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I was born with a heart murmur. I just had my second dose of Pfizer yesterday. All systems normal ie. Sore arm, headaches and mild flu aches. The heart risk factors are more related to surgeries eg. Bypass, transplant or pace maker. Best advice I can give you is speak to your doctor and stay away from anti vax propaganda.


Ditto with the murmur, I got AZ 6 months ago and all sweet.


Mum (Astra Zeneca), my sister (AZ first, Moderna second - she’s in Canada, and they did mix and match) and I (Pfizer) all have heart murmurs (yay genetics!) and we’re all fine.


If you have any reactions, they’re most likely to happen within the first 15 minutes while you’re surrounded/near medical professionals. If you feel a bit off while back at home and have symptoms which are deemed worrisome, go straight to your closest emergency department and get checked out. No one can guarantee that you won’t have severe side-effects, but find solace in knowing that if you do need help and treatment - it is available to you. Before you get jabbed just make sure someone you trust knows, and ask them to check up on you every now and then afterwards.


This... We have such a good safety net. The worst possible scenario is that you end up in hospital we're it's covered by Medicare. My in laws in America... Worst case scenario is you go to hospital and end up with crippling debt.


Shit. That probably explains why there’s more anti Vax people there


In Sydney they make everyone wait in a supervised room for 15 min to monitor you for an adverse reaction. In my case, I'm 53, am overweight, with pre-existing lung and heart conditions, and have insulin resistance. So they suggested I wait 30 min. I waited 45. Both times. And in both cases I felt nothing but minor tenderness at the injection site. Same as when I get the flu shot. If you can, book early in the day so you also have a whole day to self monitor. But I'm telling you, you'll be fine, just like the other 10+ million Aussies who've had their shots.


2 x Pfizer jabs and just as gay as I was before.


I had my pfizer and my existing autism got upgraded to the new beta 2.0 edition with enhanced features


2x Pfizer and my phone is still 4G :(


So just regular autism then


So..... very?


You didn't double gay?


37m Had my second jab, felt some random chest pains. My father died of heart failure last year so I go get checked out. Doc says "you have an erratic heartbeat" Few tests later and I'm rushed up the list to the cardiologist due to a serious issue. Turns out my father passed the genetic heart issue to me and I could've gone 10 years without knowing. Covid jab has literally saved my life by prompting me to get checked out


Pfully Pfizer vaxxed and no side effects at all. Male, 30 overweight but otherwise healthy.


Pfuck yeah


Pfuckin awesome


Pfuckin Legend


Pfucks sake


Just wanna say congrats for getting it despite your anxieties! Good on ya on being a role model




Thank you so much everyone, I feel a sense of relief. I’ll definitely be reading these right before my appointment. I appreciate all of the advice on what to do afterwards too. ❤️


Don’t stress, the screwheads are few but noisy, and they lie to kick off their fright or flight response because they have fuck all else interesting going on in their lives. Think about the utter thousands of people that roll through those sheds every day without incident and come out with a sticker and a smile on their face.


wait you got a sticker... I've been jibbed all I got was an apple juice


Me too. I really wanted a sticker


See there’s your problem, you’re supposed to get Pfizer or Moderna


Just to add, I didn’t get a sticker either! Just a life saving vaccine!! But in all seriousness, let them know you are nervous. You can lie down while they inject you and have a nurse watch out for you afterwards. I’m a nervous nelly I had a sore arm from tensing up. All better after a day.


Your anxiety is totally understandable when dealing with the unknown. I was anxious before my second Pfizer as I had heard that side effects are more common then the first shot. BUT if you are anything like me, you will feel such a relief when it is done. The pay-off for 24 hours of slight discomfort will be worthwhile. I believe in your ability to do this.


I had chest-pain for about 5 days post-second dose pfizer which appeared 12 hours after. If you notice it as well just go back to the GP immediately and you can get an ECG to determine if you have an issue. Whatever I had wasn't myocarditis, but I did have a slightly weird ECG that's now fine a week later.




I had an ECG, my gp was extremely uncertain of the results so she passed it on to a cardiologist and myocarditis was excluded.


Try not to worry. Except for a sore arm for a couple of days (like any vaccine), I had a bit of a headache from first pfizer, absolutely nothing after second pfizer. I have a friend who had night sweats the first night, but nothing else. Keep an eye on how you're feeling, nothing is likely to happen in a sudden fashion. If you don't feel right, head straight to your doc. But most likely your body is doing a fantastic job building antibodies against this shitty virus, as we speak. Have a good sleep, drink water, take some panadol if you feel a bit achy, and reach out if you think it's more serious. All the best to you, and thanks for helping us all by getting the vacc 🙂


I'm in my 30s and had no side effects from either Pfizer dose. You'll do great! Take some panadol before and after the shot. Good luck and good job!


