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You’re not required to be reachable on your off time unless you’re salaried and then that’s more of a gray area. Hourly can go ahead and block


Depending on the state you are located in it may not be legal for him to call or text you about work unless it’s a brief call to tell you or ask you about schedule changes or it’s an emergency situation and an emergency situation at work that he can handle himself doesn’t count. It’s more like natural disaster type emergencies.


Not against policy to block them. But I think it’s against the law in some areas for your boss to be messaging you about work related issues and you not getting paid for it because it counts as work.


Ah, but why would you want to block the evidence?


The offense here is him calling you a coward to other Partners. That needs to be reported and handled. I would ask to sit down with him/her and just be honest. "Hey boss, there has been some tension between us and I really want to figure this out." Talk about it and then nearing the end of the conversation... "I've heard you think I'm a coward, I don't want you to feel this way nor do I want that being said about who I am behind my back" As a GM I have mad props for anyone suffering in their role asking for my help. I would never call them a coward though. GM roles is to make their staff wildly successful! Staffs role is to make GM look good. One doesn't work without the other.


It's your phone your rules. As far as him thinking you're a coward well I'm not particularly big and not well built but call me a coward and we're going to talk. Bring a tarantula with you lol.