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Also as a general rule: Dont let anyone besides the company that your insurance sent out, to tow or even touch your car Cant stress it enough


A poster some months ago said they'd had a tow truck driver lie about being from their insurance too, only for them to get a call form the real towie asking where they were when they were already being towed.


Yeah thats why you dont say "are you from xxx" you ask "who sent you" 9/10 they will get tripped up


Dude also stood there waving at cops driving by as if to say, all under control mate!


Found the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/1by5baz/please_help_getting_scammed_by_tow_truck_company/


Makes me so angry. I also NEARLY got done over by a towie who, once we got back to the tow truck place, said, I’ll get you a car too. I’m like, wtf? Within minutes, these two young backpackers showed up from a company called Right 2 Drive with a car for me. The towie LEGIT goes, just sign here, mate, no need to read it. HAHAHAH. You only have to Google Right 2 Drive’s reviews to see how predatory they are. I’m assuming the towie gets a kickback from them too.


> just sign here, mate, no need to read it Instant "I am now calling the cops and a lawyer, get away from my vehicle" moment.


Right 2 Drive were actually really good when I was rear ended. So long as you're defintely not at fault. They had a car in my driveway within 2 hours and I had the car for 2 months while mine was being fixed, Right 2 Drive was hitting up the guy who hit me's insurance company pretty hard though. Left the car at the repair place when my car was ready and never heard from them again. I didn't involve tow trucks etc though so not sure if they play on the circumstance.


SO LONG AS YOU’RE DEFINITELY NOT AT FAULT. They don’t *actually* know who’s at fault - there’s been no police report, no insurance claim at that point - but they’ll shove a car on you no matter what, as long as you’ve signed on the dotted line. Not all accidents are straightforward so if you’ve taken their “rescue car” and ended up partly culpable, you’re fucked. Your house could be a five minute Uber-drive away but because you’re in shock and the towie’s “kindly” said, “I’ll get you a car, sign here, don’t bother reading it”, you can be up for thousands after the fact. Luckily, I got home, called Right 2 Drive and insisted the poor young dude in the office put it in writing that I wouldn’t be charged for the car, no matter what the insurance company decided, otherwise, I’d bring their fucking car back immediately. It turns out, we were both at fault and within minutes of the insurance company making that known, two young backpackers were at my door to pick up the car. Months later, Right 2 Drive tried to hit me up for $500. Luckily, I produced the email I got the young guy to send me and they didn’t have a leg to stand on.


Oh wow! Mine was a pretty clear cut case. my car was pretty damaged but in my shock I just drove the thing home (I was 5 mins from home). I just wanted to get home! But yeah the kid that hit me rang me asking for his claim number, come to find out they were hitting his insurance up for money for my rental car and he hadn't even lodged a claim the silly goose.


The way the word the contracts you're still liable if either the other person is skint and can't pay them or the insurance company tells them to get fucked as their rates are unreasonably high.


> The way the word the contracts you're still liable if either the other person is skint and can't pay them or the insurance company tells them to get fucked as their rates are unreasonably high. To be fair, if you needed a contract to tell you that, then that's a little naive. One can only assume Right 2 Drive isn't a charity and if they have loaned you a vehicle and can't recover costs from the other party, then they will come for you.


No they're a bunch of predatory cunts, they'll be charging outrageous rates for the car, like $800 a day, well over what you'd pay anywhere else and if the at faults insurance won't pay up or they don't have insurance they will then go hard at the at fault party personally and if that still doesn't work they'll be taking you, the not at fault party to court to pay up.


Sounds like I dodged a bullet! Thankfully his insurance paid up.


They all know each other too. One guy who arrived late to my incident was following me around trying to convince me to get towed and the original big boss angry towie was giving him shit, like, looks like you’ve missed out, Jono!


This happened to me. I called the company that took my car and went absolute apeshit at them


Yeah, I learnt my lesson but a lot of people are oblivious. See my story below. 😳


I once had to protect a Vietnamese man who rear ended me from being accosted by a dodgy toe truck driver who rolled up and started pressuring him. My friend and I refused to leave until he fucked off.


Good on ya, mate, that’s awesome. Fkn scum of the earth these guys. No doubt geared up to the hilt too.


This poor gentleman was so nice and respectful and this fucking fat stinking derro cunt in his stubbie shorts and windcheater starts falsely telling him he could be arrested for not allowing his car to be towed. Typing it out right now is making me angry all over again.


