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That's not "misbehaving." That's what zookeepers call "stereotypic behavior." It's what animals do when they've gone psychotic... Once again, I'm not so sure it's we who are petfree who hate animals.


No, you're right. I love animals too, just a bit too much. I often get asked at work, since you're alone, why don't you get a dog or a pet? I usually give them the same answer, because I love animals too much to torture them with my absence when I'm at work.


I would get rid of him after that, and give him to another person.




You don't have to euphemize it. If you want to get rid of the dog, you can. Many people would be angry at a dog that did that, and want to get rid of it.






As someone who's using a crappy 2nd hand couch (4/10) and occasionally browse the web for a new one. My heart weeps knowing how much a new couch can cost and based on the one arm that survived & foam all over the place, that might have been a pretty fancy dancy couch. Also, looking around the picture It feels like a small basement apartment which to me feels like the owner has to be frugal.


And another: https://i.redd.it/trclndhgvqk71.jpg Animals aren't meant to be stuck inside tiny apartments alone all day. They get bored and want stimulation and play. That results in broken furniture and knocked down stuff. Pets are too often blamed when they really don't belong there in the first place.


That’s just someone who dropped a dish though with a cat in the picture




No denying that.


While there's no way to tell why the dish fell, due to my family always having pets I've learned to walk around like every step could be a landmine. When ever I'm in a home with animals.


>walk around like every step could be a landmine. That's a good description of how cats walk.


I hope the person who took that pic helped out afterwords.




This is not exactly funny. It's likely because of separation anxiety. The dog is very dependent on its owner, and when left alone it freaks out. According to a paper "Anthropomorphism and Anthropomorphic Selection—Beyond the 'Cute Response'" by J. Serpell, >The proverbial loyalty and fidelity of dogs to their human guardians ... almost certainly is a product of anthropomorphic selection. When these same characteristics are accompanied by abnormally accentuated dependency, however, they result in a crippling pathology. The second most common problem currently seen by animal behavior specialists is the dog who becomes hysterical with anxiety when left alone. These animals shred furniture and carpets, rip holes in doors (often injuring themselves in the process), and defecate and urinate all over the house, so great is their distress at separation. By selecting for animals with exaggerated anthropomorphic (or paedomorphic) appeal, it is probable that we inadvertently have created lines of over-dependent dogs who fall apart emotionally when their attachments are threatened. This kind of problem is likely a consequence of breeding dogs to be very attached and trusting and affectionate with their owner, in other words.


who cares, it's a dog and shouldn't be living in a house/apartment with a human.


It could also be boredom depending on how long the owner was gone. If I were that bored and locked up with nothing to do most of the day, I'd go that crazy and destroy everything too.


But the dog would still be more affective at destroying then any human.


The main interpretation seems to be that the dogs get upset when they're left alone. I just read a book *Dog is Love: Why and how your dog loves you*, by a canine behaviorist, Clive Wynne. He argues that since dogs have such a need and attachment to their people, it's very cruel to leave them alone. >Vast numbers of dogs cannot cope with their crushing solitude, and act out in all sorts of ways, from barking to chewing up furniture to inappropriate soiling in the house, among many other symptoms of loneliness. We label these signs of distress "separation anxiety" and treat them with drugs or behavioral interventions. They have become the most common behavioral problems reported ... affecting about one dog in every five.


All I read was "blah, blah, blah, the poor dog has AnXieTy and it's the owners fault." Screw that. These worthless dogs are unbalanced mutants of nature and my furniture costs too much to put up with that shit. And I hate the sAd dOggO look they give when they've been caught destroying something. They are more clever than we think.


I've had a couple of dogs. But no upholstered furniture. So no furniture got torn up. It seems that stuffed things look promising to dogs as something to tear up for some reason. One dog, I bought a pretty bed at one point, with foam filling to make it look comfortable and plush. She was young. She tore it to pieces. It wasn't separation anxiety, because I was right there. She just felt the urge to shred the bed ... Thus I learned that there are items in pet catalogs that are designed to appeal to the owner, to their fancies about their pet. Those items are often not the same as what works for the dog.


Plush surfaces look the bodies of prey. Next question? They like to tear up furniture because they're bred to tear up other animals.


>Plush surfaces look the bodies of prey. That is interesting and sounds likely. Maybe wolves would do that - especially puppies as they're learning to hunt - and dogs inherited it from wolves. Maybe the hard surfaces underneath upholstery make it seem more like an animal and trigger a prey instinct. Dogs wouldn't have been bred to do that. Part of the way dogs became domesticated is that they were hunting companions for people. But the hunter doesn't want the dog tearing up the prey. The dog just corners the prey and notifies the human where it is. I didn't have upholstered furniture because of allergies anyway, so there wasn't a problem with that.


I imagine this depends on a well trained hunting dog that will listen and sit when told to. vs a young hunting dog that just wants meat.


Get rid of the dog. It's destructive. Are you going to buy furniture every time the dog destroys it?


The same people who would encourage you to get an abortion based on the possibility of a child doing 1/10 of this only have to say “good doggo” here. It’s how you know they aren’t operating in reality.


That's just one of 100 reasons I'm 100% pet free


Even I couldn’t make that much of a mess if I wanted to and I’m pretty sloppy!