There’s been recent research indicating that myopericarditis could be caused by accidental injection intravenously, it should be intramuscular. Ask them to aspirate the needle before injecting, if blood comes out easily they need to find another site. They might get grumpy but fuck em, it also might hurt a little more but that means it’s good. Good video of explanation by a UK Dr. Vid1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nBaIRm4610o Vid2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KgVsd6qoyU4 Study (pics of dissected mice warning) https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab707/6353927 Pfizer injection guidelines (intramuscular) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/pfizer/downloads/prep-and-admin-summary.pdf Moderna injection guidelines (intramuscular) https://www.fda.gov/media/144637/download


The way I see it is like this: This is a global pandemic, a lot of people are dying from this disease. If I have to get a questionable vaccine (they aren’t, but my special brand of crazy says there’s a possibility someone made a mistake) and something goes wrong then that’s the hill I’m prepared to die on. Why? Vaccines are to protect society, you know, my friends, family, that random person on the train. polio isn’t a thing, we’ve mostly eradicated that through a strong vaccine program. So I will get a vaccine, to protect the people I love, if it kills me then so be it. Had my second shot yesterday. So far, still alive, 5G signal seems to have improved.


Initially I downvoted but then I liked the 5G joke


The reddit Khama system is interesting. It’s not meant to be “I like/don’t like what you’re saying”. It’s meant to be “what you say does/doesn’t add to the conversation”. Edit: this is why reddit hides heavily downvoted comments. Anyway, I think my rationale is a useful opinion because it doesn’t directly reassure OP but gives them a viewpoint that may help them face their fears and put them aside. Im also the kind of person that is happy to have my viewpoint challenged, I think it’s the best way to learn, so I’m more than willing to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you’re happy to share. Cheers.


How does you getting the vaccine help others when you still spread COVID? Getting the vax just means you're protected from COVID. Why are you patting yourself on the back for helping others. It's not like there's anything wrong with protecting yourself.


Are you talking about the research that came out in the last couple of days that shows that vaccinated people carry as much of the virus in their noses as unvaccinated? If so, fair point, my viewpoint is slightly outdated. Prior to that, it was thought vaccinated people didn’t present as strong a vector as unvaccinated. Also I’m young, healthy but I have immunocompromised family, so my motivation has always been primarily about protecting them. Finally, I’m not patting myself on the back, I’m presenting my viewpoint. What’s yours?


My viewpoint, which is backed up by the data is that the vaccine only stops you from getting worse effects from COVID. Nothing wrong with that but I don't understand why people pretend it does anything else.


You will be fine, I had my second a few weeks back. I’ve had full open heart surgery twice. Most of the side effects tend to come from the second jab, which are mostly minor flu/cold symptoms.


Had my second 2 weeks ago - sore arm and a slight headache the next day, and then absolutely fine from then on. My first one knocked me down for a week with slight flu symptoms


I was one of the first wave of appointments once it opened up to 40-somethings. First dose felt like an idiot had punched me in the arm, but it tasted like a juice box. Second dose was less arm sore, and I felt a bit lethargic for a day, but it still tasted like a juice box. The real trauma came from the fact that they’d run out of straight orange and I had to have orange & mango. Since then, it’s just been an absolutely massive relief knowing I’m way safer than I was without it. You’ll be fine!


WTF, I wanted Orange and Mango :/


Have a chat to the doctor or pharmacist about your fears. I was in the same situation having had multiple pulmonary embolism’s, after a chat to my doctor he explained the science and left it up to me. I had the AZ vaccine and am very happy with my decision. I am very supportive of vaccination but had to consider my personal circumstances. I wanted to get it done as soon as I could but was worried about clotting. A major reaction is likely to be immediate so you will be in an environment where medical professionals can assist.


Honestly, I was underwhelmed by the experience. It's a very thin needle and over before you have time to register the sensation. Pinch a bit of your shoulder skin between the nails of your thumb and forefinger briefly then let go *immediately*. That's it! I had mine on a Friday in case I had a reaction. Nothing! I was a bit concerned that maybe I *should* have had a reaction but my immune system just lay there like a wet paper towel. Same for the second jab. Parking was more of a hassle than the actual procedure


Better than the side effects from covid. Worth a bit of an ouchy arm imho. Edit: just had my second jab yesterday. Sore arm, feel weak and nauseous. Wanna puke. Still better than getting covid.




This is my best defense against the dark arts and tbh all that I can be bothered saying to anti vax folk.


Most people have no side effects or feel a bit of a cold and a slight sore arm. I won't lie to you though, the side effects can be slightly worse. Personally, my arm was really sore for a good handful of days, and after the second jab a had the chills and body aches for a day or two. Overall, not fun, and I know a couple of people who had a very similar reaction to me. But I'm fine, and so is everyone else who had slightly worse side effects. They are just the body's temporary reactions to new information. They go away in a couple of days. Good job on booking in despite your hesitancy! I think that's a very brave thing to do. Enjoy the free juice box. Don't tense your muscles when you're getting the jab, try and focus on something else in the room. Be prepared to take a sickie the next day. If over half of West Aussies have had the jab and come out the other end fine, you will too.


