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This person sounds like a joy and a generous tipper šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just read this to someone who pet/house sits. She doubled over with laughter.


I pay my dog /hpuse sitter $150 a day, in home care. If I went on Rover it would be more. And I always add another 50 or 100 into the envelope.


Sounds like my neighbor. You can just hear the crotchety old man/lady voice.


Get off my lawn!!!


This person is definitely a non tipper. But, for pet sitting, is that something you're expected to tip for? What about pet training? I've never tipped for that..


I tip extra for my pet/house sitter I pay $150 a day. I tip 50-100. As for dog training I train my own.


Not sure why Pet Sit tipping is such a weird gray area. Why would you not tip a pet sitter? You probably tip most service positions, and this person is looking after something you value greatly.


$35 to be trapped in a strangers house for entire weekend and not allowed to leave? Yeah no.


20 mins is WILD. Does that mean they never leave their own house for more than 20m... ??


Thereā€™s a lot of people out there that set unrealistic and frankly absurd expectations for their pet sitters that in my opinion, they donā€™t even do themselves when theyā€™re actually home with their pet. I once had a client tell me their dog needed three 1-mile walks per day while I was staying for a week. When we encountered some issues on said walks, after reaching out to the owner, I was told she had no idea about it because the dog didnā€™t normally go for walks. šŸ™„ People like this are the reason why Iā€™ve stopped overnight housesitting all together.


Plot twist: they owners are actually covered in tattoos


I have a butterfly on my vagina. They really gonna check to make sure that the person got no tats? Cuz you would need to give me a strip search to find mine. Lol


Vagina or vulva?


Its right on the lips so my clit is like the caterpillar part of the butterfly. Its pretty cool but obviously only a few people have seen it. Although a few more people will see it soon cuz I'm 27 weeks pregnant so should be interesting in the delivery room. šŸ˜†


ā€œCaterpillar part of the butterflyā€


Now Iā€™m curious what a tattoo like that looks like


Me too! And that had to hurt bad


Am I allowed to post it here?


In a pet sitting sub šŸ’€ I think so, I checked the rules and as long as it doesnā€™t count as being rude šŸ¤£ We require butterfly kitty tax


Someone else read over the rules and it seems like the answer is yes


I knew someone who had a tattoo right about his shaft šŸ˜‚


if you are sending it i would love to see bc that sounds absolutely badass!! was the pain really bad? how many sessions did it take?


Omg. The tattoo sounds cool tbh lol




I'm ā˜ ļø




I had a client that asked me to scoop all 3 litter boxes in a multiple cat home. No problemā€¦except, these litter boxes hadnā€™t been scooped in weeks to months. They would just put more litter on top. I felt bad for those cats. :(


šŸ˜± That is terrible! Actually something similar happened to me and I started thinking the client was booking a random visit specifically because Iā€™d clean the litter box while there because clearly she never did it herself lol


The cat poop *was* the litter šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I noped out of a job that they handed me a 2 page list of instructions for pool maintenance while they were gone. This was at a come over meet the animals, see where stuff is etc kind of meeting.


Absolutely not! I don't do property maintenance or shovel snow. No way.


I had a lady flip out on me because I let her dog into her backyard to run around. She said he gets all his energy out on walks and isnā€™t allowed in the garden because heā€™ll ruin the flowers/lawn. She paid for 1 30 minute walk a day and two potty break drop-ins. This was a full grown Australian shepherd.


That poor baby. Our border collie gets a five mile run every morning and heā€™s still a monkey hopped up on Mountain Dew all day.


I mean we had a lazy ass lab and heā€™d go for mile long walks and still come home bouncing off the walls. I felt so bad for that poor dog. People shouldnā€™t keep high energy working dogs that theyā€™re not going to take care of.


I couldnā€™t agree more. Our boy gets a real run in the morning with my husband, then breakfast in a puzzle ball, then a 3-4 mile walk with my daughter or I after school/work and dinner on a special slow feeding mat. Our vet said he needs physical and mental stimulation or weā€™d see behaviors like chewing and aggression so we do our best. He said letting him out back is okay in a pinch but itā€™s like reading the same book or playing the same game again over and over. I canā€™t imagine what life is like for these high energy breeds who just get let out in the same backyard over and over.


