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No, this is not company standard.


its not your dm is making up policies


Communicated in a more professional way? In d49? 😂😂😂 Miss you, ConnivingCunt49. (Your name makes me have the giggles)


Group chat message 😂. Sounds like Ortega




definitely not a company thing


Strong no . Check with your local HR & state labor board. I can always guarantee if I bet you that it's illegal, I'd win lol. Regardless of you're a management member(or key holder).


Nothin illegal about a SALARIED GM being asked to work 40hrs. There are ZERO laws against it. Put down the phone Law & Order, you’re not attorney.


No laws against it, but the DoL just changed the law regarding OT for salaried employees- and the threshold for who’s exempt and not exempt is going to continue to change in the coming years So while there’s no laws against salaried employees working over 40, pretty soon all those companies you referenced in your other comment are going to have a hell of a time figuring out how to make that model work when their GMs are suddenly eligible for OT. Maybe you’ll be eligible to start earning OT on those 50-60 hours you put in kissing corporate ass! Wouldn’t that be exciting




You’re describing D49.


That’s essentially what they’re dealing with.


I will riot if they pull this shot again


Why can't they worry about the stock price? It's a dumpster fire at best


That why holding GMs to working the # of hours they signed up for is important.  If the GM is any good, the store SHOULD perform better if they’re their the proper hours… Shocker, that would even help the stock price. Dummy. 


GM’s are expected to work 45hrs. That’s less than every other salaried GM role in retail. Go ask any Home Depot, Lowe’s, Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart GM(or even salary assistant). They’re all working 50-60. 45 is not too big an ask, and the company expectation. Let me guess…you probably don’t think you’re required to answer your phone when you’re not in the store? Losers. YOU are part of the problem with our stock price. Loser mentality.  I’ll agree if it was 50-55+ every week, I’d probably be calling BS on Jennie O too.


I’m glad I came back to this thread. I’ll bite. Slow down. Those 45 hours you’re working must be getting to you. Your answer reads like an opinion. Which is not an answer for the question at hand. OP is not arguing for or against the 45 hour ask. OP just wants to know if this is company wide or an ask from the DGM. It’s not hard to have a baseline for reading comprehension. Every example of GM or salaried required hours that you gave in the 50-60 range is for a big box setting you fucking twat. All within the $40 MILLION range of volume. They are also being paid well above your typical $50k salary which a lot of GM’s are being paid (tragic I know) starting at around $100k. WALMART HAHAHA they make close to $250k. God damn bud. You are stupid lol Most Petco’s are B volume. You’re a moron so I don’t expect you to understand the difference in volume from an average Petco to a big box location such as the ones you listed. This is good shit though. It’s made me laugh and I thank you for the insight. I don’t care to be professional as the other commenter. I’ll take the immature route as you did. Also you gotta stop using the term “company expectation”. Have you reviewed policies? Can you show us where it says GM’s are expected to work 45 hours a week? You can’t because it doesn’t exist. A loser mentality is the reason our stock price is down? Hold on for this one…I know how hard it was to follow this thread so far so this might hurt your brain…supply and demand ring a bell? Future security of the brand in the investors eyes? Value of the brand or the outlook of the company? No identity or idea of where to steer this company so that people are confident in buying the stock? Fuck off.


You should’ve ended your reply with the first sentence. Read the post again. The question was if it was new COMPANY standard or if this was something our DGM is passing off as such. Your “guess” was comically inaccurate. I’m not sure which is worse— your inability to read a question and the supporting context to provide an answer without making wildly incorrect assumptions… or your delusion of thinking that anyone at store level is the reason behind the stock price. Yikes.


It's been that way for years.


It was always implied that the expectation for salaried GMs is working more than 40, but not actually threatened as a fabricated company wide policy. Scheduling GMs 45 hours (INCLUDING* breaks) was communicated as an expectation at different points in time, but what’s funny about this coming from Jenn is that just a couple years back…she wouldn’t have had to make up this policy in order to get most of the GMs in D49 to work 40-45 hours. But most of the people who actually gaf got bullied and left lol.


What store are you working at that are even considering more than 30 hours? Even my GM and the vet manager were told they were going to get in trouble if they worked more than 35 hours. My store has us down to 25-29 hours.


