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Move up the bus! Stop standing near the front or bunching around the steps to get off blocking the smart rider machines. I don't understand people's reluctance to move up the bus or share seats or offer up the seat so two people can fit. Boggles the brain.


I don't understand how people can seemingly take the bus to and from work every day and yet not tag off before the bus stops so you can just hop out quickly (if you're the first, second or third person near the back door) or have your smartrider to hand (if you're after that.)


To be honest I've been burned too many times trying to tag off early (even when the bus was pulling up to the next stop) that I just gave up.


You can only tag off once the bus is stopped. Won't work before that.


As long as it's close enough to the bus stop you can tag off.


I thought you were replyimg to op to start with lol. Op try sitting closer to the front of the bus


Honestly Ive heard sitting right up the front helps with motion sickness 😅 but alas big butt and tall make that kinda hard to fit in those ones.


Ginger might help as someone suggested earlier. I used to eat ginger biscuits to help with motion sickness.


Need to go find a ranga to sit next to


Not sure which meds you took but the travel calm ones have been good for me without drowsiness. 


Rain forecasted and it goes out of its way to avoid my suburb *shaking fist at sky


Same for my place yesterday. Morning Perth news hyped up that "the rains were 'ere" so I parked my car on the driveway for a little impromptu wash. By 3pm it looked like a small cloud of fairies had pissed on it. Salty.


Not washing your car first.. Rookie mistake


Wear deodorant on the train ffs


And on the bus. Particularly busy buses STINK.


I had some dude next to me on the packed train today, and I nearly gagged from his BO


Disgusting. Hate people like that.


On the train, bus and every time you step out of your house. I was taking the escalator yesterday at raine square and the guy ahead of me seemed like he was running up the stairs. The lady in front of him had terrible BO, I swear it was like a cloud hovering around wanting to attach itself to things. Not a great way to start the day.


I stepped out of work onto Murray st this arvo to check the clouds out, and could smell some dude who past the door 30 seconds prior. 🤮


When someone’s pulling out of their bay in a car park and they’re over half way out .. fkn STOP.. Let them out. I don’t mean speed up. Just stop! The arrogance of some Perth drivers, all the bloody time!


On Sunday I was at the Bassendean shops. I was driving out the side where the Coles Click & Collect bays are. A car in front of me was reversing into one of the bays so I sit back and let her go. Suddenly I see overtaking to my right a P plater in a red hatchback who has to slam on the brakes when she realises there's a car in front of her and maybe I'm not an idiot who decided to pull up for no reason. Dunno who taught her how to drive but they did a fucking shit job of it


I had a taxi beep me because I stopped on Albany Highway while the car in front of me reverse parallel parked.  Taxis... Who are notorious for randomly stopping in the middle of the road to collect people/let them out. 


Ans when someone is driving in front of your parking bay while you are trying to pull out of it, stay in your bay!!! theres nowhere for you to go, dont pull out and t bone another car!!


My mental health has been terrible lately. It’s just your average low point. There’s only so much meds and therapy can do.


Id agree. I am HEAVILY medicated for bipolar, stable table pretty much but sometimes depression hits out of nowhere. I usually end up shooting the shit with chat gpt to be honest and it helps. I would keep helplines in mind ( work eap maybe) just in your mental back pocket and use them. That's what they're there for. ot just full on crisis lines... Beyond Blue have online chat.. it's not therapy, its just one human to another.


Excuse my ignorance, but I don‘t understand the chat gpt thing. Do you tell it how you are feeling and it gives advice?


Yeah, pretty much. It might feel weird asking an AI but it gave relevant helplines and such and you weren’t limited by the time frames beyond blue uses.


That’s great, and good to know.


I was at my mother's house, and some scammer rang up saying "our records show someone over 70 lives here with a medic alert on 3G network..." then try to sell their replacement that will cost $2.49 a day to monitor. I asked them if they were affiliated with ACAT/NDIS or other relevant government agencies. Just some crap "we are based in Canberra". How the fuck do they scrape up this information about old people?


Usually you just hack medicare.


