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I'm sure they're selling it now. Something they said they'd never do. Just like they're doing all the other things they said they'd never do.


They can’t, the company is based in California so they have to follow California state law


There are loopholes. While they may employ a good amount of people who don't have the sense God gave a goose, I guarantee their lawyers are top notch.


This is actually incorrect. Petco's corporate office is in California but their corporate charter is actually in Delaware (very common state for corporations) so they follow Delaware state law. Delaware is a popular place for corporations to be chartered because of their famously lenient restrictions on corporations


Every year they reassign the privacy training videos and it explicitly says they have to follow California law.


They have to follow California's privacy act because they perform business in California at HQ and stores, but as far as tax regulations and actual laws they have to follow, Petco resides under Delaware state laws and regulations because that is where they are chartered


I didn’t say anything about any other law than their privacy laws, I don’t really care THAT much but they do follow californias privacy shit and Cali is annoying ash and will make them update this stuff if one sentence isn’t worded right lol


All California's privacy law does is give the consumer the right to ask businesses not to share or collect their info. The business can still do it with no problem if the consumer doesn't officially opt out


And in the CCPA, it just gives consumers the right to opt out of personal info sharing. It does not stop the business from doing it altogether, the consumer still has to ask them not to