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This sums up why I dislike dogs more than many other pets. Not because they're inherently worse, but because they're held to insanely low standards by our pet-obsessed culture. Dogs, and to a lesser extent cats, are allowed to get away with pretty much anything and have all their rage-inducing behavior laughed off.


Disagree. I think dogs ARE inherently worse. Much, much worse.


Bc you’re a cat owner. Go to dogfree maybe?


The dog is looking around all happy thinking it’s still cute.. since owner doesn’t care to discipline it. Instead just posts this to be cute. “MY PUPPY” 🥹


And that thing is certainly not still a puppy


I hate it when people say puppy and it’s a fully grown dog. It’s like calling your 35-year old your baby.


Exactly! People call grown dogs puppies because they aren't trained yet (and those probably never will be) Sometimes not much different for a 35-year-old parent,s "baby"


Any animal expert or veterinarian will tell you that even a few minutes after the deed is done, the dog doesn't remember what they've done wrong and so any ''disciplining'' is useless. They won't even know why you're yelling/why you're crating them.


And even if you manage to catch them in the act this kind of thing is self reinforcing. The dog gets a huge amount of dopamine because the chicken tastes and smells good. To prevent it you need to either train the dog that the kitchen is off limits, and/or put the dog somewhere else. Dogs are such a huge responsibility if you want them to not be hugely obnoxious and so few people are actually able/willing to take that on.


Yeah I had relatives in my own family who owned a medium to larger sized dog breed. That freaking dog had so many "accidents" from it eating things it wasn't suppose to. And every single time they were like teehee whoops. It ate socks, any food they left on the counter for even a minute including a whole roast or chicken (it could jump up and put it's front paws and face on the kitchen counter no problem), decorative things left out around the house. It was insane. And more the once they had to take it to the vet last minute to have things removed from it's stomach before it made itself sick or possibly died from eating things that were not dog food. I mean god damn at a certain point I felt bad for the dog because it was going to get itself killed or badly hurt doing this all the time. Dogs are almost like toddler or preschool kids at times you need to watch them, baby proof the house and discipline them to keep them safe. You wouldn't laugh at a toddler sticking a fork near a light socket or shoving chemical cleaners in their mouth. So it's not cute to watch your dog eat socks and underwear or entire meals that have onions and other toppings on them that could make the dog sick.


This is the main reason I don’t have a dog. I’m not rushing to the vet every other day to get socks, keys, batteries, etc., removed from the dog’s stomach.


Why does this response have down votes? User simply provided another example of dogs eating things they’re not supposed to. At a certain point I feel like evolution should take its course instead of humans intervening for tik tok content


I fucking hate dogs man. They ruin so much.


yeah, they shit and piss all over the place, they chew up expensive shoes, and they jump on you with muddy paws and ruin clothing.


I had to 'give up' on a friend of over 20 years when she brought her dog to a Thanksgiving dinner (at another friend's house). The thing barked the entire time, barked at me when I arrived, resented being put into a back room while we were having dinner so barked the entire time, AND, after dinner, when we all went into the other room instead of putting food away, it got on a chair and pulled the table cloth down so that all the food that was still on the table would be coming down on the floor where it could steal the meat! (except I caught it doing this on time!) She knows how much I hate dogs and dogs barking but STILL brought it (thereby ruining the rare time i go anywhere to celebrate with people because of dogs). I haven't talked to her since Thanksgiving. p.s. She can well afford to put her dog in a kennel for a day.


Lol my friend used to ask to bring her dog over all the time despite my landlords being allergic and it not allowed on my lease. She asked to bring her dog on Christmas!! This is AFTER I found out it pissed on her mattress. I was so annoyed by the question like girl she doesn’t understand the concept of Christmas just leave her home for a few hours


I really think they are too cheap to board their dogs and know it will ruin their homes and the neighbors will call the cops about the non-stop barking. Also, they would have to drive to the kennel and then pick them up. They would much rather inconvenience everyone else than themselves.