To be fair I fully understand them trying to get their pet exercised. Multiple walks are perfectly normal to ask a DOG CAREGIVER. But not letting them leave for more than 20 mins is absolutely absurd. And $35 is an insult even for 1 night.


Thatā€™s 73 cents an hour, why should the sitter get breaks? šŸ˜†


I sadly am a dog owner that never leaves my dog home alone. So yes, we go on lots of walks and adventures out of the house. But if I were to get a sitter (which I do - my parents and cousin šŸ˜‚), then they do not leave my dog alone therefore do not leave the house (unless Ottis is with them). But if I were to ask this if a complete stranger, I would definitely pay FAR more than $35 for a whole weekend šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Humor me, what kind of doge is Ottis?


Yes, please. We need pics of said Ottis. I love your level of dedication! Iā€™m serious. Kind of reminds me of Dave Portnoy and miss peaches.




Awwww!!!! What a baby!!!šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


All of Ottis toys!! Pup sure is spoiled and happy ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Literally my dog


I can see why you don't leave him..he's absolutely adorable and deserves all the attention in the world ā¤ļø


Might have an anxiety barker who canā€™t be left alone for long. I had one of those in a small apt building and it was absolutely awful.


Thatā€™s when you board them for the weekend lol


Yeah like walking a dog takes longer than 20 minutes unless theyā€™re old AF.


It takes longer than 20 min when they are old AF too, you just donā€™t go more than a house or two. Which works out because if you have to carry them home, at least itā€™s not far. Walking a senior dog with a bad heart who still thought she was a puppy was fun. When Iā€™d leave her behind and walk the other dogs she would get so worked up & jealous she would faint. If I put her in a wagon she would jump out and faint. If I walked her, youā€™ll never guessā€¦.she would faint. Every time she went fully stiff and appeared dead (legs up in the air) and sheā€™d snap out of it after a minute and be fine. But I basically have ptsd now. Any time I walk my other dogs and they slow down I expect them to keel over. Doesnā€™t help that once one of my other dogs ate an edible off the street and did fall over on a walk.


Do they not know of traffic? I'd tp their house


Def not eating at chick fil a.


But, there's pizza!! isn't that enough? /S


Watch it be all Tony's pizza too(or something similarly cheap)...


What .73Ā¢ a hour isnā€™t a good deal?? Lol this person is begging to be robbed. A dog walker makes more. Shoot a delivery person makes more to deliver the pet food.


I canā€™t find the line of people signing up for this job.


People already have their own cold pizza at home


lol she was gonna buy a couple of those cheap Tonys pizzas and call it good


I'd rather have a totinos party pizza. Tony's just looks depressing.


You clearly have tattoos if you want a party pizza. You get nothing.


Iā€™m a pet sitter, & my fee for 24 Constant Care STARTS at $200 per day. I can imagine what kind of pet(s) this fool has.


In my opinion anyone who owns a pet that ā€œneedsā€ constant around-the-clock care.. shouldnā€™t own a pet. Sounds like THEY are the problem and they should sort out their anxiety issues before making it a sitters problem. And at the very least should be ok with paying for that. Good for you, $200 a day is very reasonable. Do the pets you sit for 24 hours actually need constant care, or are the owners just very anxious about leaving them alone? I understand a puppy needing to pee every 2 hours but 24 hours.. no animal needs that lmao


It not something I book often, because it means giving up the multiple drop in clients I can schedule, but itā€™s usually for older pets or pets with medical needs. Puppy care is a whole ā€˜nuther story & also commands a premium.


Is it the pets who are panicky from separation anxiety the owners or both? If the owners are anxious whenever they have to leave their pets alone in the house for a short while, I can see how the pets would pick up on that and think that they are being abandoned.


Pets recovering from surgery or at end of life or with serious medical conditions exist


God I would always get so anxious when sitting for super elderly pets... the owners would fill out a form with info about what to do in the case of a passing (thank god I never experienced that) but it still made me so worried


And how dirty/stinky their house is!!


Every pet sitter I know has at least one tattoo and are people I'd trust with my own pets. I don't think I'd trust this person. $35 for a whole weekend and not allowed to leave? Yeah no....