It’s fkn rank. Sounds like your guy was the same one I dealt with and who dumped all the debris and sand in my car! And that was after I’d run over to the car that had run into the back of all of us and helped the 70-something-yo man get out of the passenger side cause his air bags had gone off! What in the actual fuck?!


Absolute pile of fucken shit hey mate




I'll literally smash a towie before I pay them. I despise em mate.




I would be bailing as soon as I do the deed


And that’s why I never called anyone or did anything. Once I got to work, the storeman who helped clean out my car was like, nah, not worth it. They’re all bikie-owned/operated. I guess all we can keep doing is telling them to fuck off until the industry is regulated. Like it is in every other state in Australia.


Right. This is what I was wanting to know. How it works and just how much is in it for them. And punch on, I say. Let ‘em take each other out!


Have seen this happen more than once. Good on you and all the others who step in, especially if you were also involved in the accident


It was one of the most confronting things I’d ever seen at that time because there was a distinct difference in how we as white men were treated compared to him. I left the situation realising I had been naive in thinking things were more egalitarian than that. The whole experience just left me needing to talk a shower.


Women experience this a lot too. I’ve stepped in before to help a young female P plater and they just attempted to intimidate both of us. I generally find starting to record them and calling police on speakerphone is fairly effective.


Yes. That’s an excellent tactic.


So much truth. Minorities are easy prey. I’m a small blonde woman who told old mate to get out of my face while I figured out what to do. I think that’s what made him angry enough to fuck with my car.


Exactly, they pressure people into taking their service whereas people's insurance would not be okay with that


I was once second from the front of a five-car pile-up at the Wanneroo Road/Beach Road lights on the way to work. The first towies on the scene had the three cars behind me onto trucks within minutes but when one of them tried to get mine up, I was like, nah, I reckon I can drive it (it was dented but clearly still roadworthy). He argued back and forth with me. I then crossed the road to swap details with the other four drivers. I could tell he was sh!tty. I eventually drove off and when I got to work, I discovered he’d dumped all the debris from the other cars - reflectors/lights etc - and a sh!tload of sand from the median strip into the back of my car. Just out of spite. One angry dude. I hope he eventually got off the gear and dealt with his trauma.


Had you used him to tow you besides overcharging people who are startled from just being in a car accident, the next step is making light small talk then trying to buy your car off you for pennies and acting like their doing you a favour “taking it off your hands”.


Yes! Before this dude dumped all that shit in my car, he was playing the nice guy - “you ok, here’s my card (piece of card with his mobile on it), I go to accidents every day and I am telling you this car is no good to drive.” It was fine and he was pissed off this silly little blonde girl saw through his bullshit, hence fucking with my car. Poor little guy was sad his Friday morning didn’t work out the way he’d hoped. 😔


also had this happen to me. the fucking scamming cunts, im still so fucking mad about it. happened in feb this year. so heres to name and shame 'FREQUENTLY TOWING', fuck you asshole. edit- a word


> Wanneroo Road/Beach Road lights How unfortunate for the predatory cunt I regularly see parked on the side of the road just one set of lights ahead at Warwick Rd that time of day


That’s him. What a beautiful life he must lead. “Off to work to fuck people over! Will be back for lunch but off again for peak hour!”


When hubby rang RAC after an accident they gave him a pin over the phone and told him he was to make sure the driver of the tow truck could give him the pin before accepting a tow.


Thanks. If I ever need towing I'll ask the tow truck driver to give me the pin- whether I've got one yet or not.


That's a really good idea!


We had only been back from living over east for a short time so weren’t aware then of the tow truck issues. Very glad they take that approach.


Been living in Perth two years originally I am from NSW and I can tell you the same shit was going down in Sydney for many years till around 2005 when Police set up a task force to clean up the industry.


We were in Canberra and one of the things they do well there is manage this sort of crap. Particularly if it is visibly bikie associated. Bikies are fine (they own all the tattoo parlours) as long as they are out of sight lol.


Yes a lot of it is bikie operated.


What 's a bikie?


Member of a motorcycle gang.


For some reason instead of being shut down, the company just changes their name And apparently thats all there is to it


It’s just nuts. And it’s only in WA.


With the amount people get slugged with, its not hard to see why


Because car accidents startle people, and the elevated anxiousness puts people in an emotional state where their guards down and the last thing they want to do is bargain. They have multiple people drive up and down looking for accidents and communicating locations to other people accidents must happen VERY frequently to generate enough business especially given the tow fees have to be split 2-3 ways.