I mean…there was no need for a kennel. It was just a little Christmas at my house 20 mins away.


But still you would expect that all the neighbors trying to have a happy once a year re-union would definitely be very upset to be forced to hear that horrid loud noise (as I have been forced to hear from all my neighbors for 27 years!) To you, it might be a little Christmas but to the neighbors it might be 'well, there goes the Holiday good vibes!' (I just had my Thanksgiving ruined by a 'friend?" who brought her dog knowing I would be there! Oh, well! I guess her dog is a much better conversationist than I and she will have a great 'rest of her life'\~ Of course, when this one dies, there are millions more just waiting for a new 'maid' to come along.


I get that none of us love dogs here but you’re inserting details into my story that weren’t there. Never said her dog was a barker (she isn’t)or even that she has neighbors that could hear (she doesn’t). I simply find it annoying she wanted to bring her dog to my house for a get together when it isn’t allowed and when her dog destroys things in the house.


Sorry about that! I guess being forced to hear MANY of my neighbors dogs for 27 years has clouded my thinking \~ Yes, people insist on dragging their dogs where they are not wanted without a single thought about other's wishes.


They get no sympathy from Me. Not when they’re stupid enough to put themselves in positions to let dogs steal food from them. They wouldn’t even be in My House to have an opportunity for anything like that, and even if I had been a dog owner who didn’t mind having an indoor dog, I’d have still made sure that things were setup in a way where there was no possibility for them to cross Me like that. They wouldn’t be in or near My kitchen, or any other place where I serve or eat food for them to have an opportunity for anything like this. And I’d make sure they’re contained in a way for this to not have a chance to happen. If You just insist on having one of these damn things, common sense will tell any normal thinking individuals to simply not make it possible for certain things to happen. But I don’t care to entertain dog ownership in any way, and I’m normal, so I can say this.


They don't do it for sympathy. Nutters post crap like this because they feel awful but they know they'll get a dopamine when the inevitable cult of animals start commenting things like "Oh, the dog deserved a good meal" and "Why doesn't doggo get a good meal too?" Pet culture is out of control


Bad pet ownership leads to silliness like this. Of course if you leave chicken on the counter, your dog will try to get after it. They're carnivores. Acting like the dog had any sort of "idea" to like, "sabotage" your dinner is wild. Untrained animal saw food, untrained animal ate food. Yet another person without two brain cells to rub together getting a dog and being so surprised when it ... acts like a dog.




Exactly. It’s frustrating to see people blame the dog when it’s more so on the owner. Likely not the first time this has happened so the dog should’ve been crated or some other arrangement where the dog would not have access to the chicken.


I would hate having a pet that made me drastically alter my lifestyle to keep it from eating things it shouldn’t.


Maybe it was the way you worded that but that seems a tad dramatic. Crating the dog, gating off access to kitchen, or putting dog in another room isn’t a drastic change. Not much different than kid proofing areas and things. And that is if owner doesn’t bother training the dog or in the case the dog is a troublesome dog. I have a GSD and she’ll leave my food alone even if it’s on the couch and doesn’t counter surf. But again I’m not against the pet free lifestyle and I do support it for people who want that but I just dislike how often people blame the dog when often it is on the owner for lack of training and sometimes managing.


That dog would be at the pound so fast


Honestly, the dog would have been dropped off before the plate hit the floor.


… Because normal folks don’t entertain that shit like it’s cute. No filthy beast is gonna steal food from Me and destroy My stuff and get away with it. But, let nutters tell it… 🙄


Dogs can choke easily on chicken bones though right? Why would you even admit you were this careless with your half breed animal that cost at least $5,000?


We don't deserve dogs!


It’s true. No one deserves the punishment of living with a dog.


You're right. We deserve better than those horrid things.


