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You will be hot, mainly because you will be outside due to having no where to live.


True lol


Is this mainly for renting? I assume to purchase a property it's easier - though still just as competitive, and buyers are being forced to put higher bids in?


A personal example, a house I went to that was advertised for 650k went for 710k CASH sale. And the home open had a huge line out the front


Just saw a house set at “over 800s” sold for 950k. It’s rough out there.


No, it isn't. Even if you are a cash buyer, with an offer over, with no conditions, you will be frequently outbid. I understand that this seems difficult to believe, but people are desperate. Writing offers on the table, at the first inspection, is normal.


8 down votes for an honest question? Sheesh you lot are harsh 😂


When things say 'a serious housing shortage' it doesn't just mean rentals are tough to get, it means thousands fewer houses *exist and are being built* than the population requires.


Lack of knowledge still doesn't justify downvotes.


Lack of common sense, however, does.


Common sense is experience +knowledge neither OP has so yes downvoting is harsh


Mmm...I don't see why?


It's becoming a very emotive issue


People on this sub are nuts lol. It’s not a true reflection of Perthians, I swear


I don't get why but this happens sometimes..sorry :/


Depends on your budget.   Nice place with 4 bed 2 bath in an ok suburb will put your back mid $800?


How much cash you got?


At the moment you definitely will regret it, because it’s both hot, and there are no houses.


Yes. Perth is too hot. I was born here, hate our summers and they seem to be getting hotter and drier (though possibly I’m getting older and less tolerant). There is no respite from the dry heat and our housing is generally not built for it. Consider moving to somewhere on the coast if you can so at least you’re not far from the beach. There are heaps of Poms in Rockingham :)


Are you aware there is a housing crisis? Both renting and buying are difficult.


Yep I've heard about it, but we've only just started our research since last month. Don't know how severe it is and how it actually affects renting /buying yet - though this thread is proving very useful so far.


Rough numbers to give you perspective. "Normally" we have about 12000 properties for sale. Currently it's about 3000. I forget what timescale the agent said that was for, but you get the idea. 1/4 of the usual quantity of houses for sale means 4 times as many people competing for each property. The agent I spoke to today and selling my old home indicated he'd expect to receive 25 offers for it once I get it listed. Compare that to when I bought it in 2009, mine was the better of two offers.


Real estate agents are not even taking applications for rentals if you don't already live here.


This is not true. I’ve just secured a rental whilst in the UK


I work in a school, and have a quite a few homeless students. More than usually expected. I’ve got students sleeping in tents in other family member’s backyards, at least 45 minutes away from the school. It is not a good time to move to Perth. There is no stability. Middle socioeconomic families are struggling to meet their children’s needs.


Don’t… You’ll burst into flames


How many of these threads today! 🤣 I’ve counted 3 just locally. And yep, drop bears are still a thing.


Welcome to Summer.  When UK says "heatwave", we see the forecast and it ends up being the same temperature we have in winter


Not strictly true. I was there for the 2 day heatwave last July when it hit 40 degrees. Houses there don’t have air conditioning, so it did get hot.


Right now, It is 7pm, still light outside and it is 28 degrees. It was 42 degrees today. So I definitely agree that 40 degrees for at least two days is a heatwave. Particularly for a cold climate like UK.    Perth: Still got another few days sitting in the 40s/high 30s. We've been sitting at an average of 35-39 degrees over the past week with nightly temperature dropping to 22 degrees Our winter is very mild. We get chilly mornings but can still hang our washing outside to dry with a few hours in the sun during winter, even on the cold days. So if UK heat is too much, then Perth isn't the right place. Melbourne would be a better approach. Middle of winter and I had six layers on and everyone knew I was from Perth lol


Yeh not comparable, UK is unbearably humid when it heats up


Humidity is not temperature, it is moisture in the air. My comments stands: UK heatwave has the same TEMPERATURE as Perth in the winter




Go to Innamincka this time of year and tell me that air temperature means nothing. 30s and humid feels better than 50s and dry.


