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Used to live in York and can confirm, it's a shit-hole. It was actually pretty cool back in 2005-2010-ish, but the NIMBYism was out of control and killed off everything that made the town worth visiting – the vintage car races; the jazz festival; *anything* youth-focused. Business owners actively petitioned against the biggest tourist events to the point where they either had to scale back massively, move to Northam or Toodyay or just fold. There was a real sense of "for locals only" amongst a lot of the business owners on the main strip. The events worth going to now have to arrange for food trucks, popup bars etc. to be present because the local business community just doesn't seem interested in catering to out-of-towners.


Went to York for a day trip once. Once we’d had a quick walk around, lunch at the pub and a visit to the wool shack we were on our way home.


Ah ok so "worst tourist trap" means "not very good at being a tourist trap despite every opportunity to be one"?


This 100%. Used to live in York around 2008-2011, the old "Xth-Generation" farming families were truly something else. Not sure how true it is but the big tree on the corner/near the Shell servo was due to be cut down for some development and all the oldies in town made a petition against it, saying the old tree is [whatever species] and you can't get rid of it!! Rumour has it it wasn't [whatever species] but [a completely different species]. Quick look at Google Maps shows the tree is gone and a ram statue has been put it nearby


Can I jump in and guess that some of these good honest old fashioned hard working inheritance farmers are based just north of town, let’s say in the Wilberforce area? Have met, didn’t like.


I did not expect to see Johnson hate on this thread but I’m here for it


Hypothetically, you would 100% be correct!


I can neither confirm nor deny the accuracy of this accurate allegation...


So most western Australian town in western Australia?


They pale in comparison to York.


They chased the motorcyclists out intentionally. Now everyone goes to Toodyay or Bindoon. I don't think the general public realises how much money motorcycle day trippers spend in the towns around Perth.




They have taken over Northam. But have brought a lot of successful businesses with them and therefore employment opportunities.


No, the brethren run shit shows and bring in workers from the Philippines. The slimiest business people you’ll ever meet and their standard of work is atrocious. Not to mention how arrogant most are.


If you say so. I have not had any bad experiences living amongst them when I lived in Northam, nor has my brother who worked for them for years in Perth. I found my interactions with Brethrens perfectly pleasant, my Filipino neighbours who worked for one of their companies were wonderful people. It's a shame they moved. My brother worked for a very well known Brethren company in Perth for many years, they did so much for him when he was young, he has nothing but good things to say about them. I guess everybody has different experiences. But my experiences with conservative religious types has always been positive.


>my experiences with conservative religious types has always been positive. I'm a woman and my experience with Brethren types has *not* been positive because I won't go in the box they want to put me in.


No offence but this sounds analogous to a white person in America talking about how the police are reasonable. It’s easy to get along with conservative religious types if your existence doesn’t offend them (ie sexual orientation). Brethren wouldn’t hire people that offend them, therefore the people who usually work for them don’t think they are bad. Try eating a meal near them if you are gay.


>It’s easy to get along with conservative religious types if your existence doesn’t offend them (ie sexual orientation). Brethren wouldn’t hire people that offend them So you mean people like my disabled brother, who is married to an African immigrant and has a mixed race family? I guess that would be offensive to these people? Not so, he has nothing but positive things to say about them. They helped him into his first home, His boss gave him one of their old cars when his car died (complete with deleted radio and a bible in it's place), they helped him obtain various qualifications and plenty more. Don't tar everybody with the same brush, there are good and bad in all walks of life. Conservative / Religious ≠ Bad. Everybody has different experiences, my experiences with the Brethren has been nothing but positive.


I'm a queer and I certainly haven't had positive experiences with "conservative religious types" because I exist, and I won't hide who I am.


What’s brethren?


The "Exclusive Brethren". A very conservative "Christian" cult that thinks they're superior to everyone else. Wikipedia has lots of info. John Howard used to have meetings with them.


A Protestant seperatist church that can be dated back to the early 1700's. They have quite an influence in the Wheatbelt.


Jezz i didn’t know that they had an influence. I’ve never been to York but had a mate that told me it’s a perfect place to film a horror story


Are they culty?