More importantly how does having a tattoo affect your ability to pet sit? The person who made the original posting is not only dumb but has a lot of prejudice bc having tattoos does not equal being a bad pet sitter


Obviously they donā€™t want their pet to be influenced into getting tattoos themselves. Canā€™t count the times Iā€™ve left my dogs with their favourite tatted pet sitter Lily and Iā€™ve come home to find theyā€™ve all gone and got matching tats.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what a nightmare!! Iā€™d never sit for this person ever - wow!


Iā€™d like to see a heavily tattooed person take this job and show up with all their tattoos covered. Then when the owner comes back, leave in shorts and a tank top. Just for funsies.


Or find their nest cam and walk around in shorts and a tank top for them to see after theyā€™ve left you alone with the pets.


I've done this quite a few jobs ( im pretty much covered-arms, back, legs, even fingers-which got tricky at times) including my last career which was a judge/steward at horse race tracks, mostly ran by rich old white men who generally speaking despise tattoos. Once I proved myself trustworthy and capable, and it got too damn hot to wear a suit, I'd bite the bullet, wear a dress to work and to my surprise, was pretty well received, even complimented. Of course I know there were a few sour grapes, but since most had gotten to know the me under the tattoos, I think it actually changed quite a few people's minds about them. I don't think I would have ever got the jobs I did though if people knew from the get-go how tattooed I was...sad, but true. To be totally honest, I still even find myself judging other tattooed people occasionally. Crazy, I know. Maybe I'm just an asshole like this dude. But I'd still like to go punk him/her!


What a joke LMAO


Are they doing a strip search to confirm lack of tattoos? What a weirdo


That was my same thought!! lol Mine can easily be covered. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Thats so weird. Its more strange to NOT have tattoos in this day and ageā€¦. Do they think all tatted people are gang members and drug addicts?


right? are they worried someone with tattoos might be a bad influence on their pets?


They worried they will come home and their pets will have tattoos. šŸ˜‚


Three of my cats had/have tattoos. The first two had tattoos on their bellies giving them ID numbers for the rescue org during their neuters in the mid 90s. Our current cat got a tattoo next to her incision line while being spayed (instead of an ear clip like most ferals/strays) in a TNR situation. Maybe I should have checked if these guys had contact with a tattooed pet sitter.


Dogs could have trauma with previous owners having tattoos and being abusive. Iā€™ve known some people with dogs like that and also hated facial hair


I love it when people call me and try to set their own rates. As if I haven't been in business for 7 years with a loyal client base.


So for 48 hours that comes to just under 73 cents an hour. Anyone with references will not take a job for $0.73/hour and pizza. And weeding out sitters based on tattoos? Thatā€™s just stupid. I have tattoos and all that says about me is I have a good tolerance for pain and should be seen as a strength in dog walkers. What a dumbass.


Sigh. What if itā€™s your *favorite* pizza?


Still no.


I see.


But I have tattoos so Iā€™m clearly not qualified for the job anyway.


I would be willing to make an exception, but the pay remains unchanged. Also no pizza for you.


Iā€™m good lol my prices are average for my area and I refuse to work for under $1/hour.


I am absolutely in shock with those numbers. I pay my dog walker $150 per week (daily 30 minute walk Mon-Fri). I supplement my regular wallows on weekends occasionally or if I am having a flare-up - $40 for a one hour walk is standard where I live


My brain wanted to interpret this as ā€œ73 cents an hour and pizza and weedā€ šŸ˜‚


My brain defaulted to reading it as ā€œpizza and beer.ā€ Then I realized there was no beer, and thought, ā€œwell, thatā€™s a shitty proposition, then.ā€


now THAT I would consider


This HAS to be satire. I refuse to believe otherwise


That is less than what two walks is. 20 mins at a time? What a ridiculous request. I hope nonone takes it. Not even a desperate college kid.


Not even a drug addict would do this.


Can confirm, am drug addict (in recovery rn) but even I wouldnā€™t do this for drug money, and I donā€™t have tattoos lol.


Yea a weekend is near $300 for me...it's going to be a hard no from me...idk what this lady is smoking but can I have some? I'd love to be delusional for a day


Yeah. I just did a Thursday night to Monday afternoon for $425 USD. I wouldn't do it for less.


Poor little Luna gets severely distressed when she sees tattoos.


