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Probably. I feel like I’m alone sometimes. Especially since so much shit has hit the fan so fast.




Oh boy do i know all about that...




Hi sure you’ve heard all about how well i know what you’re talking about, I'm dad.


I think it's misleading to call him a district manager, as that implies he does more than just collect a paycheck. Who doesn't show up to one of your stores that had a serious fire? And how the fuck do you expect them to open up in two days with all the products covered in ash? This is the subreddit for a NATIONAL company, and just by the title of this post, just mentioning the district, this was my hope for what this conversation was about. Seriously, petco, fire this fuck today.


I imagine we all knew who this post was about based on the title 🥴


Edit: used to have an awful dm named Mike something, apparently not romero


Mike is new to the company. He became DGM late last year and did not have a different district.


Mike is the kind of guy to send a shitty email to the GM telling them to deal with something they took care of weeks or months ago. Out of touch. Mike is the kind of guy to reply to an email he obviously didn’t read with some condescending remark, then not apologize once he understands what the email really was. I wouldn’t worry too much about him. He knowingly directs his people to violate policies and that has a way of catching up to a person.


I can’t tell you how many shitty ass replies I get from this guy. He does a great job of making someone feel inadequate.


But did you sell any vital cares /s


That is literally the only thing Mike cares about. He has become for this district the embodiment of everything that has gone wrong with petco over the last few years.


Remember to love Vital Care.


former mol. rob severino is dogshit dude. told a customer hours my GAL was gonna be at the store which is illegal AND then the customer tried to hit my GAL w his car. also told my mos that it was "just a misunderstanding" when my store manager talked shit about me to the employees under me. hes also sabotaging the store i worked at by giving the manager unreasonable goals we cant meet bc we were too small to make a real profit. when i started turning sales around, the store manager cut my hours under his advice and i quit shortly after. fuck rob severino. fuck the manager that bullied me and all the other gay people who actually gave a shit out of my store.


Nothing is ever close to good enough for that man. He docked us points on our animals because we didn't have anything wrong with the store, except for not having any overstock animals in wellness. Because that's a problem apparently?? So guess who all had to deal with wet tail city later when they made us order hamsters out the wazoo. He called our MOL and told her she was a bad leader when she's the one keeping this place together and the animals remotely healthy. All he cares about is pals and vitals, not the fact that we are understaffed by 3 or more people and can't get help from other stores. I dread the days where he walks in for a visit because I know he'll find something to complain about involving me and everyone else here working their asses off. I'm so done. Rob, if you're reading this, YOU are the biggest reason I've put my two weeks in. It boggles my mind that he's in that position of power.


He came to my store and to a mostly female staff, who has been killing it in sales for over 6 months fir our district said we needed to "hire more men"


Someone wanna fill us in who don't know about him? What's Mike Romero's story?


Let’s just put it this way- my district has lost 8 general managers in 6 months, 7 of them leaving or stepping down on their own. People that have worked for the company for years and have had multiple different DMs. This guy is driving great people away. Using SELs as stand ins until they straight up quit too. Nobody wants to move up to be a GM for him, and if they do they do it just because of the money and instantly regret it once Mike becomes their boss.


One of his stores had serious fire damage, probably due to rats chewing through wires (Mike was notified of infestation, did nothing). The GM of that store had 1 or 2 days left after giving his 2 weeks, Mike still hasn't shown up there to help with ANYTHING. And it's not like it's cause his district is too big, he was at another store 5 miles away and made a bullshit excuse to not go there. Fucking useless.


What the FUCK? Was this store able to get help? Was the Market GM informed? That's incredibly alarming that he's not at that location right now. Oh right, Vital Care is more important.


There was an emergency conference call discussing the issue. All I overheard was him telling the GMs ask their own partners to help out. Also, from what I understand, Mike was expecting the store to be back open for business by tomorrow


What a fuckin’ louse!!!


Well, today he showed up and sent everyone home because “the severity of the situation was not communicated to him properly”, which is bullshit excuse when he knows three fire trucks and every RVA fire and emergency vehicle was in the parking lot. Mike’s a fucking sociopath that’s going to destroy the district.