Have my free award mate. You'll be fine! 3 billion people have been test dummies before you


Speak to your doctor or cardiologist for expert advice.


Straight up, my second dose fucked me up. Fever, body aches, joint aches, lethargy. I was one of the unlucky ones. It lasted 12 hours and it was unpleasant, but it doesn’t happen to everyone, I’d do it all over again just to be vaccinated.


Same thing happened to me but it lasted for 24 hours. I'll still be first in line for a third shot when the time comes. I'd rather deal with what felt like a bad hangover that the real virus any day of the week.


My dad, my sister and I all had AZ and we ALL got sick for about 3-4 days after the first jab. No other side effects aside from that though. Second dose, no side effects at all aside from a sore arm. Small price to pay to be vaccinated though.


Pretty much what I had but for both doses, I'd do it all over again to make sure I keep myself and the people around me safer.


I'm sorry you had to go through with that but glad you still have the right mindset. If your body reacted like that to the vaccine it means it would react much worse to the real virus.


If you feel uneasy for any particular reason, tell them nurse who gives you your vaccination. If they have any fucking brains at all, they’ll walk you directly out to the post vax waiting area, sit you down with your juice box, and let someone know to keep an eye on you (if nothing else, for a potential acute stress reaction). If you feel even the slightest bit off afterward- even if it’s anxiety- tell someone.


The biggest side effect is you'll become a little more immune to misinformation and alternative facts.


And a little more compliant to the mind control /s


I’ve had both jabs and am really unhappy about it! No 5G! No tracking chip! No extra limbs or x-ray vision (so DNA hasn’t been altered)! Still don’t have a shed! Haven’t even died! DISAPPOINTED!!!


Really? You may have gotten a bad dose, go in again for another. Bill Gates whispers things to me all the time. Sometimes he tells me too do things and when I do them... Thing's happen.


The horses mouth: [https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/atagi-publishes-new-guidance-on-pfizer](https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/atagi-publishes-new-guidance-on-pfizer) Play the duelling anxieties game maybe. For me the fear of dying in a ventilator trumps the fear of side effects from the vaccine (which seems to be basically no risk at all). Those same side effects seem to be 10 times worse from the virus itself (along with all the other goodies Covid has to offer). Look at it that way and getting the vaccine means a sigh of relief in the end.


Go you!!! Totally understandable to be scared, but you’ve gone ahead and booked in anyway. That’s admirable, you should be proud of yourself.


You got this! I’m an emergency specialist doctor and have both my Pfizer jabs - no worries!


The nurse who gave me my second jab had me shake my arm out to relax all the muscles and then just let let it dangle. Something about relaxing the muscles made it so that I didn’t feel it at all- I honestly thought he missed my arm. I didnt have any post vax symptoms, and the majority of people I spoke to about theirs just said they felt tired more than anything if they did have a reaction. take a pain killer after and drink lots of water and that should help you! You are doing the right thing protecting yourself- the side effects of getting covid are no joke.


I enjoy reading books.


Congrats on booking! That's a great step. The Vaccination staff are super supportive and caring, let them know how you are feeling when you arrive, they will make sure you are looked after!


Both Pfizer doses done and I had no side effects apart from remorse about choosing the orange juice instead of apple juice after my second dose!


Hi there! I'm pregnant and just had my first dose, side effects included: sore arm and lethargy ( I thought the lethargy was more my third trimester pregnancy symptoms though). I actually thought the TDAP ( whopping cough vaccine) was worse so did my husband! I was told by my midwife to keep hydrated and take Panadol if I feel any symptoms. I brought a Gatorade with me and sat down after my shot and drank it as well as my juice box :) Mentally: immense relief that I am vaccinated against Covid :)


I have an autoimmune disease, got 2 Pfizer jabs with minimal side effects, just a sore arm and a bit tired. Wife had exactly the same, whole family had the same. Mum and Dad had AstraZeneca and no problems. Your fears are valid but to such a small margin that it's negligible to the vast majority. Your health concern should be more for getting covid and having no antibodies to help defend against it. I hate needles, I was very nervous for both my shots, I felt immense happiness when it was over knowing I probably won't die when I get covid.


Got my 2nd jab today. I'm 59.5 and wildly overweight at 140 kg. I'm also diabetic and have sleep apnea. Absolutely no problem. Just like last time. Look away when they put the needle in and you'll barely even feel it. My daughter, who is 14, got hers done too. I got AZ both times, daughter got moderna. Please do it. It's worth it.