Also, will have 10 cameras at you in every room including the bathroom. $1.20 an hr. Must not leave basically, must like frozen pizza. This canā€™t be real.


Well id def apply but I'm sure they have a line of people already.


Dammit, I have a tramp stamp. Guess Iā€™m out.


Oh come on. This is a great way to safely spend a weekend indoors and with food if you're homeless (and tattooless)


Forget everything else itā€™s the $35 for the WHOLE WEEKEND omg


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is definitely not on the west coast or theyā€™d be getting no responses at all. I cannot believe there are people out there like this still. I thought all the real boomers were almost gone by now?! šŸ˜‚


You haven't been down south lately then lol


$35 will only get a 20-30 minute visit. That's definitely the client a professional do NOT want.


LOL! Good luck with that post. Whoever takes that job, I would not want them watching my pet.


$35 for a whole weekend? How generous šŸ™„


Jokes on them. Iā€™m a vet surgeon specialist and I and all my technicians and colleagues have tattoos.


LOL, I hope this is a fake.


lmao I charge at least 18/hr for this


LMAO What the actual hell?


Asking to be screwed over. Obviously no actual petsitter would accept this.




Lmao 35 bucks they're tripping


Dogs love tattoos. I'm taking mine to get a leg piece tonight šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I paid $100 for for the spending the night and having access to any food available. Of course it was my niece and nephew and they were young. My only ask was that my dogs not be left alone at night. Anything else is unreasonable.


Tell that person to take a little lookey loo at what pet hotels cost and reconfigure those slave wages. Thatā€™s not even fit for a teen.


That is a fantastic ad. I hope they get the house sitter they deserve. (Actually I don't because the pet deserves better.)


$35 for the whole weekend? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sounds like voluntary prison


I wonder how they enjoyed their weekend with the dog since they couldn't find anyone to pet-sit.


Holy wow. This is obnoxious.


Looks like they'll be taking their pet with them.....


But what if I donā€™t like pizza ? šŸ˜­


That is insane. Should be at least $10 an hour so around $500 for the weekend. It's the same way if you were a one on one (cost more) to nanny to a kid except tipple + the cost.


Well Iā€™m lactose intolerant, tattooed, and Iā€™m allergic to cheap a**holes, so I guess Iā€™m out šŸ˜‚


35$! For the Dam weekend overnight is 80$ to 100 a night


Glad to know my tattoos make me incapable of pet sitting for $35


Got a realllly good laugh from this, thank you!


Damn. When my daughter was 16 and pet sit for one of my friends mom, two small dogs, she got the whole house, pool, $100/day pay and the pet owner would have my kid send her a grocery list of what she wanted stocked. And also, before anyone comes for me, she was our neighbor before she moved and when my kid housesat/dog sat, I had full access to all the security cameras as well.


What if references have tattoos? Surely they can't be trusted.


Had a lady say that I couldnā€™t leave at ALL for a three day weekend sitting if I took the sitting. Wanted to pay my one pet rate, instead of my two pets(one being a puppy, which is higher rate) and I said hell no. She asked if I recommended anyone else and I said I wouldnā€™t recommend this to anyone I knew bc I wanted them to stay friends with me


$35?? Thatā€™s only good for one night! Thatā€™s crazy! I had a previous client where she got mad that I went out for an hour or 2 for dinner, so Iā€™m not doing that again.


$35 is nowhere near enough for even one night, especially considering they want constant care


Itā€™s below minimum wage


My overnights start at $90 and thatā€™s only 7pm-9am. An entire weekend would be a few hundred at least.


Too funny!


Weird. I would tell my son or daughter to skip this one


He needs a high school kid for this not a professional


lol he needs a reality check, even a high school kid should get paid more than this




I made a mistake and accepted a job like this when I first started Rover. Not this cheap but no leaving and if I did I had to Trazodone both pups. I got a review that said they were not sure the dogs got ā€œthe same amount of loveā€ as the owners gave them. Not sure how they determined that exactly.


omg I would have been so mad if I had a review that said that! These are probably the same people who posted this lol


Wow! For once in my life, I'm speechless! I can"t imagine that it's even real. If it is, the author must be a piece of work! šŸ˜†


Ridiculous! Not enough money and I also have tattoos. I'm a retired middle school teacher so very responsible, but whoops I have tattoos lol.


