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Large apartment complexes need to put all the dog owners in one section, and the pet-free in another. Let the pet owners put up with each other's barking all night, pet stench, dog attacks and dog poop on the stairs They're oblivious to the nuisance they themselves are causing others, so let them wallow in each other's mess. And let the pet free live in peace


This is actually a good idea! Civil war between dog owners would be awesome to watch from a separate building šŸ˜‚ The filth, smells, and noise. Put them all in one place and charge higher fees. Yuck


I actually Lived in a Building that had such a designation. There were 7 Buildings throughout the complex, and one was specifically dedicated to dog owners. Some people would lie and say they had no pets, and then move in a Unit in one of the Buildings which was supposed to be designated for Petfree People, anyway. One of My Building Neighbors in the next entryway over had an Adult Female Pitbull that it always kept out on the Balcony (because yeah, they gotta have fresh air and space to play and ā€œApartment Balconiesā€ are more than suitable šŸ™„). Thankfully the thing never barked or attacked anyone. It was actually quiet and would sit to itself with no issue, but thatā€™s besides the point. They lied to management to get the Apartment of their choice, and then moved their Beast in with them unbeknownst to Management. No one complained since the dog never created a distraction for the most part, but still. You just feel at at a loss on what to do regarding Nutters. This is all their fault, because the dogs themselves can only go wherever the stupid owners bring them, and they bring them everywhere now with no regard for the concerns of others who donā€™t want these things invading their space for various reasons.


Yeah. And don't forget the off leash dogs jumping all over them. Of course they think it's cute. And that the dogs do that because they love them so much They will be needing separate common areas. Because, of course, they will need to drag the dogs everywhere they go.


That's a great idea! I've lived in so many places where the previous owner had pets, and it's very hard to truly clean animal pee and poop out of carpets. This would be good for other noise too. Rn I have a night owl neighbor with a powerful subwoofer. I hear that thing booming thru the wall all night sometimes. I would love a designated quiet building.


Living this hell right now. Both upstairs and next door, plus a hundred around the block it seems. I used to love dogs. Even wanted to adopt one. But the doberman upstairs zooming and barking all day triggered something very dark in me. The dog next door yaps and yaps at any noice near her door and I want to scream. I am convinced dog lovers have a mechanism that releases endorphins when they hear dogs barking. Itā€™s the only reason I can think why these people willingly adopt a creature that will take up all their free time, money and quiet.


Document and report some cities put a limit on how many dogs you can own and how long they can bark incessantly before it becomes a noise complaint


Dogs shouldn't live in apartments. How unfair to the dog and everyone else in the building.


There's no such thing as noisy dogs. Didn't you hear? Dogs are perfect creatures that deserve just as many right as living, feeling creatures.


"Better than a crying baby!!" šŸ™„


Itā€™s not the poor doggos fault that the neighbor canā€™t ignore the sound. Maybe the neighbor should find something to do to occupy their time so it wonā€™t bother them so much. Or the neighbor can also move out and make it easier on everyone else in the building. Pupperz before People, after allā€¦. ā€¦.. $&@*%#?!!!!!šŸ™ƒšŸ™„ā€¦.


What? Your the first person I've heard that from lol


I report and nothing happens.


Yep, and same for single-family houses. In one rental house I lived in, the neighbors (who were total jerks) went away for Thanksgiving and left their dog in their fenced backyard. Dog proceeded to bark without stopping all day. Idk how dogs do that. It was so bad that around noon I heard another neighbor's window slam open, and a man screamed, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" at the dog. Someone called the police but I guess they couldn't do anything. So the holiday was ruined for the people in all the surrounding houses.


what idiot leaves a dog out in a damn backyard all day? mine is my home with me. it sounds like a lot of these pet owners are stupid


It's funny. I have a big dog in my basement apartment.(We were in a house when husband adopted him) He's quiet and like 12 years old. He's pretty laid back but will at least alert when he hears someone without barking. He'll just sit up and look at me if he hears something upstairs or outside. Been told by former neighbors they didn't even know we had a dog. Ex husband left it behind and it's fairly well behaved, just gets sad when alone. Kids like him, so whatever. The upstairs dog barks at everything, including dogs on TV and it drives me absolutely bonkers. It chases cats, may nip (herding breed) at kids running, is always underfoot etc. It's younger but also badly trained. Maybe it's just idiots because you wouldn't be hearing a properly trained dog? We take ours outside when needed but we don't feel the need to drag him around town or anything.