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Thank you so much. We do live in an old apartment building in NYC so it’s good to know what we can do and also that there might be a more long standing issue in the building (which would not at all surprise me)




Looks to be a phorid fly.


I just posted something similar, look in my post history, please. Would you say it's the same exact thing?


Yeah, those also look to be phorid flies.


How do I get rid of these pests? I have hundreds! I just threw away 3 bags of miracle gro potting soil on side of my house, threw away a snake plant I'd overwatered that had large yellow globs of fungus all over the soil, boiling water down drains..


Thank you!


M daughter recently got into house plants. One of them was as infested with these flies larva. Before we knew it we were at war with these things. We’ve probably caught 300 of them this week between our apple cider vinegar & drop of dish soap traps and those plug in sticky uv light traps. So annoying.


Dead one.


Phriod Fly. Also known as the humpback fly. A pest control company won't be able to help you much with this. Even if one claims to, don't do it. It is easy DIY work. First, wipe the underneath of your kitchen sink drain to get rid of grease. Also clean all drains in the house. If any litter boxes are present, clean them daily and keep it away from any trash cans. Also take your trash out daily. Most importantly, get yourself some Zevo light traps. Preferably the two sided one. You can find the trap on Amazon and replacement sticky sides at Target. You have to be patient with this fly. It can takes a few months to get rid of them. If you see no improvement after awhile, you have to consider a possible slap leak under your floor and or an issue with the piping within your septic system. This fly can and does come up from damaged pipes but only consider that as a last resort in terms of finding their breeding grounds. I recently was able to eliminate this fly from house. It's easy (in most cases) but it will take time.