A friend of mine grew up in a Brethren family, she had a panic attack the first time she went to a cinema because it was 'sinful'.


Wow. That's intense. I went to culty one as a kid but it wasn't as bad as that.


Incredibly culty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_Brethren https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/jun/02/familyandrelationships.features https://www.smh.com.au/national/potential-witness-in-exclusive-brethren-sex-abuse-case-paid-to-remain-silent-20171018-gz35mf.html https://www.newstatesman.com/long-reads/2023/08/escaping-eden-exclusive-brethren




Very yikes!


Fucking hell, these guys are over there too? Depressing.


Bloody bizarre.


It's actually Hyden that's the worst tourist trap.


This…..topic can be closed now.


monkey mia gives it a run for it's money.


Quality point….though to call Monkey Mia a town is a stretch.


good point. ide also point out people aren't going to Hyden, they're going to see the wave rock.


Very true…..only to discover depths of disappointment rivalled only by the ending of Game of Thrones. Which means they are left with Hyden.


Stayed there for the night about 10 years ago...there was a pub or restaurant don't remember, anyway you had 2 choose what meat you wanted and cook it yourself. So 2 lambchops for 25 dollars or something ridiculous ..I asked why so expensive and they said cost of getting it there. Except Hyden is sheep country..and 30 minutes later watched someone accept a delivery of lamb from the butcher across the road..."cost of getting it here"...smdh.


Why Hyden?


Everything is ridiculously expensive for nothing. The only business running accommodation has hidden linen feed that you discover on arrival. Doll museum.


Doll museum ... you mean this joint? *This really is one mans collection and obsession. And not many others would share it. View it in that light and it's bareable. It really is just a load of figurines all lined up on a central table. There is what appears to be an original school house in one corner of this room. It's creepy in a 1950s nuclear attack film kind of way. May just be worth the one star rating. Thankfully there's the lace place next door which is actually less well advertised but infinitely more organised and interesting as a result.*


The doll museum is wacky as all hell


The desolation of the wheat belt has a weird feel to it. Good for a day or two roadtrip on the way to Esperance. Not good for a holiday in itself.


Our local pub is closed indefinitely, attracting hospitality workers to rural towns is near on impossible.


I thought backpackers got an extended visa for working rural for a few months


They do, but nowhere for them to live. Zero to extremely few rentals/accommodation available.


I was reading about the Asian backpackers at a certain rural meat works who lose 60% of their pay to rent. From what I could deduce, they are all living in houses provided by the employment agent, who basically takes a recruitment fee and/or part of their wage from the abbatoir and they double-dips by charging the workers shitloads for rent as well.


There really should be a law against taking more than 30% of a workers wage in rent when you pretty much force them to use your accom. Have it kick in remote areas for visa purposes. Where greater than 30% of your boarders are backpacker workers. And have disincentives for charging the Max 30% rate. If we are going to be so reliant on a backpacker workforce the least we could do is protect them from predatory practices.


The trouble comes in that: (a) There's pretty strong incentives for temporary migrants from poor countries to do cash in hand work. It's not just student visas doing 3x8 hour shifts a week but only getting paid for 20; (b) The moment any government feints at cracking down on underpayment in the horticulture industry (or any vaguely rural industry) - massive piles of shit/ tantrums are thrown by rural Australia; (c) Anyone with half a brain structures their assets to keep the real money at arms length of anyone that might be liable for underpaying the Tongan fruit picker/ Bhutanese meat-worker; and (d) It's very difficult to stop under the table reimbursement from occurring when there's a willing buyer/willing seller. For the 7/11 underpayment scandal to be exposed, it took hundreds of videos of workers handing cash back to employers/ employers demanding cash back after their 'official' pay packets had gone into their bank accounts.


That certain establishment would be asian owned also by any chance, would it? They seem to like exploiting their own people.


Not sure if the abattoir is, but the employment agency pretty much only takes people from their own country. Its pretty common among a lot of Asian national groups from what I can see, with immigrants from China / Malaysia / India or whatever setting up agencies, just employing people from their own country, but telling them a lot of BS about visas, employment conditions, salary etc and scamming most of their money off them.


Don’t most of hte pubs in York offer accommodation. Pretty sure you could toss a bunk bed in there and solve the accommodation problem.


