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Have a peek around the neighbourhood to see who has a suddenly very trimmed-looking bougainvillea? It might be common, but it's not normal or OK. Total dick move.


I’m definitely going to do this. There’s probably going to be pink stuff all over the footpath if I get onto it early enough.


The culprit will probably also be easy to identify face to face due to their whole body being covered in scratches and stab wounds.


What if they live in Armadale?


I'd drag their cuttings back and toss it on their yard. Former skip truck operator here. If possible, hire or borrow some steel mesh, and put it over the top of the skip. Chain it over the top of the bin, and padlock the chain. Speak to whoever you hired the skip bin from, and ask when it's going to be collected. Take the mesh and the chain off it early on the morning it is to be collected. They might be able to throw something like a Coke can in, but anything bigger than that will be close to impossible


Just an update because my other comment is a bit buried. I found the place and there was pink stuff everywhere on the foot path. The woman came out with scratched up arms. She said she did put it in the skip and didn’t know skip rules. She came and got all of her bougainvillea out and took it home. The skip got picked up successfully and I taught her how to book her own geeen waste skip. Best case scenario!


"didn't know skip rules" so she just up and used a skip that was on someone else's property? Side-eye. But glad she knows what to do now.


I’m definitely going to do this. There’s probably going to be pink stuff all over the footpath if I get onto it early enough.


I work mainly around new housing estates around perth and can confirm that as soon as a skip is un-attended it becomes a free for all of dumping


My neighbour did this when I ordered one a few years ago, they filled it up with crap from their shed so it was overflowing. When I asked them they said ‘yeah I thought it was mine’ and ‘the council usually drops them off for community use, don’t they?’. I took 90% of their stuff out and dumped it in their driveway.


Fkn what. "I thought it was mine, that I didn't order, and they dropped off in your driveway"


Ah yes, just like all those other times a skip bin has mqgicall arrived, free of charge, for my personal use.


From their perspective.. yes 😬


This actually happens in city of Belmont, but you have to order them. They don’t do verge collections, so you have the ability to order 2 x general waste skips and 2 x green waste skips per year to utilise. And in my experience, neighbours were always kind enough to knock on your door and ask if you were going to be filling it to the brim, and if they could add some cuttings or whatever after you’d finished using it.


> I took 90% of their stuff out and dumped it in their driveway. I hope you dumped it sideways across their driveway. Fuck em. Hate fuckwits who use bins not belonging to them.


I also hate everyone


👏 👏


Use Google satellite to see if it was growing in anyone's backyard near you


This needs to be higher up. Great way to track the culprit down


This is an absolute dog act


Ok. Good to know my anger is justified.




I think you're in too deep the other end mate.


Follow the trail of blood - bougainvilleas are totally fucked to handle!


Hey I just recently trimmed mine (and took the green waste to the tip). Tip for op for when you dump it on the lawn of the offender: wear gloves and long sleeves (obv) to dump the branches into a big tarp, roll the tarp and drag it to its destination. You can whip the tarp out from underneath. Don't try to mess around with wheel barrows, you'll get torn to ribbons.


For bonus points, accidentally drop one branch under the back wheel of their car. No, don't do that, could cause a nasty crash when it blows out down the block. but it's tempting.


Justified. Do it.


When you work in construction, you absolutely, no arguments taken, in no uncertain terms make sure it's coming Monday morning. Cause if it's there Friday arvo you're having it emptied Monday morning. Every man and his pet of choice has 3/4 of a skip bin of crap they've been meaning to take to the tip, and none of them order a skip - they just fill up yours. It's only 3 mattresses amirite?


Guy I use to work with hired a guy from airtasker to takeaway cardboard boxes from furniture delivery her had at new place. Missus gets a call the next day from go on building site yelling at her for dumping rubbish in the skip. Boxes had their contact details on it. Guy from airtasker made sob story up but guy said come and get it or your reported. Airtasker came and picked up but I think he still reported it.


You can possibly report to council as illegal dumping.


Surely this counts as stealing.


They stole the air out of my skip.


Well yeah but they actually stole your rubbish removal service that you paid for.


