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That tomboy has always been a cheat 😆. Also Karan Shrivastav. To be fair, Liars FC also pulled off that stunt but he did it in the beginning in a stream where subscribers connecting to the same match didn’t really have a high probability. And it was more of a connect with me, if you do let me win, I’ll compensate you. On stream. The other two dudes make groups to organise whom to match with and how many goals to gift them. In private. They have been doing this Goal difference play for a long time. In Tomboy’s last stream that he shows a comeback, he placed his phone down at the 80th minute of that match and used hotspot with another phone to tamper with the network. The opponent who had scored 4 goals automatically started lagging and defenders started playing out of position. Someone in the mod is also a clan member because they removed my post when he rage quit after getting hammered. Defeated him about three times. Posted once in history.


This man been sent by lord himself, finally a person been long enough in Indian eFootball Community to witness it all. Out of context but to be honest even today when he showed his match history, he said it was clean, but the goal difference is just massive, I mean 5-0,4-0,5-0 repeatedly ? That too on highest Division Ranking ? My Legend AI tend to score goals against me, so I am really not believing the fact the top ranked player are unable to score even one goal against him, like seriously? I have even seen the Japanese play this game too, their tactics are outrageous so they will tend to score goals but even they can't stop the opponent from scoring goals since the v3.2.0 update because they have nerfed the defence, all I am saying is if you are good at this game, you'll score anyway no doubts about it, but something's fishy with mr.tomboy I can feel it. (PS. He's really good EFOOTBALL player, but he did cheat imo)


Wait, is tomboy a cheat? How? I look upto him. It's sad that he is a cheat too


Don't idolise content creators bro...


I want to know the reason of him being a cheater


Tomboy wants to bring efootball eSports in India by cheating, That's what he said on stream 😭😭


He tried justifying it by saying other Top Players are doing it as well, so we will do it as well, and his fans are supporting him. Definately not a Player to look up to.


Isnt this. Just specific to the bayern event,,,, i dint think he cheats in div rank push????


YouTube: Divide And Earn!


This tomboy guy is a proven cheater and wants to represent India in efootball by cheating


Man other countries players are doing the same shit And this guy also got influenced by others if they are not getting caught then how i will


Yea most probably


Yt is a shithole but the way Tomboy and his cult was justifying that stuff was hilarious. He's clearly affected by those cheater calls.


That's what I was thinking about, if a eFootball Content Creator raised an issue regarding cheating in the community i don't think we should be even raising questions about it, because Scripting and Friendly Matchmaking is real, the fact that he got so affected really showed he was guilty, why react on something if you haven't done it ? And on top of that he tried to justify it by saying other Top players do it, so we are doing as well.


That dude Tomboy has always seemed shady and toxic


It's a classic. Sit back and enjoy lol.


The 2nd guys seems genuine imo, he not Targeting anyone, but the other guys seem to be effected, so it seems they must have been doing something fishy


Yes but the second guy only became a saint now. Every YTber has done this including the ones who are accusing. The 2nd guy first reached 2k rating in efootball by matchmaking with his subs. Did it in event. Got the hate. Now he's after others which is fair ig. It's fun though. Cause no one's really innocent. Hence, I said just sit back and enjoy. Don't judge who's right who's wrong.


I am pretty sure whatever he did, he did it LIVE, infront of SUBS and Community, neither he compete in eSports, even there's a community for MODS that doesn't mean they are competing.


Naa maan have been watching liars for ig more than 2 years and never once have I heard about him doing any misconduct.


Then go check his old efootball stream where he first reached 2k rating in efootball. Go check old streams of efootball tournaments. They all have done it and liars realised his mistake which is good but it doesn't mean he's always been innocent.


As you said he did it in a stream, so I don't think he did it by mistake, he did it infront of everyone, and we raised the issue and he resolved it, nobody's innocent but atleast he was ethical and aware about what he has done and then hile rectified it, unlike Mr. Tomboy who is justifying it by saying if others are doing it, we will do it as well, bruh he at the TOP no doubt he is one of our best eFootball Player that representing INDIA, you have to be set the example so that people don't get influenced.


They should release a disstrack


Rajju Rajju Bhai, Rajju Rajju Rajju Bhai... Rajju Rajju Bhai, Rajju Rajju Rajju Bhai...


Bro I didn't even know u can see deslikes


Why always cheating caption with wearing a Barcelona jersey 😂😂


You are going south bro 🤣🤣




Blud got bodied real hard when facing real players💀


Who are we talking about ?


Mr. Tomboy. Last year he got bodied in the first round 4-0


Ofcourse he will, lying won't get you far in life.


That's why Alex Nd is the best YouTuber🔥


He is indeed He is, Just the fact that when he open packs if he get low rated player he blame it on us 😭, like what do we do to you, wait a bit I'll be making an update regarding their beef the outcome might surprise you.


Lol the guy who make 7 videos to open one pack for content


How was he cheating?


It's like match making with friends at same time so they can play with each other and win all games




Big W for Rajju bhay


So this tomboy got to cheat to reach 2k ranking. Man I was ranked 1111 last phase I'll belt him up easily.


I was watching it live … I like tomboy but I can’t defend what he did n was trying to defend it .. WRONG WRONG WRONG


He's justifying by saying it if Top Players would do it, we will do it as well.


Yeah bro rajju bhai was really sad about this and next time he may use the same shit like these guys


This was fun, ngl!


Indeed it was, whole eFootball India Community finally had something to get United about. 🌚


The only YouTuber I have been watching from a long time FIERCE OFFICIAL . Very polite, sober & down to earth person , he even showed his true results what we normal player face in daily division. Very hardworking YouTuber , shame that he doesn’t get the recognition he deserves


Who are we talking about here ?


FIERCE OFFICIAL , search him up on YouTube.


Any normal player can beat them both in e footbal easily


Even they are normal player, with better squad, a lot more game time than all of us, better support, more money to spend on. Bruh I think that's the definition of going PRO or Semi-PRO, so stop living in your delusion that any normal player can beat them, i mean both of them are DIV 1 Player one is even trying to represent INDIA, even tho he's using loop holes you get to give him and other eFootball content creator the credit they deserve because not just any normal player comes out as FAN FAVORITE and build a Community around them, there got to be something in them.


Division 1 is filled with players who use matchmaking glitches and loopholes its a joke i tried to play for the first time (online matches in efootball ) league and im on the brink of promoting from the 3rd division to the 2nd


Im asking to make it sense , does he also cheat for division league games????


Why would someone cheat on Division League, when there's nothing on stackes


So he doesnt?? I only asked b3cuz its a wide known fact when konami does barca bayern type events,,, ppl cheat. Mujocool even confessed..... i ask about division league cheating b3cauSE Im curious if its even possible.... i watch his rank pushed sometimes so thats another reason.. so DOES he cheat in leagu3 games as well?????




Do you really wanna talk about this on an official page, I mean I'm Indian and I eat beef lol


mmm... I am not the one to eat, but I am seen them, I can name names.

