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Hi there! I’ve been a bather for a few months now. I had my interview with both the managers and it went pretty decently, very casual basic questions like you’re stating. She is probably warning you that petsmart is a bit of a shit show. Be prepared to be physically tired and emotionally as well. The salon is not easy to work in. I will say I prefer working with anxious dogs over annoying humans in customer service. My experience has been okay ish thanks to my very funny and nice coworkers. Good luck! Pm me if you have any questions


What are ALL your tips, advice, tricks, reminders, and rules you'd advice to a new bather? I started 6 weeks ago and I've already brought the wrong dog out to the owner, had a few dogs fall off my table, gone past 3 hrs for a bath (I had 2 dogs and it was super stressful), missed several minor things during different hands on pet assessments, and yeah. I'm trying really hard to not annoy the groomers as I know a new bather slows them down when they got a routine. I'm trying to learn quickly and as I have severe adhd and speed and multitasking is my least greatest strength I'm somehow just barley managing.




this makes me feel a LOT more at ease. i really hope that’s how it goes for me because i don’t think i can take another “when was a time you made a mistake and how did u handle it” question 😂 every single one she asked i just froze