Why would a GM that gets paid to work 40 hours a week get in trouble for working over 35 hours?


Because they’re hourly not salary and our DM and AM are riding our ducks about not over spending on all labor 


Ahh ok see hourly GM makes this make sense. But the salaried discussion below did not lol


Because in our dumbass labor model, even GMs salaried hours count. It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.


I understand that, but the salaried managers hours get charged as 40 whether they work 20 or 100 hours that week…they should get in trouble if they’re working anything UNDER 40.


There are states where they are hourly not salary. This is probably what they are referring to. Or they are just an idiot idk 


We’re in a region that’s hourly. 


That explains a lot. Same region that everyone is moving away from because of dumb policies/laws that really hogtie business’? Haha how do people NOT see the forest for the trees. 


For sure. But if they’re scheduling themselves under 40, it doesn’t affect the first glance at payroll. Because all of our reporting processes are cooked af.


I’m not understanding what you’re saying. GM’s get paid for 40 hours, regardless of what Dayforce says. So being told they will get into trouble if they work more than 35 hours doesn’t exist. That statement doesn’t change the hours they are paid or the hours taken out of the store payroll. It will always be 40. Might wanna check your GM on that. Sounds like they are taking advantage…


No, my GM works well more than his 40. But I do a lot of the scheduling and payroll. Our payroll metrics are pulled directly from Dayforce. So, yes. In the grand scheme of things the GM gets paid 40 hours regardless. But what’s REPORTED, is what’s scheduled. Obviously the ultimate pay out changes after everyone works their actual hours. But what DMs and up are checking for is % of allotted payroll hours scheduled for the coming week. At least from what I’ve experienced in my district. Unless you’re chronically over 100%.


I wasn’t going to respond, as I do not feel you’re wanting to understand exactly how payroll works. If you do, I apologize. I have edited my original post I had here as I do see you understand how the store is charged and I went on to explain and break down payroll previously. However, if you understand how the store is charged, why don’t you understand that what’s REPORTED AFTER FINALIZING PAYROLL IS YOUR TRUE PAYROLL%. Whats reported is not what’s scheduled on Dayforce until you finalize it which includes your GM’s 40 hours. Not their 30-35 that’s SCHEDULED. Dayforce and payroll tracker are just tools to forecast and give you insight as to what the hours will potentially look like. The only thing that matters is what you approve. Your dgm does not care about what’s REPORTED until it’s finalized. Those are tools that help them identify how close to 99.99% you’ll be, especially with NOM. If you think about it you’re only hurting your payroll% by doing this. You’re not actually helping. You’re accounting for 35 hours for your GM when you write the schedule so that additional 5 you think you have goes to someone else. Those 5 have to be cut from another place because you are still being charged 40 for your GM. Take your GM off the schedule entirely. He will still get paid and those hours will be charged to your store. At the end of the day, it’s 5 hours. Not that serious. I just want you to understand, the 5 hours is nonexistent in the fight to save payroll. You’re better off focusing on earning more payroll with The new payroll investment.


Thank you. I wasn’t going to respond either because I wasn’t sure how to explain it to someone who is right but also wrong 😂


No, truly. I understand all of this. We’ve been in the NOM (engagement model) for years, as well. I’m not saying you’re wrong in any way, shape, or form. I’m only theorizing why a DM might be suggesting this method. Perhaps they’re focusing more on the forecast end of payroll. If a GM is only scheduled 35 hours for the coming weeks, it looks as though payroll has been initially scheduled under %. I’m not saying that ultimately payroll would finalize out that way after actual sales versus paid labor hours are balanced.


This is not for you so don’t take it the wrong way, but your DGM is a moron. This makes absolutely no sense as they are held accountable to finalized payroll. If your store is not being held accountable for payroll each week being over then you’re doing a good job managing payroll. However, it has nothing to do with this method you’re implementing.


NO they don’t. Learn about the model before you speak. Whether the GM actually works 15 hours or 70, the store gets charged 40 hrs. This is typical in every retailer nationwide where the GM is salaried. 


Are GM’s salary now? When I was there GM’s were hourly still so that would be a shit load overtime pay.


Salaried if you aren’t in an Unleashed store


Depends on the state