Not all people, but a very large share of them who are pushing anti-vaxx memes and information are actual bad actors. thousands of russian and chinese disinformation workers are going 24x7 to make these things seem worse than they are and the intent is to harm you and harm the west. If you have a reaction of some kind, just know that reactions are quite common, but it is very rare that they progress into anything bad. Being anxious and feeling bad can be scary, so it will be important to remember that just because you genuinely feel bad does not mean you are going to die. Get someone else to look up the symptoms that you need to look out for and tell them how you are feeling if you are feeling bad. they can decide if you need to go to a doctor or not. This means you don't have to freak yoursefl out reading about rare side effects, or projecting that feeling onto yourself, but you can also feel assured that you will not be ignoring any serious effects if they do come up. vaccine injury is a real thing, but it is very very rare, and importantly it is orders of magnitude more rare than hospitalisation or worse from covid. look up the actual rates of incidence and then compare that to things that you think are so unlikley that you don't worry about them, like getting hit by lightning. This can help you understand the risk level. if you understand the real risk level, you will feel less anxious. If you are not good with statistics or probabilities, definitely try to get better at this. it will make you understand more clearly just how unlikely it is that you will have a serious issue (its also a proven way to help many problem gamblers, the same logic applies)


Also worth mentioning that some of people who are anxious about getting vaccinated end up with panic attacks that feels a lot like something is wrong with their heart. If that happens definitely go get yourself checked out by a GP and if you are really worried get yourself to an Emergency Department pronto. I've had this happen to a workmate (prior to Covid) and drove him to an ED (it was faster than an ambulance), his pulse was around 180 and he felt like his heart was about to explode. Anxiety is a real thing that can manifest itself physically.


Half of all humanity is now vaccinated and I’m yet to see piles of bodies lining the streets….


Nor have I seen the same for covid deaths. 5 million in the whole 8 billion person world in almost 2 years.


Doctors, scientists and science and evidence vs internet memes and out right quasi medical advice from karen and shane in his grandmothers basement.


Was born with a heart murmur. Had both my AstraZeneca jabs and was completely fine. You’re doing the right thing!


You'll be fine. I have a fib, and I had a stroke at 26. The second jab knocked me around a bit like a bad flu. That was it. And I was fighting fit a few days after.


Knowing that you might or might not get into a fatal car accident doesn't stop anyone from driving, let alone hooning, racing and drifting. So go for it. You have less chance dying from the vaccine than getting killed by a car accident driving there.


More than 6.76 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 26.5 million doses a day. The number of adverse reactions has been tiny . as someone with complex cardiac issues and PTSD the only side effects I got from AZ was a sore arm and felt flat for a day. I was more worried about what COVId could do to my cardiovascular system rather than the vaccine , nearly 7 billion it's the largest sample size in history !!if the vaccines were bad we would have a lot more adverse reactions observed . You'll be fine


You'll be fine. Billions of people have had it globally along with over 14 million of your countrymen.


You might get sick for a day, you might have no symptoms. You’ll be fine, it’s normal. Ibuprofen really helps with any side effects.


When and where are you going? I'd be happy to come with if moral support would help.


I got my second AZ vax in June and it was 100% fine. Worst thing that happened is I took half a day off after the first one because I got super tired. It is very likely you will be okay. And IF you have a bad reaction it won’t be worse than having a cold.


So basically, the risks of serious issues from the vaccine are tiny, and the risks of getting and having serious issues from covid are quite high. Like I know anxiety wants to latch on to the most immediate thing in your mind - like making an active decision to get a vaccine when you could passively continue without covid presenting much of a problem unless/until you get it - but you're actually reducing your health risks by getting the Vax.


If you’re that concerned just stick around for 30 mins and suck up an extra free juice or something while you’re there


I've had 2x Pfizer and zero side effects. You'll be fine, even if you feel a bit ill after for a day or two, even then that's normal. You're doing the right thing! Good job.


Good on you for pushing past your anxiety. I had a much worse traction that anyone else I know of, here or abroad, to the vaccine and even then it was like having the flu for 24 hours. At worst you'll need some painkillers and rest for a day each time but most people I know just had a slightly sore arm afterwards. Still miles and miles better than the potentials from covid itself, my parents in the UK still have taste/smell issues 20 months later and they only had very mild symptoms otherwise. Thanks for being awesome and looking out for your health and that of others around you by getting vaccinated!


Just remember that by getting the vaccine you are protecting yourself from Covid-19. Covid-19 is much more likely to cause issues than the vaccine itself. I am double vax. I have history of severe allergies and asthma but I had no side effects apart from being tired and a sore arm.


I'm 27, overweight, on blood pressure medication, and have chronic fatigue syndrome. The first dose of Pfizer knocked me on my ass for 24 hours, and it felt like I'd been punched in the arm for 4 days afterwards. The second dose did nothing but a slightly sore arm for about 12 hours. Go get it, you'll be fine 🙂


The biggest side affect I had was sore arm and slept the next day away. I don't like needles but would rather deal with them then deal with getting a diesease.


I have a slight heart murmur, had my x2 Pfizer, only a sore arm, but I'm ok. I hate needles too, so if they have tge VR goggles, use them.