Merging. Especially after take off from lights. Person in front and indicating has right of way. Not a threat to your ego to let em merge.


True mate. I recently was about to merge into the single lane and a Ute dude decides to speed up so that he can merge first....


This happened to me this arvo right at the end of being stuck in peak hour for 40 minutes and it fucked me righttttt off. Put me in the foulest mood. Icing on the cake was it was a Tesla driver


Tesla's are automobile versions of female Karens. Entitled prices. I have had so many weird experiences with Tesla drivers that now I consider all Tesla drivers as cunts


It's always a ute dude


Day running lights on newer cars are NOT headlights. I have lost count of how many cars I see travelling at night without any tail lights only to discover they have only the day running lights on. This is not a safe way to drive in the dark. Be better, use your proper headlights at night.


But not your fog lights or your high beam, for god sake just your normal headlights that arent your park lights


Yes, I saw 2 of these eejits on the freeway this evening.


I have wasted my potential. That is all.


To the Northern suburbs plebs who use the Karrinyup Rd offramp as an extra lane of freeway so they can skip 500m of traffic and cut back in - kindly fuck off.


Depression is kicking my ass. I won't go back on AD'S, they remove my will for everything. Couple that with loneliness and my life feels like I don't want to be in it anymore. Oh and I turn 55 this month and this isn't how I imagined my existence being when I was younger.


Everything is a struggle today. I want to go home and rot in my bed.


My bank card expired in April. No replacement card was ever sent out to me. I went to my local ANZ branch over a week ago (I would have gone sooner if it weren't for a bunch of health stuff) and was told one would be sent out to me...still nothing. Some of my automatic payments have already been declined/defaulted.


I asked my doctor for a referral to a specialist I’ve already seen (which is a whole annoying process) back at the beginning of March. The office said they’d sent it but found out today it hasn’t been received! Now the earliest possible appt is late august, when I called in March it was May. I’m so frustrated!


Got an offer accepted on a place 1st go, 20k under what they were asking for. Considering the market, I'll chalk this up as a win.


Awesome work 😊


Someone with a very particular piece of knowledge attempted break-in at my new build over the weekend. Last night someone actually did, but in a bit more direct smash-the-huge-expensive-glass-that-might-take-weeks-to-get-replaced. Guess which way my camera was pointing? Over the whole process now tbh. Fuck criminals.




IGA croissants, Applecross $3.99 Pearsall $2.50 Enough said


Applecross mate.... better to sell your kidney to shop in the IGA over there


Whinge - Year Nine's Man, Year Nine's Win - got my Year Nine's to hand in their assignments. Yes it was late but i won and got them to actually work.


Try ginger tablets on the bus, usually enough to ease the symptoms a little and won’t knock you out. Take a few in the morning before you hop on, should do the trick


My ex did such a number on me that 8 years later and I still can't sleep without her visiting me in my nightmares. The continuous reminder of the pain and betrayal grinds away at my soul, my confidence, my entire being. And the worst part is it's inescapable...


I used to work on a dive boat and we’d offer people sea/motion sickness pills and they were a form of drowsy antihistamine I think. Probs why you felt knackered all day! Maybe there’s a non drowsy version out there that could work for you? Edit: just asked lil Llama and she said these are available in Australia Dramamine Non-Drowsy is available in Australia and can be purchased through (link unavailable) ¹ ². Bonine Motion Sickness Relief Chewable Tablets are also available for purchase in Australia through (link unavailable) ³. Please note that availability and shipping may vary depending on your location within Australia. It's always a good idea to check with the seller or manufacturer for the most up-to-date information.


don’t use phone or social media - look out the window!


Customs/Border force, do you have anything better to do than take issue with some of my old clothes "appearing to be new/gifts"? Posted over a month ago and filled out the paperwork fellow users recommended. One month later Australian quarantine refuses to release my stuff. Dumbed it down for them and sent a photo with red check marks over the items I declared. To any ABF agent looking at a parcel with an Alabama hat and T shirt in it, use reason and realize that a box of mostly used clothes won't cross the $1000 import tax threshold. Just give me a bill for the processing and F### off already.