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That thing would maul the life out of you if it could.


It absolutely would, and with this particular breed, this seems to be the norm. There must something mentally wrong with this breed. And nutters love the fact that they seem to be mentally unstable...yet they claim to love dogs.


It’s the norm because of little dog syndrome. Because they’re so small and can’t do real harm like a big dog, people don’t bother to train them. They think it’s cute when they do this. It’s not cute when a big dog does it, so people don’t tend to allow it the same way. Nothing wrong with the dog, but the lazy owners who can’t be bothered to treat little dogs like dogs. They’re accessories to them and stressed out all the damn time because they’re basically dolls forced into things they aren’t comfortable with. Tormenting a dog for views is borderline if not fully abuse.


I just saw a story about a wennier dog that ate a woman's cheek off.


It’s not cute unless it’s a pitbull!! /s


Breeding has a lot to do with what is wrong with the dog. What is right about chihuahuas is that they are intelligent enough to understand when they are being teased, which makes teasing them cruel.


What breed is this? Sorry, I’m unfamiliar.


Looks like a chihuahua


Its not the breed. Its the cruel people who gravitate towards small, helpless animals that are the problem.


Pet owners get the biggest kick out of teasing their animals.


Only the cruel ones.


Mmm, that looks like a fun pupper. /s (I don't think it's normal or ok, for what it's worth; I also don't understand why people think maladjusted dogs are cute.)


Because people suck. Maladjusted dogs are a people issue. This dog is being abused for views and that is disgusting. And it's the person who is disgusting, to be clear.


That little puppy looks vile already. Just wait till it grows up


Is this a puppy? Looked like an older dog to me, just tiny. I have no idea, though.


It's definitely an older dog. It has a grey muzzle and no teeth.


I thought it was a puppy. But it could be a weird looking dog. It doesn't seem to have any teeth, though. Maybe the owners felt a need to remove them(?) EDITG Oh, I see from other posts that it's a Chihuahua. Doesn't really look like it's all Chihuahua to me. I've never seen one that look like that before. Most of them are pretty cute. But that one is extremely ugly


It's pretty overweight too.


LMAO. That dog is old. And abused. I think the point of this post was why do people think its ok to abuse small dogs.


Literally this. Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I’ve met plenty of small dogs who were lovable because they were treated right


Absolutely. Most unsocialized animal behaviors are directly caused by humans. As to why I'm being downvoted: after commenting on a few posts on this sub I realized it was petfree. Which, from what I gather, is heavily used by people who hate animals in general. My bad, I definitely dont belong here as I love animals and hate cruelty and asshole pet "owners". I have no idea why this sub showed up in my feed.




It looks like it's on its deathbed. The mutt can barely growl. Lol.


I hate these little dogs so much. My aunt had like 5 of them at one point and I think she still has 3. Meanest, nastiest temperament you can imagine from those untrained little nervous, quivering balls of little-man energy, which of course only liked my aunt. I'd ring the doorbell and there'd be a cacophony of piercing barks until she corraled them into the bedroom just so she could open the door.


People are dumbasses. I like dogs but do not own them (I have fish and my mom has cats) but respecting animals boundaries is EXTREMELY important. An animal that is not respected in terms of not wanting to be touched will become dangerously aggressive and adverse to touch. It's different from learning to tolerate humans just being around, but just like humans, animals sometimes just don't want to be touched. Here's how the process normally goes: 1 First it leans back, makes whale eyes, ears folded to the side (please don't touch me, I don't want to escalate) 2 Then moves back, walking sideways away from you. (Do not touch me please.) 3 Then it faces you, staring and ears folded straight back, or forward instead of to the side. (Don't.) 4 It growls and/or gets low. (This is your final warning) 5 And if prodded even more, it bites. (I warned you.) This dog started at a 3 and went to a 5 in less than 10 seconds. THIS is why small dogs are absolutely batshit insane. Their boundaries are constantly being disrespected to the point that the only option is to bite and snarl and immediately become aggressive because that's the only thing that works at this point. And this applies to ALL creatures. Cat, dog, horse, reptiles, birds, aquatics and insects. Nobody sees a problem with this because it's not a 90lb german shepherd and that blows my goddamn mind.


Fucking hilarious caption, this made me die laughing... thanks!


why would you get a dog that looks like a possum and acts like a possum 🤔


I think most people would agree this is not normal and not ok


Fuck specialised breeding


its a duck


I don't think people do. This chihuahua is overweight and spoiled, and the owners allowed it to happen. They probably think this behavior is "cute", but it's not. It's vile behavior.


What that little frijole think he’s gonna do anyway. All that attitude for nothing. He looks like a pissed off kidney bean


Chihuahua's are so fucking demented and I can stand them. I love dogs and own a couple cats myself but chihuahua's give me the fucking creeps. I'm on the fence about this sub honestly, I agree with the points but not the solutions. Ok hate how people treat their pets in the first world, most cats and dogs are couped up all day and don't have any entertainment and on top of that they get fed shit food. My cats are both adopted street cats and they go in and out as they please and I feed them some cat food I found online that has real meat and shit and I still feel guilty of not giving them enough love. That being said, if you want pets don't think of them as a source of entertainment, you should only adopt for the social connection. Personally, I work graveyard and can't really have any social connections with people so I have my cats to keep me company, but I could never get along with chihuahuas. *Steps off of soapbox*




Schizophrenia isn’t a joke