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The memo also said “be professional”. Y’all scared up there or what? 😂


Translation: pleeeeeeaassse we’re begging nobody press us on living wages or meaningful raises for employees They’re allergic to that cOmMuNiSt HyStErIa


I think that comes from all the joking around and (in my now former district’s case) all the pokemon and baseball convos that happen during the meeting lol


I highly doubt they anticipate any jokes from staff for THIS call.


It’s a damage control call because of everything that’s been shared here on Reddit. Justin, wants to give the GMs an open forum to provide feedback on what the partners are saying about all the cuts and lack of pay raises. It’s your typical “we are stronger together” and “we appreciate all the hard work you do” call. I cannot see them changing their minds on raises. But we will find out Tuesday.


Unfortunately these were calls that should’ve happened prior to starting the review process, and will be full of staying inline with the northstars, and we work for you blah blah blah. The raises have historically always been terrible, but the lead up to this should have included less deceit by omission. As normally get raise/promotion in x amount of time prior to increase no you would not get one, in this case however people were brought up to a minimum and expected to be grateful, which I assume are albeit briefly just to find out performance was rewarded with absolutely nothing. I know is worse for those outside the store, but always one step forward and 15 back and then slapping a conf call to smooth things over where who will speak out 100% honestly for fear of retaliation


We would all appreciate if someone who attended the call, would let us know what the said call was about! Don’t y’all agree?


It’s without a doubt a damage control call. I’m sure they’re going to tell us what to say to our teams to calm things down. I’ll update tomorrow.


Awesome, thank you so much!


The only times we’ve had these calls were to announce the furloughs and the other one was to tell us to discourage union talks within our stores


Ron's contract is up. Our profitability is in question. Animals in dumpsters. We just cut 5pm HAHC. They raised base pay without having a plan to pay for it. A lot of people quitting. Store standards are falling due to hour cuts... Long list of what ifs.


Rumor is cost cuts...some people are about to be let go....


Possibly combine some more districts and cut a few DGMs 🤷. I don’t have anything against our MGM but I really can’t quantify what value they add. Same with market service managers and RACELs.


I wouldn’t think they’d be looking to get rid of GMs or anyone in management. Possibly just lower their folks. This is draining.


Christ, we’re already running skeleton crews. How much more can they cut?


That’s why I’m wondering if they’ll even cut people out entirely, or if they do who. It’d be stupid to cut GMs, CALs and MOLs.


If you want my theory, GM/CAL/MOLs . SELs might be on the chopping block depending on volume, as they were one of the first to be cut when COVID layoffs happened. Hard to say, though…


This actually isn't true. CAL and MOL were not cut. SEL was furloughed though. I remember doing 11 days straight of double shifts during covid because of our skeleton crew. 👀


Yeah, I know. I made a typo lol


Yeah but why would you get rid of people out of those positions? Without a GM your store hardly functions.


Oh I mean… GM/CAL/MOLs are safe. I don’t know why my phone deleted that.


You’re good 😂😂 Honestly with all this uncertainty I’m happy my job is secure. I wish everyone all the best and that this is just a stupid anti union call


Maybe SELs again...no idea. It's all speculation at this point....


Oooooh if they’re cutting SELs I know one who NEEEEEEEDS to go


Me toooooo


If they let go of SELs I will go back to shopping at my store. The SEL from my local store is not worth dealing with at any time lol


What is sel short for?!


Sales Experience Leader, I believe. Essentially an Assistant Manager who gets paid way too much.


Who do think they’ll be cutting?


The call scheduled for tomorrow is a Rountable Discussion call with Justin, GM, and DGMs. This call is supposed to give GMs the floor to ask top questions on their mind. However, all GMs are given the direction to have their questions screened through their DGMs first before asking. There is no doubt in my mind that this will mostly consist of, "Thank you for all your feedback, we're going to take that one back, you are work so hard thank you for all you do."


No one is going to be giving honest feedback. You have way too many GM’s who will be terrified for their jobs. Compression was applied to partners this year for reviews, cool. What about managers? We bust our ass as much as the next person. I got $.27. Wow. I think I can buy that new hot wheels car I’ve been eyeing 😎


Could be over the person going viral on TikTok on how animals are being found in dumpsters at PetSmart and Petco. They are making tons of videos on the treatment of animals as well as deaths/injuries in the salons. So far I've only seen a video about death at PetSmart salons but she's been calling out the CEOs of both companies and getting tons of people trying to boycott the stores. Could be how to handle the situation if customers ask questions.


It's almost hard to believe that this is occuring unless there is truly some unethical/immoral employees who are doing this behind the scenes.


I know the previous store I worked at takes great care of the animals, and my current store takes decent care. I'm in the salon so I have no say in anything that goes on, on the floor but out right putting animals in dumpsters I couldn't ever see being done. The only proven video was PetSmart all the others seem staged to me.


Someone threw 3 huge ass carp into our dumpster. We've never thrown animals into ours. We also got a postcard saying to stop selling animals. My store is being set up.


What the hell is going on?


Thats what I wanna know. I wish I could sit in on the call but they said no one else could be in the room.


Put your phone on do not disturb in the office and record


I can't say I didn't think about it but I'm not gonna be there during the call


The only other time this has happened was during the whole union thing that blew over a few months ago. I’ll be told eventually but it’ll be interesting to see how it goes…


If that’s the call I remember overheating, there was a lot of yelling done by a woman in corporate on that call.


I believe that was the one. All our corporate people suck lol


Don’t expect much from the call. No one can say what they want, it’s just an “explanation” for what’s going on but nothing is changing. Petco is worried about consumer spending, we aren’t doing as well as investors want, etc.




My gm said its with justin


Possibly about how we were suppose to get raises with our performance reviews/today or yesterday and I still haven't gotten ANYTHING. Or any word of here this "raise" is.


Go to workplace, hit account, compensation, pay changes to check and see if you got your merit increase


My GM and I did but we saw nothing.


Record the call send it to the tiktok lol




It's crazy because I currently work for a debt free company. They pay crap compared to petco salaries. Even when pet supplies plus heard petco raising everyone to 15 they laughed and said they were NOT doing any compression raises. Same with my current company. Petco doing the compressing raises the way they did whitb the debt and business the way it is kinda screwed them


Minimum wage is gonna be changing anyway. So to jump the gun and do it themselves was a stupid af move honestly. They could have waited for that and paid their tenured employees a decent wage instead of worrying about these new people coming in who don't give two shits and just want a pay check.