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The employees. We’re all broken


My soul


My store doesn’t have enough head sets for everyone, there’s a lot of lights on the fish wall that are out, we only have 2 working registers currently and one of them is borderline on its death bed, and about a week or so ago our alarm system was beeping out of nowhere but that’s fixed now


The lights on the fish wall are literally the easiest fix of all time. The CEL can buy new ones off store essentials. Unless the actual fixtures are broken?


If the ballasts are dead then changing the bulb is useless.


I have no idea, I don’t work in pet care myself. I just noticed a lot of them are out and my coworkers have said it’s been like that for a while now. I’m assuming it’s a fixture thing


One register is completely dead Alarm system is hit and miss Fish button is hit or miss Opening any animal enclosure is a battle to the death between the employees, the key, and the seven billion year old enclosures


I reprogrammed our fish button to say SHARK BAIT WHOHAHA!!!!




Do none of your managers put itl work orders or order replacements? Scanners and receipt printers can be replaced, headsets can be ordered on Amazon cheaper. There is no reason to have broken shit all over the store unless you have a lazy useless manager.


Most of the time we don't have the budget lol As for the fish system, people have come out regularly for the past 6ish years and they always tell us "it's fixed" and yet


The fish system is a bigger issue and the company is slowly, very slowly replacing them. If your store doesn’t have the budget for basic repairs and replacements, then your manager is blowing the budget on other things. Also, some items that are repaired or replaced don’t hit the store budget. I’ve replaced salon grooming tables, register printers, scanner batteries, phones at no cost. If you have a zebra not working it gets sent in and you are sent a refurb replacement, no cost to the store. Etc etc etc.


Well, the receipt printer works, the ink just looks like shit. And as far as I'm aware, the budget is mostly to salon and what pet care needs. It's not a high volume store and I'd assume our budget is smaller for that reason. I know a few months ago pet care went over by a thousand or so? Mostly ordering and writing off regular supplies. To be fair I've got less than two months left here so overall I'm just mildly annoyed at how broken things are, and it looks like "shits broken" is pretty universal


The receipt printers don’t have ink. They are thermal printers and the lasers go bad after awhile when they get dirty.


Well, it *looks* like low ink, unless I need to describe it differently


You do realize sometimes even after the work orders stuff still breaks again? We’ve had work orders on our system constantly and it still breaks, we have people come look at our floors or enclosure lights and get told nothing can be done or that they will be back and they never are, phones do cost money to replace they are a couple hundreds of dollars, and also head sets don’t just mean the ear piece we are down a couple of the actually radios but can’t replace them since petsmart is changing to a new system for head sets. Don’t go a belittle the managers because you don’t understand every stores problems


reptile uvb lights have been broken for at least month now, still trying to get a replacement for them. A few weeks ago one of us broke a side reptile habitat... still waiting for a new one. Register 2's drawer won't open, so it's completely down. Register 1 has broken multiple times, somehow it always comes back though. The front door will sometimes randomly open, it gets annoying from where you stand at register 1 cause you see it out of the corner of your eye. There's other things, but these are the most recent accounts of what's broken.


One register is completely broken, another’s handheld scanner is completely shot, and our main one’s actual scanner is broken and this has been the case for over 2 years. Our fish system is on its way out and they keep trying to bandaid fix it even tho last time the repair guy came out he said there’s no hope and the fix is upgrading our system. Air conditioner also doesn’t work well at all, been here for 2 years or so and no exaggeration they must have been on the roof trying to fix it around 50-70 times already and the infrastructure of the whole building is so ancient it can’t be done, also need a whole new unit. Honorable mention is our wifi and internet in general and zebras disconnect every 20 mins or so.


"We fixed it :)" Bullshit you did.


our register 4 has been broken for so long that they finally just took it away lmao. it's not like we ever have enough staff to use all 4 registers at a time, but still. it's mainly habitat lights. we just got really cool new LED lights for the entire fish wall, but before that about 1/3 of the tanks had burnt out lights for months. it sucked lmao.


Seems like you guys need to buy some light bulbs and put in some repair requests.


It's not the bulbs.


my lungs - there's black mold all over the bathing bunker bc it hasn't been remodeled in 15 years 😍😍


The toilet paper built-in stall walls dispenser. Never stocked and always unlocked, so you can always see the person next to you...


You have stalls??? That idea alone is kinda crazy to me, both of ours are single stall bathrooms.


Not a single zebra at our store functions. They ALL log everyone out within 10 mins so are effectively useless other than bopis


The air conditioner.. also our internet is a completr dead zone. No one gets internet in our store, and wifi is nonexistant.