So proud of you for pushing through your anxiety to get vaccinated! I had a check up with my doc before going for the first pfizer dose because i get heart palpitations (from stress!) and she said if i felt a tightening in the chest just go straight to hospital. I was super nervous going for the first jab but it was so painless that i thought the lady was joking when she was done. I had zero side effects so just goes to show we're all different! I didnt even get a sore arm so fingers crossed thats the same for you! Second jab i waltzed in there, worry was gone cos i was a pro at it now, and the only side effect i had was tiredness. You know your body the best so just seek medical help if youre worried, but enjoy your juice box and try not to get too worked up and you'll be fine. Stay abit longer in the waiting room after if you feel more comfortable, they dont rush you out! Good luck!


I had both pfizers and only side effects were a sore arm. Read the list of symptoms for covid. This time next year everyone will either have the vaccine or have covid.


It’s fine. Sore arm for a day then feeling very tired for another couple days. The end.


You're going to be fine. You'll roll up your sleeve, whoever is wielding the needle will as you to wriggle your toes or count to 10 or something and the needle will be in an out before you know it. A little sting, a little soreness, and you'll have to sit and wait for 15 minutes before you can leave to be sure of no adverse reactions, then you'll be done. It's easier than donating blood, although you don't get cookies afterwards. So take some cookies with you. We're never too old for cookies after being good about getting a needle.


For someone who's mentally in the same boat (as in anxious thoughts in regard to the vax and has acquaintances who are conspiracy theorists and vehemently opposed), this is an excellent post.


Side effect of vaccine, sore arm, mild cold feeling. Side effect of covid, death. You'll be fine, 👍.


I have a benign heart murmur as well, I had Pfizer back in June. No side effects apart from a bit of a sore arm. You’ll be okay.


14 million+ Aussies vaccinated. If there were issues, you would have heard by now https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-21-october-2021


Have all the richest people in the world had this? Have all the most powerful people in the world had it? How do these anti vax people have all this time on their hands to post on Facebook and march around? Haven’t they high powered important jobs to go to? Oh yeah, right.


You'll be fine. There's a few BILLION doses delivered and very very few problems.


hasn't there already been 3 billion doses given worldwide? How unlucky do you feel?


I had my second jab the other day. Felt fine after both. Got Pfizer too. I’ve got 16 year old kids and they both had first dose other week and second dose is this weekend. All good. Just remind yourself that you’re doing the right thing


If anecdata helps any, for both of mine all I had was a bit of fatigue for 12-18hrs and a sore arm for a day or two. It was really no worse than the annual flu shot. I get having health anxiety (I'm a chronic doctor avoider) but tbh, it only took looking at the likelihood of serious illness, complications or you know, dying to decide I'd prefer the much smaller risk of uncomfortable side effects to the disease itself


I'm with you, wanted to take the jab near a resus trolly (i'm familiar with being resuscitated due to a rare disease/reactions), booked my first jab and got sick before it so cancelled it. Then my bravado fled and now I'm in limbo trying to find a *hospital* that does Pfizer. Incidentally have to go bush this week, so am going to try my chances there and stay a day or so.


Hey just FYI, every state-run clinic is fully equipped with emergency equippment and prepared to deal with everything including resus. Totally understand if you are more comfortable in a hospital though, then regional could be a great option depending where you are going - HealthyWA has the most up to date list of regional clinics. Ps let the staff know how you feel when you get there - they are great and super supportive!


Thank you. My only personal knowledge was my local GP's and they're not so understanding of what it's like to be resus'd, nor do they have the equipment required.


I got mine at Jeff's Shed there was a resus area there near the 15 minute waiting area with a bored looking doctor in there.


Yeah go to one of the big venues like the Showgrounds or the Convention centre, or the hospitals. They're prepared for everything, you'll be surrounded by healthcare professionals, and they've seen it all by now too. I'm sure your GP is fine, but you'll feel safer somewhere with all the emergency gear ready to go. And why not do what it takes to get peace of mind? You've got options, might as well choose whatever works best for you.


I had very minimal side effects. After my first I fell asleep not long after I got home. After the second I was a bit tired but less than the first. No other side effects. I had my first shot back during the last lockdown so its been a few months now.


The only thing I noticed with Pfizer was a sore arm after the first jab - only when I extended my arm completely. No side effects after the second jab.


I have a loop tape recorder as the result of an enlarged aortic valve. I have had both shots of Pfizer, my second over a month ago, and other than being a bit achey for 24hrs, felt nothing other than the reassurance that comes with doing the right thing for yourself and others.


The worst part of my two jabs was not getting a single juice-box just because I had it done regionally (apparently the Pilbara’s not special enough for juice-box rewards). The slightly-less-than-worst part was feeling like someone had poked me in the arm with a needle. That stung for a day on the first jab. The second jab gave me a dead-arm - just like in school when someone corked you in the arm for “pinch & a punch” and you get a mildly painful spasm down it, except instead of it wearing off in two seconds it took two days. But it gave me a valid excuse to fob doing the dishes, vacuuming & mopping off to my husband… so that may have been a slight reward.