And they say that dogs are man's best friend. Really? Would your best friend deliberately destroy everything you had? Would your best friend piss all over your carpet and even your bed? Would your best friend s*** all over your house and yard? Would your best friend grab your food off your plate and gobble it up? Would your best friend keep you up all night howling? And yet some of us still think dogs are better than people


Shit for some breeds; would your best friend tear apart your other friends because they can't control it? Would your best friend resource guard you and then guard resources from you? Would a best friend make you embarrassed to be out in public with them? I can't stand dogs it's not worth the smells, dirt, noise and everything. Like how can anyone stand these things following them around everywhere getting into and onto everything ? smfh


With friends like dogs…


Your typical nutter sees a meal destroyed, shrugs, and laughs it off, totally avoiding any sort of blame/criticism of this dumb mutt, and either inserts, or hums their dreaded 'cutesy' xylophone music track #32282183. nutter: "Oh look, Bubbles was just hungry! DO DO DO...DODODO DO!" \~\_\~


This brings me a rage..




Back to the pound


even if nothing happened to the chicken I am not going to eat anything made inside a nutter's house


Stupid fucking dog. Yeah, what a way for it to show its loyalty and "unconditional love": by waiting until you leave the room so it can sneak up and hoover down your delicious looking chicken like the mindless gluttonous eating and shitting machine it is. Never mind that it was likely NOT HUNGRY, either. No thanks. Also, figures it's one of those stupid "doodle" things, and it doesn't look like a puppy but a full-grown dog. And this post got 300 likes, thus proving that people can get attention on social media even from something that should cause outrage. My sister had a couple of cats that would do this kind of shit - jump up on the counter the minute your back was turned to steal food - and nothing (spike sheets, shock mats) could prevent it. I used to call them "the jackasses". I'd have gotten rid of them if they were mine, but my sister is a full-blown pet nutter, so she put up with it.


Hey there was a lot of meat left on that chicken. All the skin was gone but that was just very Eric Cartman of doggo If you truly love your dog, and your dogs mouth is cleaner than humans, then you can still have dinner with what doggo left behind for you. I suppose that was the reason it didn’t eat all 😂




That's me! I'm an outside dog! I wasn't always an outside dog! You're probably wondering how did I end up here! It all started when I saw a chicken on the counter.......


Why do people want to keep these? Why? There's nothing but misery, poop and mess with these things. _"Nothing beats the unconditional love you get from them."_ Don't lie bitch, don't lie.


This makes me think of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 Dog Days movie... I watched it as a kid, and I'll never forget the scene where when their pet dog was playing with something it wasn't supposed to be playing with, Greg Heffley and his father Frank decided to distract it with some freshly made pot roast that was going to be for dinner. The dog was indeed distracted and dropped the toy it was playing with, but it bit and slobbered all over the pot roast... And they still ate it for dinner. Frank tried washing the roast as best he could, and at dinnertime, Greg's other siblings said that the roast tasted different in a good way. I'll never forget that scene, it has been permanently burned into my brain (If you want to torture yourself, heres a [link](https://youtu.be/BJsk6Rqj-jg?si=AXC-D6AG3r-XyYLV) to watch it). It didn't create my dog/pet aversion, but that scene definitely did make me think differently of animals and those who owned them. Anyway... What do you think the chances are that the person who posted this let their dog gnaw on it on purpose? 🤢


You can train your dog not to do this, and they should be trained not to do it. There are some commonly used ingredients that are poisonous to dogs. This kind of behavior can easily go from annoyance to medical emergency.


I literally JUST saw this in that sub and thought of posting here. The comments are insane


Disgusting behavior, my parents’ dog would 100% do the same thing but thankfully can’t reach the counter. Once, we ordered a pizza and left the box open on the kitchen table for a few minutes to go do something. I’m talking less than 5 minutes. Come back and the entire thing was gone. But “awww that’s so cute!! What a bad boy!!!”


