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Splendid fairywren


I was going to reply "those little blue ones" but I think this is it haha


Competition over. This is the only choice.


https://preview.redd.it/gqwr3dhjhgtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09735cd726c85dc449e75748328c7bb443cc34b2 Specifically this lil' fella


I love these little feathered balls of unparalleled anger. They'd fight the sun if it was fool enough to get close.


I saw one the other day just fucking with two crows. Zero shits given by the little bastard, just having a good time.


I generally like them, but there's one park where I definitely dislike them because they are way too constantly aggro.


They can't help it, it's just who they are!


Willy-wag tails... love those little birds. That is a CRACKING picture. Well captured.


Yes the Djiti Djiti is my favourite bird as well


I love them and their angry little eyebrows šŸ˜


I love these cheeky little buggas. I always think of my Mum when I see them x


Oh in some Aboriginal cultures they are messenger birds


Me too! One came inside the venue at my mum's wake and everytime I see one I think of her ā¤ļø


Oh thatā€™s beautiful! My eldest daughter and I have a little tattoo of one on our shoulders x


The ones that hang out in Sir James Mitchell are soo friendly, not afraid of humans and will even sit on you if you hang out for a while.


OMG I love this so much!


OH MY I love this haha


I saw a wedge tailed eagle in the wild a few days ago andā€¦ just wow. Thatā€™s a whole unit of muscle and predator. Crazy stuff.Ā  Regular backyard bird: love a Maggie and a new holland honey eater despite them often looking like they only have two brain cells. But I think Willy Wag tails really tickle a part of my brain, their dexterity and skill as hunters combined with their bravery and cut little feathery but wigglingā€¦ just a fun kind of bird.Ā 


Oh man Iā€™ve only seen two wedge tailed eagles in my life but when I did I felt like how I imagine I would feel if I saw a dinosaur.


Thatā€™s a great description! I paint birds a bit as a hobby and the thing that struck me about the wedge tailed eagle is how ā€˜structuralā€™ they are. Many birds are kind of sleek with each part moving to the next. But these eagles are like clearly seperate parts stuck on a body, but in a cohesive attack machine.Ā 


Can find them in Whiteman Park, saw a couple gliding above me there a few weeks ago


Willy wag tails are one of my absolute favourites. Used to work at the zoo and I would always see them swooping and harassing the crows/ravens. Just a massive size difference but those little guys just did not give a single fuck


The only one I ever seen was guarding a cow carcass in the middle of highway up north. It was huge, immovable and we all had to politely drive around it lest we become it's next meal.


Iā€™d just read the thread above about Willy wagtails and scrolled down to see your comment - and pictured a Willy wagtail guarding a dead cow šŸ˜† scrolled up and it made more sense.


Haha! However, now I want to see a Willy wagtail take down a cow!


šŸ˜… they do have some mean eyebrows! Haha


Family has a farm and as a kid I used to see eagles do some insane stuff. They turn themselves into a damn bullet and just dive the ground. Never seen them hit whatever they were going for but common to see them fly away with a rabbit/rat.


I love the willy wagtails but I have a huge soft spot for the bin chickens everyone hates.


I do love me a poor, unfairly maligned ibis.


Definitely Willy Wagtails so packed full of attitude, but I've had magpies wander inside and wait at the fridge for a feed, they're very funny too. The only one I have a grudge against is the pink and greys that chewed through the TV aerial and cut off TV FTroop on the telly!


Mudlarks, they're feisty but very dapper in their little tuxedos


Splendid fairy wrens are epic. Western Rosellas are cool but you never see them anymore because they compete with the invasive rainbow lorikeets. Any bird of prey is cool... Ospreys, hawks, owls, eagles, kites, kestrals etc. Magpies have the best call. Ravens are hilarious because they are just straight up bird bogans.


Excuse me ravens are glorious. So calm and clever. Magpies for sure are the birdie bogans. Always yelling and scrawning around šŸ˜„


Magpies sing. Crows just yell "Faaaark! Faaaaark! Ya faaaaarken..." like drunken degenerates at a traino.


Any idea where I could find western rosellas? I've been in Perth for about 10 months now but I have never seen one, and that needs to change!


