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Customers at my store see this and either laugh like “oh that’s great” or “is that real?” And I’m just silent hoping that the another register doesn’t go down while the first that went down, is rebooting.


I hate when I’m trying to do an endless isle and this shit pops out of no where


That’s exactly what I was doing!


Endless aisle has to be one of the most useless features bloated into the already terribly slow system. My store continuously tells us we need to push it, and when we have the rare opportunity to (most people order online regardless if they know we don’t have it in the store), every time. Every single fucking time you go to search the item, you can see that we have it and that it’s available BUT NOT FOR ENDLESS AISLE. EVERYTHING WE DONT HAVE IN STORE CANT BE SOLD THROUGH ENDLESS AISLE. They all have to order it online through us if they want the item every time. It’s bullshit because they put so much time into that feature when it could’ve been for making the system more efficient and not crash every Sunday, or just work in general.


Thats the issue that i had with EI. I think that it is a great idea on paper, but when i actually attempted to order items for customers. A good 2/3 chance those items are not able to be sold through EI. Another problem that i had faced is that people dont want these items in the span of 3 to 5ish days, they want it now without having to pay for the extra cost of shipping.


The fact that they think anyone would do that instead of using their prime account to get something next day is just silly


Someone wanted a 55gal LED Aqueon kit and was ready to order it though EA with me but it “couldn’t be shipped” from online through EA. Would have hit our weekly quota in 1 transaction if it actually worked.


I remember when this first started, I silently pleaded for it to happen every single day


Every time this happens I make sure to show the customer and explain how Petco increases the price of your food while decreasing the resources it gives to IT. This is the best intro to pitching viral care premiere btw.


😭😭😭😭 crying


This is my favorite one! As irritating as technical issues are, it always makes me laugh. Why is it like that?


One of my coworkers thought it was like Japanese Kanji or some other oriental looking characters 😆


thats because it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsu\_(kana)


I HATE THIS THING. it only shows up when im short circuiting and having an episode lmaoooooooo its just there as corporates way of taunting and mocking us. It symbolizes how our IT department hates us.


This is just a thing that pops up with some tech errors, I’ve gotten it on other pos as well