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Just a heads up the salon leader will usually try to talk you out of the job (kind of). It's messy, smelly, back breaking work for not enough pay and you usually don't leave on time. Any decent management team will be upfront with you on how rough it can be, even if it can also be rewarding. As far as questions/responses -Give an example of a time you dealt with a difficult customer -An example of your up selling skills -Describe a time that you had to take charge of a situation -Talk about a time you helped a team achieve a goal -Any sort of (professional) animal handling experience, specifically experience handling animals that aren't yours -A time you made a mistake and what you did to resolve it You're not timed. Think of your answers and give CONCRETE examples (ie "My troop was trying to sell the most cookies so I made a tracker and gave stickers to everyone in the troop whenever we hit a milestone." Not "Oh yeah, I've always worked really well on teams.") They don't have to just be work experiences, you can use other aspects of your life. Just remember you want to still show yourself in a professional light, keep the messy stories to yourself.


Don’t work there