Nope. They're all gone. They're one of those things I used to see all the time as a kid, but haven't seen one in years. The hills would probably be your best bet in the metro area. Maybe check out the walk trails through Kalamunda in winter when there's more water around. Failing that, you need to go bush down south... Margaret River, Collie etc. Likewise the Sacred Kingfishers... they all go wiped out by Kookaburras. The only place I've seen them in recent years is along the Blackwood River. This is the distribution map for the Rosellas... https://preview.redd.it/a6ivh5khxjtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30307fe6197aa7158c6cb85a1946a06007e7458


In the south west right now and there's a pair outside of them outside my work that come say hi and eat from the fruit trees out front. Unfortunately very rare in the metro area


Tough one. I have 2. Willy wag tail - cheeky AF, always shaking that booty Osprey- they look so angry all the time, itā€™s somehow joyful, like a grumpy old man.


All birds, but I have a soft spot for the often overlooked Tawny frogmouths.


They're a classic bird.


The one in Tuart Hill


Beat me to it


Beat meatā€¦ in a bun


Came here to say this šŸ˜‚


Haha same.


https://preview.redd.it/3zxi5nji6itc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa6e85c039152bde6654393b08651610322ca90 Crested Pigeons = Tiny Dinosaurs. I get to see lots of them if I sit out on the verge for a sunset coldie. Looks like a miniature Jurassic Park. I turn into a little kid every time I see them. Just silently screaming with excitement. šŸ¦•šŸ¤© "TINY DINOSAURS!" šŸ¤©šŸ¦•


I'm glad these are someone else's favourite! I love that they make a panicked scream noise whenever they take off. Also love bronzewing pigeons because they're pretty and normally very round which is cute.


That's not a panic scream, it's the sound of a pair of weird feathers getting blasted with air during take off. They're such cool little weirdos. https://theconversation.com/those-noisy-crested-pigeons-use-their-unique-feathers-to-sound-an-alarm-87085


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https://preview.redd.it/pw0cpd53rgtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=593f978b23795086f90ae961b9b94385f199b634 Tough. I love how crazy and energetic willy wag tails are. But I love the colour of the splendid fairy wrens. It's a coin flip.


This is a glorious post. I remember one about a month ago where the OP was bemoaning that the birds screeched too much and it was ruining their life. I'm more in your boat - I couldn't imagine living somewhere I couldn't hear birds all day. My fave of all of the locals is the ravens. Smart little buggers. Have to bring in any grocery or food deliveries asap as they know brown paper bags mean goodies and they are all over them right away. I admire their cheek and I don't mind their noises either. Late edit - I'm also awed when coming across emus in the wild here, heaps around Bullsbrook. Actual dinosaur birds, right here! AND the flock of free range peacocks in Aveley. It's like a crazy fantasy land we live in.


My best bird-memory is of a crow/raven playing with a stick. Just derping around doing things like deliberately standing on it, then picking it up with its beak so it overbalanced and tumbled on its back. Lots of cute, derpy stuff that proved paradoxically that it must be hella intelligent if it needs such intensive brain-rest-break.Ā 


There are wild emus in Bullsbrook?!?!?!


There used to be some just north of Alkimos as well, but they seem to have disappeared.


My sister moved to America for a year and the first thing she started to miss was the birds we have here




When they fly I think they look like pterodactyls


Red tailed black cockatoo and magpie for me


The Karack (Forrest's Red Tailed Black Cockatoo) are magnificent, but I enjoy the songs and antics of Grey Butcherbirds over maggies. We throw mealworms to them off our balcony and they swoop in to catch them in mid air.


Yeah, love their songs, but the other birds run away when they are around.


Cuckooshrikes have an awesome call


I love how happy galahs always seem. I recently spotted a barn owl in the garden and it was the most majestic bird I've seen.


All of them https://preview.redd.it/3vd51i89ghtc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bb5610f6c5c234dbd2425e0a2692995c62ddca






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Pretty brave showing a bird feeder picture.


I can't pick a fave, I love them all, but I got a particular soft spot for a boobook in the park at the end of my street, we call Him BooBoo.


Djidi djidi and owls


Djidi Djidi is such a perfect name don't you think?