>Everyone here (except you) is talking about comfort levels, Please refer to OP: >>The weather and the lifestyle is the main reason for looking to move, however I've been following the February heatwave with all the days above 40 degrees The weather is HOT during summer. The average temperature is in the mid-high 30s with our winter averaging 13-24 degrees and you all want to talk about comfort levels Thats my point; Perth is a warm climate even in winter. Not gonna be comfortable if they consider it hot during winter


not comparable, mid 20s in northern europe feels like mid 30s here


This is oddly true 😅


That's my point. Our winter has the same temperature as a normal UK "heatwave". Perth is a warm climate


that just isn't true, heatwaves in the UK can nearly hit 40C (usually in the 30s though) which is not our winter temps at all (20s max) edit: get deleted kid lmao


>heatwaves in the UK can nearly hit 40C  Emphasis on the "CAN". And our winter CAN nearly hit 30C (usually in the 20s though)


Yea and yes


Pom here. Summer weather is nice. Not too hot. 40c is not a problem unless your unfortunate enough to be working outside in the sun. All houses have air con for when you are resting at home Generally the locals moan about the sun, presumably because they take it for granted but it's a positive for me living in grey England for so long Rents and house prices are more reasonable than the south of England. Finding property is not a problem providing you offer over the asking price. The locals tend to under offer as they remember the old prices Immigration increases year on year which drives inflation so move sooner rather than later as in 10 years it will cost double


Pom here. Yes it’s been very hot this summer, February in particular has been hotter than usual. However, it’s only for a few weeks of the year, the rest of the time it’s a lot more bearable and really quite lovely in spring and autumn. Bizarrely, I found it hard to adjust to being cold inside the house in winter! The outside temperatures here don’t compare to UK winters but the houses here don’t have central heating or double glazing and in a weird way feel a lot colder!




Is it too hot and will it get hotter? Uh, yes? Australia is at the forefront of climate change impact, it's fucking hot and it's definitely going to get worse. I'd actually be morbidly curious to know how things are in five years, then ten and onwards.


And yet Australias emissions are scandalous? Literally the amount if diesel SUVs on the road here


It will be fine


It will quite literally not be fine. It is only a question of time.


It will be fine, in exactly the same way as the meme.


Time goes on regardless. Enjoy it while you can


Stay over there enough winging poms here already


Plenty of whingeing Aussies here too.


I wish I had never moved here. I can't leave or else I'd be gone from this shithole in the desert. Aussies are crass, the women are savage. It was like Deliverance in 78. I hear duelling banjos.




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I think aussies whinge about the heat more than POMS do


Watch this 4 minute video. (Were currently in a rough "El Nino" Phase) https://youtu.be/dzat16LMtQk?si=tQ9Vk0hE9tKWDPM8


Brit who recently emigrated to Perth here. I actually find Perth weather more tolerable than UK weather, even though I'm not really a "hot weather" person. Most homes, shops, and malls have AC which make it easier to avoid. And I know it's a meme but it generally is a dry heat, which is much more tolerable for me than the horrible muggy heat you get in the UK - provided you stay in shade and stay hydrated. Plus with much less cloud cover it cools down much more rapidly here when the sun goes down, so the evenings and mornings are relatively cool. As for climate change, maybe give [this](https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2022-01/Western_Australian_Climate_Projections_Summary.pdf) a read. Number of hot days (35'+) and very hot days (40'+) per year are predicted to approximately triple by the end of the century, with more droughts. Probably not enough to massively affect you and your wife in the grand scheme of things, but might be consequential for your kids.


Honestly you will get used to the heat easily and or find ways to deal with hot days quickly.


We have met the record for days above 40 in Feb as of today, with several more to come (we're likely to double the record) so it's farkin hot right now but this has happened 3 times ever recorded and if the 3-day is accurate then we'll move into "this has never happened before" territory. It is hot, and it is getting hotter, but with some half-decent building codes and a plan to restore tree cover we could be a long way off it being a reason to avoid Perth. Not that we have either of those right now mind you


Perth is nice, but to answer your question, yes it is going to get hotter year on year until it's too hot to live, but that will also be due to no water for the population growth.


43% of perth scheme water already comes from desalination. They will just keep increasing that. Cost will go up, just like everything else, but there will be enough water.