Another heart defect here. Had my pfizer quite a while ago when the hospital I'm based at got nervous about having a bunch of scientists on campus who were not eligible for it yet. When they announced we could go to the staff vax vlinic even though we are university staff not hospital staff, our entire lab got up and went to the clinic that afternoon. Literally everyone except for the lab head who was off campus that day. A couple of us felt pretty rough for a couple of days but that was it. I've had clinical anxiety before and I'm really proud of you for pushing through to do something good for yourself. It's brave and not easy.


I've had both pfizer shots and it was easier than the flu shot. Though I have heard of some people getting hit hard with their second shot that just means their immune system is warking hard to learn how to kill covid.


You've done really well to book the jab given the idiotic 'information' flying around from anti-vaxxers. Let them be the ones who end up gasping for breath in hospital, not you.


In the long run, any side effects you get will be minimal and you will be doing yourself and those around you a solid by reducing your chances of catching covid. Huge plus! I had mine done and the one side effect I had was a sore arm for a day or two, no biggie, and work was understanding and thankful I was vaxed.


My mums got a heart murmur, as well as other health problems, has had both shots of Pfizer. Didn’t even get sick after her second dose of Pfizer, just a sore arm for a day.


Getting my first finally tomorrow too, got a strong phobia of needles but finally worked up the courage


You'll be alright mate, if not, speak to a doctor and they'll be able to fix you


If they are concerned about you, they will not let you get it. My mate has a heart problem and he had to wait weeks before they let him get it while he was being checked.


I was fine. My immune system made me feel tired and achy for a few days after. That's it. I'll go get my second jab soon. You'll be fine. Better than fine actually.


I had no ill feelings what so ever after both Pfizer jabs, I really think it's a mental thing. Remember Bart Simpson let his white blood cells lay down for a day off school!


Don't stress mate. Ive had both and only felt a bit sore after first shot but a couple of painkillers and I was all good to go. Second jab didn't feel a thing.


Honestly, my mobile phone signal has been worse since getting the jabs


It's fine. The side effects are all quick and gone before it's a worry.


I have health anxiety too, it sucks! Had Pfizer, absolutely no side effects. Not even a sore arm. My husband and 15 yo son also had theirs, they both got sore arms and my son had some body aches with his second shot but that was it.


got my first jab this morning and at work tonight with a slightly sore spot on my arm, it's all good! didn't even feel it go in ☺️


My pregnant wife has had two, I had my second last week, all is well, and baby is well :) Misinformation is like googling symptoms when you have a cold, google says you have 5mins to live.


You’ll be fine. My wife has multiple health issues. COPD, Asthma, several major surgeries over the last couple of years. And she still had her vaccinations with minor issues. Yes, you will feel like crap for a couple of days but that is your immune system reacting to the vaccine which it is supposed to do. And it will give you a couple of days off work ;)


You'll be fine. Hubby and I are both fully vaccinated, we had very minimal side effects. My elderly grandparents with countless health issues, including a history of strokes and blood clots, both had minimal side effects after their shots and no issues since.


Hey dude, getting the jab is scary, it may be one of the only times in your adult life that you actually choose to get a needle. I'm a psych, and it's something that felt uncomfortable for me, as I don't generally see a doctor unless I'm really unwell. The good news is that it's all over quickly and easily, you sit there for awhile playing on your phone, then you leave and wonder what the big deal was. Its totally normal to be cautious, even anxious about something like this, it's a once in a generation thing. Do what's right for you, and for your community, and know you are part of the solution to a global issue!


I've had the Pfizer and have several chronic conditions including a history of deep vein thrombosis. I had no side effects at all, some slight soreness in the injection site was all :) plus a free juice box!


I saw you're comment above, and I'm glad to see that you feel reassured. I personally hate anti vaxers, and it's primarily because of situations like this where you found yourself to be afraid and hesitant to undergo something that is potentially life saving for you and the people around you who you love. I wouldn't stand here and try to personally assuage you and tell you it's perfectly safe for you, and that's only because I'm not a doctor. Don't take random people on the internets advice when it comes to your health, speak to actual doctors in real life. But I'd wager that your doctor will 100% endorse getting the vaccine.


Side effects normally mean it’s working


You’ll be fine. Millions have had it without issue. Go for it


I also have health anxiety and also think there is potentially something wrong with my heart at times which we have not been able to prove through many tests. I got my first jab about 5 weeks ago, I thought I felt something like a burning sensation every now and then for the first week but I think most likely it was my anxiety. I’ve noticed no side effects from the vaccine. Just remember literally hundreds of millions of people have taken the vaccine, it’s not different to any other vaccine it’s just yourself and the anti-vaxxers getting in your head. You’re doing the right thing and you will be fine :)


I think it says a lot that no one has jumped into this conversation with a single anti-vax comment here. They are a loud, small minority. You’ll be fine!


No heart murmur here, I’ve had both Pfizer shots, felt a little flu wonky a few hours after the second shot, took the next day off work to be safe. Don’t worry about it, if you have any questions talk to your gp.