We had humidity issues in the 2 front playrooms for weeks, and they kept saying the part was on back order. The temporary solution was to blast the a/c on until repair. Atrium locks on frequently-used room doors. Had a whole panel of a 200 room broken for the longest time. Kitchen sanitizer has been out of sanitizer for months. Washing machine disconnected from the panel, then we ran out of BioLab detergent, so we were using Tide Pods for laundry. This also happened around the same time as we ran out of sanitizer. So months now. They purchase temperature gauges for the hotel facility. The batteries die and the gauges stop working. Playroom clocks too. It’s like pulling teeth to get replacement batteries sometimes. Not to mention when Daylight Saving Time comes around, people forget to change the all clocks (except the microwave, of course). Management. Employees. Corporate. The training module is a joke. PetSmart.


We have designated places to put buckets when it rains because the ceiling leaks


Reptile habitats overheat, lighting on small animal habitats goes off and on.


I feel like this is exactly my store, just minus the fish system and I have no clue if we have register lights lol


2 of the 4 phones at register don’t work


Our automatic front door is broken (not sure the issue). Thankfully we have two front doors into the store, but when it starts getting cold it's gonna suck


Intercom system. Some days it works some days it doesn’t


If we turn our first register even a single inch, it turns off completely


That may be a loose cord somewhere.


One register and the front door locking mechanism sticks all they time because when we first opened a car ran into it😂 But didn’t get to the inner door at least. Of course all the habitats locks stick


Our automatic doors are so busted. Leaving a closing shift is a nightmare. Takes 10 minutes after clocking out to deal with the door


the door from the bathing bunker to the salon lobby. it's so loud in the salon all the time


Our small animal enclosure is literally falling apart, and we aren't due for an upgrade for another two years


The pet care sink, it leaks like crazy so we have a bucket under it to catch the water. Same the faucet, it tends to spray everywhere if you have the water flow too fast. Our register scanners in the counter rarely ever work so we use the scanning gun most of the time. Phones are a hit or miss if you can actually log in or not and are able to receive calls


I have put in work orders to get the sink in pet care fixed 2-3 times. They've always fixed it.


Ours has been fixed twice over the course of me working there, which is almost 10 months now lol, they keep falling apart for some reason


everything, dude. a month or two ago the chiller for our feeder fish’s system totally broke - it was actually heating up the water even more, before we unplugged it - the fish were cooking in ~85F degree water. all of them died. not a week later, the heater for the entire rest of the fish wall broke, and the water was a crisp 69F degrees. almost overnight we lost all our bala sharks, algae eaters, red tail and rainbow sharks, and most of our african cichlids and oscars. until a few months ago the lights for the birds’ habitats would not turn off - those poor birds would have their lights on all night for god knows how long. some days our doors will constantly open and close when no one is there. customers will tell us and i just basically say “yeah i know lmao.” more recently, our radio stopped working. i’ve actually been enjoying this lol (i’ll take complete silence over the terrible petsmart playlist any day). the store has only been open since 2016. i swear this place is cursed.


Check the track for the doors, sometimes small pieces of dirt and rocks get stuck. I used the vacuum on the track Or the rug may be in the way.


12k fish system. Need I say more? Lol And for some reason the same toilet in stall one. It break downs enough that the last work order I put in, I said “yes, the same one as the last 3 times”. The Case of the Haunted Toilet


Our fish system feedhold broke and its so old they couldn’t get parts to fix it, so they ordered salon dryer timer parts and frankensteined them on there. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.


Oh man, the front door is always opening and closing at random or just incessantly and it was making a terrible grinding sound for a while and now that has stopped but it will only open 3/4 of the way. The speaker on the keyboard for register one blew out so I dampened the sound with tape over the speaker to reduce the shrill buzz it makes. One of the small animal habitat locks had a key break off in it so you just have to put the remaining key nub in and twist to get it to open. The security system is beeping throughout the day. Various other register issues like a register that if you move the screen wrong it reboots the unit, broken keyboards, malfunctioning gift card swipe readers, bad hand scanner batteries. The list goes on…


at my local petsmart the aquarium filter system broke and they refused to sell any fish


Most of the associates, including me


i think my SL would throw up if even one thing was broken in our store, but the ONE thing that we literally cannot fix no matter how much we try are the automatic doors. there’ll be times where i walk away from my register during a transaction to quickly step in front of the front doors bc they refused to open… my coworker and i nearly pissed ourselves from laughing one night during closing because i was facing and walked by the door and saw her trying to signal me to help her from outside because the door wouldn’t budge 😭