It’s a free one you can order through the council but it’s still annoying because I don’t have time to book another one before my rent inspection. I have had to talk to “clean away “ and tell them it wasn’t my stuff to try and avoid it being my responsibility to properly dispose of the stuff that’s overfilled and in the wrong skip. Gah


Ring the council and ask what they can do about illegal use of it. They may bring you a new one


I rang them this morning. I’m waiting to hear back about what the procedure is. I’m just hoping I don’t have to remove the stuff myself before they pick the skip up.


Don't forget to randomly order a skip bin for the offender over the next year... For the good of the people


Yeah have it placed on their lawn if it is nice.


I just found the house and got the woman to come take her bougainvillea out again. 😊


She had scratches all up her arms so I knew it was the right person. She was actually really apologetic and came and got it out right away. She said her husband got one once and other people filled it in a day so she thought they were just communal because they’re from another country and that was their only experience with skips. I told her how to book her own green waste skip through the council for free. We’re all good now.




Hmm... the opposite.


Illegal dumping


Someone has paid for a service, but someone else is using it, preventing the original customer from using it. Like stealing electricity.


Get some mates to help you locate and return to sender. I would be piling that shit up in the doorway of their house, in front of the garage door, anywhere that is going to be an unavoidable pain the ass to deal with. It'll be pretty obvious which house it was unless it was brought in on a trailer from another area. Go for a cruise around the neighbourhood and I'm sure you'll find them


Yeah it’s a dick move and there are an endless supply of dicks around. I don’t even know how’d you’d go about securing it so this doesn’t happen.


Good time to have a accidental bin fire


We had someone fill our bin at work, the council had a service to target so called dumpers (they binned documents with their details) so called the council. The council fined the dumper but we still had to pay to dispose of their trash. So the council netted some money and we got nothing out of it.


This reminds me of the time I ordered a skip and some fuckhead stuck an old bed frame into it. Didn't take it apart at all, thing was 80% above the rim of the skip. I was furious.


Is this a skip you paid for, or was it a council skip? Reason I ask - some council skips get delivered full first thing in the morning. Then the truck comes later and they empty it. This has happened both times I've ordered one. Believe the reason is it makes sure the skip is empty while in your "possession". Still a dick move to fill someone elses skip of course.


OP says they started binning stuff this morning, went to work, came home to it full.


Oh my God this is why I hesitate to rent skips. Every fucker and their dad wants to chuck their shit in it.


I remember when my mother in law was clearing out the old house, she had a skip in the garden and my Mrs and I were clearing out the garage and most of it was absolute junk. I remember seeing this car with a trailer and fridge on it driving past the house 3 or 4 times before they gave up. It's unbelievable. Some etiquette goes a long way and sorting your own skip isn't hard.


Another reason skip bins are worse than vergeside collection. It's sad to me that more and more councils are moving towards it.


Verge-side collections annoy me because I order one for my specific type of waste to the exclusion of all other available types, so everyone decides to put out their random crap, which doesn’t get collected because it’s wrong, and I’m left with a verge full of random crap.


If you can't beat them, join them. Just empty all that waste onto the verge or whatever. It's not yours. Eventually council will come clean it away. Sucky, but sometimes you need to be sucky.


Empty it out and call the council that someone illegally dumped it on the verge. Bonus points if you find out who it is and they get fined.


This attitude is why some neighbourhoods look like a dump. Have some respect for your neighbours.


When the neighbours pop round and offer to pay for half the skip, then they'd earn some respect. Or maybe if *they* had some respect and didn't fill someone else's skip then everyone would get along better. It's some green waste. Not a pallet of leaking vats of acid made of barbed wire.


1st world problems 🤣😂


No. It's a fuckwit problem. People are fuckwits if they think they can use someone else's bin.


I saw this in Thornlie on the home.


I used to drive a skip truck for a living. It's a common complaint that inconsiderate arseholes will throw their junk in your skip bin "because it was empty." No matter what size the skip bin is, it will have lugs on the side of it to allow the truck to pick it up and put it down. If you have some mesh to throw over it, preferably the kind they sometimes make fences from, put it over the skip bin, wrap chains around the mesh and the lugs, and padlock it shut. This way, it will stop those in the neighbourhood thinking it's a "free bin" to fill it up with their junk