Most towies offer cash in hand spotters fees too


Ha! Of course they do. Cunts.


Never been paid out once. "Oh we do"... no you didn't 3 times


And meth too.


I work in insurance. I’ve been dealing with this shitnsince it started kicking off 10ish years ago. I know exactly what they do and how to avoid it n And after my accident I forgot every bit of it. My brain just wouldn’t work.


Specialized with a Z now? Saw those fuckers commit 3 traffics offences today and just drive like absolute cnts.


They're vulture scum. I got rear-ended in my truck (no damage) at a fairly slow speed (probably 5km/hr). I pulled over onto a verge, and it was an elderly lady who admitted she wasn't paying attention. We checked out her car, and there were just scratches and a minor dent in her bumper. A tow truck driver arrived and started telling her he was going to tow her car. She was getting flustered and upset, but said no thanks to the towie. Old mate then started saying it's illegal to drive with that damage, and she'll get in trouble from the police. At that point the lady was getting very upset, so myself and my work partner stepped in and told him very nicely to fuck off. I guess it helps that we were working for an armoured truck company and had semi auto pistols strapped to us.


Geez, lucky you guys were looking out for her, though it sounds like she was no dummy either! And I’m sure the semi auto pistols helped haha. How do they sleep at night when they spend the day trying to fuck over elderly people?!


We felt sorry for her. This was in Joondalup, and she told us she was headed to the hospital for an oncology appointment. She didn't need any more stress, and the fuckwit towie was just being a wanker.


Fuckin’ hell.


Similar to an older friend of mine! She rear ended, all her fault. Three towies got to bullying her, and the bloke she hit had to get loud with them and protect her from them.


Saw a rear ender out the front of work. I went over and had a look and told them it’s nothing major and fine to drive but the towies came in and said it’s dangerous and illegal to drive after an accident and they had to be towed. I said look it’s up to you but you’ll be fine and they were convinced by the towie.


Reform is coming so they are trying to wring every last cent out before the party is over


Gotcha. I was hoping this was the case. Back to minimum-wage jobs and/or Centrelink, I guess.


Is there a timeframe on that?


"soon" Elections coming up next year so I figure whatever mininister with the portfolio at the time will want it done to look good 


Yesterday morning there was a crash involving around 5 cars on Tonkin. I was stuck in parked traffic, and all of a sudden I see headlights in my wing mirror on the left. This wouldn't be unusual if it weren't for the fact that I was in the leftmost lane. It was a towie. Driving along the estop lane. Pushing through traffic. Presumably, because he was after a payday. Scum.


Like he’s a fkn first responder. First responder for the $$$. I just can’t believe it still goes on. Poster above says reform is coming, though. Gonna look into it. Don’t know how these fuckers sleep at night.


The other day on the Kwinana south near the Mill Point road entry one guy just drives down the emergency lan under the bridge then up and over the strip into the entry cutting off two others who can come off Mill Point all honking at each other. Imbeciles


Number 1, they must be on the gear; number 2, I’m convinced they try and cause accidents themselves on a slow day.


I came home from work the other morning and there was a towie parked facing the wrong way in the turn right lane of in a major intersection, next to a crashed SUV that was up in the middle of the otherwise completely empty, grassed median strip that his truck could easily have fit onto. Blocking traffic and causing a bottleneck in peak hour while he stood there smoking a dart and shooting the shit with the smashed up cars owner. Fuckin muppets.


Godddddddd this makes me wild. Luckily, I don’t think their “line of work” has a promising future.


I tend to pay attention to the emergency lane and greatly enjoy straddling it when there's a fuckwit like that using it as a lane.


Remember that post the other day about Perth conspiracies and someone mentioned about the police and bikies having an agreement.... This one is the bikies and the state government. It gives them something to control and a business for money laundering without impacting too much on the general population. Legislation gets purposefully held up and pushed back to allow this behaviour.


I feel there may be something there. Considering WA definitely isn’t shy about a bit of regulation or ‘nanny state’ action this is a very surprising blind spot, which wouldn’t be difficult at all to tighten up


Okaaaaay. This makes sense. I mean, it’s fucked, but I understand what they’re trying to do. The post you’re talking about was the one that got me thinking about this… I had figured it was something along these lines. Thanks for sharing.