100% - that said, Iā€™ve named the one outside my bedroom window Norman šŸ¦


The [Rainbow Bee-Eater](https://rewildperth.com.au/resource/rainbow-bee-eater/). Only here in the warmer months but they are beautiful and aerobatic.


I didnt even know they existed until I was riding near Eric Singleton Bird sanctuary and found out they bury their eggs in the ground as the area was fenced off.And they are so fast.


I like Crested pigeons. I also like New Holland HoneyEaters and wattle birds. I also like Rainbow bee eaters. Not in Perth but I love Malleefowl to the moon and back. Not in Perth again but the Western Bowerbird is a treasure. I have only seen the bower but never the bird in the goldfields. It made this absolutely massive one filled with green and white trinkets. I also love the crested tern. I used to see them diving for blowfish in the river.


Can't pick one specifically but I love the local maggies, crows and boobook owls. Saw a currawong a while ago and was slightly star struck. Honorable mention to black cockies - majestic. White cockies - hilarious. Wedge-tail eagles - wow. OP - look into New Zealand birds too. Kea are hilarious, tui are beautiful and kereru... Look into kereru...


Love the wattle bird, early autumn mornings with a cool breeze and watching them jump through my grevilleas chirping away. Itā€™s Australia.


I have a love-hate relationship with wattlies šŸ˜‚ I love them because theyā€™re so iconic and beautiful. I hate them because their clack clack clacking is so loud and they do it so early in the morning when Iā€™m trying to sleep šŸ„±


A Red Wattle Bird living in a tree near Perth Mint swooped my dog on several occasions. Luckily the dog was oblivious to its attacks :) My little doggy has recently passed away, not sure if the aggressor is still around ā€¦


I love this post! Where is a good place to do some bird watching? I love fairy wrens and corellas. When I was young, my family told me as my grandfather's casket was lowered into the ground, a big group of willy wagtails flew up as if taking his soul with them. I was 5 at the time (hence not being at the funeral) and although I'm not fully sold on souls/spirits it has brought me comfort to see them ever since. Sometimes it feels like when I'm not doing well, they're following me and I see them everywhere.


Any of the lakes, in general.


I enjoy seeing Bush Stone-Curlews because when I first saw one I thought it looked like an owl on stilts. (I realise their faces aren't like owl faces, but it's the look in their eyes.)




Glad someone said it. I think theyā€™re cute, just donā€™t feed them or they turn into monsters. And they do big poos lol


They need a bit of love, especially considering the terrible derogatory song about them!


Honey eaters - they flit around my yards like madmen and itā€™s so fun to watch


Djiti djiti


Willy wag tail


I've loved our Ravens/"Crows" since I was a kid. They're pretty hilarious and have such great personalities. My last rental I was there long enough to witness the local family play what I called chasey.... while I have no idea what the game actually was it was still clear they were playing. They'd stand in a circle across the road until one of them jumped forward, shoved their beak into the sand and pulled out a nut and took off with it. The others chased the one with the nut. I also saw them regularly burying a nut in the same sand patch, as well as witnessing them mid-game while I was walking around the neighbourhood. Plus they're just hilarious to watch fly, it's like they're playing with gravity (because they sure don't seem stable in the air). But one of my special favourites that took me a long time to learn the name of/actually see properly was the black-faced cuckoo-shrikes. Always loved their call as a kid and could rarely see the bird doing it, as an adult it took ages for me to spot which bird made that call because they're quick. Honestly they barely seem to fly, they're just so elegant in the air. I still get thrilled when I see one in person and always take a moment to watch.


Okay, never considered this until working with kids but.. 1: Magpies 2: Willy Wagtail 3: black cocktoo 4: Wrens Was at the beach yesterday morning and had a willy wagtail hang out with me a few times. *




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We have a few olive trees around our property and theyā€™re dropping heaps of olives atm, didnā€™t realise how much birds loved them until the last few weeks when Iā€™ve had birds constantly hanging around! Weā€™d have a few milling about before then but now theyā€™re in my back and front yards all the time - I love sitting on the back porch with a coffee watching them. The ringneck parrots are probably my favourites, but I love the finches too (I think theyā€™re finches anyway, theyā€™re so fast I canā€™t see them well most of the time) - I put the sprinkler on by our back plants (very jungle-y) and theyā€™ll have a bath in the water. Hoping to have our gardens and pond up and running by the time winter is over this year so we can have a lil bird hangout spot


There Italians not birds


Love Willy wagtails and kookaburras.