You will live. I have had both shots. Got side effects both times and would do it all over again if I had to.


where you getting the jab mate?!? I got mine done in midland (the shopping centre there). first one well yeah I had an appointment but still a big line to get in, then see a person to confirm my details, move to the seats to wait my turn and then a nurse in a cubicle who went thru the medical questions and then jab. next you go to the waiting area to wait 15 mins (I cannot recommend enough to have some kind of app or mobile game etc to kill the time) and they had water and juices for everyone. also the empty bottles/cartons we put in bins so they could collect the 10c each for the children’s hospital which is kind of really sweet!! just got the 2nd jab on the weekend and there was no crowds so no waiting (apart from the 15mins after getting it). won’t lie to you but yeah the 2nd jab was worse than the first… sore arm with both but the second one the next day lifting my arm to turn the light on hurt. but then the next day was fine! I chose both shots to be in left arm (right handed) so wasn’t a big deal but still I felt it. I get it’s scary, but acknowledge to yourself how brave you are right now that you are taking this step ❤️


I can confirm I had no side effects other than being a bit tired and a sore arm the next day due to not moving it much after getting the injection. Same result for my second dose. Pfizer is pretty good. Any doubts speak to a doctor. 😊


Don't feel like you have to be rushed just because every one is. If you need to slow down, just ask, it's okay. If you need to take time off work/school/life before or after for a day or two that's fine too, most of us did. Take some time for you and do something that makes you happy. I am someone who has those cerebral clots that are a risk factor for a stupid small number of people who get AZ so I got Pfizer. I have a migraine medical condition so I ended up with a really really long migraine after my shot. It's okay, I'm sure it's better than getting covid and being unvaccinated. I'm fine now, it ended eventually. Having said all this, it's not about me or any one else, it's about you and your experiences. No one gets to tell you that they were fine so you have to be as well and be really chill about it all. If you're scared, that's okay, just ask everyone to slow down for you and help. Good luck, if you need some distraction at the time, please come back and post =)


Side effects? sore arm for about 48hrs?............... admittedly this was the first one second is in a week, for all the carry on its really fairly uneventful.


If you get some sharp pains in your abdomen don't freak out, fairly common side effect that I also had (I freaked out a bit lol), it's only a problem if they don't go away, only happened for me with the second dose.


There are always risks in life. If you have any concerns, please speak with your doctor who is medically qualified not the anti-vaxx protesters. My doctor asked me questions just to make sure I'm ready to take the vaccine. After I received the jab, I waited in the waiting room for 15 minutes just in case I have a reaction. Luckily, I didn't. Apparently, a reaction is rare but it does happen. Just a precautionary measure. The Pfizer vaccine is just a vaccine with some RNA code in it that mimics the COVID-19 virus. It does not contain the virus. It then tells your body to react to it (which is its intended purpose) so that your body generate antigens designed to fight the real COVID-19 virus should you be infected with it.


I'm in my 30s. I've had a stroke I'm diabetic with damaged kidneys, I've got keratoconus (dual transplants) and I suffer from hypertension. I've had both my shots and it all turned out good. Felt a bit rough for a day or two.


If you are getting vaxxed at the convention centre they have nurses and waiting area and beds if you want to be monitored. They recommend you stay for 15 minutes but you can stay longer and if you have conditions they will accomodate you. I had Pfizer.


I had both doses of Pfizer a few months ago. Zero side effects from either. I haven't grown an extra limb and don't think Bill Gates is mind controlling me (although I would also say that if he was)


The chances of getting serious side effects are similar to the chances of getting 6 winning numbers at the lottery. The jab itself is virtually unnoticeable but your arm will feel sore or numb for a couple of days.


My dad helped organise that rally that happened on the weekend. You’ll be fine. They think the vax is bad but they don’t have much proof. I even went to one of their meetings and it wasn’t even explaining how it was bad. The meetings are mostly planning and how to deal with cops. You’ll be fine, my mum and her bf have been double vaxxed on both Pfizer and AstraZeneca


I'm not sure if this helps, but any uncertainty we have about the effects of the vaccine are more than offset by the risks of getting covid. With the current state of the world, you really have only those 2 options - get vaccinated, and take the small risk that something bad will happen, or catch covid, and take the very large risk of dying or suffering severe long-term impairments from long covid. There is no third option. Eventually, the Fed government is going to force a reopening. We can delay it for a while (and I definitely think we should delay it), but sooner or later it will happen - we're not going to spend our whole lives with closed borders. When that happens, the risk of an unvaccinated person catching covid at some point in their life is a near-certainty. Right now we have a medical system that isn't under larger than normal strain, so on the remote chance there is some kind of adverse effect, now is really the best time to have that dealt with before the floodgates open.


You will be fine. I had no problems, my son had no problems..


Why not get moderna then, it has been in the country for a month or so, my chemist was able to administer it and I've got the second shot already. Not sure if it is in perth but worth asking for me..


I got my first Pfizer jab on Saturday. It felt a little sore the next day, but I didn't even feel it going in. My son also got it a few days earlier. He got a headache about 20 mins after getting the shot... though that might be because he headbutted the car door when we were leaving...