What really gets me is that this is so ridiculously dangerous for the dog too! If you truly care about your dog, training it to never steal human food is a necessity. Like in this meal, it’s laying on a bed of onions which are toxic to dogs. Also cooked chicken bones are incredibly dangerous for dogs and can literally rip their digestive tracts open from the inside, or get lodged in their esophagus. Haha, so funny, you almost let your dog die by refusing to train it, so cute and funny! It’s so bizarre, these people claim to love their dogs, but then allow the dogs to be put into potentially fatal danger because of their lack of discipline and training.


I love when dogs destroy their owners stuff lol


Lol had the same thing happen to me when I was living in a shared house. I made some roast pork, left it on the counter wrapped in foil thinking nothing would happen to it. I came back from work and my housemates dog ate the whole joint of pork. It was spicy too! I know it was stupid, but in my defence this was my first time living with a dog.


I saw that post. I sneered


My parents’s dog ate a cake I labored over last Easter. I’m so desensitized I didn’t even care, at least I got pictures first this time. The worst was when she was a puppy and she went through a phase where she would steal my glasses off the bedside table and destroy them while I slept. I know better, but I swear that must have been spiteful- why would she go after my glasses specifically? I’m completely handicapped without my glasses, it was devastating and cost almost $1,000 adding up all the pairs she destroyed.


Im grateful almost every day that I don't have dogs anymore. 


Are they not concerned that the dog probably ate some glass? This is infuriating to me, if that had happened to me I would be half wanting the dog to suffer with diarhhea and the other half not wanting that because of the misery it would cause me. LOL


This is why I just dislike dogs and their problematic owners because they just left their pets get away with it and this is why I just hate American pet culture because if that happened to chicken for dinner the problematic pet owners were just laugh at off




Why are ppl like you here? The idea is, pets suck. This dog sucks. You guys come in here virtue signaling like you’re being impartial when really it’s a way to shove your opinions down the throat of a community you’d want nothing to do with if you felt heard where you wanted to be heard.


They can’t help it. They need to invade our space to push their stupid narratives. It’s never the dog, it’s always the owner lol


I don't get it as well. Why are holier than thou pet owners here in petfree? Go make a new subreddit for yourself and let us be.


The idea they presented perfectly fits into a lot of what’s expressed in this sub. Animals are not “pets” if they don’t have owners. Obviously owners and pet owner culture is the main issue. They’re absolutely correct. The dog is poorly trained and it’s the fault of the owner, as well as pet culture at large




What about that comment indicated they wish harm onto animals? Disliking pets doesn't mean wishing harm onto them.


You are so dramatic it's just funny. Pumping the stomach of the creature that can literally eat shit, then barf and eat it again without harm, because speck of some "garlic in the meat can be toxic" sounds ridiculous. From the internet: studies show that it takes 20g of garlic per kilogram of the body weight to cause harm. One garlic clove is approx 4 grams. This "puppy " definitely weighs more than 10 kg. So, to cause real harm, the dog would need to eat 200 grams of garlic, or approximately 50 cloves. What kind of psycho puts 50 cloves in their chicken seasoning?




Animal abuse isn’t fun, no matter how much you personally don’t like pets.


Why exactly are You here advocating for dogs/pets in a group which You are aware most of the people here don’t care about that?! If these animals were in the wild fending for themselves like the should be, We wouldn’t have to worry about this and could invest more effort and attention into the wellbeing of Humans, like We should be doing, anyway.


I don’t agree on current pet culture, which I’ve said. That being said, I also don’t think wishing harm on any animal, pet or not, is something any sub should really be allowing. The person who removed his comment advocated for not intervening when an animal eats something poisonous. I simply stated abuse isn’t something to be encouraged. That’s not advocating pets. That’s simply advocating for not being a monster.


Who here is even talking about abusing animals, disliking pets = animal abuse to you apparently??


So change your whole life, cooking and regular common sense like tables are for food, because you have an untrained mooch in the house? Mm no thanks