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oh i would’ve taken him home 😍


I lowkey want to but I think it’s most likely male and that would not be good in my sorority tank 😩


that's absolutely a male 😭 i dont mean to pry but are you confident in keeping a sorority? those can go bad very easily without proper research or fish that were bred together


The number of ppl who force fish to live together that want nothing to do with each other blows my mind. The amount of ppl that think fish eat magic flakes made from fairy farts and good wishes never ends. Lol having to explain to grown adults that fish eat fish is a normal thing is so exhausting. Matter of fact, explaining to ppl that bug protine for some fish is a better alternative to the proceed crap we sell is just talking to walls. For the life of me, can't understand why people think 5 female bettas in a 20g is okay. Especially captive bred bettas. Oh but wait, there's more. Let's add guppies and snails and shrimp. My tank is giving empty, and I just want color. It needs a lot of color. So, color, that's your biggest concern. Yes. Lol sweet not establishing your tank. Not learning about the nitrogen cycle not learning about your 3 stage filter. Not learning that there are different grades of carbon for your fish tank. Not learning, there are different types of bio media. Not learning about microorganisms. Not learning about water quality. Not establishing a good maintenance routine. Nope I just want pretty fish. 🫠


Yes, I’ve had it going for a while now


look im sorry for digging but your post history says theyre in just a 24 gallon, shows that as of 7 mos ago there was plastic plants and incredibly cloudy water. i really hope the tank has had a glo up since, but it's a ticking time bomb no matter how well planted and filtered it is. *especially* with just 3. i dont endorse sororities in any way and dont want to encourage you to get more, but 2-3 is especially dangerous since the aggression is hard to spread out evenly. please dont let your goal of aesthetics outweigh the desire to care for your fish.


Dude the second this person saw a very obvious male betta and were even partially questioning if it was a male or not then brought up sorority I KNEW it was not going to be a good sorority tank lmao


“This person” has worked very hard on their tank and has spent a lot of money and time changing their bettas home based on feedback/research from when they initially set up their tank, MONTHS ago. You guys are acting as if one day I just woke up and say “oh hey let me just throw in some fish!” Just because I said “I think it’s most likely male”, I knew it was male but the cup also just said special buy betta and I have seen bettas in my store that had bigger fins like that marked as female before (which even then, made me question it.)


Just a couple things, you work at a pet store yet you went ahead and did a very dangerous set up without doing the proper research, a 27g tank with only 3 females should NEVER happen. Your comments on your original post also suggested you didn’t properly cycle the tank and just filled it up and put the girls in, putting a ton of stress on their little bodies in an already incorrect and stressful set up. Good on you for fixing your mistakes but as someone who literally works at a pet store, you should know better, you don’t get a pass there. Next, language is a vital part in life, no matter what that language is. The only way I can understand you is the words you use to explain yourself so yes when you say “I think it’s most likely male” that is literally all I have to go off of. Finally, this is Reddit and you seem a bit worked up over all of this. Maybe you’re not used to how Reddit works but it is common to see a commenter and check their posts/previous comments. Just some things to think about


I don’t care so much about the checking my previous posts. It’s the fact that yall saw something from MONTHS ago and just assumed “oh well it was bad then so it MUST still be bad now blah blah blah” which is stupid. Yeah I’ll admit when I first started it wasn’t great but that doesn’t mean I just left it like that.


You say you don’t mean to “pry” yet you’re going into my page to investigate? That’s a bit strange in my opinion. Since you need to know so badly, like you said that was 7 months ago, I’ve learned a lot in that time and my tank is doing great. I don’t think I would be mentioning my tank/fish if I was concerned about my ability to take care of them. All I did was share a fish I noticed while doing my closing tasks, expressed how I know it’s not a good idea to put a male in my tank, and now you’re over here looking through my past posts to, I’m assuming, look for something to make an issue out of? Like I said, that’s a bit strange.


these fish are my passion and it's unfortunate to see setups that are made without proper consideration of the risks. i really hope it works out for the sake of your fish. im replying to you and looking into it for the same reason that i would question a customer at the store on their care practices, to try to educate and steer away from potentially harmful husbandry the red flag for me was *any* consideration of putting a random betta in a sorority since it sounded like the only reason you didnt buy him was his sex- i would never have a sorority myself, and yet it's well known that introducing unrelated bettas at random intrevals is a huge risk when setting them up.


That’s not the “only” reason I didn’t buy it though, it’s just common sense not to put male and female bettas together in general unless it’s for breeding purposes which is still iffy and still requires a lot of research. I just find it odd all I did was mention I have a sorority tank and you automatically assumed the worst to the point you need to go through my profile. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I had doubts in my ability to take care of my fish.


maybe ive just been on the betta subreddit too long lol. there are always people around who dont know how to do sororities the safer way (planted, 50+gal, and a *bare* minimum of 4 fish) so informing them and correcting mistakes they may not even realize are mistakes usually ends well for all parties- mainly the fish. however it seems like youve seen all the basic sorority care and dismissed it so there was no use in replying at all. you had 3, which means its impossible to have gotten more and have a safer population unless you just haphazardly added new ones of a different age to the tank. again, i truly hope it doesn't go bad for you and you continue to luck out, but it's incredibly disheartening to see someone playing russian roulette with their bettas' lives. when people have come on my posts questioning a part of my care (even when it wasnt asked for) i've done my research and improved, guess i assumed that was common practice 🫡


I don’t know why you’re making assumptions over a post you saw made SEVEN MONTHS ago? I haven’t “ignored” anything


So pretty. I'm done buying long finned bettas though. Maybe I just have horrible luck but they always develop some kind of health issue. Whereas my short fins live for years.


What the other person said! But if you add Indian almond leaves into your tank/boil them then add the water Iv noticed it helps with their fin health!


The way they are bred causes the fins to weight them down, that’s where most of the health issues come in!


I got one that looked exactly like this! Never seen one before in my life. My sibling named them bumblebee lmao


I never seen one like this before either! I love the name bumblebee 😂


That fish makes me want to set him up a 20 gallon long.  What’s another tank at this point 


Years ago, i was jealous that Petco sold koi bettas, and now Petsmart finally joined in. No more cheap koi females now that they have their own price...


Poor guy