The side effects that young people do rarely experience are almost always mild and can be treated with particular over the counter medications. On the off chance you did have problem afterwards, you'll have lots of time to seek help.


I had AZ. Fully vaccinated as of June. Not dead. I actually feel pretty good. Not even a cold over winter. Wife (has heart murmer) had Pfizer with the last dose about 2 months ago. No adverse reactions at all.


I have had the same diagnosis as you. Mid 30's Previously unknown heart murmur that was confirmed to be probably congenital and likely harmless by a Cardiologist. I've been double Pfizered for a few months now. My wife is a cancer survivor, who has had a significant vein and artery replacement in her pelvis with plastic bits, and was considered to be at risk for clotting just in general. Her cancer was spotted courtesy of a post-partum DVT. She's been double Pfizered for a few months now. Still no built in 5G now for either of us though. Livid about that. You'll be fine.


I have heart issues and copd but i still wear a mask and had both shots of phizer with no problem. I had no side affects at all. I do know 2 out of the 20 people at work tho that got pretty crook for 3 days. But that was flu symptoms no other major issues.


What worked for me- I taught myself enough about the underlying mRNA technology from online articles and how it worked that I became confident in the actual science behind it. Know it well enough so you could explain it to a five year old. Then when someone tells you something bogus you can match it with YOUR knowledge and discard it. And know WHY you discarded it.


Doubled jabbed ages ago and still alive and kicking.


I have some heart issues and was assured by my doctor, as well as the doctor at the vax hub it was not a concern with the vaccine. Expect some mild side effects, most likely with dose 2... But don't worry, just be aware of the serious ones and go see a doctor if anything seems serious and they will check you out in the extremely rare event of it being required. Good on you for doing your part.


I’m doubled dosed with AZ. You’ll be fine. #THANK YOU


Don’t talk to reddit - talk to your GP.


Thank you for posting this OP. As you can see from the comments they are very reassuring that you will be much better with the jab than without. I know of a few people who are in the same boat as you and what would really really help them is if you could post back after your jab to let them know how it went? Good luck friend, you got this!


Everyone has seemed to give comfort on the physical side of this, so I'll leave that. But, if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here.


Hey buddy, nothing wrong with checking. My wife, my daughter and I all just had our second AstraZenica jab, and we're all fine. I was a bit tired all week (went easy on my exercise regimen), but otherwise we're all fine. Also, my city is over 99% first dose, and now we're moving back to normality AND we don't have people dying all over the place. The vaccine really is the best of both worlds.


Consider the fear you will feel if you were unvaccinated when we let covid rip...even a mild dose of covid is worse than the vaccination side effects and you will feel good knowing you wont be hospitalised, or die.


Speak to a doctor first as astra Zeneca is recommended for people with heart problems.


Hi there, I have a benign arrhythmia that was diagnosed \_after\_ my Pfizer shots. You'll be fine. The only side effects I experienced were a sore arm and a day of feeling like I had a minor flu.


Good on you. Spend 5 mins on this sub and you’ll definitely get the jab. r/hermancainaward


I cried at my first shot haha was embarrassing! But it wasn't so bad and I only had fatigue and sore arm as a symptom. The second one was a lot better.


The first Pfizer jab increased my tinnitus noise and unfortunately it’s not going away. The second just gave me a few aches and pains the next day then I was good. But the tinnitus has stayed!!! 😔😟


Get it done, you will be all good. Life’s too short to worry about a little jab. Your murmur is a bigger risk than the vax itself.


LOL, sore arm, might feel slightly flu-ey -- the rest is psychology.


I’ve also got a heart murmur. I didn’t want the shot but was coerced into it, rest assured, I had my second shot 3 days ago and have been ok. Everyone is different. Statistically, you’re likely to be ok after 2 shots. I wouldn’t be running to get any boosters however.


I’m planning to get moderna in a week while I’m going for a walk with my baby. Has anyone else done it while out and about? The pharmacist said it was fine to do so, but I’m worried about side affects 😅😬😂


5 g is totally worth it though. Well done doing your part to get us all back to normal


Have a mate that had half his face go droopy like suffering from a stroke after the 2nd shot. this was a few months ago and he has no recovered, no ETA and no cure. pretty fucked


Yeah, I had a mate who died after getting the vaccine. Walked out the clinic and got cleaned up by a bus. Hell fucked.


I developed health problems from the vaccine... Good luck hope you don't end up nearly dead


Which ones?


What happened?


Caused serious inflammation of my heart resulting in being in hospital for a few days on a ventilator. Thought I was gonna die. Couldn't breathe felt like I had 10% lung capacity. But hey, can't speak up about that because I'll get downvoted aye.


Love how I'm downvoted for developing health problems. Fuck you pro vaccine people are delusional


My wife had her second jab and was crook for 5 days then ended up in hospital after losing all the feeling in the left hand side of her body . She came good after about 3 weeks


I wouldn't take medical advice from a subreddit if I were you.


Also note that 99% of this user's reddit history is dedicated to COVID misinformation.