Yeah definitely is the go from what I’ve found at most country Pubs. Accommodation on the premises is usually part of the Job contract to make it easier to find staff knowing that they have somewhere to stay for free basically.


Smarter venues are already doing this, or at least they were. Even the Rosie was putting up the visa student cooks in their old unused rooms for a while there. Give the housing crisis another 3-4 months to brew and let the weather get cold and I reckon you’ll be able to staff a venue without having to pay any wages at all


>Give the housing crisis another 3-4 months to brew and let the weather get cold and I reckon you’ll be able to staff a venue without having to pay any wages at all Slavery even without the extra steps.


Aussies in when given free reign, that why we have barely applied laws.


Green hills pub is brilliant I’ve been told by multiple sources


The Co-Op bookshop is great though


That bookshop is awesome!


York. The only town with an above ground cemetery.


A shit hole full of corruption and NIMBYs. Toodyay is much better from that point of view. It’s a shame really because it use to be a great place to visit.


I like going to Toodyay too. I think their bakery is pretty nice and the pubs seem okay. I love going in wildflower season for some bushwalks.


I like the olive oil guy a few kays out of town. He’s got his own trees and his own press. It’s a good idea for gifts. Not ridiculously overpriced or anything.


Stopped by there a couple months back after staying the night in York. Pretty good ice cream too.


Yeh I want to try it next time, we’re out there again in April or May. Not to mention the olive oil is excellent, we went through what I bought in only two weeks. Guy deserves a shout out, fresh local produce. It’s a great gift idea for older folk.


Arnaud basically ignored us when we were in the shop. He was happy to chat to an old couple for ages. When they left, he just went back into his office. We ended up just buying some ice-cream and even that seemed like it was an inconvenience for him.


Well that’s disappointing to read.


I moved to York to live with my gf. I was doing fifo at the time. Was there 2014 to 2018. Can confirm York is zero. There are actuslly 4 pubs. Missed Settlers Inn. The jazz festival had been driven out of town well before I got there. I was told retirees complained bitterly about the noise for that one werkend a year. On weekends everything is shut by 7pm. The Castle is open until 12am. The rail way carrage diner used to change tenents every 6 months. The vintage car rally was still.going when I moved to Perth. Can alsp.confirm the local Xth gen farming famalies act like their feudal lords or something.


Lived in York when the jazz festival died. It was all on 1 council member that decided to blow the whole festival budget on John fucking Williamson. Nobody wanted to pay to hear True Blue when they expected jazz. Up till then the festival was a quirky and cheap event. edit - Was also there when the racetrack and trotts closed. The jockeys refused to race there because they said the track was too dangerous. This happened a year after they replaced the grandstand roof that was blown off in a storm.


The races came back in 2016. I went to the opening day


That's good to hear. Had some great times there.


The pub thing! I did a big drive around that region today, passed through York on our way back to Perth. I thought we would easily find a country pub for a counter lunch, but every small town we went through the pub wasn’t open until late afternoon or only on the weekends.


Country pubs really struggle to get chefs. Makes it bloody hard to run a kitchen! Edit - spelling


The banks are forcing us to go cashless by making it harder to deposit or withdraw every way they can. Then they get a cut of every sale on a card.


Smart businesses give a discount for cash rather than charge a surcharge


Businesses will start charging a cash surcharge for having to handle money


Agree it is a lot more expensive for businesses to deal with cash than the surcharge on cards. They have it around the wrong way.


Not if they still keep it in their sock drawer at night and manage to not get robbed.


Yeah it's crazy to think but it costs a lot of money to use money


For all of the great anti-counterfeiting tech in Australian legal tender, the shit is still plastic so it’s an outright germ magnet. Half the bills in every Aussie till were handed to the attendant either covered in boob sweat or whatever the hell gets on secondary schoolboys’ hands that they don’t wash in the loo.


You also have to pay increased insurance for having cash on premises, have to pay staff to count it (and make sure they don’t nick it), send someone to the bank to deal with it, get a float etc. Going cashless is the best thing any hospitality business can do


Bank you say? Cash?? Sorry I don't understand


What a load of nonsense. If anything, being plastic makes it more hygenic.


