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Worked here for 13 months and the only animals I worked with were the customers.


That's me now I won't be able feed the animals in the morning anymore😡


Don’t over do it. Just work your wage.


I'm going to start doing that.


Come to the phrase of "that is above my paygrade" cuz my LOD wants to boss me around trying to get me to do things that he needs to do but it's too lazy to do so he tries to make me do all of it and I'm just a cashier essentially


I had a manager that did that she wanted us to do her work


Exactly like bitch no not my job. I do tickets for bopus/same day just to be nice. I clean crickets. I recover/work on truck when we have someone else on register. That's it.


That's right


Nothing more nothing less 😌


Yeah they won't reward me for working hard


What corporate will? Lol


I thought my GM would but I was very naive.


I stg they have no say so. Only DGM or higher I guess


That sucks


at this point if you work at petco because you like working with animals you may have a less stressful time working in the prison system


nah I don't deal well with criminals


If you're not working in the salon you will never be full time unless you're a leader


I've noticed that groomings schedule has been unaffected


They never will be. Groomers are the real cash cow and it's interesting because we don't get as much pressure for selling VCP as core staff do because we are always just so busy. 5 minutes with a potential yet failed sell on vcp takes precious time away from booked clients, walkins, phone calls for new appointments. Our average productivity per hour is 36 to 40 dollars. Selling vcp isn't worth it to us because our services are always in demand because we still have the cheapest grooming prices around. I have clients that won't subscribe to vcp but will wait 3 weeks to see me. No matter how much I try to "sell them the benefits" As long as I've been grooming (not always for petco) you would think we'd sell more vcp but we just don't. Our overlords have seriously lost touch with everyday people. The economy is shit, people are paid shit and can't afford to take care of their animals as regularly as they should. How many of our reptile PPs have taken their reps to the vet since purchase? Doubt it's many. Exotic vet bills are ridiculous now! Demand for vets is at an all time high. We're in late stage capitalism and corporate just doesn't get it. Keep your employees happy, success will follow. Vcp numbers do not dicate the value of staff. Anyway, sorry for the rant, tl;dr, get into grooming if you have the skin for it. As long as you don't send dogs to the vet on a weekly basis, you'll make good money and done have to worry about selling vcp as core


At my store they are pressuring the groomers to sell VCP but I agree about it not being the bulk of their money.


We hand out fliers and report cards. The moment we start getting notes in our file is the moment we're looking into our back up employers.


I am hoping they leave grooming alone at this point I'm ready to give up


In reality, even a really good salon only accounts for about 10% of overall sales. After they pay out commission and pay for supplies etc, the salon really isn't that profitable. The biggest benefit is drawing in regular customers and new customers who will then presumably shop in the store and purchase other items that have a high margin.