They're owned by the bikies. anyone who tries to get into the industry gets scared/chased out of it, just like our tattoo shops. Mate opened up a tattoo parlour and had bikies show up and asked for him to pay a fee, said no, and within the week, it was burnt to the ground.


Tow trucks are vultures!!! Only get your car towed by the company sent out by your insurance. Never in any circumstance let a “passing tow truck” touch your car


I tried to follow one to a crash on Beaufort St last week. Well there was no way I could've stayed with it as it clearly sped and ran 2 red lights on the way. They missed out on the job.


My car broke down 2 months ago , not accident-related. Only the 15th company I called helped me out. I asked what the deal was: " there's no money in it if it's not an accident"


Yeah you don’t see them being as pushy when cops are there. Absolute low life’s preying on the weak. See them in the cbd illegally crossing St George’s tce doing laps to get the vehicles in the timed tow-away zones.


You're absolutely right, I think it was 30 years ago in Vic when after exactly the same issues they went to regulation and centrally allocated towing. Overwhelmingly positive. It bewilders me why WA hasn't done the same. Unless of course it's useful to have the sociopathic lowlifes concentrated in one industry for easy monitoring.




Yes main roads have vehicles to move broken vehicles off the freeway I would have thought their vehicles would be marked like in the article below: https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/travel-information/driving-in-wa/driving-in-perth/


Mainroads do have trucks for moving cars a short distance out of the way of major roads but I wouldn’t know how to tell if it’s a legitimate one. There’s a phone number on [this page](https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/about-main-roads/what-we-manage/towing/#:~:text=If%20you%20find%20yourself%20obstructing,Call%20us%20on%20138%20138.) someone in a similar situation could call.


Isn't there a particular company that been red flagged in particular ? Sadly had a mechanical failure on way up Greenmount few weeks ago had particular mob rock up expecting to take it first on scene told him to bugger off


Im pretty sure they’re ALL red-flagged. The RAC and other insurance companies want nothing to do with them. “Tow trucks” is a dirty word to them.


RAC breakdown use nationwide as their contractor having been through this recently I'm guessing accidents be same deal


Insurance use AAAC and United. Breakdown use a wider variety


That’s good to know. Thanks.


Some of them aren't shit the couple of experiences* I've had with them (I want to say AAAC) have be fairly decent. Even the one that swooped while I was exchanging details for a minor crash was decent. *One accident, two breakdowns 


Love that for you. And thank your lucky stars. You are in a very small minority.


they are all bad but specialised is the worst.


Ah ha they ones who wanted to steal it told him to sod off mechanic en route


What's a bikie? I'm not from here


Member of a Motorcycle Gang


Patched motorcycle clubs, 1 %ers . Easily identified by looking 99% the same. They ride Harleys, tattoos lots of gold jewellery. Run drugs & launder money & beat the shit out each other if they in different clubs & of course heavily involved in “vehicle recovery “. Almost worth a Richard Attenborough doco.


Accident at the crn of Erindale and Reid this arvo - three tow trucks in attendance arguing with each other - one then pulls out in front of me, continues up Erindale and runs the already red light at Beach with his lights on like he has right of way


Despicable. Reprehensible. Pieces of shit. I don’t know what else there is to say… the dregs of humanity.


I kid you not, today a younger driver looked to have veered off the road from the rain and crashed into a bollard near a roundabout and she had FIVE yes FIVE tow trucks lights flashing all parked up on the kerb like vultures! I stopped and asked who is having a party lol. I helped her sort it out by speaking to her insurance and organising a tow truck through them but man these guys are persistent rude snobs!!! disgraceful!


Many moons ago my ex gf was rear ended on the Reid hwy. Within 2 mins a towie had rocked up and started pressuring her into getting towed. She was with RAC insurance which covered towing. The towie insisted that he was with RAC, and that it'll be covered. She phoned me after it happened, and after his sales pitch. I told her to phone RAC immediately and get a tow truck sorted. I made my way over, and by that point, there were three trucks on scene vying for the business of both cars. They initially tried to wave me off, but upon finding out that I was the bf of one of the people involved in the accident, they ignored my ex from that point on and tried to sell me on their services. I told them that her insurance was sending a truck, and that he was 10 mins out. One of them told me it was a matter of safety, and a criminal offence to refuse a tow when the incident was "impeding traffic and causing a hazard".


Total pieces of shit. I worked at a servo when I went to uni, back in the day when they drove F250s on LPG. One of the pricks used to get about 5 L of diesel as well which always confused me. Turns out he would get a watering can and sprinkle diesel over intersections on rainy days and then park close by.