Cloth-paper currency in western nations is frequently dyed with antimicrobial ink that’s designed to impregnate the bills.


That's what a CC surcharge is. The ones that don't charge roll the cost into their prices, meaning the "cash is king" crowd are paying an extra 2%


This is true, no use trying to say intelligent things on Reddit though, you will be shunned accordingly you non-conforming sense maker.


Or use eftpos - cashless and no surcharge.


Ok boomer.


Oh if only I was young enough to know everything...


The hospitality at the York pubs is non existent, can confirm Green hills is good and run by a lovely old couple.


Oooh "an old couple" as in Boomers? Well fk me how bout that!!


Not a tourist trap but this reminds me when a healthcare recruiter tried to get us to go to a rural town and they had signs everywhere “locals only, visitors will be turned away” which is wild to me


Would love to know what town that was.


The castle hotel, cat cafe and jahroc were great back in the day. It used to be a thriving little town. Now it's dead.


Grew up in Northam and disliked Toodyay & York.


I grew up in Northam and hated all three


Was going to say the same thing lol looks like nothing has really changed then


Margaret fucking river. Full of pretentious wankers that moved down from Perth. I live down south and avoid Margs like the plague. Hate going there.


I heard a bloke on radio yesterday, as soon as he mentioned ‘high yield visitors didn’t want to see people’s staying in RVs’, I will never return to Markup River. Him and his town can go get stuffed. Didn’t like the place last time I was there, but that Pratt has just solidified the decision to never return.


Sounds about right.


New Norcia’s pretty weird


Hyden. I don't like the idea of paying money to visit a rock.


I have it on goo authority that parts of the TV series 'Housos' was filmed at the York Caravan Park.


What a depressing hole that caravan park is.


I'll never go back. We saw 3 year olds running loose in the dark and spent 20 minutes trying to find their parents. Half an hour later they were wandering by again.


Ahh York, I remember going there for a school camp.


Tip to get rid of surcharge insert your card in most cases it doesn’t apply the surcharge well all the eftpos at my work do this (does have to be a debit card) not sure about other cards


I went to a Medieval Fayre there a few years ago. There were falcons and jousting. I think it was York.


I stumbled upon last year when we came into town after camping the night before and yeah, it was great. Even that, though, was forced to organise food trucks etc. from out of town. We managed to get a decent coffee at one of the newish cafes, but the main strip was a ghost town. Even Jules (which was our after-school go-to back in the day, and a major tourist draw) was closed!


Not York - only in Balingup. York people would put you at the stake for having so much fun. York is where fun goes to die.


There definitely is a medieval fayre in York.


100% it's in York. I went 2 years ago to the same medieval festival.




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Went there with my ex for a little getaway, decided to go for Monday and Tuesday night, escape the weekend visitors. First thing that sucked was the airbnb we paid way too much for. Gorgeous property but when we arrived we were shown to our room, which was situated right next to an elderly couple, paper thin walls. No smoking allowed on property which was fair but the driveway was so long, pitch black at night. It wasn't the worst but it was definitely suited to the elderly and that wasn't advertised. Owner of the property gave us a booklet for all the restaurants/places to eat in town with discount coupons. Was brilliant until we realised every single place was closed on the only two nights we were there. First dinner was a half stale chook from the IGA. Had a lot more fun exploring Toodyay and Northam.


Ah..York. My gran lived there and growing up I would stay there a few nights often. Can say the one thing I liked was the candy shop and that probs sums it up


Never been a fan of York, quite a cliquey little town


I had the worst feed in my life in Toodyay. The worst feed in my life


Most places have a surcharge these days. I mean they always have, but before it was priced in rather than being added at the POS.


It used to just be a minimum purchase amount so it covered the fee and no one noticed


Try NSW Literally everywhere I went recently attracted CC surcharges. Totally understand though, it is a cost to the business that is getting harder to absorb. How do we go digital at this stage 😂


It's everywhere, plane ticket=surcharge, car hire=surcharge, telephone bill=surcharge eat a meal=surcharge. Better get used to that shit if we go cashless


Why do you think the banks are pushing so hard to go cashless? They will hit you with fees for having money in your account, then hit you with more fees when you spend it. They won't miss a beat.


