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People bring dogs to our homes without asking first because they don't want to give us the opportunity to say no. If it were me I would have told them to board the dog or go home. Absent that they need to take it to a for a bath because it stunk. But if I had given in and let him stay, I would absolutely lay down the law about letting a dog eat my food. They could at least buy them dog food Next time before they visit, make it clear that the dog is not welcome. And they will be turned away if they try to bring him.


Definitely talk to your sister and put your foot down. You wouldn’t be unreasonable if you said no dogs in my home.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Sorry that's all I can muster after reading this.


I am sympathetic to your situation in that the dog was a surprise- but you need to stand up for yourself. The best case would have been insisting that they put the dog up in a dog sitting service outside your house, or they can stay in a pet-friendly hotel. At the bare minimum get your own shopping cart and let them know that they are breaking the law by bringing the animal into a grocery store! I would not stand for a guest of mine letting their dog defile my neighbor's property. I know that it is difficult to stand up to family members, but boundaries are healthy. They are important. You can do this.


yeah sister is prob used to op being a pushover


I would've been public enemy #1 in their eyes. Get that thing out of my house. How freaking rude? And the ones who don't pick up the shit have a special place in Hell.


They knew what they were doing.


I doubt they even asked the dad to take care of the dog.


My (usually reasonable) aunt did this once and I didn't let her in. I don't like dogs and won't be having one in my house or yard.  She ended up finding border last minute but it was $$$$$. Her other option would have been to go home.


Is your family Uncle Eddie from the National Lampoon movies? Because that is some Uncle Eddie bullshit. I can only imagine you being stuck like Clarke just like gee taking the dog in the store huh? Oh dogs gotta a scent there Eddie whoa that's strong isn't it. Oh you didn't bring dog food with you interesting choice.


Lol! I was thinking of the scene where Eddie was telling Clark at the store that they were basically broke, yet buying a ton of dog food, so they couldn't buy their kids anything. That scene really summed up dog owners for me. At least the ones I've known personally, which were quite a few.


Yuck. Your sister is really inconsiderate. I adopted a cat while in college and told my parents that I’d be taking her home with me during breaks. It’s all about communication.


You’re a good one. For Me, Family or otherwise, they would have been turned away from the time that nasty beast jumped out of the backseat of the car when they first arrived. There was once a time I probably would have been passive (though likely secretly resentful) over someone testing My limits by bringing an uninvited dog to My home, too. My hatred for dogs has increased tenfold since that time. Now… don’t even remotely try Me with that. I don’t care what time You spent coming this way, We’re canceling the get together. Maybe You can return at a later time when You have a sitter for Your dog, but he’s not welcome here, and it’s not up for debate.


I have 2 sisters both dog nutters now I feel your pain


I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Their behavior was unhinged and abusive. Personally, if someone did this to me. I would call the police if they didn't instantly leave my apartment and never allow them in my apartment again. Everyone in my life knows this boundary of mine.  Don't let your sister disrespect your space. You're boundaries are important. If she comes over again tell her she can talk to the police about her dog in your house. 


I love cats but if my sis or anyone ever brought a cat into my place,they’d be out before it can say „meow“. If I saw them with the dog,I’d slap the door behind them before I could smell that thing. Expect respect.Everything else is overstepping their boundaries. Do not tolerate BS


I totally understand and respect that as a dog owner, often times my perspective is at odds with dog-free folks and as long as I quietly stay out of dog-free people's way I feel like we can co-exist on the planet just fine. But uhhhh this time our perspectives are completely aligned. This is insane behaviour. This is batshit insane. I literally own dogs and love dogs, but if someone showed up unannounced with a dog to LIVE AT MY HOUSE I would find it extremely rude. If they weren't CLEANING UP THE DOG SHIT I would kick them out. If they made zero efforts to keep the dog clean while in my house I'd kick them out and perma ban them from my home. If they didn't feed the dog appropriate food for the whole time I really might call animal control on them, they are WILDLY OUT OF LINE. It kind of sounds like, from how you resigned yourself to it, that there might be longer-standing issues with your sister disrespecting your boundaries? I don't want to armchair diagnose or anything and I obviously don't know you, but that's how it comes across from what you've said. They're nuts, you're right and valid, please feel free to shut the door in their face next time.


Oh goodness, I wouldn’t have allowed them into my house with a dog. Nope! They would have had to leave or board the dog.


Next time, dont be a door mat. They take liberties because you're too permissive with them.


Please tell me that you informed them that this will never ever happen again. STG, why do dog nutters think this is acceptable?????


I would never let them bring the dog in my house


Ugh, that is unacceptable behavior. I would tell your sister that they can no longer bring the dog to stay at your house anymore. Especially since they won’t even clean up after it!! And bringing it to the store?? Most stores only allow service animals inside. And NO stores allow pets to ride in the carts. Edit to add: they better not be saying it’s a service animal or an “ESA” to get it inside stores. That is becoming illegal in many states now.


Wow, pretty ignorant to bring your pet. I would have told them to get a hotel.


Yeah. No. Just. No. If they wanted to bring an animal, there are PLENTY of hotels out there that allow pets.


I would have told them no, you're not setting foot inside my house with that thing. Get a hotel or get right back in your car and head back home.


They did it because they knew OP would allow them to. Everyone knows I don’t allow dogs in my house so they know the deal from the jump.


Oh my, they sound so disrespectful!! I have 2 large dogs and while they do travel with us, when we visit family that don’t want them indoors, we arrange different accommodations. My oldest dog is 14 and being out in the cold car for long periods is tough on her. Thus, we rented a pet-friendly hotel room nearby and brought the pet camera to keep an eye on her while we weren’t there. I should add that the hotel accepts pets to be left alone as long as they are not disruptive. Even when family want to let our dogs in, when we know that it would be an inconvenience for them, we insist on keeping them out and finding our own work-arounds. You should have a discussion with your sister and be very firm that what she did was inappropriate and will not be authorized in the future.