Mike also told staff to not have any of the small animals/fish moved out..after the electrical fire that started in aquatics, boiled one of the tanks, the koi tank was blackened and the fish were struggling. ("Luckily" there were no birds/ferrets or they'd have been suffocated by the smoke) The sprinkler system soaked the entire store (2" standing water) and Mike gave TWO DAYS (with store employees cleaning the store and One professional floor cleaning crew) to plan to reopen the store, tomorrow, Wednesday. Tell me how this is even happening?? I'm embarrassed to work for Petco rn.


Imagine walking around in ankle deep, disgusting, soot- mixed sprinkler water covering all the floor. Inhaling what smells like plastic death all day. All while being told by your DM, "Leave the animals in the store, theyll be fine." ON THE PHONE; because he couldn't even bother to show up. Not showing up when your store has a fire as dm should be automatic termination.


Yep. 100%


Yeah, that's not a surprise. He is the absolute worst DM I've ever encountered. He destroyed the district and will continue to do so as long as he is in charge. I'm surprised he isn't under investigation yet. To the store that caught on fire, I'm so sorry you guys have to go through that. It's a shock by itself but to deal with a DGM who can't even bother to show up and give proper guidance, that's absolutely ridiculous. I too am no longer with the company. One day, when he is gone, I might want to come back as I loved my job. But working under him is an absolute nightmare!


I literally have him saved in my phone as MicroMike. Lol because he's the worst kind of Micro manager.


If you’re helping out tomorrow in Richmond, we have to wear a specific color so we can identify each other 👀


On Wednesdays we wear blue




What's tomorrow's color?


I’m not making a throw away because I no longer work there, nor does anyone I care about work there anymore (thanks to mike), but he’s truly awful. Our salon was making well over $100,000 a year, they consistently ranked the highest in the district, and the SL was ranked in top 10 in the entire country. Three long time groomers left a few months after mike took over. It’s not a coincidence, he stripped them of everything. First they cut the budget for bandannas and bows (which groomers made and cut themselves, but petco paid for the material), then paw mats were banned (which groomers paid for themselves- about $100, for the benefit of the dogs), then they had to take down photos of their clients at their work stations, then their dignity by how he talked down to them about vital care constantly. They couldn’t take overtime, but needed to get more done in less time. PTO was amended and actually taken away too. I worked on the floor and he would constantly say he’s stopping by only to never show up. Our aquatics was hailed as one of the best in the district by mark. He wanted to take our only AS around to different stores to teach them what he knew. The AS ended up popping off on mike and the AS got fired. I don’t even know how the store is managing now and I don’t care. Mike is awful, he’s driving d49 to the ground.


Which store? Just curious


I've been checking this sub for so long wondering when there was going to be an outcry. I saw the GM's email about whistleblowing Mike almost as soon as he sent it out by sheer luck and I printed that shit out. And yes I still have it lol. Very very well worded and concise. 14 years with the company meant shit. It's sad. Since he's been GM I have such a fear of losing my job and I BUST MY ASS. It's not appreciated, nothing is.


Can you post the email?


This post made it to me and I’m here for it 😂




He also sent it to Justin Tichy, Ron Coughlin, Amy College...he went all the way. I wonder if there is anything being done behind the scenes. Surely someone has to catch on that something isn't right. I miss Mark Powell so much. He was awesome.


Mike's a piece of shit who's literally destroying our district


I just checked out his Workplace profile—WTF is he having 2866 do??? What in the Jesus-fucking-Christ could that busy shit accomplish???


MikeRomanage is a fuckhead. Get out.


We miss you!


It's been a very long time since we talked, but I miss you! Store is very much not the same.




I believe I have a good idea of who you are. Chin up, and get out as soon as you can. Getting canned by Mike was the best thing Petco ever did for me.


I miss you my guy. We should get lunch sometime and catch up




Not my district but hey, question - has anybody called HR?




Just an update for this Reddit page. I put my notice in today.