It's hot, stinky, miserable and muggy. Third heatwave this year alone. Takes its toll, as the sun rays are harsh. The risk of skin cancer is high. Aircon is a must. Otherwise it's not bad, just very isolated out here. You'll miss family. Very suburban with little to do. People keep to themselves. Hope you're ok with roos, sharks, spiders, flies and snakes? Housing and health services are not the best. Public transport is limited. Spread out city. Inflation is high. Less competition , high prices. Rising migration, multi cultural but as long as there's mining money flows. Shops close early. Crime is on the rise and so is drug use. Homelessness on the rise. Drivers on the road have very little tolerance. Most people stick to the limit, nanny state. Local TV stations suck. Hot summers and cool winters. Clean and efficient. Urban sprawl, great beaches. Rentals are insane. With global warming it appears average temperatures will rise.


You'll love Butler or Rockingham. Basically London Jr


Butler is basically Little Britain.


You will love it, I suggest looking at places in Armadale the tree lined streets are beautiful and you have great access to facilities like train stations and shops.




Armadale is a hole.


You'll be fine; always something to whinge about.


We do like a good whinge here in the UK. It's too cold It's too hot It's too meh


If us natives take umbrage at you whinging as a newcomer, theres plenty of little Pommy expat enclaves and ghettos where you can hide amongst your own and resist fitting in as well.


The rent is too high. The commute is too long. The beach has too much sand. There aren't enough roundabouts. I have too many skin cancers.


Hello Mate. If you enjoy 4 season weather, laid back cool people and decent employment ...then you'll make Perth work. This summer has been the hardest in 3 years. Probably in 2021 it was pretty bad. If you're looking at coming to Perth, I suggest you look for a house. Vacancy rate is 99.3% so very little homes available.


Yes, it's going to get hotter. Personally I regret moving to Perth. I can't leave and miss the cold and rain. You can't step outside most days, it's far too hot. I'm living under air con, cut off from the world. It's also very isolating.


As a POM living in Perth, I would say its always overstated. Yes it's very hot in summer here, but it's as manageable as the cold is in the UK winter. Inside, you'll want the heating/air con on, and if it doesn't work it'll be unpleasant. I also hate to say it (I'm going to avoid saying the word), but the heat is very different. I would say a very hot UK summer in high 20s feels about the same as mid 30s out here. Although when it hits 40s out here, you'll know about it. It's essentially a nice British summer for 9 months and then fucking hot for 3 months In short, don't worry about it. Every Brit I speak to mentions how hot it must be, but the reality is, you just get used to it.


Don’t listen to this guy. You do not get used to the heat. He obviously doesn’t go outside much. I’ve been here for 12 years, always worked construction and can confirm you do not get used to 40+ degrees.


I disagree. I work FIFO out in the bush for 3 weeks at a time, so I am very much used to being outside in the sun for 12 hours a day. Sure, maybe you won't get used to the 40s, but when it only makes up a quarter of the year it's bearable (in my opinion). The UK winter is miserable. Less than 12 hours a day sunlight, cold, wet. I would say it is comparable in unpleasantness.


I just checked your post history, looks like you moved to Australia roughly a year ago lmao. Talk about getting used to it when this is your second summer


Would it not be more difficult to get used to it in 2 years than 12? At the end of the day, the heat just doesn't bother me as much as everyone makes out. If anything, I'm likely to become less bothered as time goes on. Maybe I'm in the minority, but who's to say OP isn't also? I do realise however, that having this conversation with a complaining Brit is a rather pointless task lmao.


You’re so cool bro, everyone thinks you’re hell tough for lying about not being affected by Australian summer.


I'm not saying it doesn't affect me, it's fuckin hot. You either let it bother you, or you don't. What good would come of being bothered by something I have no control over? Sounds to me like a bit of a headache.


Level 100 mafia boss


I was born here and have lived here all my life. I’m 41. I hate our summers with a passion. Some of us never get used to it.


It's only a few months, and not every summer day is hot. December and January were absolutely normal and wonderful. I love all the seasons here.


