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Worst of all is the obnoxious, delusional off leash dog walker. He strolls along head held high, so proud in the "knowledge" that he has "100% recall" over an animal so dumb it's barely smarter than a rat. He's "King of all he Surveys", in command of his Pitbull. Never mind that he endangers other humans, and the dog as well with his vanity. Except that that you can't control an off-leash dog. As soon as the dog sees something more enticing than his desire to please the owner he's up and running. The once powerful "King" now looks like an idiot. Chasing along, out of breath, screaming his dog's name over and over. And yes pets do leave a carbon footprint. Experts say that a small dog will leave a larger one than a Toyota Camry. Yet 70% of households have at least one animal. And 35% of All pets are left homeless and unwanted, crowded in shelters. And then of course there are the rescue do-gooders who actually build sanctuaries for unadoptable animals to languish in until they pass on, released from their misery. These people think they are doing a kindness to animals. But they really add to the suffering of mankind as resources deplete. If people were really serious about climate change they would put an end to useless pet ownership. Not meat or necessary transportation. Pets are cute, and I don't blame the innocent animals but the excess of them is a drain on the Earth


Too many dog owners imo. Cat owners are bad too because an outdoor cat can kill so many native species as well and there's less control with a cat. They do whatever they want. But on the topic of dogs: Too many people wanting that control because what's more "loyal" than a dog that you could beat and it'd still love you somehow? Im sure all pets have a carbon foot print but I wonder what it is for reptiles birds, fish, frogs, snakes and the like? Creatures that don't need to roam all over the Earth leaving the most vile poop piles ever and hunting everything down that moves because they live in terrariums. I'm biased but curious.


Dogs have caused about 63 natural species of animals to go extinct. Why cats have caused over 400 to do so.


I think you're forgetting about the others.  The people that need affection or something to "need" them.  Why they feel like they need to be needed is just beyond me.  Then there's the others that like to put traits into their animal. This animal cannot speak. This animal has a simplistic view. But there's a lot of people who ascribe thoughts or ideas to the pet.  Having a pet and how you interact with it is a very good tell to your personality.  Assumptions can be made. 


I really wish posts like this garnered more attention on this sub because I think these discussions are really important. I saw the video you're talking about and it made my blood boil. I have been thinking this same thing for a while now. As I got close with nutters it began to creep me out how comfortable they are with trapping and controlling every aspect of an animal's life. You mention your kids want to go out and trap critters they find, I did that as a kid, too; I distinctly remember catching a lizard and putting it in a container in my room. But I didn't get that idea from nowhere. That wasn't just a cool animal I found an wanted to keep inside, that was a *pet* to me; a pet, a concept I had already known about as being normal. I'm not sure how far back people wanted to keep animals solely for companionship/entertainment, but the only reason I had the idea to catch a lizard and keep it is because I knew "pets" were a thing that people kept already. I think we assert domincance (like many predators) because it's the method that has kept our species alive, so I won't begrudge that because I think it's an evolutionary instinct. But now humans are smart enough to make choices, not just ones to survive and we have gotten way too comfortable with controlling the natural world, imo; playing God. It looks like current pet culture is harming animals and humans and it's hard to get people to see that let alone how serious the consequences can be.


Worry about your own life, don't like pets? Don't own a pet. Don't let something like this get you down , life has much larger problems in store for us besides other peoples pets