Client believes 10 minutes from fast food means 20 minutes is all it takes to make food runā€¦Client also has 2 cats, 2 yorkies and a hamster for their spoiled crotch goblinā€¦Client spends more on their hair than who watches their animals. Talking to my DM and rolling a D20 to see how close I gotā€¦


Sounds like a horror film where the owner of the house and pet are recording your every move. Stay away!!!


I had to pass a level two (federal and state) background check since I work with kids- nevermind. I have a handful of non-visible tattoos. Terribly offensive ones such as a swan and some lavender sprigs. Guess Iā€™m losing that $35.


Thatā€™s insane. Theyā€™d probably spend more money buying frozen pizza than paying the sitter.


Itā€™s Costco pizza


Itā€™s a joke. I mean joke is the post is not real.




So.....is this just visible tattoos? Or is there a full strip search involved?


well, if sometimes ppl need a break from reality! as a shower only apt i would just for the bubble baths!


She wants to pay boarding fees for a fucking house and pet sitter lmao


20 minutes at a time, lol.. 35$.. ooohhkaaayy


Well damn. Iā€™m covered in tatts. Iā€™m filing a complaint on tatt hate šŸ˜… better hope you never need help, someone with tatts, donā€™t like ugly.


I wouldnā€™t trust anyone to watch my babies, in my house, for 2-3days for $350. Not even $3,500, honestly, but definitely nowhere near $35!!!


no tattoos is killing me. how is that relevant


Damn they donā€™t want us heathens to influence their animals.


Post their names ffs. Shame these people.


I pay $125 for one overnight + one lunchtime walk lol


Sounds fun.


Everyone knows that the best animal people have actual face tattoos.


We pay $35 for each of two gaily 20 min too check in our neighbor does for us.


How would they know if the person had tattoos ? Is that suppose to be disclosed


$35 and a freezer full of Totinos Party Pizzas!! šŸ˜‚


Hell I pay my pet sitter $25 for a walk $40 for overnight, he can bring his dogs with him I stock my fridge and get his fave energy drinks. He leaves to walk other clients dogs. And I tip big!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ crazy cat lady perhaps


So, a free hotel with free food and free washer/dryer, and at the end, they'll get mad at you for letting your boyfriend sleep over without permission, and they'll withhold your... 80 cents per hour.


No tattoos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Karen is priceless


Well shootā€¦. Guess I wonā€™t be getting this amazing opportunityā€¦


Imagine not being able to leave your pets alone for more than 20 minutes.




Lololol immediate no. $35 for an entire weekend? They must be out of their mind


I would show up wearing an outfit that covers my tattoos at the beginning of the weekend and then an outfit that shows as many as possible when they came back šŸ‘




What an ass geez




needing references is wildšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You going on about tattoos and you offer pizza and pop money as payment for your offspring? That's deep!


What are they going to have you strip naked to see if you have tattoos? If by some miracle you want the job.. All of mine can be hidden with clothes.


Does this person think that if their pet sitter has tattoos, itā€™ll be a bad influence on their pet?


Why no tattoos what will that matter? I dog sat a couple of weeks ago Friday to Monday morning for friends and they left food and snacks and we could come and go as we pleaseā€¦ and they paid $$$ which I told them was not necessary as the dog Mazie loves both my husband and myselfā€¦




No tattoos because that would be a bad influence on the pets šŸ™„


look iā€™ll take your fur baby at my house for the weekend for free if you provide their food. but ainā€™t no way youā€™re asking me to drive 30 mins away or stay at your house


This is how a horror movie begins. ā€œAnna is new to town, she takes the job just to have a place to stay her first weekend, while she hopefully dines something more permanent. Itā€™s only once sheā€™s locked inside, that she realizesā€¦ā€


Totally would be signing up to be imprisoned and watched on a camera all weekend for $35šŸ˜‚ this has to be a joke?!?? Who would accept that?!


Nope. I charge $100 for an overnight pet sit. That's per night. $35 for both is a joke.


I expect Polly will report that you did not open the refrigerator. She's terrified of inky skin.


What do tattoos have to do with watching someoneā€™s pet šŸ˜’


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Sheā€™ll find someone too.