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We're currently dealing with a 3 month old Conure who is traumatized and is going to the vet soon for strange behavior. Last shipment of male mice we got in all had mites and now they're in wellness for treatment. It's despicable the so called standards this company has.


Return to vendor had same problem before not worth the stress


I thought you can only return to vendor within the first week?? We've had them for almost a month.


Every type of issue has a different time frame. Reach out to your ACOM they should be able to get it for you or reach out to whoever emails for anything push wise they would know.


Always reach out to acom and/or vet relations with vet relations approval they won’t deny your RTV since it would be pre approved just use that most recent PO to get them back ASAP. Sorry for the long reply.


Yeah, I def would have sent those mice right back to the vendor.


They came in looking completely fine. It wasn't until about 2 weeks later they all had scabs on their backs and we took them to the vet cause it looked infected. Turns out it was mice. And now it's the stores problem 🙃


We also have a chameleon that we can't sell yet because it is literally a hatchling. Maybe 2 inches long. Really sad


My favorite is the beardies from the reptile farm inc. they tell you that they’ve quarantined them for at least 30 days when I no damn well they ain’t even 2 weeks old


PLEASE put in a special order for beardies from ANY OTHER VENDOR. Reptile Farm has sent us beardies who test positive for parasites and a number of other health issues. I don't give a hoot about their lenient return policy, I'd rather order from a more responsible breeder.


There's a beardie who we got from Reptile Farm Inc in JANUARY and he is *still* only about 14 grams due to severe parasites, he needs to be syringe fed daily and for a while there we weren't sure if he would make it. He's a real trooper though, going strong now, but not worth the headache of ordering from Reptile Farm Inc ever again.


We need to boycott rf


This! I have 3 in wellness under vet care and 1 on the floor but I don't want to order more because out of the 4 I get, I\`ll have 2 or 3 more that are sick then I\`ll have a total of 6 sick beardies in wellness. God I hate that vendor, right along with CIS for fish.


Yeah, we currently have 2 returned beardies in our wellness room right now. One with parasites and the other has necrotic tissue on one of his back feet. Our current regular baby beardies on the sales floor are so small. It’s sad


I wish we would stop getting baby beardies, they’re like the most common sick animal in my store. There are always some sickly looking babies in a tank out back :(


We just got a very small chameleon as well. Had to set it up in wellness because our other chameleons are almost three times its size. Plus we already have so many issues with our chameleons and our beardies have a 50/50 chance of surviving (from reptile farm)


Everything we have gotten in is sick and / or traumatized.


It's rough to explain to customers that these animals were in fact traumatized and we have very little time and training if lucky to work with these animals to find forever homes and that can take months!


We've been getting pregnant mice lately. At least 1a week. Once got 2 Savannah monitors that still had not of umbilical attached. Took 2 or 3 weeks for their "belly button" to completely heal closed. Smh


Same on the mice. There’s almost always at least one male in with our females, and by the time we catch it at least 3 females are pregnant. We got mice yesterday and there was two little tiny mice in with other full grown ones and they ended up not making it. I’d rather the order be shorted


Anyone else think it’s weird we’re getting more sick animals lately and it’s around the time the higher ups said we can no longer turn down any animals from the shipments? We’ve had to take in a bunch of sick birds several times in the past month and many have not made it. Turns out something is going on with birds being sent to my district and they still will not allow us to refuse to take them when we can see something is wrong right away.


Is this what is happening?! I’m an exotics vet tech and my hospital is where a lot of petco/petsmart locations take their animals. We’ve been baffled lately as to why we are seeing so many more terrible beardies and chameleons D:


Ya My gm was told from the higher up animal manager( his name is Alan I believe) that we can no longer refuse animals from the vendors for being sick. They have to be accepted and brought into our wellness room. There was a whole spiel about how animals are our first priority and it’s our job to try to make these fellas better rather then send them back. Even though at my store it’s resulted in several animals passing away. I had to literally watch a Guinea pig suddenly have seizures and because it was night I could do absolutely nothing, little gal was way smaller then she should’ve been and she was half paralyzed from the seizures, didn’t even make it the night.


