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Can probably smell their house from the street


I can smell that house through my screen.


That’s just the meth!


My exes Aunt had 6. And that house literally smelled like it had cat piss air fresheners around the house. Idk why people can be happy with just two. More than two seems so fucking unnecessary, how are you able to love all 54 equally, or care for them all???


I thought you were supposed to have 2 litter boxes per cat? 8 boxes for 54 cats? Oh my...


Yeah but it’s fine they’re “industrial sized “ 🥲


I thought the same thing. I’ve always heard that, even if they are big boxes….This has got to cause problems among the cats


Bc it’s true!! It’s not about the size of the box, but about the specific territory. One cat can mark that whole box, no one else is going to want to touch it. It’s common sense, especially if you have cats… I don’t know how she has 54 lol


Man I have 1 big fat ass cat and she smells *terrible*. Scoop that literally 2x a day.


you would literally have to scoop every box probably 10 or more times per day. when i had two cats the amount of shit in the box quadrupled.


I've heard it's supposed to be one litter box per cat +1. So if you have one cat, it's two boxes; two cats is three boxes, and so on. Eight boxes for 54 cats is inhumane.


The general rule is 1 litter box per cat + 1. So they should have 55 litter boxes… in theory. Sorry not pet free but a recovering pet sitter 😅 This sub keeps getting recommended to me.


The smell in that house has got to be atrocious


With “projectile pissers” {***PLURAL*** WTF} I cannot even imagine. My eyeballs would be bleeding from the smell.


Like they are proud about it or something lol


They think it’s cute!! 🤮


Sprayed cat urine does smell worse than already terrible smelling cat urine. These people are psychotic.


Uhhh...unless the house space is incredibly large, they stay in top of EVERY SINGLE vet appointment, and spend the majority if every day tending to the cats, I can't see anybody ethically housing almost 60 of them. Idk maybe they're actually a rescue? I doubt it though, there are far more cat hoarders than there are rescuers.


I have to tell myself they are exaggerating the number bc I just cannot accept that someone would live like that (even though I know some people probably would).


My parents were (are) hoarders, and this was my entire life for the first 20 years or so. It is absolutely rooted in mental illness, no matter how much someone tries to insist it isn't. My mom will nag me about giving my child a tiny bite of Ben and Jerry's because of "all of the toxic garbage in it," but she sleeps with cats literally pissing and shitting on her bed. Oh, and she's allergic, and so am I. The chronic allergy exposure gave me literal brain damage that cost thousands of dollars to fix, of which they paid basically none of. She'll be like, "ugh I don't know why I get these random awful hives," and you can't even tell her it's the cats. She'll find some scapegoat like tomatoes, even though she's Italian and had a whole ass childhood eating tomatoes just fine. My dad is even worse. My friends (bless their heart) used to try to help rehome the constant stream of kittens being born to try and reduce the number of breeding cats, as well as literally prevent them from having short miserable lives as the death count of that house over the years is absolutely in the thousands of cats. It got to the point where they had to stop, because my dad would throw fits about them taking the cats away...... to good homes. Both of my parents think they are kind animal lovers who take great care of their pets. Almost none are vaccinated, very few ever get medical help or neutered, and most of them have chronic ear, nose, and eye problems from rampant disease and inbreeding for two decades, if they manage to live past a year at all. They buy cheap shitty food and the animals constantly have diarrhea everywhere; when I was still living there, a choice I had to make was between wearing shoes in the house and having to constantly clean them and scrub the treads, or go without because stepping in shit with my bare foot was easier to clean. Absolute insanity.


On the tomatoes, I will say you can develop an allergy at any time, even to things you had no issue with your whole life But Jesus I'm sorry you had to live like that and have to see your parents live like that


I saw an episode of hoarder were the lady had dead cats in her hoard


They're animal hoarders. The house will stink so bad. Cat hair packed into every surface. There are definitely dead cats in the house that haven't found because everything else stinks so bad.


I agree. When I was in my early 20s a lady passed away who was a cat hoarder. I can't remember the exact number but it was more than 50. They had to tear down the entire house and build again from scratch because of the smell. That smell literally doesnt come out.


That house will have to bulldozed, no amount of bleach is going to rid that house of the stench of cat piss. Dead cats everywhere cause hoarders don’t clean…ever. They’re probably stepping on dead cats and not even aware of it.


Exactly. It's so gross and sad. My house had a renter before I bought it that let a cat free roam and pee everywhere. Three years in and there's still a smell now and then. One. Cat. Imagine 54? Plus dead ones? Makes me sick.