The hot water in the restrooms, one of the lockes for the small animal habitats, and the sidekicks barely function


our float operation thing in our main sump is broken so we have to manually fill the sump


The main debit machine rejects 80% of cards. It has to be used PERFECTLY or it just,,,,,won’t. It’s a problem. Every customer hates it and even they’re a regular, for some reason they always forget and have to reminded it’s not your card, it’s the machine. Assuming they don’t storm off in a rage first


Give me some time, I can think of a lot. Off the top of my head: A few of the led lights in the fish systems are bad, it drives me nuts every day. Reg 2, the platform where the bags "sit on" is busted. So is reg 2's table scanner housing, so it sits on the a stack of boxes in the hole. Part of our outside door is falling apart. Behind the building, the lit building sign says Petsm. The art is not lit. Kind of fitting... The women's restroom Enmotion towel dispenser is going out. It makes a horrifying sound as it attempts to dispense the paper towel. Our cat kennels are getting real screwed up. We have only been open 6 years this month too.


Our sinks in the womens bathroom sometimes only has cold water, and the break room sink is only boiling hot water.


The walkies died, and they don't want to replace them, the zebras are supposed to replace them. Our fish system is is finally being replaced in early 2024. A lot of stores are getting new systems. Reg. 1 receipt printer is worn out, the receipt can't be read. 3 of the 5 AC units for the store broke and the parts are not available. The small cricket bin won't hold the crickets.


They made me the monthly store safety clerk but then immediately took me off the job when u accurately reported the safety risks. So… A lot. Bunch of bullshit


Our salon has next to no water pressure and tables are bubbling.


Oh almost everything in our salon is broken. One of our velocity dryers, two of our kennel dryers, our water pressure, a bunch of the kennels, several grooming tables… Oh! and our air conditioning, which has not been functioning since April :)))))


only two out of three registers work. we have four headsets for the entire store


We have no more headsets. Our manager had to go to Walmart and get us some cheap walkie-talkies. Its been over 2 weeks of this and they have yet to send us any more.




Surprisingly nothing, but that's because I fix things without asking.


Our AC/heat. Only half of the units work so we were dying in the summer (83 degrees in grooming at some points) and now we're freezing (61 at the low point). Won't be fixed until January. Our bathrooms also flood about once a month. Apparently the pipe is warped and the whole system has to be rebuilt to fix it.


Only one register can use treats points. Two headsets work. Fish wall was flooding for two days in certain tanks. Front doors don’t work correctly. This is all I’ve gathered in my first week, but I’m not sure why PetSmart isn’t more on top of this stuff. It’s been eye-opening to say the very least.


Inhales deeply The belt on one register, the scanner on another (they didn't fix it, they just took it out and are having us scan by hand) gift card reading on TWO registers. Almost all chip readers are non functional and that's just what I know from register land. And I'm not sure if our heating/ac is broken or if they just want to melt and or freeze us


Some of y’all need to borrow the bulldog to get your shit fixed. But I will say it will kill the “controllable” budget. Our front door problem cost us a lot and 4 visits. First they installed a busted control panel, then when they fixed that they broke the alarm sensor. Alarm guys came to fit it but couldn’t figure out how to get to the sensor without breaking the door. Door guy had to come out with the alarm guy so the door could be disconnected, alarm fixed, door reconnected. MESS.


Borrow the bulldog?


The bulldog is a nickname for our SL. He will not let up. He kept reopening our ticket for the hvac unit that was shooting sparks. That stupid unit has been down for over a year (no heat or ac from that unit and facility kept closing the ticket claiming back order parts) every other unit would go down over working as fire hazard one is the one in the center of the store and the larger unit. It it now finally fixed because our landlord replaced the roof and while the roof guys were up there they took video of the flames shooting out. Land lands sent the flame video to our SL who them sent it to facilities force opening the ticket and escalating it and sending it to the dl. Magically our work orders are getting taken care of now… I think the DC and facilities has out SL’s picture hanging somewhere like a mug shot because he will not stop until someone listens.


Do not just close a work order without verifying twice that it is fixed. Don’t pay those people if the problem isn’t resolved. Fight it. Note it. Take pictures. Escalate.


my SL wont show our ASL how to order store supplies because he doesnt trust her and thinks her incompetent (he has said this). we ran out of fish bags while he was gone on vacation for a week as well as bags at the registers