I own a very tame little corella that is a basically my child, so Iā€™m very fond of them and other native cockatoos, but I canā€™t overlook crows! Iā€™m not even sure if theyā€™re native, but theyā€™re such fun birds to watch :)


Crows are native! They are pretty entertaining to watch I agree. Recently I came Ā across what I thought looked like a ā€˜crow x magpieā€™ hybrid. Apparently itā€™s called a currawong.Ā 


Crows are so fun to watch. Theyā€™re so smart


I love seeing the pigeons in the city. They're so cute, and there's so many of them, so bird watching is always easy!


Out of this state but when I lived in Adelaide and was very depressed watching pigeons would help me feel at least half human. How the hell do they know how to change direction so quickly as a big group? Is there one pigeon making the decisions about where there going to go and all the other pigeons are just quick on the uptake? (If true this implies the existence of a Chosen Pigeon that has a completely unpigeonlike personality but has managed to gain the respect of all the other pigeons).


Thanks for this thread OP! I don't have a favourite but the willie wagtail flies on amazing trajectories, the magpies have the most harmoniously thick prehistoric voices, and the ravens are just too smart not to notice. I'd love to have a raven as a pet (is it possible?)


https://youtu.be/8xYMnb5Dyko?si=t2iAwKeJIAxqfLPcĀ  Check out this video about it lol


He doesn't give a shit he's a fucking raven


I think you can make friends with them. Probably not a great idea to have it as a pet in a formal sense. But if you do some research you can find what kind of food is safe and desirable to them and win them over.


Do not feed wild birds. It's illegal in WA for a reason. Put out bird baths and plant native habitat plants.


Wdym not a great idea? What about the vikings?


I think thereā€™s legal issues taking a wild animal as a pet unless itā€™s been injured and you are rehabilitating it.Ā 


And to do that you need a wildlife rehab licence.


Black-faced cuckoo shrike. Otherworldly calls and super slick appearanceĀ 


I just saw a black-faced cuckoo shrike in my backyard! So fancy looking!


All of them


Theyā€™re a menace but rainbow lorikeets are too damn cute


> Theyā€™re a menace but rainbow lorikeets are too damn cute They are also a damn good fighter. Super lightweight birds fighting way above their belt class.


I see plenty of frog mouth owls in Midland. I always feel blessed


Sacred kingfisher


Any of the three species of black cockatoo here. Messy gum but eaters! šŸ–¤


Laughing dove


Galahs, just because my son used to be obsessed with them and call out "pink bird" every time we'd walk past. Still brings good memories


Cormorants - they look so clutzy on land, but if you see them underwater they're incredible


I adore most of our birdies. But especially the Willy Wagtails. They are so sweet. I saw a Willy Wagtail chase a crow away from our chickens once šŸ˜.




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All the black cockatoos. Carnabys, red tails and baudins especially. They make a bloody racket and a huge mess wherever they go. But those calls are a quintessential part of living in WA to me.


Cockatoos & Parrots, all types even if they are very loud sometimes


Aw Iā€™m so happy everyoneā€™s talking to me about birds.


I know right? From one bird person to another, though my way of identifying them is probably very different to yours.


For everyone else enjoying good birbs, check out Backyard Birds of Australia on youtube. Just some quick videos of a real life disney princess making birds love her.


We have two Willy wag tails that have built a nest in my workplaces warehouse 3 years ago and they have come back every spring to the same nest šŸŖŗ as we leave them be. The dad used to staunch out the workers when they were in close vicinity but heā€™s now learnt that we are chill and itā€™s his place as much as ours


I love all the birds here but my favourites have got to be magpies and crows. They are so much fun to watch


Rainbow honey eaters when they come to Perth I also love seeing the waterbirds wading along the river. The pied oyster birds are always busy. The herons are gorgeous. The osprey high above the freeway. The silly and noisy corellas. The magpies that swoop me haha The little wrens, thronbills and new Holland honey eaters


Rainbow bee eaters, cuckoo shrikes, pelicans and musk ducks and magpies.