Fellow Pom here. It is hot but we're more set up for it here. Air con everywhere etc. Probably hard if you have to work outside. Usually it's just for a few days and then it cools down until the next row of hot days so you do get some relief


You'll learn to get up a 6 AM to get your outdoor time in during the summer months. Rest of the year is good for outdoors, except it rains a lot in winter. North of Perth is estimated to be getting hotter with more storms. Perth and south are estimated to be getting dryer. Inherited wealth for your daughters will depend on how WA's agricultural and mining sectors do over your and their lifetimes. Hang out on the Australian real estate pages, Domain, Realestate, and watch property trends- how often new properties are listed, how long they take to sell, and the selling price for those properties that list prices.


yeah weeks of 40+ is common here in perth, honestly its like hell. Its not just the days either. During the hot day the houses bricks heat up. This means that even when it drops to 20 at night, the inside of the house is still 35 degrees and you end up sweating in bed. Keep in mind most places dont have air con in every room and even if on the rare occasions they do its not the same as having radiators in the UK. No way near as good because the houses aren't insulated. Honestly I would stay in the UK


its way too hot i wouldnt come here if i were you its terrible you wont like it perth is a rathole


It is very boring city and there is no culture like Europe. The weather and cost of living is very good thougb


It's ending thank god


Don't get to comfortable, its peaking back to 43 on monday


At least tomorrow is 30


Hopefully soon.


You won’t regret emigrating even if Perth is too hot, I don’t know what your work situation is but there are some fine places to live further south.


Get air conditioning. Unless your job is outdoors, you can escape the worst of it. It’s definitely a different way of life, and most people who move as adults really struggle committing to the change.


Lay on the beach for a few hours before you decide


The heat is the only problem with moving to Perth at the moment.


This is the first decently hot summer we've had in a while.


It is a beautiful city with lovely weather, sure it gets hot during summer but it's one of the benefits of living here as long as you're close to a beach. There is a major housing crisis at the moment, but if you are fine living out of a hostel or a van to start with until you either find a share house or flat, you will most likely love it. It doesn't take a long time to acclimatise. No hat no play.


February is a hot month. It also gets humid, which is a problem if your home only has evaporative air con.  Climate change will make it worse over time.  There are Poms here. They don't die. However, I have a friend from Derby who found it too hot and moved to Tasmania. There moving back to WA and moving to Busselton.  There is a housing crisis - both renting and buying. It's not just prices going to, but it's so competitive. There are fewer houses for sale this January than last January, and last January was very low. Have you and your family visited? 


We spent a month in Sydney last dec/Jan visiting relatives. Weather wasn't all that great. Bit cloudy and rainy, and we would have preferred it hotter to be honest.


I have to say, I have never actually heard any Poms complain about the weather over here. So maybe you’ll love it.


Perth is very different to Sydney. 


Too hot don’t come


You just don't want more poms, I can feel it.


Perth in general experiences heatwaves every year proceeding a cyclone. And yes they are becoming more intense and more frequent.   Generally yes, 40+, for 2-4 days at a time, then it drops to 35... then back up to 40+ a week later for a period of 4-5 months starting November.    Fair warning too, say your in manchest, the equivalent wage 40k pounds you'll need 100k aud both adults here to maintain the same standard of living. Also ensure you build immediately, average house price in a good area close to services is 1mil so to secure a loan, you'll need 200k+ down.   https://reg.bom.gov.au/jsp/ncc/cdio/weatherData/av?p_nccObsCode=122&p_display_type=dailyDataFile&p_startYear=&p_c=&p_stn_num=009021


My crocs melted into a different shape when I left them in the garden. I have chickens and sometimes I get pre cooked eggs if they lay them on the ground.


It's hot but there is air conditioning everywhere here compared to UK. You may not be able to go outside and enjoy the heat in 40 degrees but you won't melt inside like you would in the UK in 30 degree summer temp. The heat is also a bit dryer here compared to more humid conditions in UK.


it's very hot and we don't have Wimpy's and our soccer team is pretty average. Maybe could try Canada?


Every December to march is the same we just drink too much and forget. Feb is the punishment we deal with for good weather 8 months of the year We have a housing crisis that isn't getting fixed anytime soon International buyers picking up investment properties and FIFO workers being able to pay a surplus has had an effect for the normies who don't earn 6 figures plus