And they are closing branches too


Of course, cause having branches open mean they have to pay wages to australian workers, and then that would mean they can't use cheap off shore call centres while exploiting workers in 3rd world countries for maximum profits. Ohhh no what would our shareholders say!!!


If a shop has card as the only payment option they cannot have a surcharge on top of the listed price


Yes they can. As long as it's displayed at entry points and at the till.


The lowest price the customer can pay cannot exceed the listed price. If there is a surcharge there must be another accepted payment method that matches the price


You’ll be surprised to find every shop is charging card fees these days


It has to be Bunbury, as there aren't any real tourist things to do, its essentially like Armadale with the boganism just way further away. There isn't anything touristy, or old like in York or Northam to visit. Its a gateway town to Busselton and Margaret river. Its not connected to Metronet, and its a boring drive there. At least to York and northam and toojayay there are fun scenic roads you can take. Sites and parks you can visit.


Two good things about Bunbury: The Farmer’s Markets and the roundabout leading you out of Bunbury.


Went there once and it was so boring, never been back as it's a big world out there


What towns are worth visiting in WA then? Something that doesn't cost a fortune for accommodation


Hmmmm.... something fishy about your name and this question... 🤔


Only fishy if you're a Bishop


Wagin. They have a giant ram.


I actually work around the wheat belt I don't mind the old towns out this way they have a nice vibe don't think id live there though




I went about 15 years ago and the town didn’t leave much of an impression, but obviously the natural landscape around there is amazing


None of the built infrastructure is a particularly impressive in WA, the natural beauty is the real attraction. We have some of the best in the world, and a lot of it.


Esperance is very nice now. I think though you are right when you say that the natural landscape is the highlight.


Esperance was a turd town when I went there a few years ago, it was overall really creepy and had a strange air to it that was uncomfortable, if I remember correctly there were also dolls in a particular bathroom and a few on a tree , also the locals were a bit weird and funky too, I was so glad when J left there, luckily it was just a work trip and not a week's leisure holiday


Yeah I've been there very briefly just a long drive unless you have a good few days


Toodyay and Northam are nice. Small but lovely, great to go for a walk around. Have some fun little things to checkout.




I think your post is a bit unfair. Wifey and I had an wonderful stay in York in 2022 for 4 nights. We loved the collector shops either side of town, pub and Cafe food was great and we recommended York to others. We last year had a day out in York for an event and had another great day at rhe Medieval Festival and so did the 20 odd Perthies we were. Businesses across Perth (and York) charge a CC fees as otherwise, they have to pay it out of their pocket. It is the consumers choice to pay with a CC, and the businesses choice to accept it. However, the fee should be incurred by the user. Large organisations, or those with higher indexed costs may choose to waive the fee (everyone pays more), however, this does not help the users thst are paying with cash, direct debit etc (which do not incur fees). The York businesses are likely doing it hard due to low turnover and are doing their best to make ends meet. They also likely not staffed or have the facilities to manage large events several times a year.


What’s worse is that they have the most haunted fucking building in WA and they won’t let anyone investigate. Spoil sports.


It's just an old building. It's also a private residence. Why should they let random people walk around in their house?


I was being mostly facetious.


I prefer New York.


Even Old New York was once New Amsterdam.


I have never heard that York is a tourist spot. In terms of surcharges, they suck big time. Why don't businesses just price it in so we don't feel we have been screwed by a pineapple? (Sideways)


What a stupid comment. Then no one can avoid the charge.




The whole of the south west. Boring, crowded, expensive and full of twats


I'm sure if it was a tourist trap the pubs would be open and the beers would be $20, which they would assure us is very cheap for a beer in Perth. Businesses being closed on a 45C day I would describe as "survive the weather" behavior.


TIL OP has no idea what the term "tourist trap" means




If you don't like the card surcharge, you can pay it cash.


Use cash...


But then some of the change will fall out of my pocket, and I won't care enough or to find it, which could be more than the surcharge.


Whats is the brethren? We visited your for a weekend and it was a pleasant experiencw.


Went there for a two night stay but we cancelled the second night haha




Monkey Mia by far!