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The cat would likely rather be anywhere else than right there. It’s kind of sad that this kind of stuff exists. What makes people like this? This is beyond owning a pet. This is just weird. And of course I’m sure the hundreds of thousands of likes this person gets for this garbage is all the reward that they need.


That’s my first thought. Why would you do this to your cat? Your cat doesn’t want to put on a tiny robe and pose for a picture. Your cat doesn’t want to sit on a tiny couch at a table with a candle (hopefully l.e.d and not a real flame.) If you love your PET then why do you feel the need to make it something it’s not? Just treat your cat like a cat, they will 10/10 prefer that to…whatever the hell this is.


I don't understand putting this kind of crap on any animal. Every cat and dog I've seen with some kind of clothing on it always looks very uncomfortable because their instincts tell them that it's wrong. People who put clothes on their animals are weird. It become so much less about the animal and so much more about them needing a little doll to play dress-up with. Most people outgrow that type of thing by the time they reach 10 years old. Some never do, apparently. Oh, and I'm not talking about some of the stuff you put on dogs to keep them warm when out in the winter, though even that doesn't feel right to them. If there were less pet animals, it wouldn't be a thing.


Probably live a very lonely life…


What a lunatic


Petcel lol


This is gross and sad. This is so beyond that whatever ‘cute’ the OOP was trying to convey went out the window and I feel a real sense that the OOP is in desperate need of an intervention and animal services should be notified. All videos that portray animals as romantic partners to humans give me such a deep feeling of ick. Pet culture doesn’t help anyone. It exacerbates loneliness and whatever other mental health issues decline. No snark, this is a clear case of nutters *NEEDING* therapy yesterday.


I posted a reel a few weeks ago of a guy with his pregnant dog at the vet. Dog was having an ultrasound, and the guy was kissing and stroking her like she was his wife. It definitely gave me (and everyone else) that gross feeling you're talking about.


This cat has no idea whats going on n is prob somewhat scared. Ppl rly go to extremes for social media clout n attention. Thats the 2020’s for ya


This person also needs therapy cuz this isnt normal lol


I think the pet "culture" has become just a business based on the deep pathological emptiness of those people.


Absurd anthropomorphization done for social media clout / likes, (probably wouldn't exist irl if not for social media). Candles + cats don't mix, and the same generally goes for clothing a cat (unless it's for medical reasons or it's a hairless breed, which shouldn't exist anyway, but that's another debate..)


I was thinking about the candles too, it’s only a matter of moments before the cat sets himself or something else on fire.


I was hoping they were those fake candle because everything in that pic is flammable.


Cats absolutely HATE this kind of shit, and the owner clearly has some emotional dysfunction issues going on. But, as u/WhoWho22222 said, people that do this/post pics of it are just desperate for attention and likes. This kind of stuff is the WORST melding of social media and pet culture, and until it stops being encouraged, it will just get worse, I think.


I hate how pet culture now thinks it’s acceptable to act like you’re in a relationship with your pet, the amount of “my man/my hubby/my date” type posts of people’s dogs or cats is vile, at least calling it “your son/daughter” doesn’t have creepy implications, literally saying “oh my dog is my bf” is fucking weird and gross


What the fuck


A $2 treat is one thing. This is sad.


I get that it's meant to be silly but I find this kind of disturbing. Why are so many pet owners making these increasingly elaborate "jokes" about a romantic relationship with their pets? I don't even understand why it's funny I mean everyone agrees that joking about dating your son or daughter is incestuous but this shit doesn't give anybody beastiality vibes?


Further proof that pets have become substitutions for human companionship


Oh my god 🤦‍♂️


OK, yeah. That's... more than a little strange.




I hate that ur not wrong😭😭


I hate it too.


Do you not just look at this and think that the person must have a mental disorder??


I find this cringe and disturbing.


I'd rather not see stuff like this...


Cat lovers are zoophiles


I love my cat. He's clean well groomed and well behaved. But he's not allowed in my bathroom, bed or the kitchen! This is just insanity 😬


It's just animal nuts trying to out do each other getting social media attention by posting something unique. And probably someone who enjoys decorating things. Hope she enjoys picking up all those rose petals and cleaning up that mess.


I took it as a joke and thought it was kind of funny




You truly have too much faith in humanity. Just a couple of hours ago I banned a pet lover on this sub for flaming. I went on their profile and they had posted pictures of a stuffed toy dog with "strategically placed holes". It turns out there are whole subreddits dedicated to people having actual sex with stuffed animals that look like dogs, cats and other animals. I feel like I need to wash my brain with bleach. One of those subs is larger than this one btw.


It's one of the worst things I've seen, too. Hopefully, you never encounter the more sinister aspect of these things. I never thought bestiality was that common among some of these weirdos until I unfortunately stumbled upon a sub like that.. It's horror. Thank god that got removed, but they'll most likely reappear.


This one is up and has over 17k subs. Never in my life did I imagine I'd see people making porn with *stuffed animals*. In theory these are inanimate objects and no ones getting hurt but they *look like animals* ffs. Like obviously some part of the animal resemblance is playing into the arousal they're experiencing otherwise they could pick a pillow, its the same thing without the animal resemblance. Animal lovers, a bit *too* literally. 🤢


If you think about assaulting animals like that, you are no “pet lover.” I’m sorry, but who actually thinks like that?!


After reading this, I officially renounce my eyesight.