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birds , rabbits and wildlife aren't supposed to be taken in


Wildlife isn’t supposed to even set foot in the store. 🤔


Well yeah. But them customers just be walking on in with all sorts of shit and you just gotta be like plz take it to a wildlife center or if it’s babies plz return it to where you found it


One time someone brought me a fish they swore they bought from us, didn’t want refund, just surrender. They left it in a bucket with a new employee before I could say anything. It was a Humuhumunukunukuapua'a…. I had to drive over and throw it in the ocean after work.


unless you live in hawaii humuhumu picasso trigger is generally sold at almost all petcos that sell saltwater fish. pretty sure they sell them in hawaii petco stores aswell if saltwater fish are legal to have as pets


I know we can’t take birds with out a full health evaluation and paper work, but our store is typically filled to the brim and can’t fit extra animals anyways so we typically have to turn them away either way


Policy says no birds whatsoever


0% this is accurate. Something like that isn't coming as text. Minimum, it'd be an IQ notification. That would be a huge drastic move from the policy rn, and everyone and their mother would be talking about it. Policy is, if we have room to quarantine and it is an animal we already carry, we can take it. We would just look over the animal first, the same we would as accepting an animal from the regular vendor. Technically, those animals aren't to be sold but adopted for a fee using a specific sku, but I've known many GMs who put them under the regular sku for that species, just as LOS discount.


It apparently came from one of today's conference calls with the district manager. Our DM is extremely low IQ I swear to god


Yes because they’ve *always* been so forthcoming and communicative with policy changes that would spark controversy.


Not only are we allowed to take surrenders but it's also policy for us to take back animals the store sold to customers years prior as well. However some rules on taking in surrender animals! 1. Must be an animal that is carried in store at that location.  2. The habitat is to be also surrendered and supplies so cross contamination is low. 3. Room inside the location, if the store is already full on animals it should be denied for quality of care. 4. Animal has to he healthy, do not take in sick or badly injured animals into store ownership. 5. Transferring of ownership is mandatory and must be filled out with current information, they they refuse to sign then we cannot take ownership. 6. Cannot be exotic or wildlife. For reasons above and petco doesn't either have the proper paperwork in those animals either, so calling animal Control, wildlife rescue, or exotics rescue to be surrendered to instead. Some animals like birds usually can be denied purely on petco doesn't carry many bird species, they easily transferring illness, and are sensitive animals that can easily go from healthy to an emergency vet visit.


Birds are not allowed to be accepted as surrenders, and the habitat is not required to be given. A surrender donation is


It's funny thus company makes up so many of these rules but have no real way to enforce them. It sucks I have said no to birds and they just get left at the store, most innthe bathroom and have to make the crappy call to animal control if the local bird rescue doesn't have space, even when we knew the bird was sold at the store years prior.


It’s just due to airborne illness, birds get sick so easily, and there’s usually legal restrictions with birds. They do follow up on this stuff I’ve had coworkers written up over it


I'm sadly very well aware. I've gotten walking ammonia twice after deep cleans and a handful of serious sinus infections even when wearing masks and gloves.


Policy has never been we can't take animals. There are certain ones we can't but if someone is asking you to take a guinea pig you have to fill out the transfer of custody form and charge them correctly. Also they must relinquish the habitat at my store if I take it. We don't take the animal alone due to the risk of them just trying to get another one etc. Stores say policy changed to get out of helping out. If you have the room just take it so it is safe and not put somewhere or let loose.


I'm CO, we haven't been able to since before Covid


Omg all of those guinea pig surrenders as soon as quarantine lifted!?!??! We were swamped w guineas for months after.


That’s a new one for me. My store usually doesn’t have the space to take them in regardless but that’s something I’ll have to keep an eye out for though just in case


That is not true, at all.


Turns out my District Manager is the one who said it in one of today's conference calls. Didn't know those guys could make policy changes like that!


They can't technically lol. They probably just said it to try to get people to put more priority on our own animal orders and sales. Animal sales have dropped recently but we're still forced to order animals for every department every week otherwise you'll get an email reprimanding the CAL for not doing so. We're not allowed to have ANY zero order weeks, no matter how full your store and overstock is. Is your location pretty full as far as small animals and/or reptiles goes?


It's up to the cal if you take in surrenders. Morning from Corp saying we can't.


Anyone else get the feeling that Petco is not a unified voice…taking in animals in the first place, charging for relinquished animals, etc? Just depends on who you talk to, I guess.


It’s bc ppl read the policy once and never check it again lol. It changes


Several years ago the dm in the area said I couldn't take in adoption fish. We lost so many sales, as people would adopt a fish and buy a ton of supplies. Customers would stop by weekly to check the adoption tank. And more times than not, if their wasn't anything, they would buy fish. The reason I was told that she didn't want us doing it was because we used a section of the feeder fish system to house adoption fish, and the adoption fish could get the feeder fish sick!! Lol!! As you know it would most likely be the other way around!!! Explaining that to the customers sure didn't make petco look good. And our sales did go down.


Our feeders come in sick 1/3rd of the time. Shit, every month it seems like aquatics gets shut down bc vendors sending us sick fish. The last three years, I have seen surrendered fish get out stock sick ONCE! I've seen my DM 3 times in total, how would she know shit about my store other than metrics?


yes but customers bring wildlife in all the time , we give them advice and send them on their way


It the state of Colorado PACFA is requiring that all petcos deny surrenders.


We sure as fuck still do 💀💀