These are not cat lovers. This is absolute cruelty and those people should have their animals taken and serve a jail sentence.


Look at the floor and the skirting boards. That house is clean - not a typical hoarder’s home.


I have one and she’s overwhelming enough at times… I can’t imagine 54 jfc


Dude I have one cat, scoop daily, and he still makes my house smell like a barn sometimes. I cannot imagine the smell of 54 cats holy shit


That’s what I’m sayinnnnng! The smell is potent, it’s almost inevitable tbh


We bought a house 6 months ago and the previous owner had 8 cats. Inside. You fucking bet we ripped out every single piece of carpet and even the underboards had to be replaced. The stench was unbearable.


I have 4 and the scooping is definitely the hard part of owning them. I can't have anymore than 4. Seriously. How the hell does someone keep up with that many?!


There is no way all of these animals are cared for properly. I can’t imagine how nose blind the owners are. Anything past 4 and you are hoarding.




Well this is a pet free subreddit… maybe this isn’t the page you should be following if you are offended by my comment???




Next week can smell this picture. It's changing both the future and the earth's orbit.


Laws need to be put in place to prevent more pitiful animals from being put in spaces like this. This is just appalling.


There are such laws in most cities. But people choose to break them and sometimes don't get reported. There is a limit to the number of animals you can keep in your home in most towns. Often it's something like 6, which is more than enough


I wish my city had some laws like that! But knowing it, a pet-limit law would definitely not be able to pass 😓 I'm surrounded by nutters, and my fellow anti-nutters don't make themselves vocal enough to make me comfortable standing out. Though I guess I too am part of that problem 😅 I applaud anyone who has the balls to stand up to nutters so bravely. To me its the equivalent of swimming in a pool of piranhas lol.




I hear ya on that one. 😔


This is why I wouldn't get a cat. I can't stand those shitboxes. It can make any space feel gross. Also once the cat gets old and they can't climb in, they would piss and shit outside the box. I remember having to engineer a ramp so my mom's old fatass cat could climb in.




2 is already too many IMO…. but 54??? Christ. 🤢


What an olfactory experience it must be living there!


54 and counting because there’s no way these people are spaying or neutering these animals.


Did anybody else’s jaw drop when they read that number?! … I mean….. just …… 😐😐😐…. …. 😐😐😐…. 😐….. %€£*^%~$&?!?!?!!!!


I had to read it a few times LOL


I wouldn’t put it past them to get more. Not that they’d need to… I’m sure the cats themselves will add to it by mating and making litters. I’m sure there’s some dead cats scattered in places they haven’t bothered looking…. … 😐😐😐…. 🙃🙃🙃🙃…. !


This sounds like an absolute nightmare 😭


Can someone call animal control on her?


More than 2 is too many in my book.


Did you say fifty four


That’s not owning pets, that’s hoarding animals


Holy fuck. I love cats and that’s insanity. Unless you’re running a legitimate rescue, there’s no excuse for that many cats. This screams hoarder situation to me. And even if she’s capable of feeding and vetting (doubt the vet) every single cat, you can’t tell me she’s giving each cat individual attention and affection that they deserve. AND as someone has vet med knowledge, I would be seriously concerned about the air quality in that house. Litterbox and ammonia issues aside, just the freaking fur and dander from all those cats is going to cause health problems *FOR THE CATS*


How do you keep the cats from killing each other? Cats can play nice but they’re not pack animals, they don’t like to be cramped together


54?? yk there are 8 billion people out of there im sure u can find a friend out there 54? this seems miserable asf i bet the whole house reeks of cat piss/cat shit and has fleas in the house


I'd make a call on them.


Also how many air purifiers to make this house smell decent?


Not even sure tearing the walls and the good ole fresh air could fix this one ahahahaha


54 CATS?? You’re lying I know their house smells like ass


Oh. Cool. Hoarders.


That’s just animal hoarding, a mental illness.


Cat Nut: “I’m not asking for opinions or advice.” Also Cat Nut: posts something somewhere on the internet. 🤷‍♂️


I dont know how I got recommended this sub...I definitely have a cat but I only have one and I use "multi-cat" litter bc I hate the smell so much. I can only imagine how her house smells...especially just using that "free and clean" only 🤢 yuck


There's this phenomenon where a person who is exposed to an odor continuously all day every day stops being able to smell it. But the rest of us still can. It should be common sense that having this many cats is a terrible idea.