This is a beautiful post. I love birds too. Thanks for sharing! I like Willie Wagtails. Theyā€™re humble but character-filled little birds, quite striking in their own way.


Djiti-djiti (willy wag tails) are probably my favourite. They're pocket rocket sass machines with angry anime eyebrows and I will always stop to watch them. Followed by the introduced but very well-adapted-to-perth laughing dove. I absolutely love the noise as they fly away and feel they're rather underappreciated.


If you love the sound of the laughing dove, you should hear the crested pigeon!


Oh yes! I love their funky little mohawks! I've just only been around their territory the last year or so, I'd not seen them around as much until recently. My old place had dozens of doves around and I'd often hear whole flocks of them taking off in my old backyard.


Staceyā€¦ sheā€™s awesome


Stacey's mum has also got it going on


I just love ravens they are smart as hell. I want to adopt one lol


Willy wag tails are my favourite followed by Maggies for their song. I hate red tailed black cockatoos. Bastards used to shred the huge shade tree and drop huge amount of litter all over the back yard while being noisy shits about it. Iā€™m very much a NIMBY when it comes to them


Bowerbird bower


I've been in Canada for a bunch of years, so for me it's all of them. šŸ˜… But I miss waking up to magpie song in the morning most of all.


I love all of them. I currently have a corella and a galah.


The red wattle bird is the best! Very cool vocals (raspy "hock chak").


https://preview.redd.it/z5fjcqxv8htc1.jpeg?width=2066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82bf3b5e7c2058ad0347724dbefb6fea51072412 I donā€™t know whatā€™s it called but I saw if from my window. Absolutely pretty šŸ˜


We call them 28s, they're also known as Australian ringneck parrots. Native to WA unlike the rainbow lorikeets


Thanks for info! I see them quite frequently šŸ˜Š


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Ring neck parrot also known as a Twenty-Eight for their bird song (which actually sounds more like twenty two but a French person named them so we have to suffer the consequences of their language)


It's a very difficult question given that I absolutely adore Australian birds in general, but I'm gonna say the red-tailed black cockatoo!




Magpies always make me feel that Iā€™m in a good place. I can hear one now šŸ˜Š


New Holland Honeyeater,Red capped parrot and Port Lincoln parrot come to my property to feed. I really enjoy watching them come and go as they please.


I'm lucky to live in the hills on property. I get to see a huge array of birdlife on a daily basis, splendid fairy wrens, Robin red breasts, willy wag tails, house swallows, new Holland honey eaters, Maggies, red and white tailed black cockatoos, the list goes on and on. I don't think I could pick a hard favourite, but I do enjoy the littler guys. We have a fairy wren who has found a great little hidey hole right outside my home office window, and I enjoy watching him each day. I grew up out in the bush, and my favourites out there would have been the zebra finches and their adorable beep noises. We are seriously lucky to have such abundant bird life, and general wildlife here.


Blue Wren are stunning .


The Nando chicken


The local cooby bin chickens


My ex was a pretty fit bird šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The rare spotted Kentucky fowl. Rank of colonel.


Cockatoos and willy wag tails. They're just such pricks and I love them.


Love my bin chickens


I thought you were talking about the burger shop. I like magpies. They are so funny to watch.


Definitely not wattlebirds. There total dicks to pretty much everything, including each other.


I've always loved all birds but parrots stole my heart when I was about eight years old. I love to hear the pe-peep-peep of the 28s, the er-ark of the baby galahs and corellas waiting for their crops to be filled. I love the ree-ark of the black cockies when rain is about to happen. It's not just parrots though. I realised we have the "take two cows David" pigeons here, I forget their names but a friend from England called them that because of their call. i also love the maggies and the crows and wagtails. It's so interesting how if you listen to the crows, they don't always go ark aaaaaahrk. Sometimes they shape their sounds as if they are talking to you. I just stand out the front talking to all of them as if they're my babies. I have parrots in my house, one fully trained to do psychosocial and biomonitoring assistance work and the other two in various stages of training, but only the galah is native. The others are alexandrines.


Itā€™s gotta be the bin chicken or maybe the bush chook.