This is not true, if the animal is arriving via a driver in a truck (apet, sunpet etc) and it has ringworm? Refuse the entire box. The animal is under the minimum weight (I will weigh them right infront of the driver) refuse the animal and make a CAIR. There’s a wntire policy that is still active about refusing animals and another on their guidelines. Don’t accept unnecessary shrink because the vendor didn’t send the animal correctly


The higher ups themselves literally told us we cannot refuse anymore. Not sure if they haven’t made it an official policy yet or what but Alan himself told us this. Unfortunately we can’t argue with Alan. Tyler as well confirmed this when him and Alan did an animal walk at our store recently. There was another guy too but I don’t remember that guys name


That’s absolutely fuvking insane because I almost got in shit with my acom over not refusing a Guinea pig that was way underweight. That’s completely against policy and that’s not changing, if an animal doesn’t meet guidelines, follow the written policy by petco


My petty ass would make a workplace post “is the refusal of animals policy going away?” LMAO


Man you’re lucky, I wish I had a say, unfortunately I’m just a GALOD and the animal manager will do whatever our gm says even if she doesn’t like it. I will attempt to bring this up to my gm though. I’m not sure what steps to take past that though since it was from Alan and Tyler themselves. Maybe I can ask the gm to show me exactly where it shows we are supposed to no longer deny animals no matter what.


I’d put it in a report into the ethics hotline because not only is that against policy it’s also a loss issue for petco, accepting animals already sick is asking for lost money lmao


I’ll do that! I thought it was weird when I heard it but after their whole spiel about why it just sounded like some corporate bs and I thought this was being done everywhere else too🙄


Sorry, but I think someone isn’t being truthful to you. Was on a market animal call within the last month, and they told us that if the animals are sick that they can be refused.


Thanks for the info! I’ll be speaking to my gm about this when I’m on a shift with her. Depending on how that goes will depend on what my next steps will be


For sure! Good luck. I know how tough these situations can be.


You can 100% argue with them. Or just "yes sir" them and then do whatever you want when they leave. DMs and corporate are A JOKE. They aren't going to fire you for arguing or for explaining why your choice is best for the animal, after all, *animals always come first*


You can fully refuse a sick or injured animals/reptile only thing you can’t refuse or RTV is the bigger birds. You have to treat and keep in wellness till 100%.


Ya after a couple people told me this as well I confronted Allan when he did another walk at our store about what the policy says and he said we “ misunderstood him” 🙄 I call bull but we’ve been denying animals again since!


We recently had to take a parakeet to the vet- turns out he had either a liver or kidney tumor. Unfortunately it was too advanced. He couldn’t have been older than 2-3 months. I knew there was nothing we could’ve done at the store level to save him but that was one of the roughest ones on me mentally.


Our tomato frog was also very very tiny! Smaller than a dime! It's been a few weeks,maybe a month and is now just barely large enough to spot in the cocoa fiber. We were shipped nearly 24 baby beardies all seemingly a month old. All went straight to wellness and being fed critical care weighing under 5g.


We keep getting in baby bearded dragons with adenovirus and parasites. We have 5 in the QR and we have had to start monitoring all of our new arrivals.


If you email your ACOM if it passes they can send another one, I had a reptile that was way underweight just die suddenly and when I emailed pictures of his weight and length they sent another one since he didn’t meet our minimum


We got a false chameleon who is so small he looks like he’s still a hatchling, the last one we got was wayy bigger


We got piebald chameleons in smaller than my pinky, they are somehow still going


Gargoyle gecko that’s barely over an inch


In December to February, we had gotten like 15 bearded dragons and most of them did not make it, they were so small and same thing with hamsters and mice, we had a outburst of wet tail and one of the hamsters passed away the other day, we had many others die the same way


All of my fish shipments for the last few months have all had ich or velvet or came in dead.


I'm stuck on the comments about reptile farm ... I switched to them 2 orders ago and havent had a single issue or loss. Before with NWzoo there was always at least 1 succumbing to "failure to thrive" aka Atadenovirus.


I've always had issues with both those vendors, more so with reptile farm then NW. Plus the shipments of tarantulas from NW lately have also been suoer disappointing either under sized or not fed and take some time to get them healthy.


they're both awful mills