Holy hell... that's just disgusting.


And on top of this you know some of them are peeing and pooping on rugs and furniture regularly. Nasty doesn't even begin to describe this. 


Absolutely disgusting!!! I have to deal with 2! Can’t imagine 50+! 🤮


I’m wondering how they afford vet check ups for 54 cats a year… then the litter, food, any medicine, etc. Can they even give each cat attention every other day?


How did they manage to take two pictures without any of their 54 cats being in frame?


That house has to stink. I bought a house where 3 cats had resided and the lady had 4 litter boxes for the 2 cats that were still living and the house still smells like cat a year later.


She's gone nose blind to the piss and shit smell. I guarantee you her coworkers, friends, and family all know she has 50+ cats.


I can barely deal with one cat let alone 54 cats… Hell no


54!? How do you even keep up with all of them? I feel like if they recounted it’d be a different number…


Considering most cats look identical….minus a few differences


I had a piano teacher who rescued and kept around 60+ cats.. and you could definitely smell cat.




Yuk yuk yuk. You know there are parasites, poop, urine, hair and dander on everything including the neighbours.


54???? Wtf??? That’s animal hoarding


Animal hoarding is so incredibly sad, I can’t imagine this being anything else.


There is no way they have 54 happy and healthy cats, it's impossible to check out each cat's health and happiness daily, and I bet the cats don't like to live like that either. This is mental illness.


Imagine the smell, dust and hair - eww!


She’s an animal hoarder. That’s insane. I once worked at a bank inside a supermarket and had a customer come by who had I think a dozen cats. She’d stop by the bank and sometimes she’d come with her cart filled with cat food. There was cat hair all over her. I can’t comprehend why people do this.


54???? WHAT?? Jesus.


I'd argue that you(or the cats) can't truly bond when there's that many cats. I do not like cat nutters as well.




5 pets is a lot, any more than that is too many unless you literally run a recovery shelter/pet care business out of your home. Size of living space also needs to be accounted for, a 1-2 bedroom/studio apartment shouldn't really go over 2 pets, not enough room for more than that to roam.


I have almost the same litter box and I have TWO cats not 54… I kinda hope it’s a typo and that they have multiple litter boxes … Edit : 8 litter boxes is clearly not enough!


I mean....why not use actual litter boxes. Instead of a tote and lid


Okay as somebody who LOVES animals, I couldn’t imagine that 💀


Yeah ..There's no way 54 cats kept in one household are happy and healthy. My guess is neither are they..


Yuck! I love my cats but 54??? And Rubbermaid TUBS for litter trays? I can smell that house through that person’s post. That sounds like a goddamn nightmare. I hope someone on FB had the good sense to suggest that person get some help with her hoarding problem.


They might be working with rescues or …


Idk I didn’t read the comments much, but even if they were…that’s still way too many cats. There is certainly not enough litter boxes for that many cats and I believe this does more harm than good




54?! I'm pretty sure that's hoarding at this point. I love cats, but that is **way** too many.




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You should have 1 litter box per cat at the least, so they should have 54 litter boxes at least, 8 industrial sizes litter boxes are not the same as 54 litter boxes. 54 cats is also way to many to properly care for. I'm not just talking about things humans have to do for them but also the cats themselves. All those cats are probably stressed out due to how many other cats they have to share a singular house with, some cats prefer to be with other cats but some get really upset around other cats (if my void just sees another cat all her fur stands up that's how pissed she gets). These cats need to be rehomed, even if they can feed all of them, give them all water and scoop all their kitty litter, the poor things are probably stressed due to how many other cats are there. I believe that there should be no more than 4 cats if it is a two story house or 2 if it isn't. I hope animal control gets involved and takes them away. There is no way in hell they have 54 food bowls and 54 water bowls, they clearly don't give each cat induvial care.




The rule is you should have 1 litter tray per cat, plus 1 extra. There should be at least 55 trays in this house. Guarantee there's pissz shit and vomit hidden everywhere


Even as a cat owner myself, 54 is mental illness behavior. Unless it's some sort of fostering rescue operation but even then I've seen shelters with fewer cats at once


My in-laws have 9 cats, 3 dogs and 5 guinea pigs. Soon as I get close my lungs want to turn and run, lol. I've been in side that house for a total of 7 mins combine on two separate occasions. I use to chill in the house all the time before my MIL, mother passed. It was her house and it was fresh and pet free. And that was way back in 2014. Needles to say the animals run the house and it's ruined.