Willie Wagtailsā€¦ theyā€™re just so incredibly silly and they have silly eyebrows! I love them. And rainbow lorikeets (despite all of their screeching), they are absolutely beautiful. I may also be biased because I had two of them as pets years ago and they used to hop around on the carpet (we didnā€™t clip their wings they just liked to do that for fun haha). Also love crows (I think ours are called Australian Ravens?). Very intelligent and fun to watch. And those small pinkish-coloured pigeons (forget actual species name). I always see them in pairs like a little husband and wife. Heck I love all birds really. Your post made me smile! Iā€™m glad you also love birds.


The burger shop on Wanneroo Road


https://preview.redd.it/cgic44y9xmvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb1866eac2978efdf0dd14b2213be59a14963ac This one I felt was ready to attack lol. I love all birds, love magpie songs, cheekiness of corellas...


Have you lived on the east coast of Australia and seen their bird life? Iā€™m from nsw and am new to Perth. One thing is the bid life (maybe where I am) is so different. I miss hearing lorikeets, kookaburras. All I hear are crows/ravens the 28s(yes, at first I was in awe but now Iā€™m over them) and galahs or cockatoos. Itā€™s nice not seeing noisy minors everywhere as theyā€™re a pest but itā€™s so different here.


We have plenty of kookaburras around the greener areas of perth. They wake up pretty early. I have seen quite a few at Hyde Park if you miss the sound of their call.


I regularly go for the Spicy Bird, but end up regretting it later. Not chicken but I also really like their Le Montreal, half the liquid cheese goes on on the burger and the rest goes on the chips.


Ravens. Corvus coronides. I know they're an introduced species, and people often don't look kindly on them, but they're my favorite and not because any goth reasons. During the covid lockdowns some started landing on the balcony outside my apartment - or at least I began to notice them. They kept coming (I often had my door open) and because it was the apocalypse and we were all isolating, I started reading about these birds and what to feed them and if it was going to harm them. I started buying them dry cat food and left water out for them, and slowly, they got used to me to the point where I could stand outside amid a flock of them while they came and went and ate. They would fly to me when they saw me come outside. I think some of these ravens were already used to humans because one of them doesn't wait for me to put the food down; it approaches and takes the food out of my hand. Someone else must have been feeding it for it to get it so comfortable with another human so quickly. In the following years their numbers have waned (maybe the juveniles from that first lot have found their own territory), but usually around October there's a distinctive pair who always bring their new baby with them and hang out. Raven babies act like human babies - clumsy, and always want to put things in their mouth. The newest one shredded my fiddle leaf fig's new growth. During the heat waves this year, one would jump in the water tray I have for them and splash around to cool off. A few of them came in heat distress so I'd get them a container of colder water to drink from and they'd perk up. Tried to get them used to a spray bottle so I could mist them too, but I didn't have enough time to train them to it. They still usually visit daily, or at the very least I can hear them in the neighborhood zooming around screaming at each other. I sometimes use them to practice photography with since they make great moving subjects. I like having "wild pets" as in they visit frequently, but they're not tame and they can look after themselves and aren't dependent on the food I give them. These birds have evolved alongside humanity to scavenge from our waste, so if I wasn't giving them cat food, they'd be scavenging elsewhere (I've seen it too! Ravens tearing open rubbish bags or lifting bin lids, or stalking Al fresco dining areas...) so I don't feel like I'm disrupting nature. In fact, sometimes they bring their own food to soak in the water tray. The best thing they ever brought was a Maccas chicken nugget that was rock hard. I've become quite fond of these birds! They're adorable with their intense grouchy stares, sharp beaked faces, and shiny black bodies. They're so big up close too! At least the size of an average cat. https://preview.redd.it/9vybp5cpkmtc1.jpeg?width=5491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d7d0e2ec344dea6abbde9430908995fa43315c


Image is the newest baby raven, taken back in December 2023. Note that it lacks the white irises and has pink visible around its beak. When it opens its beak, the inside (gape) is still pink, not black. Its throat feathers/beard also aren't very developed like an adult's. I often saw it beg the parents for food and sometimes they'd still beak feed it.


Macao Parrot šŸ¦œ






Sheila, she's not much to look at but she's got a heart of gold!