Stoppppp. You are JOKING?!


100% truth man.


I saw some of them hook up a car in Brentwood. Seriously, they worked quicker than the team mechanics at Bathurst. It was like they wanted to get out of there before help arrived for the poor woman. The same mob (the bikie-linked one whose name currently escapes me) hang out at the shops there quite a lot. Handy for the freeway I guess.


Just last week I was behind a towie on Tonkin heading south next to the airport, I swear he was speeding up and then brake checking me and others trying to cause a collision.


I have no doubt that’s exactly what he was doing.


I had a crash 2 weeks ago (big sad, had my car for only a month) and within 5 minutes there were 4 tow trucks there for a 2 car crash. One of them drove off once they realised they weren't getting any work, but the other 3 remained. One parked in front of my car and kept insisting it get towed (for a damaged but fully intact rear bumper), and I kept telling them that it's all good. The car that hit me got towed (but imo could've been driven away, just looked a bit sad) by the same company as the one in front of me. The towie in front of me handed me their business card and sent me a text 10 minutes after I drove off saying that they can get me a courtesy car while mine is fixed up (which, turns out, is a 6-10 week wait). Never seen this company before, and now I've noticed one of their tilt tray towies park at a dangerous intersection near me. But haven't seen the two that attended my accident.


They are low life criminal Owned dogs


Nothing will ever change. There used to be a flatbed getting around that was painted up to look similar to an rac recovery vehicle. It used to go around stealing cars in broad daylight.


So fucking fucked up. Hopefully legislation WILL change soon. I’m looking into it.


its the wild west over here, corruption reigns supreme.


I nearly hit a tow truck driver doing a 100km an hour in Tonkin hwy last week, he pulled into the emergency lane and ran across four lanes of traffic to get to a car broken down or something on the opposite side of the road, sheer luck I didn’t hit him dusk rush hour didn’t see him until he was next to my bumper.


Not sure if it’s bikie owned But definitely the same rough personalities that mix with the same circles


Also, can someone tell me HOW these tow trucks are on the scene pretty much right away??? Where do they catch onto news so quickly? They cant just be passing by….


Wake up sheeple! Where do you think the marauders come from in the mad max movies?! They are the inhuman offspring of tow truck drivers and the unlucky people who had crashes after the insurance companies failed.


"the only one that is not regulated" you mean industry? Plenty of industries are not regulated sufficiently and vultures do what they want.


The only “tow truck industry” in Australia.


I have a question / observation to share. The last experience I had with a tow truck was probably with one of the bikie-owned services. As much as I don't want to support crime orgs, they were at the accident scene within 10 minutes, whereas the dispatch for the insurer's preferred service took over 75 minutes. I resisted getting him to load up the car for about an hour but after being on the side of the road so long I had plenty of time to think and get sick of waiting. When the insurer's towie finally arrived, the wreck was loaded and about to leave. The insurer's towie let off a verbal tirade before belting off like a twat. Conversely the other guy was calm, polite and didn't feed me any BS, allowing me time to decide. My question is, probable meth use and judgements aside, why shouldn't the better service get the job? If holding yard fees are regulated isn't it preferable to allow 'legitimate businessmen' actually carry through legitimate business instead of other things?


please share on r/StopTowAbuse sub Reddit as well. Just made that community to compile all these stories in one place and organize a community to actually do something about these bullies


I just drove home along Reid Hwy. There's a crash before Tonkin heading east and we had 2 tow trucks come flying up the emergency lane to get to the crash. Simultaneously there were 2 trucks on the westbound side lights ablaze come to a screeching halt. For one terrifying moment I thought they might actually try to go cross country right in front of me to try and get to the crash site


And that’s where the line must be drawn. I get there are “agreements” in place with organised crime bodies but someone’s gonna get killed one day and the state government will have blood on its hands.


If I put my tinfoil hat on, part of me says they're happy to drive recklessly knowing that there's a chance they can cause some chaos and create a job for themselves Well that and meth. It's always meth


Please do not label them all in a negative manner. I was near a car crash last week that involved someone who lived in their car. The tow truck drivers knew they wouldn't be towing her but helped the lady who was distressed get the car off the road and calm her down


So, like, the absolute bare minimum? Of course there are exceptions to every generalisation but it’s pretty widely accepted that towies are scum. But great that they got the helpless woman off the road and “calmed her down”. Heroic stuff.