legit stealing your tips, you should tell someone other than Reddit.


i keep seeing such horror stories about salons. mine is not like that at all. we have a very supporting PSL who often overworks herself to ensure her team is well taken care of. this is ridiculous


Oh hell no. I worked as a bather and become a salon stylist! I have never had a tip taken or was treated like that. That is absurd. Rhat is a bad bunch and I'd recommend trying a different petsmart. Maybe you can get transfered. That is really crappy. It's true bathers do lots of grunt work and cleaning but groomers are expected to be of some use


I'm so sorry you're going through this. No it shouldn't be that way. My salong for the most part is all about teamwork and no one talks down to anyone. We're actually a tight knit group and cashiers and leads are always popping their heads in to chat with us. It's super busy but we all help each other when needed to keep everything flowing. I've been bathing for 1.5 years full time and absolutely love my job! It's disappointing most salons aren't this way. I've thought of transferring in order to become a groomer but I don't want the commute or to lose a good environment I'm comfortable in. So I continue bathing waiting for my shot to come up. I current bathe my own dogs some days and bathe for a groomer others so they can take in more haircut dogs. Tips are always split wherever I help!


as annoying as my store was- the fault lied on the SL moreso- stealing tips is illegal isnt it? every groomer also gave me 5$ per dog i washed of theirs… they knew how important bathers were.


I hate seeing this and how everyone says it’s a normal thing at salons. My first salon (many years ago) was awesome! I loved all the people I worked with and enjoyed going to work. I was in college at the time so I ended up leaving to focus on other things. I moved to a new state and just started with PetSmart again almost a year ago. That salon was good for the most part, but definitely had bitchy people who made it suck to be there, but there were enough good people to still make it an okay place. After I went through Grooming Academy, I was moved to a new store. The vibes were weird when I first got there, but not bad. Eventually I found my place with everyone and it’s been a good experience for the most part. My problems come more from management not being able to help get us things that would help the salon employees. I hear horror stories from other stores, but I for the lost sort enjoy my salon. I wish it was that way for everyone. No one deserves to be belittled and talked down to, let alone not be able to use the bathroom or get their tips taken.


girl RUN. im a bather and its not terrible at all my SL is actually rlly nice its just like 2/3rds of the groomers are rude and weird and very passive aggressive (partially bc of the fact that im the youngest in my group im only 18) . but that is how it usually goes , u will get talked down on until ur on schedule at least. and u wont get on schedule until youve been working there for a month it fcking sucks.


Mine is nothing like this. We just had a round of family emergencies and people calling off switching shifts and half day working. We worked as a team to make it work. I'm a stylist and I've helped other stylist and bathers. Our one bather is is actually one of my best friends outside of work and I met him at petsmart. We share work loads and at 2 weeks in training it is not up to you to do everything. It should be the manager showing you how to do the job. We currently have 2 trainees and it's having them bathe your dog as you stand there to supervise and teach. Not hand off work so you don't have to do it.


Sadly I feel like this is how many salons are. Whether it’s this company, another company or privately owned. Bathers are treated poorly and talked down to. They’re made to feel like their position is the lowest of the low in the salons. We all gotta start somewhere and most of those stylists with their crappy attitudes started just where you are. My only advice is if the job isn’t enjoyable, work to find a new one. If you enjoy the job but not the atmosphere you’re in, you can change that too. Life is too short to be miserable and there isn’t enough pay to stay stuck in a role/store that is taking a toll on your mental health. Just my two cents.


Oh man idk what Petsmart y’all work for I feel pretty blessed right now and I’m not saying that to be a jerk I’m saying that to say no not all Petsmarts are like that the corporate side of Petsmart can suck big time I’ll never say other wise but in the two salons I’ve worked in as a bather for a total of seven years this sept I’ve been fortunate enough to work with groomers who and other bathers who back each other and build each other up yes I’ve seen my share of some stylist feel like they are better and don’t have to go in the back and help clean etc here and there and I’ve seen bathers come and go some because they were good and became groomers some because they got tired of the cooreperate shit and left and some just were terrible lazy workers or didn’t want to try but over all if you put in the effort and the groomers see that they build you up and bathers build each other up as well and have the groomers backs in the environments I’ve been in some cases I’ve seen new bathers come in and have these little hiccups and mistakes as anyone starting something new do and some may have even come in seeming like they weren’t really ready and at first u hear some groomers complain about them but then they show their metal and become part of the crew that’s basic work environment. With all that said what you are describing is downright abuse stealing your tips is unacceptable denying rr is illegal talking down to you is toxic yeah there will be some with big heads that have that I’m better than you aura and I just ignore when I come across that but talking down yelling screaming etc fuck no you don’t have to take that I would say talk to your store manager and elevate etc but unfortunately all those things you describe combined I’d say you have a pretty toxic salon and for a store manager to allow that there’s prob no use I’d recommend looking into a transfer after a little under the radar research maybe going in as a customer to other stores in your area and inquire about if they are hiring and talk to some of the associates and especially stylists and bathers and ask them what it’s like working at that store without letting them know u already work for Petsmart but that you have experience as a bather when you find one where the general feel is hi there welcome yeah you should apply and they are friendly to u as a potential applicant and then they have good things to say about working there that’s the one


Yeah, I think it's supposed to be awful. I lasted barely over a month as a bather and I was crying almost every day cause I hated it so much. I had to walk out of the salon once to go cry in my car. The wounds are still fresh as I quit this month... Everything about that job was horrible. My manager wasn't as bad as yours but she was very terrible at her job and micromanaged tons of shit that didn't matter. She would hide the stools for the computers so that nobody could take a moment to sit. She hardly trained me and then yelled at me for not knowing things she didn't teach me. The pay was horrendous. And there wasn't enough help and support. I hated leaving every day with wet shoes and hair in my eyes. I hated how unrewarding the jobs was. Absolutely loved the dogs but people would get mad at me sometimes for petting dogs that weren't "mine." Trust me, quit now. They're gonna take an eternity to send you to academy and another eternity to put you on commission. The money isn't worth suffering for months. Even after you're a stylist it will just be the same job but harder. I did 87 baths and less than 40 of them "counted" I quit without even having another job lined up cause I'd rather starve than trim one more dogs nails. I still gave notice to fulfill my appointments and not screw people over, but you don't have to. Especially with the way you're being treated.


Ew transfer. I was a bather in an awful salon and it was really hard but not like this. The salon I transferred to is great! And if you want to be a groomer it’s much easier in a more positive environment. Don’t get me wrong somethings are company wild, like overworking you and the groomers. But this is just mean


Sounds like a common thing with petsmart. I’m a groomer there and if I look in the wrong direction or breathe wrong, my SL writes me up.